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Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

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Here is a suggestion for the OPFOR fighter jet:



The SUKHOI T-50 serves as replacement of the SU-34 and opponent of the NATO X-35B fighter jet. :)

Edited by PurePassion

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Hey here,

Wish list (version 1) of an old Arma2 MP player (played mod server only bec most players are there and are beer versions):


- AS50 semi/full auto with right click zoom and thermo (infra) zoom scope, silencer and bipod attachmens

- Glock APC 45 full auto, silenced, with shoulder support and extended 33 round magazine, fluorescent sight

- town capuring based on the total power of the enemy vs. friendly units in the town (so one hidden AI soldier cant block capturing a town)


- Much better and easier AI unit control interface and controls, with added on screen semi transparent buttons, one click ultra fast team creation and management.

- Pre defined AA, AT, Assault, Scout, Medic and Engineer classes to which the player can add his AI soldiers by one click

- Player creates his own gear sets (by class or under user defined names) and saved them. Player can gear up his own soldiers (all or which he selects) at the same time, by using a simply slick on his saved gear classes.

- When you gear up your AI soldiers at camps or at any vehicles (that the player filled up with ammo/weapons), make this process easier, let them gear up if AI units are in a close range (apprx. 50m) bec currently you cant gear up 10-10 soldiers as the AI is unable to get close enough to the camps, mainly all at the same time.

- Gear up maybe at town depots as well.

- Teach AI soldiers to ride bicycle and follow the player... they stuck a every bushes or trees etc

- Place a tiny semi transparent flashing mark on the map and gps and at the edge of he screen to where engi/medic/fuel/evac support is being requested. Make this mark an active feature, to which team mate engi/medic/fuel/evac can respond by an "accept" click, so hi becames responsible to get there. Set this location as target on his gps and on screen.

- Spotting must be limited in distance and shall be possible on if the target is visible, actually in sight of the player (even through scopes), but not like now when you spot enemy arty and tanks from 4km with Javellin while hey are behind fog/clouds and the system marks them as enemy or friendly and tells you the type of vehicle... its not BF3...

- MHQ shall be either: a) an ultra safe defensive and STEALTH (not attack) vehicle with automatic AA and AT DEFENSE system (not attack), like auto IR flares, Electonic Jamming system and auto response to AT fire OR b) MHQ shall be a replacable iem in the game, so the war is not over jus bec a team lost a MHQ LAV...

- a match start forget he pre defined (and so well known) base spawn points, but let the commander point to any spot on the map (within the pre set enemy base distance limits) where he wants the spawn point (with some automatic correction which choose the closest "suitable size" spot, not a peak of a hilltop for example), but for example the commander could choose this spawn point by flying in camera mode in 3D...

- limit the Air to Ground locking distance radically OR make 1000x1000km maps (kidding) OR make AA defense radically more efficient and with same effective distance as enemy air.... its non sense hat enemy air can lock and hit anything from the oher side of he map while you have no satellites, 1000km map and AA missle bases etc...

- Use FAC operators with 100 skill level

- Any user made marks on the map shall bear the name of the player (several reasons: responsibility and credits and kicking out non proper behavior players who place 100 marks jus so....)

- Let the player make "seen only to me" type map markings (semi ransparent marks)

- Dont let players make map markings which are seen by enemy players (marks made using the global chat channel...)

- Build in combined IP/MAC address/player name etc filters to avoid eam swappers, saboteurs, spys and provide an efficient kicking/banning system

- Build in extrem high level, sophisticated anti cheaing and alert system, study the russian arma servers that can help in this. It ruins the game when cheaters can do anything like transforming you to a cow or rabbit, or spawn 50 choppers above you or launch nuke 10min after game start.

- Ranking system based on achievements and hours played by class not by score or so.

- Commanding human player units, in case someone wanna play like this, so not only AI soldiers.


- 5+ new maps, all large

- check out the mod servers and try to creae the best ARMA now so that most players can play on the original Arma maps/servers not on the un biased and "ruler controlled" mod servers


- Bicycles from HQ shall come with disc brakes and maybe suspensor (its not the II. WW) and shall be more durable all in all. Scouting...

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- allow only the commander to build anything within the base and within 1km! noobs set up AA close to the base or sometimes build walls etc everywhere which is against of the teams interest or commander's plans.

- display/mark the efficient range of the given static weapon while he player is setting it up on a semi transparent map shown on the screen

- out of the game area alert gives early signal depending on the speed of the unit (or lets you fly/drive longer than if you are by foot)

- commander can call in attack unit support to his own location or base or to any loc pointed on the map all this by "one on screen button click" and players receive a harsh sound and on screen alert and location infos/marks

- enemy in base alert siren when anyone spots him (only if someone spots him or the commander can also turn on the alert or call support)

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Correct, realistic, authentic first person view. Move the camera back, closer to the head, and center it between the eyes if you can't make the view truly realistic (as in two cameras, one for each eye, and blending the views to get realistic sight). When I've got shades on, I want to look through those. The sun shouldn't blind me as much when I have shades on. That's the point of shades. My view should be darker than if I don't have shades on. Make glasses functional. If I'm a diver, and I've got goggles on, then I should be looking through goggles. If I've got on orange eye protection glasses, then my view should be a little orange-ish. Same applies to yellow, or black, or clear glasses. I should see a little reflection on the glasses or goggles. This would greatly improve immersion. Look and feel in general is a large contributor to immersion.

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fix ragdolls.. make it a bit more "woody".

bodies on trailers looks like soldiers were made of rubber...

i seriously miss classic animations. ( no ragdoll )

if soldier stept on mine, why he fly away?... why he doesn't get rip apart instead?..

i guess it will be like.. if i shoot an infantry by tank main gun he will fly away and jump n roll like puppet on ground? am i right?


take a look on red orchestra heroes of stalingrad

^ not the best example, but still

if grenade shoot infantry they don't fly away like hell... they just explode / get cripped

not saying that gore is necessary for arma... just please.. fix ragdolls...

on mission demonstration enemy was moving toward and after he got shot he fall back. why he doesnt continue move and fall forward... or bullets now got some hollywood effects?

and also.. how about overheating machineguns?...

Edited by n7snk

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I'd love to see the Eurofighter Typhoon tranche III instead of the JSF F-35. As the spearhead European Rapid Air Deployment (Germany, Italy, Great-Britain and Spain) mostly use the Eurofighter.

If anything - it should be Iran who uses Israeli or Turkish F-35's.

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Please make the AI loudness, hearing, camo visibility, and visual sensitivity adjustable. Like in the addon.. Infantry Stealth and Recognition Skills Mod by Mysteryman5150. It would also be nice to adjust it by slider in game. It's essential for us stealth lovers.

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See title:

ArmA 3: Community wishes & ideas|NO DISCUSSION

Maybe its time to get more official so that everyone here knows what "NO DISCUSSION" means.

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In Arma 2 i liked, that many things, that maked by addonmakers on OFP, was included in game relise (animals, artillery, and others)

I hope, that my favorite kind of forces will be included in Arma 3 too.

Like this pretty things



and others two-cannon systems

Or car-based coast artillery


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More loading screens would be nice. The one gets very old and boring to look at. What about ones with tactics and tips??

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Add the kill statistics and all the other info tabs from the map screen to the P / J (Press P for Players) screen.

Just adds the same info tabs you get on the screen, but also combines it into one other key instead of having both P and J for separate info. For info you currently can only get on the map, like kill stats, the J/P overlay screen is faster since it dosent need to reload the screen view. Also, many custom missions primarily uses the Notes for important info while the tasks are more minor.

*Note: This is not a wish to remove the info tabs from the map though.

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Heres an idea, how about a program sort of like an auto patcher type thing, that comes with the game. By this I mean you boot the program, search for updates or whatever and it will automatically update and install your game. But why stop at just patches? This program could be used for download addons and mods, perhaps groups can have pages on this program that automatically downloads and installs addons for your upcoming mission, or perhaps servers can put their required addons on a page that you can search for? The list of possibilites of this program are endless.

I'm not sure if this would be possible as the addons are found on multiple websites etc. but it's just an idea.

Lyaoz :)

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Yeah Lyaoz, that would be very cool and helpful for alot of people and easier to find addons, missions, and any other type of things people wish to add.

I think that would be really good for ArmA 3, something different and awesome to come with this game. +1 from me


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Hey, not sure if its too late yet but I would love to see



Lockeed F-117 Nighthawk

Another thing

Game engine

Backblast on rocketlaunchers etc.(credit ACE mod)

Earplugs, ears start to ring from loud things if no earplugs(credit ACE mod)

and then finally I know this has been said but I would just like to second the motion for an AC-130!!! :)

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one thing I'd really like to see is a smoother moving character. Since OFP the player controls quite a "rusty" character, making things like CQB and movement indoor a bit frustrating IMHO.

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  • Monkeys
  • Rhinos
  • Girafes
  • Lions
  • Wolves
  • Parrots
  • Snakes
  • Elephants
  • Cats!
  • Rats
  • Rabbits
  • Sparrows
  • Boars (wild)
  • Pigs (home farm)
  • Chickens
  • Dogs (little and big)
  • Octopus (some interesting and dangerous under water ;) )
  • Alligators
  • Buffalos & Bisons
  • Small lizards and varans
  • Crows

And maybe something that I missed?!

Simple animal morale and panic system!

Edited by J-Guid

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- Aircraft carriers with working cats and arresting wires (perhaps AI that can land on them)

- Targeting pods on aircraft for accurate GBU bombing and going crazy with mavericks

- Laser pointers (not ir!!!)

- JAS 39 Gripen ("Griffin") C and/or D

- Straps on your rifle so that you can just drop it and get your sidearm out quicker

- Some form of future equivalent of the MOPP-suit (CBRN)


- Allies can share info on both their own and the enemies whereabouts

And that is all for now...

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Paint(IR - glowying at night) and GPS bullets, if you shoot in vehicle, you can recive her marker postion on map

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I don't know if this has already been suggested, but I think BIS should have low crawl/high crawl. When your character walks and you prone, the character should low crawl, as it is the slower movement. When your character is running by default and you prone, you should high crawl, as it is the faster movement. And these movements should be correct methods of crawling, not what ArmA2 currently has. VBS2 has it.


Of course, for ArmA3, the animations would be more realistic/lifelike than this.

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- Unit models reflect the gear carryed.

For example, if the unit haves a pistol... then the model shows up a holdster with it, if the unit haves a ruckshack... then the unit shows a ruckshack; if you drop the ruckshack, then the unit removes it from it's back.

- Accurate models of weapons, magazines and equipment.

No more 'butt packs' on the ground when you drop a magazine or a grenade; accurate models for all the equipment on the inventory, GPS and Map included.

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I'm completely sure this have been already suggested, I don't know what are the exactly technical words, but what I want is and I hope to see in ArmA 3 is dynamical destruction for aircraft, vehicles and ships.

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