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USMC Sniper

Game of the year 2002 for pc

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There have only been two games I'm still playing, so I guess they will have to go into my games of the year...Battlefield 1942 and Operation Flashpoint : Resistance.

I've bought a lot of games, but no single-player game has managed to keep my attention for more than two days. I guess thats just me and my lack of attention span.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Die Alive @ Jan. 03 2003,17:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">FreeCell




-=Die Alive=-<span id='postcolor'>

Naaaah, check out my post, minesweeper is by far the best!

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"-What is the developer support like for the community?"

I am not sure. But it ships with a potent editor and it has quite an active fanbase using it.

"-I used to be a big Baldurs gate fan, will I be disappointed with this? (I was with Neverwinter Nights)"

Dont go in expecting Baldurs Gate. It is very, very different. First of, you only have one character. Secondly, its much more dynamic and open ended. Thirdly, its completely different smile.gif

Both are great games, in my opinion. (And so is NWN if you ask me.)

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game: Mafia. that game is simply AMAZING, u have to see it to understand.

expansion: Resistance. (this days that I am without my tower I miss higly playing res with my team or playing alone)

Ofp is my main source of entarteinmet

Czech republic programmers are the best!!! biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Longinius @ Jan. 04 2003,18:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"-What is the developer support like for the community?"

I am not sure. But it ships with a potent editor and it has quite an active fanbase using it.

"-I used to be a big Baldurs gate fan, will I be disappointed with this? (I was with Neverwinter Nights)"

Dont go in expecting Baldurs Gate. It is very, very different. First of, you only have one character. Secondly, its much more dynamic and open ended. Thirdly, its completely different smile.gif

Both are great games, in my opinion. (And so is NWN if you ask me.)<span id='postcolor'>

Thanks, I will buy it from Gameplay today then.


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Best game: Hitman 2

Best expansion: OFP:Resistance.

Other games are good too, but they just don't deserve game of the year. Right now, the only game i play is OFP:Resistance. biggrin.gif

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SINGLEPLAYER: MAFIA / (resitance, but I feel like an ass-kisser to mention it here in this forum for OFP geeks! biggrin.gif



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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Albert Schweizer @ Jan. 05 2003,22:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">NEVERWINTERNIGHTS: BORED ME TO DEATH!<span id='postcolor'>

there's a game called "Bored me to death"? confused.gif

anyways, OFPR gets my expansion vote.

however, i didn't get any new games in 2002, so I can't judge well, but i'm leaning towards Medieval: Total War.

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Well, besides my evergreen OFP:R there is only one game that really fascinates me and has long time motivation: Morrowind!

I finished the main campaign and travelled 75% of the world on foot, just to see anything and find as most secrets as possible. So I reached after maybe 150hrs of playing a lvl 54 Paladin smile.gif And now I`m playing Tribunal. I want to reach lvl 60, but that will be hard, because my only chances to raise a level are now by rising in armorer and merchant skills sad.gif

If you have lots of time and like virtual worlds then enter Morrowind!

Mafia and Gothic 2 are good too, but much too shortlived.

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Why didnt you make a poll out of this thread? Maybe someone can make it after we have brainstormed the major ones. And please leave OFPR out of it cause I think we all agree that this expansion was the greatest we have seen for years. There should be a poll for best singleplayer game and one for multiplayer game. Maybe someone can take the initiative. smile.gif

There was also a game that I got for free from my PCgame magazine. It is called tropico and has a great scenario. You are a bad communist leader of a small tropical island and have to make it flourish. Great cuban music mixed up with a touch of prejudice on southamerican working-athmosphere. Great game to play. You should spend a week on it. smile.gif

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Best Expansion: OFPR

Best Multiplayer: BF1942 (haven't played multiplayer yet tho...)

Best Sim: Combat Flight Simulator 3

Best RTS: Age Of Mythology

Most Anoying: The Sims

Best Console Game: Vice City!

But the game that has to be the greatest game ever created would have to most certainly without a dout in the world by anyone from anywhere of any age and at any point in history in which games were made by a company that wasn't microsoft on a planet that wasn't mars and not likely made by sewer rats from the state of California would problably have to be a game that no one would expect in a million years is: ......Bejewled

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Nice topic,

As a person who spends alot of time playing games i have the following list.

Here is my top 5

#1 OFPR: what can one say

#2 Morrowind: I really hate the lag

#3 Neocron: Came out in November but a awesome game

#4 Age of Wonders:

#5 Civ 3 Play the World: Good Expansion

#6 Dungon Siege: Lasted 3 days hahahaha


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