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Hi there, hey @Grumpy Old Man,


At first, this script is outstanding, thanks!


In my solitary tests where I'm hosting the mission and only I'm in the match, everything works fine. On the dedicated server, there are two odd reactions:


  1. The menu to open the loadout is cloned by the number of players in the game (image below);
  2. Not everyone sees all available aircraft in the left column within the HUD GOM (all aircraft are within the aircraft collection radius / some players can see the full list normally); 
  • PS: dedicated server was loaded with CBA+ACE, but the mission has no dependencies. No clue yet if no mods loaded on the server the mission behaviors change...




Code piece where I did the translation seen in the image:

//PATH: \tanks-and-helicopter-light.altis\vehicleLoadouts\functions\GOM_fnc_aircraftLoadoutInit.sqf


GOM_fnc_addAircraftLoadoutToObject = {

	params ["_object"];

	_action = ["EN: Edit aircraft loadout<br/>PT: Editar armamento da aeronave",{params ["_caller"];[_caller] spawn GOM_fnc_aircraftLoadout},[],0,true,true,"","_this isEqualTo vehicle _this AND {speed _this < 3} AND {alive _this} AND {alive _target}"];
	[_object,_action] remoteExec ["addAction",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true];//compatibility check added, and JIP





What other modification did I do?

// GOM_fnc_aircraftLoadoutInit.sqf

_vehicles = (_obj nearEntities ["Air",400]) select {speed _x < 5 AND {alive _x} AND {isTouchingGround _x}}; // Line: 1952

// I've changed from 50 to 400.

and nothing more.



Mission description.ext

class Header {
	gameType 				= Coop;
	minPlayers				= 2;
	maxPlayers				= 18;
	// About
	onLoadName 				= "TANKS & CHOPPERS (LIGHT)";
	author 					= "thy";
	overviewPicture 		= "images\thumb.jpg";
	onLoadMission 			= "Clean the towns with armored and choppers.";
	// Gameplay
	joinUnassigned 			= 0;
	enableTeamSwitch		= false;
	respawn					= 3; 	
	respawnOnStart			= 1; 	
	respawnButton 			= 1;
	respawnDelay 			= 10;
	respawnTemplates[] 		= { "MenuPosition", "MenuInventory", "Wave" };
	respawnDialog 			= 0; 
	debriefing 				= 1;
	saving 					= 0;
	enableDebugConsole 		= 1; 
	// Performance
	DisabledAI				= 1; 
	corpseManagerMode 		= 1;
	corpseLimit 			= 10;
	corpseRemovalMinTime	= 600;
	corpseRemovalMaxTime 	= 600;
	wreckManagerMode 		= 1; 
	wreckLimit 				= 10;
	wreckRemovalMinTime 	= 1200;
	wreckRemovalMaxTime 	= 1200;
cba_settings_hasSettingsFile = 0;

#include "roles.hpp"

class CfgRespawnInventory {
	// air team
	#include "loadouts\rolesLoadoutAirPilot.hpp"
	#include "loadouts\rolesLoadoutAirPilotDrone.hpp"
	// ground team	
	#include "loadouts\rolesLoadoutGroundCrew.hpp"
	#include "loadouts\rolesLoadoutGroundInfantryRM.hpp"
	#include "loadouts\rolesLoadoutGroundInfantryAR.hpp"
	#include "loadouts\rolesLoadoutGroundInfantryMD.hpp"

// T8AI (PART 1/2)
#include "T8\CONFIG.hpp"

class CfgFunctions {
	// T8AI (PART 2/2)
	#include "T8\FUNCTIONS.hpp"
	#include "vehiclesRespawn\CfgFunctions.hpp"
	#include "vehicleLoadouts\functions\GOM_fnc_functions.hpp"      //   <-------------------------------------------

class CfgCommunicationMenu
	#include "vehicleLoadouts\functions\GOM_fnc_aircraftLoadoutMenu.hpp"       //   <-------------------------------------------

#include "vehicleLoadouts\dialogs\GOM_dialog_parents.hpp"       //   <-------------------------------------------
#include "vehicleLoadouts\dialogs\GOM_dialog_controls.hpp"      //   <-------------------------------------------


Script files path in mission:






Mission init.sqf

if (!isDedicated) then 
		!isNull player;
	[] call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "briefing.sqf";

if (hasInterface) then
	[] spawn
			sleep 0.1;	
			!isNull player;	


Mission initPlayerLocal.sqf

["InitializePlayer", [player, true]] call BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups; // plus, look the initServer.sqf

"vehiclesRestriction.sqf" remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_execVM"];

execVM "mainBasesProtection.sqf";

execVM "vehiclesOverhauling.sqf";


Mission initServer.sqf

"environmentRandomizer.sqf" remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_execVM"];

["Initialize", [true]] 	call BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups; // plus, look the initPlayerLocal.sqf
	// Air
	[west,"loadoutAirPilot"] 			call bis_fnc_addRespawnInventory;
	[west,"loadoutAirPilotDrone"] 		call bis_fnc_addRespawnInventory;
	// Ground
	[west,"loadoutGroundCrew"] 			call bis_fnc_addRespawnInventory;
	//[west,"loadoutGroundCrewDrone"] 	call bis_fnc_addRespawnInventory;
	[west,"loadoutGroundInfantryAR"] 	call bis_fnc_addRespawnInventory;
	[west,"loadoutGroundInfantryMD"] 	call bis_fnc_addRespawnInventory;
	[west,"loadoutGroundInfantryRM"] 	call bis_fnc_addRespawnInventory;

private _allTerrainObjects = nearestTerrainObjects
	[worldSize / 2, worldSize / 2],
	worldSize * sqrt 2 / 2,
{ _x hideObjectGlobal true } forEach _allTerrainObjects;

execVM "T8_missionEXEC.sqf";



Some clue about it?

What should I provide to make this easier?
The mission: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2424050518 


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Hey everybody, I know this thread is a little dead but I can`t for the love of god make this work.

Everytime I try to use it outside of the test mission it spits this:

Script functions/controls/fn_GOMRscStructuredtext_1100.sqf not found

And because of this error the menu doesn`t open, where in tarnation is this file at?

Why heavens the same doesn`t occur in the mission. I am at loss for words

If anybody can help and if god help me, Grumpy Old Man would bless me with a little of his time.

Thanks ahead, don`t worry I be here checking at night waiting.

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Wow, awesome Script and exactly what I need. Nice Work and thanks for sharing.

Just a short question: I use this in the Mike Force Mode with Prairie Fire CDLC and additional Unsung Redux Stable Mod for serviceing the Jets.


Is there a possibillity to exclude some kind of Ammo tpyes?

In my case for example the "uns_pylonRack_1Rnd_Bomb_Napalm_500" will show up some mistakes on the Dedi Server and so I want to "ban" it before Pilot- & Copilot can load it in and crash in a extremly case the Server.


Thanks for your help.


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Hi everybody. Just got into the scripting side of arma3. So here is the question that i will crucified or shot for. After i paste the file contents into my new mission what then?

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Currently running on a custom Warlords mission with the simplest possible setup (i.e. my initPlayerLocal has the line _add = _this spawn GOM_fnc_addAircraftLoadout; to enable the feature for all players)

While I want all players to have this menu available, it's looking to me like the regular repair/rearm/refuel functionality of vehicles is not working, such as when attempting to repair a damaged humvee.  Is it possible to extend the enhanced repair/rearm/refuel functionality to ground vehicles in addition to the standard planes and helicopters?

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On 1/11/2023 at 8:54 PM, BrendoB47 said:

Currently running on a custom Warlords mission with the simplest possible setup (i.e. my initPlayerLocal has the line _add = _this spawn GOM_fnc_addAircraftLoadout; to enable the feature for all players)

While I want all players to have this menu available, it's looking to me like the regular repair/rearm/refuel functionality of vehicles is not working, such as when attempting to repair a damaged humvee.  Is it possible to extend the enhanced repair/rearm/refuel functionality to ground vehicles in addition to the standard planes and helicopters?

Go into your GOM_fnc_aircraftLoadoutInit.sqf, find the following lines and comment them out like so:



	[_x,0] remoteExec ["setAmmoCargo",_x];
	[_x,0] remoteExec ["setFuelCargo",_x];
	[_x,0] remoteExec ["setRepairCargo",_x];

	} foreach _nearbyVehs;

This sets all the vehicles nearby to 0. 

By commenting it out you restore the "Ammo...", "Fuel...", and "Repair..."  cargo for each type.

You should still be able to source off them for resources as well.


Just forewarning though. Some mods planes have weighted values that will empty the Ammo for the nearby ammo source.

The theoretical indefinite supply can actually be used up by this mod, we have done it. So you may need a way you can either restore the ammo cargo, or simply acquire another ammo source. So don't be surprised if you run out of ammo.

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On 2/18/2022 at 9:49 AM, thy_ said:

Hi there, hey @Grumpy Old Man,


At first, this script is outstanding, thanks!


In my solitary tests where I'm hosting the mission and only I'm in the match, everything works fine. On the dedicated server, there are two odd reactions:


  1. The menu to open the loadout is cloned by the number of players in the game (image below);
  2. Not everyone sees all available aircraft in the left column within the HUD GOM (all aircraft are within the aircraft collection radius / some players can see the full list normally); 
  • PS: dedicated server was loaded with CBA+ACE, but the mission has no dependencies. No clue yet if no mods loaded on the server the mission behaviors change...





I've also been trying to keep this from happening as well as a Interactions Menu method. Still working on this and be glad to share what was figured out.

As far as players not seeing other vehicles, usually it's a ownership thing with ArmA. I noticed if you get into it and it's within detectable distance, it will show in the list of configurable vehicles.

Do like how you did your screens 😉

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On 1/17/2023 at 2:47 AM, NutzMcKracken said:

I've also been trying to keep this from happening as well as a Interactions Menu method. Still working on this and be glad to share what was figured out.

Oh, It would be very much appreciated. 


On 1/17/2023 at 2:47 AM, NutzMcKracken said:

Do like how you did your screens 😉


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@Grumpy Old Man 


I've made a mod version of Aircraft Loadout V1.35 so that it auto-initializes on any mission/campaign startup and gives the 0-8 radio menu option.


Hope this is fine! 😄 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2989820593 

Also did a version for Vehicle Tuning V1.01:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2989997127


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Awesome and extremely useful script. Is there any way to make ammo, repair and fuel sources to be infinite? Making 250 000 000 tons of ammo in bombs cart looks very odd.  :tounge:

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1 hour ago, kibaBG said:

Awesome and extremely useful script. Is there any way to make ammo, repair and fuel sources to be infinite? Making 250 000 000 tons of ammo in bombs cart looks very odd.  :tounge:


@kibaBG you can use this script (below). I'm using the Aircraft Loadout associated with this down below exactly for what you're asking:


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9 minutes ago, kibaBG said:

This doesn't work for my needs but thanks anyway. 


Wait. If I understood well, once you have a vehicle/plane/aircraft/helicopter/whatever with magazines or not, you VO can easily be any asset in Arma to rearming, refueling and repairing any air, ground, nautical or drone vehicles. Well... you know what you need. Cheers.

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@thy_ My main goal is changing pylons and then rearming. And I have to have ammo vehicles and crates with limited quantity of ammunition alongside infinite ammo in main base. I want to set different values. The script you propose simply doesn't do this.  

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3 minutes ago, kibaBG said:

@thy_ My main goal is changing pylons and then rearming. And I have to have ammo vehicles and crates with limited quantity of ammunition alongside infinite ammo in main base. I want to set different values. The script you propose simply doesn't do this.  


So you need a restrictive Supply/resupply system, where you can designate ammo/fuel ground vehicles to deliver limited supply where the source of that supply is a side-main-base where that supply is infinite. Hm...

  • Confused 1

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Infinite ammo in main base, limited ammo in crate to be delivered outside base. Sorry for complicated explanation,  me not smart. :don9: 

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