wheitmann 0 Posted November 26, 2005 I agree. Stay away from CA's SLR-105.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted November 26, 2005 Overall, I think we are singing from the same hymn sheet, Edge. A few quick points; Our games are so well managed that the 'disrupting stupids' rarely last long. Secondly, locaps are too expensive when our games last 40 mins and often, I'll shoot 2k rounds. Sometimes I'll shoot none tho! Low-caps are fun... if every attendant uses them. Unfortunately, almost no one in the Benelux uses low-caps with their AEG's. Personally i'd really love to play with low-caps, because of the greater realism in airsoft... Imagine the thrill you get when you have to reload your AEG more often and quickly as well. Once again, I'm with you totally. I'm sure it *is* a thrill changing magazines all the time, but this is just a game, and I pefer the 'suspension of reality' that a hicap gives me. Because I can easily see well past my engagement range, and that seperates us from real military, (thereby stealing some fun( its anooying seeing people ponce about on a ridge, but not be able to hit them)) I feel that the unrealistic magazine capacaties replaces some of that fun, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edge 2 Posted November 28, 2005 Because I can easily see well past my engagement range, and that seperates us from real military, (thereby stealing some fun( its anooying seeing people ponce about on a ridge, but not be able to hit them)) I feel that the unrealistic magazine capacaties replaces some of that fun, That's a good point. BTW since the lo-caps are unbelievably expensive and otherwise cheap STAR lo-caps don't deliver enough ammo, there's another way of shooting discipline we often employ: semi-auto fire only for the AEGs. Tankbuster, how about gathering your team and coming to the Central Europe for some big game? It would be pleasure to meet you. BIS staff could join as well, if they won't be hunting MOPICs... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted November 28, 2005 locaps are indeed expensive. whats the first thing everyone does the day they unpack their brand new TM AEG? Sell the locap. I know I did. They do have their uses, though. They *NEVER* misfeed, so having them about is a useful diagnostic tool. Hicaps don't always feed properly so it's handy to have a locap about, if you are troubleshooting a problem such as a misfire. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edge 2 Posted December 2, 2005 I was just browsing certain Czech airsoft goods dealer's website and found some more pics from the event they made for BIS. Enjoy! http://airsoft.anareus.cz/realizovane_projekty.php The website is in Czech only, it is just the row of pics under "Akce : Bohemia Interactive Studio". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FW200 0 Posted December 2, 2005 Heh, BIS isn't very tactically clothed though.. Couldn't we hold a BIS game next spring or summer in the Czech republic or so? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edge 2 Posted December 8, 2005 Quote[/b] ]Couldn't we hold a BIS game next spring or summer in the Czech republic or so? Would be fine to face the developers, unless they would act like AI in OFP... "Attaaaack! This is for no join-in-progress!" Seriously, if anybody of BIS or of you airsoft people here are interested in visiting an airsoft event (and coming to Czech Rep.), that would be no problem. My team could provide place for you to stay and play (and pray and spray ). We could even re-create some famous OFP mission. How about two- or three-day event loosely based on "After Montignac" mission from CWC campaign? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theavonlady 2 Posted December 8, 2005 How about two- or three-day event loosely based on "After Montignac" mission from CWC campaign? If there will be BMPs patrolling the open fields, even I'll show up! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FW200 0 Posted December 8, 2005 Couldn't we hold a BIS game next spring or summer in the Czech republic or so? Would be fine to face the developers, unless they would act like AI in OFP... "Attaaaack! This is for no join-in-progress!" Seriously, if anybody of BIS or of you airsoft people here are interested in visiting an airsoft event (and coming to Czech Rep.), that would be no problem. My team could provide place for you to stay and play (and pray and spray ). We could even re-create some famous OFP mission. How about two- or three-day event loosely based on "After Montignac" mission from CWC campaign? Well, perhaps next summer, depending on my funds, but I'd love to come over there for a weekend or such. I'm sure my teammates would love to go as well.. If not, I'll convince them Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edge 2 Posted December 8, 2005 Avonlady, if you really show up if there would be BMPs around, I promise to get some! @FW200: You and your team will be welcome, next spring/summer will be okay. Just sund me PM or e-mail in time so we can make further arrangements. Living here is not too expensive, especially if you spend a week in tent hidden in the middle of military-range nowhere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sepe 1 Posted December 8, 2005 After Montignac? Err... Gonna be boring for the russians. (I'm in however ) Maybe some of those large missions. Could be cool though. Especially if we get some americans to show up, so I can laugh at those poor hicap users just for having those rattle-o-matics attached in their guns... And well, I can sneak behind 'em with a springer and shoot 'em - Gastovski style! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted September 17, 2006 Any german paintballers around here? Especially searching for people/places not disliking recreational games, camo and real looking markers. Had i known before that germans mostly don´t like paintballing being mistaken for a wargame thus prohibiting the use of all the fun stuff .. i´d rather gone for airsoft. But maybe there´s some normal people around here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deanosbeano 0 Posted September 17, 2006 i know there are some czech ones look down thepage recognise anyone ? akce bohemia Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted September 17, 2006 Yep, looks like some fun guys to play with. Been browsing the site just before my reply The downside is i live on the western end of germany and don´t own airsoft (yet). But if there´s gonna be some kind of bigger 2-3 days event i´d love to drive over there and participate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Messiah 2 Posted September 17, 2006 old news Placebo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ironsight 1 Posted September 17, 2006 old news Placebo Be afraid, be very afraid.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deanosbeano 0 Posted September 17, 2006 so thats where the arma anims came from . he musta been the one who was in the studio leaning ? you think one day there will be a vid of them and we can try identify who made the running ainm ,lol they were very flat footed whoever did it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted September 17, 2006 Wonder how hard you´d get banned after shooting him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deanosbeano 0 Posted September 17, 2006 lol, well i hope that if bis are gonna play characters in game, i think that suma will always have a hat on or i need better gfx card to be able to look directly at his hair Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ironsight 1 Posted September 17, 2006 Wonder how hard you´d get banned after shooting him Shoot to kill. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted September 18, 2006 old news Placebo 0.3 seconds after that picture was taken I shot the photographer Well if you you're gonna warn people you'll be walking around with a camera you should also mention it in English in case there are some dumb foreigners who don't speak Czech Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ran 0 Posted September 18, 2006 old news Placebo 0.3 seconds after that picture was taken I shot the photographer Well if you you're gonna warn people you'll be walking around with a camera you should also mention it in English in case there are some dumb foreigners who don't speak Czech happens Either it was involuntary or the result of the czech sense of humour and joke spirit On my first trip there I remember of a little foreigner welcome in the form of a whisky glass filled with Slivovice which was to be drunk as fast as possible, naturally ended up with 3 other glasses from my "friends" who had smellt it Nice cap btw (not touristy-looking at all , joking aside, it looks like a nice cap ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FW200 0 Posted September 18, 2006 Yay this topic got raised from the dead, now I can post some pics Soviet Motorized Infantry loadout, not completly correct but good enough for now. My G&G Ak-74. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ironsight 1 Posted September 18, 2006 old news Placebo 0.3 seconds after that picture was taken I shot the photographer Well if you you're gonna warn people you'll be walking around with a camera you should also mention it in English in case there are some dumb foreigners who don't speak Czech Triggerhappy.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Necromancer- 0 Posted September 18, 2006 Triggerhappy.... Actually.. This happens frequently, especially the unexperienced airsoftplayers do that all the time. Sometimes if there are no "no-newbie" skirmishes, I attend "newb-investated" skirmishes usually as one of the few "experienced" airsoft players. I always try to brief my own team with identification procedures to avoid friendly fire, especially with a large amount of newcomers (as in this case). Last time in Aywaille (Belgium) we were to hold ground, as the enemy tries to eliminate us (it was a standard search&destroy game). During the game we heard some firefights of typical AEG's, shouting for hits and medics coming from far away in the woods. After that we didn't see many enemies coming to us. After the game we found out that the opposite team decided to split up, but met eachother at some other place and immediately opened fire. Thus resulting in about 70% self-elimination due to friendly fire. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites