DancingCorpse 5 Posted December 4, 2016 I immediately noticed with the 1.66 update that my footsteps always sound to be coming from behind me. It has been pretty disorienting, because I constantly mistake them for an enemy behind me. I have also noticed that I can barely hear the footsteps of others, often times I am hearing their equipment on their bodies moving more than I am hearing their footsteps. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Midnighters 152 Posted December 4, 2016 Well, same thing happened in argo. I wonder if their audio overhaul techniques are the same in the sense they may have messed up in the same way? Not sure... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted December 4, 2016 I immediately noticed with the 1.66 update that my footsteps always sound to be coming from behind me. It has been pretty disorienting, because I constantly mistake them for an enemy behind me. I have also noticed that I can barely hear the footsteps of others, often times I am hearing their equipment on their bodies moving more than I am hearing their footsteps. Well, same thing happened in argo. I wonder if their audio overhaul techniques are the same in the sense they may have messed up in the same way? Not sure... logged a ticket on the feedback tracker? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roddis 27 Posted December 4, 2016 Yes same here. For me it happen when i turn my head to see at right or left. The volume of my steps increase heavily like there were someone just behind me. Its very annoying. Furthermore, i no more be able to hear footsteps of other people on many surfaces but i dont know exactly if i have to take that like a consequence of studying to better stick with reality (ex. in turrets o cargos the volume of steps was clearly increased, and its very reasonable). I think in any case volume of running, stand or crunch, should be a little increased on any outdoor surfaces. All in all, the differentiation of footsteps' volume on different surfaces and stances is very good improvement. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ineptaphid 6413 Posted December 4, 2016 I haven't done enough testing to see if I have these issues. First glance though i saw a lot of improvements to the sound of moving on grass and sand. I did notice the sounds coming from behind me-but that was when i was running backwards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Belbo 462 Posted December 4, 2016 Yip... Your own footstep sounds come frome behind. I'm using a 7.1 headset so I wasn't rellay sure if it wasn't just a surround sound problem. But they definitely come from behind. Additionally they don't really blend really well when turning your head, as Roddis wrote. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
seRum-Xan 1 Posted December 4, 2016 The problem of the footstep is only when you are on 3rd person, when I go on FPS, it's seem to be good ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Belbo 462 Posted December 4, 2016 The problem of the footstep is only when you are on 3rd person, when I go on FPS, it's seem to be good ! That may be true for you. But for me it happens in 1st person too (or only, haven't checked 3rd person). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
markocro 66 Posted December 4, 2016 always play in 1st person, and also hear footsteps like behind me, very annoying, lot of people complains on that! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roddis 27 Posted December 4, 2016 1st person. I do not even know the key for the 3rd!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soulkobk 40 Posted December 5, 2016 The foot steps do sound behind when you're in first person view... and yes, rather annoying/off-putting. I had a similar issue with 3D sound effects whilst writing an add-on script recently... the sound effects sounded as if they were behind me whilst in first person view... I changed the 3D location of the SFX to 'eyePos' which fixed my issue with the positioning, as then the SFX no longer sounded behind me. I gather that BIS have their SFX positioning incorrect. If they based it on eyePos minus the height of the character (0m ATL), then the foot-step SFX would sound correctly. If the calculation is based on player position alone, not eye position, then the SFX does in fact sound as if it was behind you, and yes I have tested this theory in-game. This sounds behind in first person... playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\alarm_independent.wss", player, false, position player, 1, 1, 0]; // play the sound effect at 3D location, test example... [1831.3,5676.99,0.00143909] This sounds as it should (or close to) in first person... _footPosition = eyePos player; // get the eye position of the player, test example... [1831.05,5676.57,6.92451] _footPosition set [2,0]; // set the height of the sound effect to zero (at ground level) relative to the players eye position, test example... [1831.05,5676.57,0] playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\alarm_independent.wss", player, false, _footPosition, 1, 1, 0]; // play the sound effect at 3D location, test example... [1831.05,5676.57,0] As simple recalculation of the players (relative?) ear position, ("earPos"... maybe we need a command like this?) would give a proper 3D location to play the sound effects. As you can see in the 3D position arrays, that there is slight difference... "position player = [1831.3,5676.99,0.00143909]" versus "eyePos player = [1831.05,5676.57,6.92451]"... and the 'proper?' 3D positioning "[1831.05,5676.57,0]" for foot-steps ... which can/does make all the difference. Hopefully a 'fix' gets deployed rather soon. -soul. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TacticalDropBear 56 Posted December 6, 2016 I can also confirm that I'm experiencing this issue on a Logitech G430 in 7.1 surround sound. The bug only happens in first person while 3rd person sounds perfect. This issue is as you said very disorientating and makes it quite hard to focus, I really hope this is fixed in the next patch, Otherwise it's been a great update. Here's a screenshot to further elaborate on the issue. The center channel is being used when in third person, While the bottom channel is being used in first person. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DancingCorpse 5 Posted December 6, 2016 Submitted a feedback ticket on the issue: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121866 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
danil-ch 165 Posted December 6, 2016 Some bugs with the new footsteps system. 1) When you move in tactical pace the sound of your footsteps is coming from the left. 2) When you run (not sprint) the sound of the your footsteps is louder on left channel. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roddis 27 Posted December 6, 2016 Moreover that. I had problem to hear people just around me if i am in a building. The problem is in that video i made i think. It seems they added some kind of layer that introduce a sound reduction from obstacle, very good in principle. But it is too heavy, too clear-cut. In fact it corresponds to the video. When the character disappear behind an obstacle, the sound disappear too. Very very bad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joe98 93 Posted December 13, 2016 I like the new footsteps sound! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roddis 27 Posted December 13, 2016 I made some other experiments with Dev Branch release 1.67139640. In the video i set the game's effect volume at 100%. The video should be heard at full volume, so pay attention to your hears. Consider that normally, for my comfort and an adequate sense of distances i leave game's sound level to 100% but my main at 28%. I fired a couple of shots to make clear the relative level of sounds. Now, with all volumes to 100% its clear that some sound is made from the character when it disappears behind the corner. But it is so so imperceptible even at 100% that in fact, when the level of sounds its in a normal way, the sound doesn't exist at all. THAT COMPLETELY DESTROY MY GAME EXPERIENCE cause my style is not to run and gun but be stealth and stay alert about the surround. I dont want an unnatural level of footsteps sound, that in fact was first in the opposite way maybe, but IRL i think that a running person just behind a corner at 1 meters to me have to make a way loud effect. I think that definitively all other sound is great (with little reserves), and the footsteps rework is good in principle, but the RUNNING level of footsteps, at least in short proximity (2-7 meters i say) should be increase on all surfaces and stances. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maquez 141 Posted December 14, 2016 why must these new footsteps be so incredible loud ? this kills totally immersion and makes it terrible difficult hear other important things, like enemies. I barely can hear my own shooting xDDD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DancingCorpse 5 Posted December 15, 2016 On 12/13/2016 at 4:04 AM, Joe98 said: I like the new footsteps sound! 21 hours ago, maquez said: why must these new footsteps be so incredible loud ? this kills totally immersion and makes it terrible difficult hear other important things, like enemies. I barely can hear my own shooting xDDD We are not discussing if you like the sounds or not, we are discussing a legitimate bug and detriment to gameplay and immersion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roddis 27 Posted December 15, 2016 On 14/12/2016 at 10:52 AM, maquez said: why must these new footsteps be so incredible loud ? this kills totally immersion and makes it terrible difficult hear other important things, like enemies. I barely can hear my own shooting xDDD Maquez i think you don't understand the point at all. The problem is that the footsteps of other people, when you are behind an obstacle or inside a building and they are outside that obstacle or building, is no more audible neither in very short distance (1-5 meters). Are not you aware of that? The 100% question is to make possible to hear the so subtle/no footsteps sound that now other character produces when they are behind an obstacle even in short proximity. My own footsteps level seems to me very adequate instead and the ''behind'' positioning issue have been solved in dev branch. I raise a new one ticket for this ''branch'' of the footsteps sound issue. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121977 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roddis 27 Posted December 15, 2016 I raised, the December 8. Sorry you all for my very poor English. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maquez 141 Posted December 15, 2016 I understand your problems... but I also think they are way to loud, this for my opinion also a audio issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roddis 27 Posted December 15, 2016 21 hours ago, maquez said: I understand your problems... but I also think they are way to loud, this for my opinion also a audio issue. Sorry maquez, so a question. In the video i made some post above, are you able to hear the footsteps of the character when it run behind the corner? I have a 6700k on a z170 motherboard with its audio system and a pair of sennheiser HD598, audio setting is on 128 and i cant!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maquez 141 Posted December 16, 2016 as usual BI did try to fix something that was NOT broken ... as I told I understand your problems, sound directions are messed up and your own footsteps are way to loud meantime the enemy footsteps and other situational important stuff is nearly not audible .... go editor and walk somewhere on concrete ground and start shooting .... then you will understand what I mean, you will still hear your own freaking loud footsteps... in real live you would have a hearing trauma and not hear footsteps Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roddis 27 Posted December 17, 2016 Ok l understand. You speaking about your own footsteps. To me it seems absolutely ok towards the other sounds, actually better in 1.66 cause they split the sound according to surfaces and speed. I don't care to hear my own weapon sound at all really and i don't understand what it would be usefull to. What is important i think is to be able to hear your surround and particularly your close surround to spot enemy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites