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The drivers and commanders on all models of the MT-LB addon package are invisible when they are turned in due to a game-engine limitation.

As far as I know it is not possible to make them visible when they are not turned out (maybe someone knows better and can tell me how).

I fixed this "plane" bug on top of the MT-LBV. Thanks for the hint. This plane actually is a useless part of the hull. I deleted it.


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wow.gif9--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PSC @ Dec. 25 2002,00wow.gif9)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The drivers and commanders on all models of the MT-LB addon package are invisible when they are turned in due to a game-engine limitation.

As far as I know it is not possible to make them visible when they are not turned out (maybe someone knows better and can tell me how).<span id='postcolor'>

Ok i dont know anything about the models, but try looking at either the official BRDM or the unofficial BTR70. Both have driver and other frontseat visible. Althought they are cargo seats and not gunner/commander. But i would think that when they can be visible, it should be possible to have the others aswell. But might be a difference between gunner/commander vs cargo seats.

If it still dont work a solution could be to have the commander/gunner armour plate lowered at all time and then only have driver shown. Would rather have the driver shown than the commander/gunner. Else it would look like a driverless vehicle.

And last AGAIN


xmas.gif  xmas.gif  xmas.gif

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WOW! More and more Russian hardware for the game incomming -finally the Red revenge!-. What a nice Xmass!! smile.gif

Love these addons (really a surprise and a super gift) but I'm a little sad cos with my Voodoo3 3000 I have LODs problems with the SA13 like other fans and I can't change the card right now... Also the no crew when look from outside...

Also I think maybe is a fun touch for some peope the SA13 commander with the papers/magazine in hand, the cup of coffee making fool of a communist leader with the santa's hat (and if you play with the addon in june that will don't make sence or fun...) and then the draw inside the cockpit BUT I think it take a lot of quality and required "seriousness" to the model (is like the great outside don't go well with that inside touchs ;-))

Maybe reds are not liked so try to make them "fool" or something but I really hope this can be changed in a future version (alternate version without jokes) Just a humble point of view. Is like you have an amazing addon in front of you but have something that is out of place... And I love details of can turn in/out, can open/close front panels (great can have both options there to choose) the periscopes and all the super stuff included (hope to see a BTR80 with things like this someday...) but I'm sad with those "fun" touches for the Russian crews... Just think in the future, you download the great addon that is on the works right now: the TOW and then you find an "easter egg and a litte rabbit" at the side of the TOW or Mr.Bush picture with a texan hat... A rain of "please take that out" can sure fall... And other point that can be in favor of this idea I'm trying to express: I don't think is a good thing for the commander of the unit have to start a fight and have that X magazine always in hand, at least it don't have sence for when you play the game...That take a lot of realism to the addon.

ps: I see also the Czech commander with the X magazine so you can say: ok also we have fun for the CSLA version  commander of the SA13, this is nothing against the soviet crews and if I think like that no problem but again I think these things take quality to a nice and waited addon like this. Just a constructive criticism and I have in mind that the creators have the free to do the thing they like more with theirs models... Peace!

Please post your thoughts about this topic here... Really want to know if others think like me about this (or not of course)

Merry Xmass to all out there and thanks for keep making these addons for all to play !


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Great addon guys!

Vikingo: get some of your point. Dont think it has any thing to do with makeing the ruskies look foolish, just a creators final touch and freedom (must have been hilarious making biggrin.gif ). The gasstation's on nogova give u a headache to? It got a funny logo also (some czech gascompany's logo tweaked into having a more feminin touch). Surely ruins my gameexperience every time i refuel tounge.gif

But i agree that the magazines might be a little to much, not the playboy-magazine though. But a cup? naaaaah........ either way I mostly look through the scopes anyways.....

Make the resistance-version have a cup with Reagan or Kennedy, to satisfy everyone.

Some thougths:

1. Wuld it be possible to change the lights on them? It looks like a runway when the lights are on   biggrin.gif Either keep em green or red on both sides.

2. Wuld it be possible to cary one or more wounded soldiers in the Ambulances? Correct me if im wrong. Just diddent seem possible.

3. The minimum range on the SA-13 is 600 m., correct? What is the maximum-range?

4. No complaints about the rusty-barrels tounge.gif

5. Its possible to walk through the window in the Barrack -Courrugated Sheet. - And make a snowversion of this. Wuld fit so nicely into a arctich map!

About the "not seeing driver/commander from the outside"-thingy: I dont know of any vehicles with the "turn out"-option where one can see the driver/commander from the outside. The BRDM is no example of this because it hasnt got a "turn out"-option.

But it wuld be nice yes biggrin.gif

Very nice textures and beautifull models. Looks so nice when u have 2 SA-13 firing at a target during nighttime....... And the wreck uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................. details details..... awesome!!!

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Actually Vikingo, I think the inside textures are absolutely helarious! Have you seen the commander view of the ambulance version. He's hold a paper that says something like "First Aid for your Cat". I laughed so hard when I saw that!!!!!! I think it's great. Sometimes it's good not to get too serious about the game. At the same time I don't think it's too distracting because sometimes in real life, soldiers put up funny things in their vehicles and in offices. I remember for example a Sgt. who had this dancing christmas tree he used to have in his Hummer. Others might hang fuzzy dice at least until some anal officer tells the driver to take them off.


But on a more serious point, I don't know if anyone has mentioned it, but you can get into the back of the ambulance. That kinda sucks. sad.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Ok i dont know anything about the models, but try looking at either the official BRDM or the unofficial BTR70. Both have driver and other frontseat visible.<span id='postcolor'>

Both are, however, wheeled vehicles. Armoured tracked vehicles don't allow turned in crew proxies to be displayed.

You must remember that most of the bugs in theis engine are based on class issues. This is, of course, a misunderstanding between the 'car' and 'tank' classes.

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I see there are some missing LOD's.

Most are fine, but when I'm 100m+ behind the SA-13, it dissapears entirely.


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Hey Vikingo! Nice to read that you like the addon (well, it's nice to read that all of you guys like the addon). This LOD thing is not caused by the Voodoo card. If I find the reason for the bug and make an update you can have the SA-13 in its grandeur from all distances biggrin.gif even with a Voodoo card.

Regarding the seriousness, you can be sure I did not want to make fun of the Russians. To be exact, I like Russia and the Russians a lot (even if I don't approve what they do in Chechnya). I've been in Russia once (in St.Petersburg) and I would love to go to Russia again (I want to travel with the transsibirian railroad to the ozero Bajkal, Irkustsk, Ulan-Ude, Vladivostok, etc.).

But anyways this does not keep me from adding little jokes to the addons I make (I just can't resist biggrin.gif ). And be honest, is it so bad to see a Lenin with a red hat? (it's just a red hat after all). xmas.gif

Anyways, I don't think there is a way to make the crew visible while turned in on tracked vehicles. There is a way to make them visible. If you forbid them to turn in/out (if they are kinda "turned out" permanently, but inside the vehicle). But I prefer to have this possibility (turn in/out) with the costs of invisible drivers/commanders.


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Hola PSC!

What a nice Xmass morning, check the forums and get a reply from you about my post, thanks! smile.gif

Thanks to SkyQuake and Chris G. for the comments, agree that crews place things and draws just don't like the magazines that are very distracting and while fighting the commander still have them in hand...

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This LOD thing is not caused by the Voodoo card. If I find the reason for the bug and make an update you can have the SA-13 in its grandeur from all distances  even with a Voodoo card.<span id='postcolor'>

GREAT NEWS!! Happy to know that we will see the great units from any place!

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And be honest, is it so bad to see a Lenin with a red hat? (it's just a red hat after all).<span id='postcolor'>

LOL! biggrin.gif Good point!  haha Right on that, but please again PLEASE can you remove the magazines from hands. Now I understand your point of have fun inside the vehicles (and I know that crews place personal stuff inside units) but that big graphic distract a lot while you play the commander. Not becuase the text or girl (nice! hehe) but yes have that thing in the hands. I like much more when you see just the hands of the commander in other versions. So please make this for us and balance the fun LOL. Keep the cup and draw but please remove the magazines and we will all happy. Thanks!!

I also like Russia and I hope to can travel some day, really want to see those museums with war stuff and listen their army music live with those great chorus and force.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> But I prefer to have this possibility (turn in/out) with the costs of invisible drivers/commanders.<span id='postcolor'>

Agree with that!! Yes, the chance to can have turn out is better smile.gif

You put "siganme los buenos!" like Chapulin Colorado says, you are from Spain PSC?  or you just like that phrase? hehe

Well thanks for the reply and again please think about that not-magazine in hands "request", thanks! PLEASE!! hope the  Xmass spirit touch you with this special petition hehe xmas.gif

ohh! other thing when you are at gunner position the sight have an optic with a simulated forest picture. please can be a "transparent" circle so instead of look that you can see the real outside at all times (like the other periscopes) when you are at gunner turn-in position? (like in the official units by BIS) Just other bothering idea for the addon creator hehe



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Nah, I like the magazines! Especially the "First Aid for Cats" magazine. LOL! Anyways, once you play it alot, it shouldn't be too distracting especially since normally people don't fight from that inside view, instead most fighting is usually done from the weapon sites and from the outside external view.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Hey Chris G.!

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Anyways, once you play it alot, it shouldn't be too distracting especially since normally people don't fight from that inside view, instead most fighting is usually done from the weapon sites and from the outside external view.<span id='postcolor'>

So... I don't play normally with the game LOL I love to play without external and looking with the periscopes and using a little the optics. That's why I always bother to have persicopes at right eyes line to can see well outside using them hehe You can say for one guy that ask that thing the magazines stay but I still have hope to have a version without them... I must admit I'm reloading this waiting for PSC reply biggrin.gif

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Regarding the gunners periscope; when I started to make the interior I did not know how to make them work properly. Now I know how to archiv that, but it would be combined with some extra work which I don't want to spend on that to be honest.

Regarding the magazines; if you can give me some good interiour pictures of the SA-13 I might improve the commanders place. Up to now the magazines are there to distract from the fact that I don't know how the real commanders place would look like  biggrin.gif


[edit]I'm from Germany, not from Spain. But I like the Bumblebee man from The Simpsons and this guy from Mexico from which the Bumblebee man is derived[/edit]

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Im still curious about the maximum range on the SA-13?

And why the lights are red and green on the sides? Culdnt they at least have the same color? This im asking without actually knowing anything about the lights on a real MT-LB's.

If the lod-thing is getting fixed, will you make the ambulances carry passangers to? biggrin.gif

And make a snowversion of the steel sheet! please please biggrin.gif

And damn im disapointed. I went into the wreck, dont ask me how. There was noooooooooo lenin-cup or Coke tounge.gif I looked everywhere!

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Hit reload and answer arrives smile.gif

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Regarding the magazines; if you can give me some good interiour pictures of the SA-13 I might improve the commanders place. Up to now the magazines are there to distract from the fact that I don't know how the real commanders place would look like <span id='postcolor'>

AHA!! Good way to tell me that the magazines stay right there hehe Ohhh well! at least I try it...

I have some pics of interiors of APCs (sure you have those too from the site http://pvo.guns.ru/foto/foto51.htm) sure these units look pretty the same each other. I like the way the cockpit is right now so no problem if I don't get distracted with the mags wink.gif If I only can open the model and paint them and hit "del" key hehe But all is quite protected this time wow.gif

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Regarding the gunners periscope; when I started to make the interior I did not know how to make them work properly. Now I know how to archiv that, but it would be combined with some extra work which I don't want to spend on that to be honest.<span id='postcolor'>

No problem! I know sure O2 work have to be so hard for make even little changes so I understand it.

Thanks PSC for reply me.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And damn im disapointed. I went into the wreck, dont ask me how. There was noooooooooo lenin-cup or Coke<span id='postcolor'>

LOL! So that was my unit! haha

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([WKK]-SkyQuake @ Dec. 25 2002,16:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Im still curious about the maximum range on the SA-13?

And why the lights are red and green on the sides? Culdnt they at least have the same color? This im asking without actually knowing anything about the lights on a real MT-LB's.

If the lod-thing is getting fixed, will you make the ambulances carry passangers to? biggrin.gif

And make a snowversion of the steel sheet! please please biggrin.gif

And damn im disapointed. I went into the wreck, dont ask me how. There was noooooooooo lenin-cup or Coke  tounge.gif I looked everywhere!<span id='postcolor'>

The SA-13 has a effective range of 600 - 5000

FAS SA-13 Information

I set different values in the config though.

Regarding the lights; I myself have no clue about lights on tanks as well. I just know that green light on ships means right side, red lights mean left side. I adapted the same for the tanks.

Yeah, probably we'll make a snow versions for the barracks.


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1. The sheds need to be a little bigger. Maybe have a square shed with a garage door (mini nogova hanger) smile.gif.

2. The wheels go "crazy" on some of the tanks... they roll around and stuff. Drive off the cliff near davle with each of the things and look at the wheels and you'll see what I mean.

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All i could say is WHAT A GREAT KIND OF WORK!!

I love to see those Mt-Lb crusing through the islands. They fit perfectly together with the official units, and have an own interior, and the textures are so lovely!

BIS should think about including perfect inofficial addons like these into some kind of "official supporter site", or just add the addons into next patch, so it's guaranteed that the units make sense in missions, without downloading the stuff again.

What a lovely time for OFP-Fanatics this christmas was! Even the trees mutated into christmas trees once again!  xmas.gif



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I agree with Vikingo, the jokes are fun the first time, less funny the second time and the third time I just get annoyed.

The 3rd person view for the gunner in the SA-13 is too close to the ground.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gollum1 @ Dec. 25 2002,21:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I agree with Vikingo, the jokes are fun the first time, less funny the second time and the third time I just get annoyed.

The 3rd person view for the gunner in the SA-13 is too close to the ground.<span id='postcolor'>

I still smile about the jokes, and I don't know how often I've seen them already wink.gif

The 3rd person and also first person views of the gunner are made like they are on purpose. They help to fokus on the sky and not on the ground (it's an AA missile system after all).

PSC smile.gif

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dunno if this has already been asked about...but would you consider using the ZU-23-2 AA gun from the Retaliation team, and maybe change the details or textures here and there?

(with permission from them of course)

I would recommend that addon...its very good.

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I did't know Retaliation team did relise they ZU23. Where i can download (or see) it ?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Scorpio @ Dec. 25 2002,22:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">dunno if this has already been asked about...but would you consider using the ZU-23-2 AA gun from the Retaliation team, and maybe change the details or textures here and there?

(with permission from them of course)

I would recommend that addon...its very good.<span id='postcolor'>

We already have our own ZU-23-2 model.

PSC smile.gif

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