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Orange DLC (wild) SPECULATIONS !!!

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10 hours ago, jeroen_not said:

So I created a new arsenal system for a custom mission(Antistasi) and i am from the Netherlands as well. So one of the members asked "Are you working on project orange" and i send him pic.


Now it makes sense: It's a DLC designed for all the folks who are complaining that they can't see the enemy! :don11:

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I was also thinking naval stuff which I've always wanted or maybe I was thinking a more civilian aspect on arma 3

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I hope it is naval related stuff.


I'm thinking about a mini campaign where you have to take control of a patrol boat or something similar and provide support to RHIBs, Helicopters, defend against a swarm of gunboats, investigate a chopper crash in the middle of the sea, or.... why not, get near of a hijacked big ship, deploy a RHIB or gunboat and clear of tangos the ship....


I don't think this will happend but one can dream....

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On 2017-4-26 at 0:03 PM, teabagginpeople said:

Orange for me would be medic system overhaul that has been asked for. Basically CSAR. some new assets like a heli ,   jeep, truck, behind the paywall. 



Oh, would be nice if BI added their own interpretation of 160th SOAR units. Modified Ghosthawk and Pawnee versions, new equipment, fatigues etc. 


Still, judging from Crowe's quote regarding this DLC, that's unlikely. 


So far the best guesses are either a new Medic System or a new Peacekeeping Faction. 

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Having in mind they are adding a strong gameplay component in each DLC (bipods and advanced ballistics and sound; helo advanced flight, sling loading and firing from vehicles; radar and vehicle loadout, etc. as said before. I'd bet for a more advanced medical system. With better animations and so on. 


The vehicles could be a CSAR helo and an ambulance, as previous users said.


I have to say that besides the IMHO awful 2035 setting, BI really took a step forward with Arma 3 in gameplay.

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1 hour ago, sammael said:


  Reveal hidden contents




Dude what's the link?

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handshake --helping hand--medecine

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@sammael has a point. 


My money's on Medivac, medical and everything to do with Military Medics. Maybe they'll even bring the 'drag downed soldier' back from Arma 2. 

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On 19.5.2017 at 8:53 PM, sasha013 said:

@sammael has a point. 


My money's on Medivac, medical and everything to do with Military Medics. Maybe they'll even bring the 'drag downed soldier' back from Arma 2. 


 Yeah, carrying wounded people is a thing I'm hoping for. Also some more civilian clothes would be appreciated.

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Carrying wounded and dead would be great. And loading/ unloading them to vehicles. Missions could have the side goal to bring all team members home - dead or alive.

Would connect you more to the members of your team.

Would be much more realistic.


Mods always struggled to get this feature implemented.

I would love to see it implemented in vanilla.

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Improved high command would be great too:


We need better implementation of loading troops into vehicles. Load/unload commands to specific vehicles

Helicopters need a "land" command.


And it should be possible to give helicopters /planes a flight plan with specific height (like you can do with drones)

The drone/ artillery interface would be an option as a command interface.

The waypoint options could be extended similar to some editor functions.


With this implemented you would have a game comparable to the wargame series or combat mission or similar strategy games.

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On 3.4.2017 at 6:55 PM, en3x said:

Well first project orange or orange dlc is due to their location in Netherlands (recently opened studio).


If any of you would like to speculate what are they working on, a good start would be researching who moved

to Netherland studio and what is their expertise. You can mostly figure that out from their tweeters. (past sitreps).


just to add to this dutch theme why would the southeast island in the Tanoa archipel have dutch names like Lijnhaven etc. if this is not used in the future ?...




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On 19.05.2017 at 10:53 PM, sasha013 said:

@sammael has a point. 

SInce in trailer about orange dlc ,DEVs says bout unigue gameplay and new vehicles , objets, mission and NO wepons.

90% it will be about medecine e.t.c 

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46 minutes ago, sammael said:

SInce in trailer about orange dlc ,DEVs says bout unigue gameplay and new vehicles , objets, mission and NO wepons.

90% it will be about medecine e.t.c 


That 10% worries me... I declare that I hold the rite to be angry when BI does not deliver what you said, regardless of their internal plans...  and the overall absurdity of my statement 

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I think there is a need for BIS to start announcing what Orange DLC actually is, even if just stating what the theme is and then fully announcing later. I fear that if they leave it too long people will naturally be disappointed as they'll tend to expect more with increasing time.

This has been encountered previously with other DLC and I would urge BIS to learn from that experience. It's often not a lack of communication, which I think BIS does very well, more a question of timing.

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4 hours ago, sammael said:

SInce in trailer about orange dlc ,DEVs says bout unigue gameplay and new vehicles , objets, mission and NO wepons.

90% it will be about medecine e.t.c 


This would be amazing! A new medical system? YES! 


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3 hours ago, Maio said:


That 10% worries me... I declare that I hold the rite to be angry when BI does not deliver what you said, regardless of their internal plans...  and the overall absurdity of my statement 

Well, hey now. You're not going to get anything and everything you want in any case. There is always going to be something they are "leaving out" wether or not that is actually the case or not. 

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I think BIS could alleviate some of the flack they will inevitably always get by grounding how much hype the community manages to winds itself up with by limiting expectations. Surprises are great, but people's imaginations can go wild in the silence.

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5 minutes ago, Callsign said:

I think BIS could alleviate some of the flack they will inevitably always get by grounding how much hype the community manages to winds itself up with by limiting expectations. Surprises are great, but people's imaginations can go wild in the silence.

I still think that people shouldn't expect the world to come out of BIS. No reason to expect a ton, no reason to expect little. 

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On 25.5.2017 at 5:00 PM, Callsign said:

I think BIS could alleviate some of the flack they will inevitably always get by grounding how much hype the community manages to winds itself up with by limiting expectations. Surprises are great, but people's imaginations can go wild in the silence.


I think the community also could learn not to hype themselves up to mars. Remember when this pic was first posted pre-alpha?



"UDERGROUND STRUCTURES CONFIRMED!!!!!!" the community shouted, because one can see two (familiar looking) Bunker-entrages at the hill on the right - despite the fact we allready knew these things from Takistan. But we wanted underground structures, so we saw them as "confirmed" even tho there are no underground structures visible at all. (self inflicted) dissapointment and outcry followed.

Just sayin :f:



One or the other long-time Arma3 player might now come up and state that someone once talked about BIS wanting to have underground structures - and he would be correct. They later stated that it did not work out and they had to drop the feature. Nevertheless they said "we are working on it", so some people got exited and then felt betrayed. I think BIS has indeed learned a lot from those mistakes - and that's exactly the reason why they are not tellingt too much now. They most likely can't be sure for all the features they want to do to actually make it into the game.


If I had to guess it's probably a humanitarian mission, maybe related to "natural" disasters (I blame CSAT) and helping the civilian population to deal with it. Mechanics-wise my bets would be on the ability to drag and carry wounded soldiers similar to what Arma 2's medic module made possible. A more advanced medic system (alike what e.g. ACE3 provides) is imo out of scope for the base game.

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Still think that war correspondence will be something to come with Orange.

I mean, can you imagine one modern war without the journalism in it? Since communication is bigger and bigger in the future, it would make sence to me that it will play a big part (it already is part of strategy nowadays).


Although, keep finding it weird that there are no women in the first place and even more weird that BI those not plan to make then in update/dlc... (let's keep up the idle hoping).

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