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Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

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CAS, hence preferably subsonic ...

Has a decision been made yet? I would prefer a CAS with VTOL or at least STOL capabilities.

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How about using those new nifty uav waypoint controls for things like squad command or even high command. Could be a nice new little feature for the team leader class. It would seem to fit in with Arma 3's design direction of trying to make each soldiers skill set stand out from each other.

Perhaps a special tactical map/tablet item for the leadership classes.

Maybe it could patch into the tactical glasses, or Opfor helmets to provide pip (helmet cam) type footage to the map holder.

Further functionality could be implemented with an icon interface to allow the leader to easily place map markers/instructions for others to see in MP.

This addition would utilize a newly implemented feature even further and could enhance the single player or hybrid coop experience allowing more control over ai units and groups.

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What about Altitude/Depth setting for waypoints, kinda like how they have it for the speed settings & how you can give waypoints to the UAV's now. you know like very high/high/normal/low/nap of the earth for aircraft & surfaced/periscope depth/operating depth?/max depth for subs. I think it would make mission editing a little easier for us non scripting Neanderthals lol

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What would really be great is a proper 'Warfare' type MP scenario developed, preferably developed by BIS rather than left to the community. The scenario (which I've posted elsewhere on the forums) is really meant to simulate 'real' war between two roughly equivalent sides (BLUEFOR/OPFOR) and tries to mimick real life issues eg. logistics, tactics, etc. I've put down my thoughts below:

A dynamic war campaign encompassing the following:

- the island (Altis) commences with a visible 'front line' (on the map that is) with everything behind enemy lines being red on the map. You can't see any enemy movement on the map unless you undertake LLRP or UAV missions. Whatever they can see will be visible on the map eg. vehicles, inf, a/c, etc. Hopefully this promotes the need for a 'general' or someone who can come up with tactics/strategy as to where to attack, etc.

- the 'front line' is visible on the map and is based on what towns/area we capture vs OPFOR captures (so its consistently moving).

- each side has a main base from which major reinforcements are provided. Each side will also have FOBs and/or towns that they capture/occupy. The inf/vehicles at each FOB MUST be resupplied on a regular basis by vehicle convoys (or helicopters but with less capacity, more for urgent supplies, etc). This brings in the whole logistics function into the game, and the need to constantly resupply enemy forces. No unlimited virtual ammo boxes here. This also allows for interdiction missions and the ability to ambush convoys (air and/or LRRPs).

- if we attack a town and capture it, the front line then has a 'bulge' in it, and if we keep pushing forward, we create a bigger bulge..however this just means our flanks are exposed (as IRL). This works similar to the Domination type mode however there's more 'structure' to it rather than purely jumping from place to place with no clear plan/direction. On the same token, OPFOR may attack a town, capture it and leave a token force eg. 1 platoon or even a squad with a BMP or something (depending on the size of the town) before moving on OR may leave a large force.

- as we attack a town, the OPFOR may choose to defend, not defend (ie. run), counterattack or attack somewhere else. So if you put all your resources into attacking a small town, the enemy could do the same to your base, etc. Again, recon becomes very important (this is where little birds would be excellent..kind of like LOH missions in vietnam)

- if we're defending a town, OPFOR forces may attack it in force ie. atleast a company of inf, armoured vehicles, artillery, etc thus leading to a major battle which could result in either victory or defeat.

- this should allow us to do air strikes on their main base or interdiction missions against their trucks, armour, etc (and same for them)

- we should have air strikes on a regular basis by OPFOR thus requiring squads/platoons/etc to constantly have anti air weapons available.

- OPFOR can launch commando missions in squads of maybe 5 like LRRPs calling in arty, air strikes, etc. This should include the use of 'frogmen' or submersibles.

- OPFOR should have heavy artillery (SP) which would constantly move around after doing a fire mission. Imagine launching an attack on a town only to lose 3/4s of your armour/infantry through well placed artillery.

- the OPFOR main base must be heavily defended esp from air attack and should have the ability to call in some reinforcements from off-map

- this should promote using LRRPs or something ie. where a small squad (like the OPFOR) gets dropped behind enemy lines to observe/report/call in arty, etc.

Obviously the above is not everything but just a starter. The key here is a constantly evolving/moving battlefield, the need for logistics (and the need to protect said logistics) as well as the need for updated intelligence which makes good use of automated intelligence gathering (UAVs incl the vehicles) as well as manned intel eg. LRRPs or little birds flying recon and reporting back.

Can you imagine the immersiveness of this compared to something like Domination? In Dom, everyone runs around to randomly generated 'capture this' points...this atleast gives each person an idea of the large scale of the war, so you may end up taking your squad south (instead of north) because there appears to be a large push. Think about armour, artillery (SP), etc....if the OPFOR are massing south and all your heavy armour is north...how do you stop them?

Anyway, thats my $0.02 worth. I'd love to see something like this implemented.

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Warfare was made by BIS in A2 and I'm hoping we see it again in A3, but Benny (whom I must say creates some of the best warfare missions - almost all servers that ran/are running Warfare/CTI used a modified or standard version of his) is already working on one :) I appreciate it is by a user but he is extremely talented and knows his stuff for Warfare!

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Warfare was made by BIS in A2 and I'm hoping we see it again in A3, but Benny (whom I must say creates some of the best warfare missions - almost all servers that ran/are running Warfare/CTI used a modified or standard version of his) is already working on one :) I appreciate it is by a user but he is extremely talented and knows his stuff for Warfare!


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Warfare was made by BIS in A2 and I'm hoping we see it again in A3, but Benny (whom I must say creates some of the best warfare missions - almost all servers that ran/are running Warfare/CTI used a modified or standard version of his) is already working on one :) I appreciate it is by a user but he is extremely talented and knows his stuff for Warfare!

Warfare is the one that was like an RTS and fps combined?

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Warfare is the one that was like an RTS and fps combined?

Yea, a commander builds base assets and purchases upgrades, then the rest of the team captured towns or locations for points to aid the base grow and then finally destroy the enemy base.

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Lazika ifv for the green army...

Just saying

Also No discussion means do not talk to other people here.... Comp uter progamer and pharoah

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A mod that does this http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=10747

In arma 1 helicopter pilot could right click to target buildings etc.. and get gunner to engage. In Arma 3 dialogue will show as "target radar, military office 03... building etc... but gunner will not fire at the target. I know there's discussion of the "tab" targeting but feel this is different. Can't remember if it also worked for armed land and sea vehicles but I have seriously missed this ability! I know AI don't tend to hide in buildings often but being able to target a building etc... would be great.

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My suggestion/wish for Arma 3 is a cameo appearance of the character "Kozlowski" from OFP. I was ecstatic when he made a cameo in Arma 2's Trial By Fire single mission. I can't recall whether or not he made it in Arma 1 or not. I guess this fits as a scenario request.

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It's usually hard to spot enemies because of foliage. How about if the UAV's, like the Darter, could mark targets, and transmit the location of the marked targets to the player's HUD (sort of like in easy mode where enemies are marked with red). You would be required to wear the hi-tech glasses with the small screen in order for it to work. Cool idea, right.

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It's usually hard to spot enemies because of foliage. How about if the UAV's, like the Darter, could mark targets, and transmit the location of the marked targets to the player's HUD (sort of like in easy mode where enemies are marked with red). You would be required to wear the hi-tech glasses with the small screen in order for it to work. Cool idea, right.

yeah and make it so you can turn this feature on and off via the difficulty settings like the mine markers.

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I know this has been mentioned hundreds of times before but I think a simple 1-point sling for primary weapons incorporated into all harnesses would be great to add post-release for a few reasons:

- If there is going to be a more involved medical system at some point in the future, then it should feature carrying wounded squad members slung over the shoulders. I think the easiest way to avoid the clipping issues/cluttering with backpack/weapon/launcher would be to simply have the main weapon hang in front from the sling, freeing the shoulders for carrying the wounded.

- There is plenty of scope for a weapon sling now that character models/uniforms/equipment/harnesses are more complex/independent. This is good for two reasons, namely it allows the sling to not require intensive animation, as it's visual signature on the models will blend in with the highly complex and varied textures of the harnesses, vests and backpacks, much in the same way that the current hydration packs and drinking tube works. They could be made simple and unobstrusive, without subtracting from the visual impact of the models.

- If the sling attaches only to a mount near or on the butt of the weapon, the model and textures will be largely obscured from view in both third and first person. This will ensure minimal visual impact and therefore allow for minimal animation requirements. The sling could unattach itself and hang in a neutral and unobtrusive position under the arm of the character when not in use if required (for eg. if the player unequips their main weapon)

- This will allow for a feasible location for weapons to be placed when the character model is using both hands to do something, such as firing a launcher, climbing a ladder or getting in a vehicle, or healing a comrade. No more awkward and time consuming 'shouldering of weapon' animation before undergoing any of these actions.

- This will resolve the issue of restricting backpack size, in particular width, as we can see this is already a problem with the profile of some backpacks (eg. the UAV operator backpack). This will allow for maximum flexibility when designing larger backpacks.

- Will resolve the current 'floating weapon' syndrome with certain animations/weapon/equipment combinations (eg. when weapon is at rest as a passenger in a vehicle)

- If secondary weapons are going to be eventually added to leg/harness holsters, a sling will give the animators more flexibility when swapping weapons/make changing weapons faster.


ps. Thanks especially for the new smoke launcher type on the Slammer.

Edited by Flaky

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Weapon resting.

Entering/ Exiting animations for vehicles.

Drag and drop, throw small objects (Distractions?).

Helicopter sling loading.

Advanced artillery fire mission requests.

Chemical warfare.

Animated vehicle doors.

More varied sound effects for crawling through vegetation.

More varied ambient sounds for animals.

Muzzle Breaks and Compensators.

3D interiors for all vehicles.

Ability to merge into other squads if all your squad members have been killed.

The ability to climb on waist-high objects.

Randomized decals, such as numbering and symbols.

Compass, Map and Watch should be physical in game objects.

Need to Eat and Drink.

Night sights for all in game weapons.

Low crawl stance.

Audible raindrops on vehicles.

Doors and gates closed by default.

Implementation of thermobaric weapons.

Simulation and propagation of gases.

In game 3D Map.

Simulation of earth's curvature.

Weapon handling based on weight.

More diversity in the Terrain i.e: Swamps, thick Jungles and Rivers.

Back-blast simulation.

Ability to listen on enemy coms once the radio is picked up.

Center mass body shots should count deadly.

Satellite Imagery.

Empty shells left behind after a firefight.

The ability to add a primary weapon to the launcher/backpack slot.

Option to order the AI to turn lights On/Off.

Blood trails for wounded soldiers.

Grass rendering (Thicker and Different Heights).

3D models should change when changing magazine types.

Safe mode (fire mode) for weapons.

Dust clouds from footsteps on dirt.

Attachable weapon camouflage.

An animation for setting your NVG's with your hand.


More idle animations.

Breakable doors, windows and walls.

Flammability (Everything can burn).

Better crash/hit survivability.

Weather effects on landscape.

Underground structures and cave systems.

Temperature Changes Effect Character.

Avatar face features (Scars, Facial Hair).

Injury System (Broken Bones etc)


Ability to operate indoors.

Crawling through holes instead of walking through walls with holes!

A.I. moving along walls and cover when in urban areas.

A.I. Spotters that tell you wind and distance.

A.I. dynamic shouts.

A.I. Whispering as Spotter.

Ability for A.I. mortar teams to assemble their mortars on their own.

Ability for A.I. to shoot while running.

Panic firing/blind firing for suppression.

DIVING into cover.

A.I. occupying buildings and using them for cover.


Factions & units:







British-Royal Marines.

British-3RD PARA.




South Korea-UDT.








Amazon Rain Forest.


Pripyat, Ukraine.

Battleship Island, Japan.

New South China Mall.














Remington ACR.

H&K G36 series.

H&K HK416 series.

H&K HK417 series.

Sniper Rifles:

AX338 Sniper Rifle.

Barrett 50cal.

Remington 700 (.458).

H&K MSG-90A1.


XM2010 ESR.





Remington MSR.


Ithaca 37.



Remington 870.


Armsel Protecta.

Saiga-12 Bullpup.


Machine guns & LMG's:


M249 SAW and FN Minimi.


MK43 Mod 1.

FN MK48 Mod 0 or Mod 1.

Ultimax 100 Mark 3.

M-60E4 and M-60E1.


H&K HK21.


M-72 LAW.


FIM-92 Stinger.

M-47 Dragon.

FGIM-42 Javelin.

Carl-Gustaf m2,m3.

rpg-7 w/optic.

rpg 22,26,27.



Colt M1911 A1.

Luger P08.


Glock 18C.

Glock 17.

.44 Magnum/.357 Magnum.

CZ75 P-07.

Browning Hi-Power.

SIG P226R or SIG P229R.

SIG P220.

H&K USP 9, USP 40, USP 45.

Steyr M9-A1, M40-A1.

Glock 19.

Glock 21.

Glock 23.

Colt Python.

Colt Anaconda.

Desert Eagle.

FN Five-Seven.

S&W M500.

HK 45.



Altay MBT.




Sabra MBT.





Challenger 2.


Pokpung-ho ("Storm Tiger").

M1 Abrams.

Wheeled vehicles:

Stryker ICV.










Fixed wing:




F-22 Raptor.





Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk.

Rotor wing:


AH-64D Apache.

UH-60 Black-hawk.

UH-1 Iroquois.

Ch-47 Chinook.

Mi-35 Super-hind.










Equipment & misc:

Furniture like sofa's/table/lamps indoors.

flash bangs.

Flare gun.

Wire cutters.


Camouflage Tents.

Food and Water.

Blood Packs.

Pain Killers.

Snipers Note Book.



















Small lizards.


Enemy Prisons.


Shallow Rivers.

Military Bases.

Tunnel Systems.

Old Ruins.

Camp Sites.

Sniper Nests.


Cliffs Sides.

Denser Forests.

Denser Grass.

Taller Grass.

Cave Systems.


All weather Conditions.

Seasons accurate to in game dates.

Winter, Autumn, Spring and Summer.


Target Recovery - Prisoners, Hostages etc.

Espionage - Infiltrate and disrupt enemy movements.

Reconnaissance - Scout out Enemy Locations.

Stalking - Discover hidden or unknown locations by following Patrols.

Collect Intelligence - Steal documents, computer drives etc.

Protection - Protect a high priority target.

Assassination - Hunt and kill a high priority target.

Escape - Escape an Area or Prison.

Seek and Destroy - Seek out and destroy enemy support units.


Thermal Scopes:

ATN Thor-320-1x.

ATN Thor-320-2x.

ATN Thor-320-3x.

ATN Thor-320-4.5x.

ATN Thor-640-1.5x.

ATN Thor-640-2.5x.

ATN Thor-640-6x.

ATN Thor-320-9x.

ATN Thor-640-5x

Night Vision Scopes:

NSXD PRO (Gen1+).

NVS4x52 SG.

SM-3S2 Series (SG, HG & XG).

SM-3S2DN Series (SG, HG & XG)

Long range Scopes:

K 624i 6-24x56mm (34mm Tube) Matte CCW.

Schmidt & Bender Police Marksman 5-25X56mm.

Zeiss Victory 6-24x56mm Rapid-Z 1000.

Nightforce NXS 5.5-22x50-NPR1.

Zeiss Victory 4-16x50mm Rapid-Z 800.

Schmidt & Bender 3-20X 50mm.

Valdada IOR 9-36x56mm.

Leupold Mark 4 8.5-25x50mm.

Swarovski Z5 5-25x52mm BRX.

Other Scopes:

Tripod & Micro-Adjust Window Mount.

Triad Leupold MK4/12-40x Spotting Scope.

Other Attachments:

Silencers for all weapons, that have the actual effect.

Sniper rifle camouflage attachment in the Rail slot.

Bi-pods for Sniper rifles and LMG's.


Female Characters - Playable.

More civilians - Increases chances of casualties.

Random Enemy Encounters - Patrols etc.

Rare Encounters - Special Forces.

Also I'd like to know if this!


Will be changed to this?


http://www.winextra.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/sniper.png (276 kB)

P.S I have used the first post as a base for my layout taking 30-40% of the ideas to help section out the list because they were indeed solid ideas and I think that even if the Dev's do not apply all of it then the Modders will. The rest of the list is my ideas, I took a lot out which I noticed was mentioned more than once and even many that I didn't personally think needed to be there.

I hopes the Dev's take heed of what we ask them for as the game would benefit from the use of these ideas.

Edited by Yoshi

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As requested by the moderator team, I'm reposting this here:

Recently, the guys dedicated some effort towards addressing AI behaviour performance in (chiefly) 'CQB' situations. These changes should now all be merged into today's development branch.AI rotation speed increased

  • AI rotation speed dependent on encumbrance (more encumbered, slower rotation)
  • AI rotation speed dependent on stance (prone rotation ~3x slower than standing)
  • AI rotation speed dependent on speed of movement (AI that has been moving fast will turn slower than those that are static)

I know a lot of people will hate what I ask now, but wouldn't it be possible to do something similar to player movement ? Maybe in a more moderate manner, but it would definitely address issues like, for example, the insane rotation speed when prone. It would also "penalize" people in CQB situation carrying heavy weapons like sniper rifles or machine guns and it would actually give an advantage in CQB when you are using a submachine gun (less encumbrance, faster turning speed).

Tying the run speed to those factors will also remove the artificial launcher = slow, pistol = fast, even if you have both of them in your inventory.

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Hello all,

I've been on the beta for a bit and am pretty new to this forum. This is literally my first post!

So I've been playing with the LMGs for a while. I could put 100 rounds downrange under a minute and there would be no smoke, no heat wave rising from the barrel.

In the real world, having 60 5.56 rounds fired in bursts or full auto would make the barrel smoke. Go up to 250-300 rounds, the barrel would start to turn reddish.

Sights would be blurry from the rising heat waves..

Would love to see this feature modeled in-game.

Discuss away!

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Little late to make the release, but I would like to see the door gun mounts on the ghost hawks extended out so that the gunners have a better field of fire something like thishttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d2/CSA-2005-05-05-102937.jpg

and I know I've said it somewhere else on here but I would really like it if the black ghost hawk was renamed MH-80 to better go with how its likely meant to be an 160th SOAR aircraft while keeping the green version as UH-80 to have it represent a bird from a conventional army aviation unit, also would prefer if the green version had its miniguns replaced with something less SF'ish like a Mk 200 with spade grips or a m240(the M60 was in service from the mid 60's to early 2000's as a door gun on army birds so safe to say the 240 would still be around if they decided to go that route)

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Please please change the cockpit layout for the Ghosthawk (or the ARMA III Blackhawk copy) to something like this:


ie. it MUST have clear chin bubbles under the dashboard and in front of the pilots. This is to provide proper forward visibility when coming into landing, esp in enclosed LZ's. See how much forward visibility each of the pilots has compared to what we have in ARMA III (practically nothing below the dashboard).

The same should apply to the CH49 or whatever its called (the MRH 90 copy) which should look something like this:


note the forward looking bubble canopies below the pedals.

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An "ARMA 3 Legacy pack" which would have all islands and assets from ARMA 1 all the way to ARMA 2 Combined ops into ARMA 3 :D

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T-50 PAK FA as fighting jet for CSAT

and/or Su-47 "Berkut"

MI-38 as transport heli for CSAT.

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A AN 225 will be awesome, also a plane where we can walk inside .

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