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Take on Helicopters Medium Helicopter; Huey and more

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New Update

  • Added Civilian 205 with customize texture via virtual garage
  • Added UH-1H US Army and Takistan Army armed with M240 and M21
  • Added AB-205 camo Italian Army 
  • Added Sling load with cargo hook for all huey


Bell 205A Larkin


Bell 205A Vrana


Bell 205A Interior




UH-1H Iroquois M21 US Army


UH-1H Iroquois M21 Takistan Army


UH-1H Iroquois M240 US Army


UH-1H Iroquois M240 Takistan Army


AB 205 Italian Army camo


Sling Load


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Hey thanks for regularly updating this mod, I'm loving all these variants!

There are a few issues that are still present sadly:
- whenever the pilot gets in, the whole helicopter starts floating a little above the ground
- some interior textures on the VIP version appear white when viewed through the windows
- using the rudder in advanced flight model instantly destroys the tail rotor

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  On 4/29/2017 at 9:01 PM, kecske said:

Hey thanks for regularly updating this mod, I'm loving all these variants!

There are a few issues that are still present sadly:
- whenever the pilot gets in, the whole helicopter starts floating a little above the ground
- some interior textures on the VIP version appear white when viewed through the windows
- using the rudder in advanced flight model instantly destroys the tail rotor

Thanks for feedback. 

For destroy tail rotor disable stress damage and it works well while for interior texture on the VIP version  i already fixed and it will be available in the next release.

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Disabling stress damage is a poor workaround, not a fix. It indicates a problem with AFM configuration, globally disabling the relevant feature is not the answer. Whatever problem causes this will likely have further negative effects on handling with AFM.

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  On 5/2/2017 at 6:44 PM, dragon01 said:

Disabling stress damage is a poor workaround, not a fix. It indicates a problem with AFM configuration, globally disabling the relevant feature is not the answer. Whatever problem causes this will likely have further negative effects on handling with AFM.

I know, but as a temporary solution it works.

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New Update

  • Added UH-1C and AB-204
  • Added UH-1H Takistan Army Medevac
  • Added CH-146A Fia
  • Added HH-1H Coast Guard and Bell 205 skin Wasp
  • Added instruments illuminated when the engine is started  in three different color red, green, white
  • Added more details and sensor feature from Jet DLC on UH-205A MEP

if you have skin for huey or medium helicopter send me and i can add it in the mod.


UH-1C Huey Hog (Armed)


UH-1C Huey Hog


AB-204B Italian Army



UH-1C Takistan army


UH-1H Medevac Takistan Army


HH-1H Coast Guard


Bell 205 Wasp




UH-205 MEP


Jet DLC sensor




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Second Release

This second release contain:

  • Fix bug for medium helicopter
  • Add Huey model
  • Feature from jet dlc


v 2.0

  • Added instruments illuminated when the engine is started for all helicopters
  • Added new Takistan Army skin for Medium Helicopter
  • Added CH-146A Fia and Syndikat
  • Added new radar for UH-146EP (nose radar) variant
  • Added UH-1H armed, medevac, M21 for US Army and Takistan Army
  • Added UH-1D for US Army and Takistan Army
  • Added UH-1C and armed version
  • Added AB205 armed, MEP (Mission Equipment Package), M21, medevac for Italian Army
  • Added AB204
  • Added Bell 205 civilian
  • Changed the horrible glass now it is standard Arma 3
  • Fixed wrong rotation for right gunner for Medium Helicopter
  • Fixed wrong position for copilot in UH-146 Griffin
  • Fixed external view for Medium Helicopters
  • Fixed flight model for Medium Helicopters

Download Link

Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_ZGzgM0iwY-aEFmWElHaEJvc0E


Know Bugs

  Reveal hidden contents


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  On 2/10/2017 at 1:38 PM, joker006 said:

                                                                                                               Take on Helicopters

                                                                                                              Medium Helicopter port



This is my import helicopter from Take on Helicopter.


  • Sling Load
  • Advanced Helicopter Flight Model (RotorLib)
  • Collission Lights
  • Animation door pilot, co-pilot and rear 
  • Animation stick, lever and pedals pilot and co-pilot
  • PIP


  1. First release with only original Medium Helicopter  with military variants; medical variant and civilian.
  2. Second release add variant UH-1H military and Bell 205 for civilian.
  3. Third release add variant Bell 412 and Bell 212 military and civilian.
  4. Bonus release?

Download: latest version 2.0

Google Drive 














If you don't mind me asking, what aircraft are those in the background? Are they something else you're working on?

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  On 5/20/2017 at 10:12 PM, Polyus said:

If you don't mind me asking, what aircraft are those in the background? Are they something else you're working on?

These plane is from Take on Helicopters i did many other mods but I have not released them yet.

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  On 5/30/2017 at 6:31 AM, radioheadmemes said:

Will this mod be released on the Steam Workshop?

Maybe later.

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  On 5/30/2017 at 8:30 AM, joker006 said:

Maybe later.

Would love to see a steam workshop release somewhere down the line.

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Work in Progress

I starting to work on AB 412 and Bell 412 in various variant.



HH-412 Griffon Italian Army





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Working in Progress


Working on SH-412 Koala Navy variant

  • Added AB-412 Grifone ISAF variant Italian Army
  • Reworking M21 model on AB205 and UH-1H 


SH-412 Koala (Uss Freedom) (WIP)





AB-205 Huey with reworked M21 model



AB-412 Grifone (ISAF)


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Nice work so far, appears to be coming together well.

Just a small bug report and some suggestions from what I've tried so far. I've highlighted the main issues in my opinion. 


- Shadow texture/lod on fuselage with the doors closed models
- Very slow on the roll rate. Pitch and roll are all good, although you seem to get into a blackfoot like situation where you turn too quickly and it stalls, unable to pull up in a reasonable vertical space.
- Tail rotor texture in motion seems a bit odd, I'm guessing there's no blur texture?
- Landing skids 'Stick' when attempting to do a moving landing.
- M240 armed model Left gunner has incorrect aim point.
- MG3 armed Italian model has incorrect point and fire appears to come from the engines.
- Airspeed increases in a sharp turn. At low altitudes this causes a crash where normally you could do a side flare while at higher altitudes it'll just pull a 180 at double the speed.
- Base FLIR model has limited zoom.
- All flir models have range finding scope but lack a range finder/Laser
- No door actions internally
- Doors close when crew embark/disembark.
- On a few models the main doors a labeled 'Co-pilot door' instead of Rear door.
- Some Auxillary doors are only able to be opened from the outside and closed from the inside.
- CH-146 SAR has Passenger #3 sitting in a pile of gear.
Game-play tweaks:
- DAGR armed helo should probably have a laser designator for full function of the missiles.
- BGM-71 TOW missile model has a reload time between missiles.
- BGM-71 TOW's appear to be lock guided, IRL they're wire guided and require a operator to aim them to the target, even from a helicopter. Although wireless models exist, they've never been used.
- Consider merging Co-pilot and FLIR operator role into one to reduce crew and make it easier to manage and more effective as a co-pilot.
- Consider Adding FFV seats for crew, especially side gunners on unarmed models.
Otherwise very nicely done.
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Thanks for the feedback in the next patch I will try to fix it.

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If you get this one up to speed pretty quick I think I can pull out the old Medium Ultility Helo mod from our current mission and replace it with these.

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Work in Progress

  • Added  Civilian Bell 412
  • Added  HH-412A  armed and medevac variant Italian Army
  • Added PO-412EP Transport and Armed variant for CSAT
  • Added Dynamic Loadout for MH-146 (DAGR) and PO-412EP Armed
  • Changed  SH-412 Koala skin
  • Fixed various bugs












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Fantastic. Can t wait for Bell 212/UH-1N.



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Any chance you'll release that ArmA 2 Cobra?  The poor thing is an endangered species.


Beautiful helicopters, thank you very much for the mod!

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  On 9/17/2017 at 12:43 PM, helicopterenthusiast said:

Is the searchlight movable in these choppers?

Yes it work on all choppers.


  On 9/18/2017 at 3:49 AM, HaceElOso said:

Any chance you'll release that ArmA 2 Cobra?  The poor thing is an endangered species.


Beautiful helicopters, thank you very much for the mod!

Maybe :icon_cool:

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Yes it work on all choppers.

Awesome! Not even vanilla choppers have movable searchlights.

And any chance to implement the winch system?

Take on Helicopters has one already. It is used in SAR missions where you save AI trapped on ships.


Doing so would be EPIC !!!!!!


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