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Unfortunately it's true, the punishment is way too harsh and it's not about how easy or hard it is to teamkill. The problem is clear when you take into consideration the following:


1. Slow progression system.

2. Rather incorrectly designed progression system coupled with how "matchmaking" works.


To expand on the above:

1. Currently every next lvl takes quite a lot of exp, take into account that the exp rewards from games are close to nothing for the loosing team. Then for every next unlock you need more and more skill points. 

2. Why it's incorrectly designed? Well, right now it's rare to play a game without any "higher" lvls. There isn't enough players and on top of that someone can always join though a server browser. Then take into consideration that the progression is pretty clear: every next weapon / gear tier is just plain better. It's not different (better in some aspect, worse in some) it's just better. Thus it creates the situation where new players are not only beginners without understanding of the game but also have no access to competitive gear and are facing experienced players with high tier unlocks. To make matter worse, players have quite a natural tendency to "want to win", so high lvl players tend to assign themselves into the same team - part of a "matchmaking" problem. I'm putting the word "matchmaking" into quotation because I don't really think you can even call it "matchmaking". 


The above creates the following problem: if the player gets teamkill penalty, that player will most likely earn close to nothing or nothing at all in that match. Since the player knows that he needs to unlock new skill nods and realizes that it takes quite a lot of time to do so, the answer is clear - it's better to leave a match and join a new one, then continue with the negative score. That situation just isn't right, because it promotes the wrong behavior.

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2 hours ago, TEC HazeCake said:


This would be good, option to punish or forgive! Sometimes the teamkill is unavoidable accident due to whatever circumstances, sometimes its just someone salty trying to piss you off or pure ignorance, so please do add this.


this, please.

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On 2017-6-26 at 0:30 AM, huns said:

No xp in co op mission is realy boring, I play this game only for co op with friends, please change that

I sujest getting Arma3 then as you can download custom missions as well as wastland and king of the hill

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hello dear BIS, yesterday i play in Argo and meet bug which gives me a advantage. A zombie power.  Please look this video


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Great game so far! However the no-exp-bug and the zombie bug are really annoying.


Also as of missing multiplayer features:


  • Auto Team Balance
  • Vote kick (a system that actually works I mean)
  • Adding friends
  • Joining with friends
  • Inviting friends

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18 minutes ago, toxx said:


  • Joining with friends

Already works via steam

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First, just want to say this is a great game and I'm really enjoying it and having a lot of fun. Despite this, there are still a lot of kinks with the game, however I've seen most of what I've seen covered before so I will instead focus on my newest found interest within the game: combat patrol.


I'm currently sitting at level 8 from just over a dozen hours of grinding link games and finally unlocked a DMR. Thought it might as well be a good enough time to hit up again what I'd avoided after one game of absolute mayhem and death rained down upon me by unseen enemies. It was time for me to brave combat patrol. The first few games fell absolutely flat, no teamwork, teamkilling, people in random directions, you name it. Somehow, however, I was able to figure out what the gamemode was all about and decided to try a very low popped server of about 2 other people. It was going great and then more and more people started showing up and I had the full expectation of it going downhill at any second. Somehow, however, we managed to keep everyone all together and focused and I had the greatest game of combat patrol I'd had yet. Everyone was happy, it was all of our first wins. But it was bittersweet, of course, as we found no xp would be awarded to us in our victory and we left, feeling a tad bit empty. Still, I managed to trudge on and I have continued playing and it has become my favorite gamemode to join, tell newbies what to do, rally them behind a somewhat coordinated command and through wins and losses it's usually the same sense of "man we almost kinda did it" or "that worked... somehow." I love it. Currently in my goal to beat every scenario I have found myself running into the same issues many times over. So, now that you've read through all this we come to where I am now; bearing (hopefully) helpful observations, issues, and suggestions.


The detection distance of the bots is inhuman and occasionally unfair. Thankfully, this has helped me improve my ability to pinpoint the direction of incoming fire, but it does nothing for me when I'm headshotted from silly ranges. I should elaborate, however, and say that even bots I am actively tracking and avoiding will occasionally just "spirng to action" and start sending bullets downrange. It's a very odd phenomenon, but when playing alone and simply stalking the area for targets I will get shots ring out in my direction that feel absolutely out of the blue. It can be very frustrating and definitely detracts from the more tactical feel. I'm okay with them shooting at me from long ranges, I just think the detection could use some tweaking.


The bots seem undeterred by foliage and blocked lines of sight. This one is especially hard to deal with and currently the only workout I have found is to never engage a target that I can't see. Unfortunately for me, the target will always be able to fire at me without a proper line of sight and with what seems like a similar precision to normal.


The bots seem to have very little reaction to both other dead bots and active gunfire. One of the more unnatural things I have noticed are the patrols that never react when you fire upon their buddies in the town. It is obvious that there is active gunfire but they have little or no reaction outside of what seems like a certain radius. Even coming across a dead body will not faze a bot in its patrol.


The bots move at irregular speed from a distance. It's a peculiar sight but sometimes I swear it's like they know I'm watching them. They'll get a quick burst of speed out of nowhere and will seem to hop forward a little faster than their normal patrol speed. Makes for a difficult time trying to track your target and looks very unnatural.


What's up with the armored truck that you can't harm in any way but will drive to you with only a driver and get caught on rocks? This one confused me and I wish I had video but immediately after losing too many tickets on a sabotage the trucks mission an armored truck with just a driver came barreling down our way and just kinda hit some rocks and would attempt a 32 point turn to get really nowhere. You can't shoot him, you can't shoot the tires, he's just kind of there. Strange, to say the least. I should elaborate and say that this is not a jeep that usually rolls up it was just a driver in an armored truck, sealed windows, bulletproof glass, armor plating; the works.


Sometimes resistance, sometimes not. My guess as of now is that it's map dependent, but I always find the sprint to get to the exfil a little... frivolous. This is especially true on missions where there is no resistance all the way back. The enemy just sits in the town and when you're out of sight, just run for a few hundred meters. I really enjoy having to face enemies all the way to the end of the mission. I should add the jeeps that drive up on you are great. When you get rolled up on by a group of four guys it's really cool to get that resistance. Love this, wish it was even more.


After getting an objective, and a truck rolls up, it seems like they have foresight into where you are, no matter where you go. As much as I love the trucks, it's always a little unnerving running from a truck that seems to hunt you down. It's great when your path is obvious like previously, but in this scenario it is bothersome, especially after the first objective (this applies directly to sabotaging the trucks, because that's when I noticed it) when you want to remain a little tactical by hiding after the explosion.


When playing alone, spawning where you died both breaks the immersion and sometimes the game. I think maybe this kind of goes towards the respawn system for the mode in general, but it seems odd to me the way you spawn on your corpse. This has occasionally placed me in a rock or a wall and put me in some spots where I'm just killing the same enemies my former dead self was fighting seconds prior. I would rather a respawn in some sort of designated area (player decided perhaps, or just pre-set areas based on the mission) or something of the sort.


Why when reviving someone do they come back with more health than they started. There's no way to heal as of now (right?...) so it always bothers me when I've taken two shots and have to consider intentionally getting shot so I can be picked up for more health (Is it a full revive? To be honest I only assumed because I'm pretty sure the groaning ended after this). Probably just a general game issue with no healing but it seems like an odd mechanic. Maybe give me some bandages. And a medic role (see below). 


Just some game bugs that affect play:

  • Sometimes no loadouts even show up, respawning just puts your character on the map and you don't even leave the respawn screen. You can die, but you're stuck looking at the map while your character is just (presumably) standing still. Also, you can't leave the server, just gotta quit the game and restart. (The real reason I actually stopped playing long enough to write this.)
  • Map bug where you join after your teammates and you can't see them on the map makes for an interesting guess where the dying body is type game.
  • The loadout bug where the first loadout slot becomes the first default weapon pushed down what you spawn on and can be a little more tricky to deal with in this type of gamemode where your smg just can't quite get those 300m targets like your dmr can.
  • Sometimes you just have all the default kits. Happens after a mission has ended I seemed to note.
  • Sometimes I've fallen and I can't force my own death. Happens occasionally, most notably last when I was TKed (separate issue, sorry) and couldn't kill myself. I eventually bled out, but not before losing my sanity begging him to revive me.

Lots of nitpicks, lots of broad scope, but mostly all negative. Sorry, I promise I enjoy the gamemode. Now here are some personal feelings about potential directions of the gamemode.


It's like clash, but with bots and more TK's. I'm kidding obviously, I don't want this, I just enjoy the feel of one mission affecting another as is the case in clash. What I really want is for picking a mission and succeeding to give a tactical advantage on the next. How I feel this could translate into a mode like combat patrol is some continuity between missions. Maybe this is already in the works, but I'd love to feel like I'm working for a greater goal. Something even like a lattice system or new areas of attack from sweeping certain areas.


Planning. I know this would certainly be a difficult task for some online servers I've been on but having some sort of customization over the way you tackle a mission would be nice. I'm thinking like even small stuff such as designating good sniper spots and possible points of entry all the way to potentially deciding where you spawn to where you go. I know some of this can be done on the map in at least a limited fashion but a more immersive way would be interesting. 


Roles. Maybe. I say maybe only because part of the fun is being able to bring your own DMR and whatever else into the fight but this idea comes from... well it's sort of already there. A team leader designation pops up occasionally but you can't pick it before it changes to the normal loadouts. And I don't really understand the workings of it but a general rifleman kit was the only one to choose at one point. I don't know what happened. Maybe you're thinking I'm a doofus for not getting where and why it happened but it did and I'm still a little perplexed. Regardless, it might be interesting (since it seems sort of separate from PVP) to allow for roles to be chosen from kits. Could have max amounts of one kit at once, etc. Maybe.


XP. This is my last point only because I'm not really sure what to say. I have mixed feelings because I put a lot of time into playing to have no reward in terms of progression. The progression is completely in my head as I complete each new mission. The biggest issue I see is that you have to unlock everything in PVP before you bring it into combat patrol which makes for a lot of new players with no gear kind of doing nothing and not really having fun. Could be fixed in three ways as I see it: a) separate progression for PVE b) roles c) XP in a limited way. Point a) seems like it could be implemented in a way similar to the PVP progression system but with potentially different branches and such. Not extremely worked out in my head because it's a theoretical of a theoretical but I feel it could be interesting. Point c) seems like the one I have seen been most argued against but I don't see the issue as much. To me, it's effort in, effort out. Maybe even if easy gave absolutely 0 XP and normal gave out on average like 1000 I'd be happy. As long as it is a difficult task I feel it is reasonable to reward it to at least some degree. I don't really see that much of an issue if people grind out their time playing PVE and bring it to PVP. To me, as long as they are taking longer to progress with just PVE it would be less of an issue than anticipated. Regardless, I understand the arguments against it. I don't feel they are wrong, I just feel there is a middle ground. Doing well feels good, especially knowing you reap the rewards of getting over failure in both your eyes and the eyes of the game.

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id like to see more stuff in these areas



we need all the flame and cloud vechs



please for the love of if we have arma 3 let us use the default editor but with the stuff in argo this way we can use the editor we love to make mission we will love to make

also can you allow custom gamemodes so say I want to make a world war for argo if I have both arma 3 and supporter then I should be able to do such like combat patrol but with it being customized missions not randomized


base gameplay:

climbing and vaulting

: I got to say I was shocked that we didn't even get the basic arma 3 vaulting over tiny walls

also 1 other question why hasint arma 3 gotten a overhaul people have made mods cant you just grab those people ask them if they would like to be paid like some money and their name in the game


also inventory system

its so basic but without being able to see it it can sometimes be hard to play


also can we get the ability to get inventory changer mods so if I say want a detailed inventory like escape from tarkov I can do so please id like this in both games arma 3 and argo


medical crates to grab first aid kits


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On 2017-6-23 at 11:34 PM, DigitalReaper said:

I bought the Argo Supporter's Pack through the store on here and it won't let me redeem it on my steam account. I tried a different steam account and it still won't let me. I even tried different browsers thinking maybe that was the problem. Should I just do a chargeback and try to buy it straight off of steam?

Bohemia Store Steam Redeem   06/25/17

We started experiencing problems with the Steam redeem from our Store on Friday June 23rd.   For anyone that got affected by this, please go to your store account, after you select the product you purchased, you should see your steam key with a link to a how to article to activate it manually through Steam.   We apologize for the inconvenience.

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1 hour ago, kirina said:

Please add difficulty level to the filter.

You have filter for difficulty in Quick Play, click the scenario button and "Find servers" there is a scroll bar where you can select difficulty ;)

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I like that everything unlocks slowly. And that point about -500 or -250 is very good. And I like that you can't unlock everything. It's hardcore. Going to get supporter's pack and maybe in premium servers there is no players who can't recognize teammates?

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look we need some sort of team balance or a better matchmaking system, i know they dont always work but right now im getting destroyed by level 17's+ while im level 5 and teams just stack with the highest level players, it ends up with a bunch of high levels Vr's low levels... makes for a shitty round. The best rounds iv had on this game have been when the levels are around the same, so 5 plus or minus a few levels.

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I'll be blunt: so far, this is just a poor quality asset dump made to squeeze more cash out of the community to the point that Bohemia doesn't seem interested whatsoever in maintaining much more than a competitive e-sports level community willing to dump real world cash into a badly maintained game. You shouldn't have to play with the toxic community that embodies the PvP gamemodes in order to progress, under any circumstances, and the fact that a PvE gamemode won't provide experience or rewards is a major design flaw in and of itself; and is a major turn-off to using this as anything but a graphics card benchmark.

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4 minutes ago, goodoldkiva said:

I'll be blunt: so far, this is just a poor quality asset dump made to squeeze more cash out of the community to the point that Bohemia doesn't seem interested whatsoever in maintaining much more than a competitive e-sports level community willing to dump real world cash into a badly maintained game. 

I think you must be confused, as Argo is free!

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1 minute ago, R0adki11 said:

I think you must be confused, as Argo is free!

The way that this game is made and prepared just seems like the framework for micro-transactions to curb the disdain from the PvE community.

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26 minutes ago, goodoldkiva said:

The way that this game is made and prepared just seems like the framework for micro-transactions to curb the disdain from the PvE community.

Well its not for that at all, as the BIS Developers have all ready stated. Argo was part of the Bohemia Incubator program (https://incubator.bistudio.com/).


Taken from Argo's website for clarification:


Graduating from Bohemia Incubator, Argo is an Arma-based hardcore tactical multiplayer first-person shooter, in which players fight as mercenaries over the remnants of a crashed space station. The game features three competitive 5-vs-5 game modes (Clash, Link, and Raid), and based on their performance, players earn experience points, which can be used to unlock new weapons, weapon attachments, and gear. The game also features a 10-player cooperative game mode (Combat Patrol), where players need to team up to fight against AI in an open-world setting. As a bonus, Argo includes a 3D Scenario Editor. Here players can set up their own military operations and alter or create game modes. Argo is available completely for free on Steam and will not require any form of payment to play the game. Those who would like to support the game do have the opportunity to purchase the Argo “Supporter’s Pack” at € 9.99 / $ 9.99 / £ 6.99 on Steam or the Bohemia Store. As a token of gratitude, this pack comes with a few special in-game rewards which do not affect gameplay: 13 exclusive animations for the MVP screen at the end of each match, a bundle of 23 unique apparel items, the ability to use vehicles in the 3D Scenario Editor, access to premium Argo Supporter servers, and the names of supporters are highlighted on the leaderboards.


Also Argo is primarily PvP so not sure how it will cause disdain in the PVE side of the community? Personally i welcome Argo as its something fresh to play, as i primarily play Arma3 PvP.

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5 minutes ago, R0adki11 said:

Well its not for that at all, as the BIS Developers have all ready stated. Argo was part of the Bohemia Incubator program (https://incubator.bistudio.com/).


Taken from Argo's website for clarification:


Also Argo is primarily PvP so not sure how it will cause disdain in the PVE side of the community? Personally i welcome Argo as its something fresh to play, as i primarily play Arma3 PvP.

The problem is that the only manner of progression is through PvP, which PvE players do not frequently attend to. In addition, you should never trust a developer just because they gave you access to a control panel. Microsoft backed out on their season pass, and other developers, like Overkill Software, have placed microtransactions in their games despite saying they would never do so. I can't see why Bohemia wouldn't do the same.

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I'm willing to bet a lot of money that it was only put in for markets that legally require it. 


It's a damn shooting game.  If a kid is too young to see blood, they're too young to be simulating the act of shooting people.

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I see a lot of responses in this thread that equate to "Snowflakes need to stay in easy mode, LOL!", which completely ignores the fact that uniforms and GPS are still bugged. 


Skill, time played, familiarity with team members, etc... None of that matters fuck all when players are spawned into their underwear or in the wrong uniform entirely and the GPS icons don't show. 


Stop blaming people for this.  I spend my time trying to play with everyone at the very top of the leaderboards, and they get just as many TKs as new guys, often times.


Hardcore mode is broken. 


It's time to come to terms with that.

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