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Haven't tried them yet but the screenshots look like they are quality addons as usual. Thanks M&M.

Merry Christmas all!

er make that the MT-LB


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not only Marfy and Maac its also PSC  tounge.gif

EDIT: just tryd it out and they are SWEET, they perfectly fit with the other ofp units! great work guys!

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I just got back from testing this pack...and boy, have these guys been busy smile.gif . The SA-13 i especially liked...it adds another thing to what pilots can fear...but not this one. wink.gif The LOD's on it are somehow missing...at least two of them...and also, the missiles need a bit more monoverability...the SA-13 couldnt shoot me down, even without missile alert and flares. confused.gif

But still...a great addon (s) ...they even went through the trouble of making a garage for them. smile.gif Great job.

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Hey guys, The missiles of the SA-13 have a minimum range of at least 600 m to operate. Otherwise, if you are closer to the target, the commander will not order the gunner to attack.

Also the hit ratio is very low. On some page I have read that the target destruction probability is 0,3 to 0,6 (I guess 1 means 100%).

Which versions don't work?

Have a good Christmas! xmas.gif


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I have been testing the pack and this is my conclusion:

Don't work (go's imeadiatly back to windows)


- Mt-lb

- MT-LB (Box,Snow)


- MT-LB (CSLA, Snow)

- MT-LB (Naval Infantry)

- MT-LB (Snow)

- MT-LB (Unarmed)

- MT-LBV (Box,Snow)

- MT-LBV (Snow)


- MT-LB (Box,Resistance)

- MT-LB (Resistance)

- MT-LB Ambulance (Resistance)

These work fine:


- MT-LB Ambulance

- MT-LB (Snow)

- MT-LB (Repair)

- MT-LBV Ambulance (Snow)

- SA-13

- SA-13 (SCLA)

- SA-13 (Naval infantry)


- MT-LB Reapair (resistance)

Quite alot don't work i hope it isn't Because of my computer!!

But still it is a great addon i hope the makers will release a new beta soon!!! confused.gif

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Wee, they might not work due to a problem with your computer (maybe problems with other addons? I don't know). On my computer they work fine.


P.S.: It's not a beta. It's a full version. But there will be an update with new versions (SA-13 Snow and ZU-23-2 Versions) in a adequate time.

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Agreed about the LODs being missing, at least on the SA13 version, but I've had no CTD problems.

Turning out to be a real red christmas.

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Could this be a problem of my old 3d card (voodoo3 2000) i had more problems with this thing with other addons such as the planes of the DKM-Mod they released a special version for gamers with this card confused.gif

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They all work fine on mine too...excellent attention to detail...if you guys havent tried it yet, get into the commanders seat on some of them...TOO FUNNY!  Nice little addition guys!  Merry Christams!

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All versions (MT-LB) have 5 LOD's. I checked them. All of them are there and textured.

SA-13 has six LOD's. 5 like the MT-LB plus another one with even less detail for really far away distances. I checked them too.

I too realised that they sometimes dissapear. But I don't know what could cause the bug and how to solve that.


P.S.: Maybe it's your Voodoo Dutchsoldier. I tried to keep all textures sizes to power of 2. But maybe the Voodoo card can't handle some size ratio.

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I tested another time this is my new conclusion:

All the vehicles that don't work can be put in game as empty objects but in the action menu of the soldier i can only put rifles to the vehicles I can't get in them really strange!!!! wow.gif

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Is there any chance of having the pack split up into smaller individual files to make it easier to send them with custom missions which use them? Spliting the pack into Russian, Resistance, Snow and No Snow would be most helpful in this area. (My personal main interest would be no snow Russian)Some of the mission designers that create adversarial missions for our dedicated server are very interested in using these in their mission and this would make things much easier for distribution for multiplayer users. If not I can certainly understand. Excellent work and thanks for the addon!

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I don't know yet. Probably more "no" than "yes" sad.gif


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They're all working fine for me (1.91).

Congrats to the creators, some of the best addon units I've seen smile.gif

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I love Maac

I love Marfy

I like how they make me... uh... I can't think of anything that rhymes with Marfy.

Excellent work as usual smile.gif

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Nice stuff, good work Maac and Marfy have a good christmas.


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New conclusion: All gunner seats do work also on these vehicles only the driver seats not (only the unarmed versions don't work at all because there is no gunner seat):


- Mt-lb

- MT-LB (Box,Snow)


- MT-LB (CSLA, Snow)

- MT-LB (Naval Infantry)

- MT-LB (Snow)

- MT-LB (Unarmed)

- MT-LBV (Box,Snow)

- MT-LBV (Snow)


- MT-LB (Box,Resistance)

- MT-LB (Resistance)

- MT-LB Ambulance (Resistance)

Does anyone know what the problem is?confused.gif?


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Don't forget PSC guys Maac and Marfy has done the textures bu the model is from PSC so what we have to say is great work Maac, Marfy & PSC xmas.gif

PSC the ZU-23-2 when is it ready have you got a picture m8 wink.gif

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dutchsoldier m8 I have a Geforce 4 Ti 4600 and thay all work great m8 I think you should buy a new video card m8 not only for this addon but for the new upcomming addons + new games like Splinter Cell,Getaway etc xmas.gif

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Nice Work they all look really great.

Small things to correct:

Driver not showing from the outside on (Window) on any of the models.

Commander/gunner not showing form the outside (window)on these models



SA-13 Naval INF


Ambulance Resistance

Ambulance snow

ambulance LBV

When looking at the 3 LBV models from around 250 300 meters they have a "plane" above them (20 30 meters i think)

Cant wait to see the next "secret"  xmas.gif

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