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3 hours ago, snkman said:

Guess they don't need it.

No filePatching = no UserConfig usage / readings.


Sorry, this is a bit confusing 😕
If the server uses the mod and has filepatching and userconfig usage/readings in effect, does that mean clients with the mod also need a separate userconfig folder and filepatching enabled?

Or is the server the only entity that uses the userconfig folder and filepatching?

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This is individuell for each client / server / dedicated.

To use the UserConfig > TCL folder filePatching has to be enabled if not the default internal T.C.L. database will be used.

The internal T.C.L. database will be created in any case and overwritten / changed by UserConfig > TCL setting values.


There are parts which will be used by the server only and others which will be used by clients only.


If server has UserConfig > TCL folder and filePatching you will be able to change settings if not the default settings will be used.


All settings referring to A.I. will be used by the server / dedicated only!

So for example: TCL_AI.sqf / TCL_Tweak.sqf / TCL_IQ.sqf / TCL_Radio.sqf those settings are A.I. settings which means in multiplayer they will be used by the server / dedicated only!

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First of all, love what you're doing. But I gotta' share my opinion. In the initial versions I really liked the Ai behaviour, it was aggressive and it felt really wise. In the new version the Ai acts super careful, even on "FULL" speed they are very slow and careful on their way to the WP even if there'd be a squad against one enemy. Plus the Ai still unfortunately does spam a lot of flares during night/dusk.

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On 7/27/2019 at 10:25 PM, snkman said:

There are parts which will be used by the server only and others which will be used by clients only.


Ah, I think I'm finally getting it!
What settings in Userconfig do clients actually use? I can see TCL_FX.sqf, anything else?
So changes to default TCL_FX settings would still be set in init.sqf?

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On 7/29/2019 at 6:23 PM, Jimi Markkanen said:

First of all, love what you're doing. But I gotta' share my opinion. In the initial versions I really liked the Ai behaviour, it was aggressive and it felt really wise. In the new version the Ai acts super careful, even on "FULL" speed they are very slow and careful on their way to the WP even if there'd be a squad against one enemy. Plus the Ai still unfortunately does spam a lot of flares during night/dusk.


Yeah i have to admit that i moved pretty much away from what i was supposed to do...


Back in the days one of the biggest joy to me where to get hunted down by A.I. always on the move trying to escape the battlefield.

I already started with something new to get this A.I. behaviour back so far its just pretty basic but really enjoyable! :icon2:


On 7/30/2019 at 5:24 PM, anfo said:


Ah, I think I'm finally getting it!
What settings in Userconfig do clients actually use? I can see TCL_FX.sqf, anything else?
So changes to default TCL_FX settings would still be set in init.sqf?

Greate! :thumbs-up: and yes you are right.

TCL_FX does not have a external ( UserConfig > TCL ) file.

It use the default T.C.L. FX database only.


Here is how it looks like:

    TCL_FX = [
        // 0 ( Bullet )
        // 2 ( Shell )
        // 4 ( Church )
        // 5 ( Lighthouse )
        // 6 - 10 ( Radio )
        // 11 ( Crew )
        // 13 ( Explosion )


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Hey snk !

i found small issue with the rearm feature...

one of the Ai run out of ammo, he picks up RPG from dead body

he couldnt do anything with it during CQB fight, just chilling around 

no rifle, no pistol, just RPG around whole platoon of enemy infantry

...also the command Ai order the units to disembark before reaching the waypoint to do so, somehow waypoints became useless and ineffective

my last mission was a huge mess, and i didnt even started scripting and stuff just placed units on the map with few waypoints

i played with the Vanilla Ai and i didnt encounter this issue im really confused...

also sometimes i found that the Ai is trying to do many things at the same time which ends up doing nothing or repeating the movements  i know Vanilla things also counts as you told me but only in TCL though i tried many other Ai mods and non of these happens.

and one more thing, the shooting accuracy is still an issue...



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On 8/3/2019 at 12:54 PM, AirShark said:

Hey snk !

i found small issue with the rearm feature...

one of the Ai run out of ammo, he picks up RPG from dead body

he couldnt do anything with it during CQB fight, just chilling around 

no rifle, no pistol, just RPG around whole platoon of enemy infantry

...also the command Ai order the units to disembark before reaching the waypoint to do so, somehow waypoints became useless and ineffective

my last mission was a huge mess, and i didnt even started scripting and stuff just placed units on the map with few waypoints

i played with the Vanilla Ai and i didnt encounter this issue im really confused...

also sometimes i found that the Ai is trying to do many things at the same time which ends up doing nothing or repeating the movements  i know Vanilla things also counts as you told me but only in TCL though i tried many other Ai mods and non of these happens.

and one more thing, the shooting accuracy is still an issue...

Well guess to be honest with myself i have to accept that T.C.L. has grown to a size where i'm not able to develope it properly and with joy all on my own and with the time i'm able to spend.


After all the years of I.D.L.E. and when i got back to modding i never ever wanted to create something like GL4 again ( getting back to my younger scripting behaviour ) simpl because it takes up every single minute of your free time and this simply is not the way it should be.

Facing almost pretty much the same problem with T.C.L. right now and that's not what i wanna to do.


Still modding is one of my most favorite hobbys but i have to do it the healthy way.

Doing a small proper working A.I. mod where i can spend some hours every day instead of those 5 days a week 10 - 14 hour modding sessions.... :icon1:


Guess i'm getting old... :icon2: Sorry... Well good news i've already started something new which i really enjoy but because of my modding behaviour change things are going pretty slow right now...

In my country right now we are in the middle of the summer and there is so much more to do beside of sitting in front of the PC and sweating my ass of all day long. :icon_cool:


A healthy mind lifes in a healthy body. Guess you guy's understand that at least some parts of it! :icon5:

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12 minutes ago, snkman said:

Well guess to be honest with myself i have to accept that T.C.L. has grown to a size where i'm not able to develope it properly and with joy all on my own and with the time i'm able to spend.


After all the years of I.D.L.E. and when i got back to modding i never ever wanted to create something like GL4 again ( getting back to my younger scripting behaviour ) simpl because it takes up every single minute of your free time and this simply is not the way it should be.

Facing almost pretty much the same problem with T.C.L. right now and that's not what i wanna to do.


Still modding is one of my most favorite hobbys but i have to do it the healthy way.

Doing a small proper working A.I. mod where i can spend some hours every day instead of those 5 days a week 10 - 14 hour modding sessions.... :icon1:


Guess i'm getting old... :icon2: Sorry... Well good news i've already started something new which i really enjoy but because of my modding behaviour change things are going pretty slow right now...

In my country right now we are in the middle of the summer and there is so much more to do beside of sitting in front of the PC and sweating my ass of all day long. :icon_cool:


A healthy mind lifes in a healthy body. Guess you guy's understand that at least some parts of it! :icon5:

your right, this is not one Man's job to do, i totally agree with you and i know how you feel about it, i left modding many years ago just like you and now im doing very small changes for my own taste, but you are leading long successful project and you are already away head i saw the changelog, going backwards and revert or stopping now will not help either you can continue with this step by step it will slow the process but you will guarantee the safety of this mod it doesnt matter if it will take years or decades as long as it will be good and stable, do you know that some people are still playing with group link 3, the one you port from toadlif and keycat and im one of them, just take your time give yourself a rest go and lay down in the beaches and take a paper and pen just in case you get inspired by new ideas 😁


you dont need to push yourself harder you need to push smarter...

However im not against the idea of starting a new project but dropping this will be a huge waste...

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Thanks for your kind words and advise! :icon5:


No i will not wiping the entire T.C.L. mod and start it all from scratch this really would be a very big waste.

T.C.L. use many feature(s) which i stick with since many years coding and optimizing them and as far as i can tell most of them work pretty well.

When i started with T.C.L. i did not know all the new ARMA 3 commands and what would be possible to do with them also at the very beginning the mod was supposed to work very different from how it is now.


Community gave me some very good suggestions and advices which i implemented but its more or less patched into the mod.

I would like to have a very new clean main system with all the changes / suggestions in mind so i can code them properly and the way it should be / i like it.


After the main system is done and working properly i will step by step add feature(s) of T.C.L. to the system.


This is something i have in my mind since many month but i wasn't too sure if it would be worth spending much more time to ARMA 3 coding no one knows... We will see...

As long as we don't have any other official information of how B.I.S. will behave with their ARMA series guess it's pretty much worth it. :icon_cool:


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On 8/5/2019 at 2:53 PM, snkman said:

Well guess to be honest with myself i have to accept that T.C.L. has grown to a size where i'm not able to develope it properly and with joy all on my own and with the time i'm able to spend.


After all the years of I.D.L.E. and when i got back to modding i never ever wanted to create something like GL4 again ( getting back to my younger scripting behaviour ) simpl because it takes up every single minute of your free time and this simply is not the way it should be.

Facing almost pretty much the same problem with T.C.L. right now and that's not what i wanna to do.


Still modding is one of my most favorite hobbys but i have to do it the healthy way.

Doing a small proper working A.I. mod where i can spend some hours every day instead of those 5 days a week 10 - 14 hour modding sessions.... :icon1:


Guess i'm getting old... :icon2: Sorry... Well good news i've already started something new which i really enjoy but because of my modding behaviour change things are going pretty slow right now...

In my country right now we are in the middle of the summer and there is so much more to do beside of sitting in front of the PC and sweating my ass of all day long. :icon_cool:


A healthy mind lifes in a healthy body. Guess you guy's understand that at least some parts of it! :icon5:


Luckily the Arma 3 community is a very mature community. To be honest, maybe the most mature I've ever seen in a video game. Therefore I'm sure nobody expects you to work free and spend your spare time on a modification. Friendly piece of advice: When you feel like it, work on it. If you don't, then you don't.

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1 hour ago, Jimi Markkanen said:


Luckily the Arma 3 community is a very mature community. To be honest, maybe the most mature I've ever seen in a video game. Therefore I'm sure nobody expects you to work free and spend your spare time on a modification. Friendly piece of advice: When you feel like it, work on it. If you don't, then you don't.

And keep in mind:

   " If you hurry it ain't a hobby!"

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Please don't stop developing this mod. The AI fighting capabilities in towns is unreached by any other AI mod.


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Unless I've missed it in the documentation included in the download and on GitHub, can someone point me to where all these type of settings are defined or what they mean? I'm looking to create some missions but would like to set various types of parameters for different units etc. This is from one of the included demo missions:


TCL_Tweak = [0, 300, 50, 1];

TCL_Debug = [True, True, True, True, True, False, True];

TCL_Radio = [True, 30, [3000, 5000, 7000, 10000, 13000] ];

TCL_AI = [1, 0.15, 3, False, 3, 700, True, False, False, True, 170, False];

TCL_System = [0, True, [EAST, WEST, RESISTANCE], True, True, True, 5, True, 0, True, False];

Actually the TCL_Debug is the only one I found documented on the Wiki. I assume these are overall settings but can these also be set up on each unit as well using SetVariable??

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On 8/6/2019 at 2:15 PM, Jimi Markkanen said:


Luckily the Arma 3 community is a very mature community. To be honest, maybe the most mature I've ever seen in a video game. Therefore I'm sure nobody expects you to work free and spend your spare time on a modification. Friendly piece of advice: When you feel like it, work on it. If you don't, then you don't.


On 8/6/2019 at 3:35 PM, oldy41 said:

And keep in mind:

   " If you hurry it ain't a hobby!"

True... :icon2:


Well sometimes it's pretty hard to stop / limit / slow down doing something if you have a good time with it and doing some good progress.


On 8/8/2019 at 11:27 AM, Dragon_GER said:

Please don't stop developing this mod. The AI fighting capabilities in towns is unreached by any other AI mod.


Well i will not stop developing it but i have to find a way of how i can do it better.

It's mainly the main / base system of the mod i'm not happy with.

We will see which way i will move with this A.I. modding project. :icon1:


17 hours ago, delta99 said:

Unless I've missed it in the documentation included in the download and on GitHub, can someone point me to where all these type of settings are defined or what they mean? I'm looking to create some missions but would like to set various types of parameters for different units etc. This is from one of the included demo missions:


TCL_Tweak = [0, 300, 50, 1];

TCL_Debug = [True, True, True, True, True, False, True];

TCL_Radio = [True, 30, [3000, 5000, 7000, 10000, 13000] ];

TCL_AI = [1, 0.15, 3, False, 3, 700, True, False, False, True, 170, False];

TCL_System = [0, True, [EAST, WEST, RESISTANCE], True, True, True, 5, True, 0, True, False];

Actually the TCL_Debug is the only one I found documented on the Wiki. I assume these are overall settings but can these also be set up on each unit as well using SetVariable??

Those settings are from UserConfig > TCL folder top to bottom of each file.

If you create / use them from within the mission Init.sqf UserConfig settings will be skipped.

This mainly was made for Script Based version of the mod but could be handy in any other case as well.

I for example use this to save some time messing around with UserConfig stuff.


TCL_AI is the only one you can use to change those settings for individual A.I. group(s) by using setVariable.


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3 hours ago, snkman said:

Those settings are from UserConfig > TCL folder top to bottom of each file.



Sigh, I should have looked there. I thought to myself, I'll look into the UserConfig section later after I figure out how to modify via init.sql. Didn't think to look there for the docs and what everything means. Thanks.


Been experimenting with it a little now and will probably have some questions but so far so good and I'm liking how things are working out so far.

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Another question. Does the MOD version require all clients to load it or just the server?

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Something I'm not sure how to configure.


Lets say I have a number of groups on an airfield and I want them to reinforce each other but only to a certain distance. Lets all it 100m as an example. So I don't want groups to support from too far away on the airfield grounds. I want them to sort of stay put unless they are close enough to support like 100m.


However, I have reinforcements 2km away that I want to be able to reinforce at the airbase.


I think the distance reinforcement settings seem to be the distance from the "requesting" group so I don't see how I can have such a setup. However if there was an option for the distance a "requested" group would reinforce that might do it. Of course I may not be understanding the distance settings or setting them properly to begin with.


Is this possible and if so how would I go about setting it up?

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On 8/10/2019 at 1:59 AM, delta99 said:

Another question. Does the MOD version require all clients to load it or just the server?


Nope, you only nee to run it on the server, but then you will not gonna have the FX module of TCL.


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edit: already answered

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On 8/10/2019 at 5:31 AM, delta99 said:

Something I'm not sure how to configure.


Lets say I have a number of groups on an airfield and I want them to reinforce each other but only to a certain distance. Lets all it 100m as an example. So I don't want groups to support from too far away on the airfield grounds. I want them to sort of stay put unless they are close enough to support like 100m.


However, I have reinforcements 2km away that I want to be able to reinforce at the airbase.


I think the distance reinforcement settings seem to be the distance from the "requesting" group so I don't see how I can have such a setup. However if there was an option for the distance a "requested" group would reinforce that might do it. Of course I may not be understanding the distance settings or setting them properly to begin with.


Is this possible and if so how would I go about setting it up?

Guess best way to do this would be to use Location A.I. group type.


Simply synchronize 1 A.I. unit of an A.I. group with another A.I. unit of another A.I. group.


So if you have 3 A.I. groups ( A / B / C ) synchronize 1 A.I. unit of group A with 1 A.I. unit of group B synchronize another or the same A.I. unit of group B with 1 A.I. unit of group C and synchronize another or the same A.I. unit of group C with 1 A.I. unit of group A.

At the end all 3 A.I. groups are synchronized with each other and will be able to request A.I. groups synchronized with them only.


Another example:

If you have 5 A.I. groups and you synchronize 4 of them to 1 specific A.I. group but not with each other than the 1 A.I. group which has all 4 A.I. groups synchronized with is able to request those 4 A.I. groups but any of the 4 A.I. groups is able to request the 1 A.I. group which they are synchronized with only.

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Hi @snkman

Small issue we noticed when going through TCL settings recently. In Userconfig/TCL/TCL_System.sqf, there appears to be a leading bracket ( [ ) missing from line 30 and 38.

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4 hours ago, anfo said:

Hi @snkman

Small issue we noticed when going through TCL settings recently. In Userconfig/TCL/TCL_System.sqf, there appears to be a leading bracket ( [ ) missing from line 30 and 38.

Ture noticed it myself few days before . :icon2:


    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // T.C.L. A.I. Side(s): ( Initialize )
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // Choose side(s) which should be initialized.
      // TCL_System set [2, [EAST, WEST, RESISTANCE] ];


    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // T.C.L. A.I. Combat System: ( Initialize )
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // Choose ( False ) to initialize the A.I. combat system for A.I. vs player(s) and playableUnit(s) only.
    // Choose ( True ) to initialize the A.I. combat system for A.I. vs A.I. and A.I. vs player(s) and playableUnit(s).
    // True / False, default is True
      // TCL_System set [3, True];


Red marked [ are missing... :icon1:

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7 hours ago, snkman said:

Red marked [ are missing... :icon1:


Although my clan are opting to use script version/init.sqf settings only, we have to look after those people wanting to use Userconfig! 😀

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Yes i do prefer changing settings from within Init.sqf by using arrays directly as well but not everyone is familiar with those things.

Even changing UserConfig settings can be very confusing to ppl never did something like this.

Talking from my own long time ago experiance. :icon2:


Just as already told UserConfig mainly is to use for server / dedicated / local hosted instance clients should be pretty much free from any UserConfig requirement.


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On 8/12/2019 at 3:49 AM, snkman said:

Guess best way to do this would be to use Location A.I. group type.


Simply synchronize 1 A.I. unit of an A.I. group with another A.I. unit of another A.I. group.


So if you have 3 A.I. groups ( A / B / C ) synchronize 1 A.I. unit of group A with 1 A.I. unit of group B synchronize another or the same A.I. unit of group B with 1 A.I. unit of group C and synchronize another or the same A.I. unit of group C with 1 A.I. unit of group A.

At the end all 3 A.I. groups are synchronized with each other and will be able to request A.I. groups synchronized with them only.


Another example:

If you have 5 A.I. groups and you synchronize 4 of them to 1 specific A.I. group but not with each other than the 1 A.I. group which has all 4 A.I. groups synchronized with is able to request those 4 A.I. groups but any of the 4 A.I. groups is able to request the 1 A.I. group which they are synchronized with only.


Thanks @snkman but don't think that fully covers what I want to do but it might get there somewhat.


Can you explain the distance settings? I've been play testing with a lot of different settings and its difficult to get groups that are much further away to reinforce. I'm mostly using TCL array settings per group and / or overall in init.sql.


There are distances specified in TCL_Radio (not really explained) and also in TCL_AI or is it TCL_Tweak (don't have the code in front of me right now). Again, I'm not 100% sure if the distances are set for the "requesting" unit or the "requested" unit if you know what I mean.


Another question. Should mortars provide support? I have included at least one mortar group and I can see the mortars are manned and I believe via TCL Debug they are included in TCL but I don't think I've ever seen them fire a single shot? Are there some parameters I can look into or anything else I can debug?

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