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Main New Features & Fixers

Updated: Santa took Xmas back to the North Pole

Fixed: Connection - leaving with unstable connection doesn't start exit countdown

Fixed: Interactions - Player unable to interact with a dead player's crate. For example when it was inside a bush

Changed: Interaction markers significantly improved - more visible, easier to interact

Added: Welcome notification

Added: New loading screen hints

Added: Welcome notification now shows discount for items that are currently on sale

Tweaked: Adjusted recoil on RPK, PKM, and A-KM
Tweaked: XP can be gained through new activities (Looting the vault, Looting the Buried Cache)
Tweaked: Higher rarity items are rewarded with more XP


Shooting & Weapons

Fixed: Weapons remain hanging in the air after the player leaves the encounter

Fixed: Sway not working on weapons equipped at the start

Fixed: IK for pistols

Fixed: Bodyposture in ADS moving

Fixed: Tools - Alarm Trap and Contact Bomb don't interact with each other

Fixed: Tools - Contact bomb can damage you for the 2nd time after destroying it

Fixed: Alarm Trap - the range of the trap is not displayed

Fixed: Killing yourself by contact bomb no longer counts as kill/headshot for match performance stats

Fixed: Contact Bomb Suicide is now displayed correctly

Changed: Fixes to aiming, ragdolling, IK for animations

Changed: Aiming better suited for closer camera

Tweaked: Increased damage for GFK and KDV-1

Tweaked: ADS of most of the released weapons has been improved

Tweaked: Removal of stagger from most weapons

Tweaked: Changed ADS and aim point position on Thompson

Tweaked: Adjusted roll-on scoped weapons

Tweaked: Reduced 9mm damage slightly



Fixed: Interaction not possible with Barred house safe and Comm station

Fixed: It is no longer possible to Interact with cupboard through the wall

Fixed: Second interaction with combination lock container to open the loot UI after solving the code is no longer required; it opens immediately on its own

Changed: More buried cache locations in maps

Tweaked: Exit volumes rescaled, buried caches added to Ridge and Snow Forest maps



Fixed: Player is displayed in both the global leader board and in his friend’s leader boards as well

Fixed: Overlapping of improvement image and build timer when the time is long

Fixed: It is no longer possible to initiate crafting of a weapon or consumable if the remaining time to craft previously queued item is 0 seconds.

Fixed: Player is no longer kicked out of Shelter to start screen while crafting weapons/consumables in rapid succession.

Fixed:  Interaction point of Battle Pass Mailboxes is better positioned

Fixed: The option to buy premium battle pass no longer disappears when at maximum level

Fixed: Purchasing max level of battle pass no longer always results in an error message being shown

Fixed: Battle Pass Daily Login notification should now correctly appear when entering Shelter

Fixed: Repeated Building Of Same Improvements is allowed and sometimes kicks players to the main screen

Fixed: Player can't exit the Battle Pass Rewards Screen if the claim request fails

Fixed: Row marking friends in Leaderboards stayed on the same spot even after moving the leaderboards

Fixed: Shooting range - Targets can't be destroyed after entering the shooting challenge

Fixed: Correct slot is now selected when changing focus to the left in the main Battle Pass screen

Changed: The navigation in the main Battle Pass screen. It now allows the pages to cycle

Added: Onboarding messages now appear for Battle Pass shelter screen



Fixed: Character getting up from prone when reloading  

Fixed: Prone body bending

Changed: Disabled behavior forcing the player out of prone

Changed: Crouching behavior made more consistent when climbing and vaulting

Changed: Adjusted collision geometry so the player is not getting stuck in the corner

Changed: Cleaned up some spots in interiors for better movement

Added: Can change crouch stance in mid-air

Tweaked: Gestures behavior when other player inputs occur 



Fixed: Spectator Teamkiller Status Replication

Fixed: Spectator Target Name Replication

Fixed: Stuttering movement of spectator camera

Fixed: Hair clipping females with certain caps

Fixed: Damage Post-Process being visible within Spectator when a player pawn dies from 'one-hit'

Fixed: Animations - Interaction - Left-hand gets broken after repeated interaction with an object

Fixed: Gestures - Female archetype disjoints left-hand elbow in Thumbs up gesture preview

Fixed: Gestures - Slots display mannequin in idle pose after switching tabs

Changed: Upon dying to tool “You were killed” message is displayed

Added: Destructible mesh for headshot flipping target

Added: Headshot target photo for shooting range challenges

Tweaked: Ambiences in Bridges map

Tweaked: Reward Screen now shows rewards that player gets for leveling up and correctly shows it's experience and achieved actions that rewarded him with the XP

Tweaked: Headgear render target preview has hidden some parts of the face



Fixed: Sound: rattrap -The ambient sound doesn't stop when collecting the rat trap. Ambient volume changed to make sound hearable only on a given floor

Fixed: Attenuation set for cookie timer on the start of the match

Fixed: Issue where the wrong sound FX were played when running out of breath to hold

Fixed: Switched loop sounds and interact with sounds on all things I previously worked on. Added different sounds on unequipping ammo and consumables (looted sound).

Added: missing sounds into onboarding, challenge, shelter builder, crafting table and spectator

Tweaked: Made sure other hit sounds cannot play while the last one is playing

Tweaked: Audio layers of gunshots now raise volume and pitch with depleting ammo

Tweaked: Attenuation for all firearms



Fixed: Losing 1PV when out of ADS and the network connection is poor

Fixed: Ammo name set to wrap to work properly in all languages

Fixed: Collisions of several versions of the outbox improvement are incorrect

Tweak: Adjusted the tutorial airdrop land location bit up so the airdrop clips into groundless

Tweaked: Made the base XP progress show instantly when the player enters reward screen

Tweaked: Airdrop position in Reward Screen Scene

Removed: Option to swap controller sticks in Controls settings

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"Higher rarity items are rewarded with more XP "


What do you mean ? When we open crates ? I just had 3000xp + xp bonus for a gold crate.  I didnt open a gold one since long, is that what you mean ? Could I have the different xp for each box please ?

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  On 1/15/2020 at 3:44 PM, Civilian5902 said:

"Higher rarity items are rewarded with more XP "


What do you mean ? When we open crates ? I just had 3000xp + xp bonus for a gold crate.  I didnt open a gold one since long, is that what you mean ? Could I have the different xp for each box please ?

Ok i just get it, its about electronics and others right ? But I'm still wondering about opening crates.

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Will the glitch with the clipboard/map be fixed? Sometimes in the start of the game when you have the map/clipboard in your hand it will stick to your hand making it kind of difficult to focus/distracting  when you ADS. Also sometimes I will be kicked out of the shelter or pregame lobby due to random disconnection (happens to me and my friend at the same exact time every time) and it will take my entire inventory as if I died in an encounter. One last personal request/question, I think it would be amazing if my friend and I could share a clan/tribe shelter. Hypothetically speaking, if this was implemented, you could have a tribe. In that tribe you could have up to let’s say 10 people(more or less considering there’s only teams of two). They could all gather resources for that shelter as it would take more supplies to make shelter improvements, and build a shelter or base as a tribe/clan/whatever you’d want to call it. The option could be chosen in the starting menu wether you want to go to “personal” shelter or “tribe” shelter and from there you could travel back and forth. Similar to the donation zip line, you could have an option to travel from personal to tribe shelter by travelling in a cable transport which will trigger a short cutscene/animation. Will something like this ever be in the game? Or do you guys have ideas which i’m sure you do. A simple “no” or “yes” is fine i’m just curious!

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  On 1/15/2020 at 4:15 PM, Civilian5902 said:

Ok i just get it, its about electronics and others right ? But I'm still wondering about opening crates.

I think it’s mainly about loot. For example, if you find chemicals (rare/blue rarity) or military grade electronics(military grade/purple rarity)it will give you more XP than fertilizer(Uncommon/Green rarity). Also, i’m sure it will give you more XP bonuses for higher tier crates as well.

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  On 1/15/2020 at 4:27 PM, Crowific said:

I think it’s mainly about loot. For example, if you find chemicals (rare/blue rarity) or military grade electronics(military grade/purple rarity)it will give you more XP than fertilizer(Uncommon/Green rarity). Also, i’m sure it will give you more XP bonuses for higher tier crates as well.


Yes, I just saw it. 15xp for 1 electronic. And crates and daily challenges too. Its a good point. The burried cache give now 500xp, which is good in duo because both player gets the xp. Didnt check yet the safe, if we have xp for both players.


Something else, I dont get what is the new activity "looting the vault". ???


Edit: The map bug seems fixed yes. I checked on Grontheim

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Thanks for an update. Although there is a bug that hasn't been fixed that I have seen in the changelog. 

Basically an ammo deletion in your inventory after returning from an encounter to your shelter. 

Only happens when your inventory is full and you have ammo loaded in your weapon. The game is scripted to input all of your loot and materials into your shelter for you.

The bug is that because you have returned to your shelter with a full inventory, the game does not have any room to unload your ammo that is in your gun thus deleting your ammo.

A work around I have found for this is to leave a spot free in your inventory for a stack of ammo or perhaps 2 free spots considering a weapon you are using has a magazine size larger than a stack of ammo specific to that weapon for example the Ppsh with a size of 71 or 72? that takes 7.62x25 Tokarev.

Maybe patch this too allow the ammo to stay in the gun and have the option to unload in the weapons menu after the game has stashed your loot for you when returning from an encounter?

This is a simple bug I'd love to see fixed in a future update very soon please. I love the concept of this game and is very fun. Thank you!

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There is a weird bug on footsteps sound, when my friend running, the sound seems like a jump sound. Very weird.


We have more xp for 1 glass than for 1 chemical. Is it an error ?

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@ dreamy haze...

The ammo is disappearance is a real issue over a series of games.  It cost thousands of materials a day.  I agree it need ot be fixed and have mentioned it several times on here. 

One thing to note is that YOU ALWAYS LOSE ammo from a second primary if you load it during an encounter regardless of if you have inventory space or not.  SO if you loot a safe or cache and load the weapon it will take the ammo every time.   

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Bug : Killing an enemy and dying in the same time = do not count as a kill.


Bug : sometimes when we die we stand, like if we are a scarecrow


thank you for this update, more xp for daily mission, sharing the vault, burried cache ... But if we do not have time for this or killing, we can always made games with 0xp 😞

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Any chance on the ammo disappear issue this is getting expensive!

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Also, can you fix the M21 Sniper it shoots low and to the left real bad.

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