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Rah-66 comanche released

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (blackdog~ @ Jan. 21 2003,09:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Everyone take a look at this...

Blackhawk Down Style!<span id='postcolor'>

Why don't you just make the GIF smaller and add it to your sig? biggrin.gif

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Good gravy! This thing looks incredible. If only my disk weren't broke confused.gif

The guys over at DKMM-MOD have outdone themselves yet again.

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Amazing, very well done smile.gif

I also love the AI flying close to the ground, height warning, jammers, incredible work smile.gif

Very well done lads smile.gif

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OK, after a bit of playtesting, I found this chopper to be way overmatched for anything else in OFP. That cannon shreds even Sigma 6's T90 to pieces in no time flat. And the multiple target signatures make it invulnerable to AA missiles. Is the Commanche really that superior IRL?

And a suggestion: you may want to include a non-rotor wash version for people with lower end machines.  wink.gif

Other than that, the features on this bird are sensational : you've really taken the new animations to a whole new level. Excellent job!   biggrin.gif

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<span id='ME'><center>Necromancer- Jaw drops on the floor</center></span>


When flying this Commanche I really had the feeling i was playing Commanche 4 instead of OFP:R.

Well done.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ Jan. 21 2003,12:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">OK, after a bit of playtesting, I found this chopper to be way overmatched for anything else in OFP. That cannon shreds even Sigma 6's T90 to pieces in no time flat. And the multiple target signatures make it invulnerable to AA missiles. Is the Commanche really that superior IRL?<span id='postcolor'>

I killed with good ol' mi-24 hind 4 comanches tounge.gif


I mean the AA-version biggrin.gif

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Wow. This has really moved the goalposts. It does things I wasn't even sure were possible with the OFP engine.

I have one suggestion from myself; the model's rotor hub counter-rotates (Very neat effect), but it looks a little odd because there's no speed blur on the hub. If you could add a bit, and perhaps slow it down a bit if possible, that should improve the look.

In the above posts, somebody mentioned that the 20mm cannon was shredding MBTs. If I'm not mistaken, that 3 barrelled rotary cannon is the same weapon as the one used on the standard AH1.

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AFAIK a multi-barrel 20mm cannon knocks out a T55, disables a T72 and scraches a T80

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Great work DKMM team!!

However, i have one problem. I don't seem to get rotorwash with my Commanche. I've got the DKM rotowash mod, and those work fine, however, the commanche has no wash. Am i correct in assuming that i don't need to add anything in the initline? sad.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (vade_101 @ Jan. 21 2003,15:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">@Avon

they are in the Weapons bay, You have to open the bay doors.<span id='postcolor'>

Sounds like my kitchen! tounge.gif

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OK, got the Stingers working. Downed a Hind 1-2-3. biggrin.gif

Problem: I tried this in a user made destroy-the-convoy type mission. I had a T80 targeted but missiles and then MGs kept shooting (accurately) another armor unit next to the target-indicated one. Bug? confused.gif

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Actually I have an idea for a script for the Commanche helicopter.

If you land next to an ammo truck, you'll get an option "Select weapon loadout".

By selecting that option you'll get to see a screen where you can choose the weapon loadout.

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With the downwash it may be your 3d setting.

For instance: I had it set on direct 3d hardware T&L and the downwash effect worked on the reg BIS choppers. A little while before the Commanche was released i had just switched it to direct 3d and the commanche's downwash is not seen. I haven't checked it thoroughly but i think that is what it is.

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Downwash not working for me and I have all requirments + T& L on. fantastik addon nonetheless!

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heh, GREAT work guys, you really are pushing the frontiers of ofp editing biggrin.gif

one big bug tho:


This appears on all the models, in both the 3rd person and gunner view...

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damn i fixed that wing thing.... it must have gotten back in witrh the exchamge of models/configs... thx for pointing it out.. it was missed on final inspection.

necromancer... i like that idea... we'll investigate if its doable... and now that a real bug was found we will have to release an update anyway, maybe we can think of something and put that in the update as well.

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Is it possible to have the gun retract into the helicopter? If i am not mistaken that is what the real ones do.

Cool if you could do that and still have it spin when fired but its not that big of a deal if it doesn't.

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since it would be same selection as for the rotation anim... nope... wont work.. i tried and it refuses to do it, it either spins or is retractable, the spinning effect is nicer to look at dont you agree? smile.gif

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Well for Ideas for the Update here are some ideas ( mabey not good but still biggrin.gif )

1: I like to see a Night vision Glass script so the gunner and the Pilot dont have to wear the goggles and here the scripts going in its work: The script check's the time zone so if its about 23wow.gif0 ( or early ) and if its dark then the script gonna run and if you press the light ong button or a button in the commad box like: Pilot Nightvission on ( or off ) | gunner Nightvision on ( or off ) and if you press on the glass of the pilot will change to green ( you know the pilot screen with the Status of the Wheels open and close where you can see it ) and by the gunner if you turn it on then your Gun vieuw ( the vieuw where you see the 20mm Barrel ) wil be turned green so you can still work in night time and if you press of evry thing turns back normal and you have stil the turn light off and on command

2: i like to see some Gear failurs so if you are to much been hitted on your Landing gear and you are out of the war zone and you want to land so you open your landing gear and you see on your Hud that evry thing is going great till the last Wheel comes out and the last wheel ( front wheel or what ever ) flashes red and is stuck so you cant land good and u must to figure out how to do. ( if your front wheel is stuck you can land on your back side wink.gif ) mabey this is not a great idea but in the real choppers with Moveble landing gear it can be failure and you vcant land goiod or must find a other way

3: A new eject get out option it works like this: ( you need to make a working open and close Canopy for this ) You can only Getin or Get out the chopper if the cannopy is open and if the cannopy is closed the option getin/getout will be disabled and not been showed in the command box and the same with the eject option only 1 problem and here is a idea to slove it if you are going down ( your Chopper is destroyed or somthing ) the nyou must open first your cannopy right? well in the mean time the cannopy opens you are dead so i got a script idea if your armor is in red and flashing the Canniopy will be ripped of the Chopper ( like the Wings ) and you can eject in a short time so the problems are sloved.

( i got more ideas but i will post them later tell me what you think about it ok.)

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As for the nightvision dennis, i think pressing "N" is enough, wink.gif

Well anyway i found a bug with the wings, i dropped them, i crashed, and they reappeared  confused.gif


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It couldn't hurt to ask about a retractable gun but i do like the spinning gun better. Maybe one day. Hell, not too long ago things like a worker HUD, opening weapon bays, retractable landing gear on a helo were impossible.

I do like the idea of an opening cockpit. Like you can't start the engine with the cockpit open and stuff like that.

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good thinking... keep it coming...

the nightvision prooved to be very difficult and we skipped it.

landinggear... it was also something i liked to see and we tried it... but we ran into a problem with ofp engine... when the landcontact points are moved to a weird spot the chopper will get 'bouncy',  im sure you know what i mean....

the opening canopy is something we deliberately left out.. the chopper allready has a load of scripts and roughly 20 animations... things were getting buggy when we tried making the camopy exactly as you described.

we have given this helo a good thought allready and came up with the weirdest ideas and went ahead and tried it, some things worked straight away, somethings gave us a hard time to get working and other things refused to work.

Other things we considered and ditched were: flare dispenser, smoke generator, failing tailrotor, mfd's failing gear damage on hard landings (resulting in bent gear), main rotor damage (shaking flight)  overall gear failure (no gear retracting at all) and much more..

But the scripts were getting more and more complicated and thus more and more cpu intensive, so we drew the line here (for now).

but by all means... keep those ideas coming.

*edit* when the helo crashes all animations return to their original state.. thats why the wings reappear, cant be changed.

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