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Each to their own.  If you are happy with Arma 3 then stick with Arma 3.  I am a huge Arma 3 fan, but Argo is something else, The intense CQB I have had with a bunch of buddies on voice chat has been amazing, something I have never experienced on any other game.  Argo has different goals to Arma 3.  They may look similar, but they play differently. 

I've just read the latest SITREP and I must say that I'm confused as to the point of Project ARGO.  More disturbingly, the comment 'some of the improvements may never make it to Arma3' left me thinking as to why I would want to download this, or even support it.


Now I'm a total BIS fanboi and have been for many many years, but I'm just not getting the point here.

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.338 Does not one shot but the scout 7.62 does? Please fix this??  what im saying is the Sniper class with the Mar, Does not one shot anyone it takes 2 - 3 hits for it to kill while the scout EMR one shots... can we please get this fixed?

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.338 Does not one shot but the scout 7.62 does? Please fix this??  what im saying is the Sniper class with the Mar, Does not one shot anyone it takes 2 - 3 hits for it to kill while the scout EMR one shots... can we please get this fixed?

Hi :)

MAR 10 is capable of one shot one kill, I am adding a link to a video where it's clearly visible :) https://twitter.com/Sahindbdi/status/796435896111394816

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I am curious if you plan to allow 3rd person function. I love the ArmA series and is one of only a few "shooters" that I can play due to a medical condition that I am unable to play 1st person games. Also will you be implementing night cycle?


we are not planning on adding a 3rd person function, we are sorry to hear you can't play Argo because of that :(

To address the night cycle, we don't plan on making scenarios at night (no night vision then) but we want to add a different day times. (Morning to afternoon)

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Hi guys.

So I was thinking that due to the very nature of Argo, it is intended to be played as a team, and for a team you need team members. I have created this post as a place for people to find team/clan members and for clans to orginise matches against other clans.

What could be useful, and of course this is down to the mods and BI, would be an Argo Clan/team sub forum within which we could have a couple of topics

Players looking for clans

Clans looking for players

Clans looking for matches

Pull up a sandbag (general chat)

What do you guys think?

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My take on Project Argo.


Project Argo in its current state is far from a competitive shooter and here are some of the reasons why. 



First the movement, you feel like you are stuck in mud with clumsy movement and fatigue. Fatigue has no place in a competitive shooter instead they should make it so each class/loadout have different speeds, like the heavy machine gunner class should be slower overall than the other classes in the game. This includes switching weapons, reloading, running etc.


You can't jump! Jumping has been heavily debated in comp shooters and has taken years for other shooters to get it right like Counter Strike.  Argo needs a jump function, nothing too crazy like Quake live but we need to be able to jump over obstacles.



The controls are way to complicated for a competitive shooter, too many stances and controls that have been adopted from Arma 3. Arma 3 is a military simulator the total opposite to a FPS competitive shooter, the controls need a total re-work.



The map needs a total re-work too. I could go on for hours about this because the maps in its current state is terrible for a comp shooter. Way too many hiding places, if people can hide in every house, bush and obstacle on the map then you are taking skill out of the game because its not very hard to just camp in a bush. Overall the map needs to be more tidy.


The map objects are terrible atm, you get stuck on everything, clipping into objects and walls only to find yourself stuck spamming prone and crouch to get yourself free . Some objects around the map it looks like you can shoot over them only to find out when you shoot that your bullets are hitting an invisible wall when trying to shoot over objects. 



Comp shooters don't need slow fancy animations when switching weapons and changing stances. We need fast smooth animations for movement and weapon switching.



Sound system again has been adopted from Arma 3, gun sounds are so loud compered to movement sounds. You turn your game sound up to hear movement from other players only to find that you go def because weapons sounds are incredibly loud.



Either have a scoreboard or remove it. Getting a penalty in-game for checking the scoreboard to often is absurd. I check the scoreboard to see how many players are still alive not to check my KD. 


Health bar:

Can we get a health bar like most other comp shooters? Hearing huffing and puffing because your hurt is just annoying.


Game engine:

Get a new one. The Arma 3 engine is again made for a mil sim game where fps drops, lag, hit detection and desync don't really matter. Its does matter when playing a comp FPS game, its like playing soccer with an oval ball... Remember this is what killed the comp scene in battlefield along with slow fancy animations.


The Scene:

To get good feedback for this game you need to get comp FPS players from other comp shooters to try the game out and give feedback. This does not include players like Frankieonapc and players like that, Im talking about real pro players that actually compete in FPS games.

There is no comp scene in Arma and I see its Arma players that are playing Argo and giving feedback. Invite pro teams from other games to test and help develop Argo. 




ATM Argo feels like a mil sim game with comp FPS game modes. Its slow clumsy game play with lag, desync, poor hit detection, too many bad habits its picked up from the Arma 3 engine and mil sim type game play. Don't get me wrong tho this game has potential to be a great comp FPS game but needs a lot of work.

I could not disagree with you more. Where to start.

Movement. This is a sim, a competitive sim but sim based none the less. Real life soldiers don't jump around the battlefield and just because you carry a machine gun doesnt make you slower, although it does affect your stamina.


Your moaning about all the stances? They add flexibility and again it is meant to ne a sim based competitive shooter. Not csgo.

The map

You moan about too many hiding places... thats real life. Again sim based shooter not csgo. I do agree that getting stuck is annoying and needs work, but simplifying the map is a no go, realism is key here. Its not meant to be csgo where you can memorise every hiding place.

Weapon switching. In reality is slow, Real life soldiers spend ages practicing this and I was never as fast as these 'fancy animations' in reality.


Checking the scoreboard is a legitimate reason to get killed. Its also the reason for no kill confirmations. Again this is not csgo or COD. If you shoot someone and they drop.. are they dead? Or hiding? K/D should be hidden till the end of the round, not used as a tool.

I actually give up replying to this now, if you want CSGO go play it, dont ask the simulation giant BI to make it for you.

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To address the night cycle, we don't plan on making scenarios at night (no night vision then) but we want to add a different day times. (Morning to afternoon)

What about alternative lightning, such as moonlight and stars? Or adding NVGs to loadout in these specific scenarios?

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  • Arma 3 units integration, making sure that any Server owners cannot autokick for having a unit on, which many do.

    This is pretty much the sole reason why its rare for people to actually use a unit.


  • Area denial would be a nice addition, Claymore/APERS.

    This would hopefully slow gameplay down, preventing pistol runners


  • Conversely, to speed up and stop a dug in stalemate, Flashbangs/Gas


  • As Mitrail said above, Lighting, perhaps the longer a match goes on, the later it gets?

    Couple of hours at a time, so you know you're not going to be always playing Foxtrot at night, it can be played during day,

    But if you've been fighting over Echo 3/4 times, it'll end up as night time on Foxtrot.


  • a ShiftClick Marker or Waypoint for Airdrop

    I've been in so many games where a brand new fresh faced newbie has no idea where the airdrop is, direction wise.

    the green smoke is not that good an indicator when they're hugging walls and scared to look up, a marker on the edge of your screen might help.


  • Adding Useful "Hints" on loading screen

    Press T to tag being the more important one, as its always asked it seems. a lot of FPS people need handfed info and utilizing the loading screen works well.


​My Previous Suggestions: One

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  • Adding Useful "Hints" on loading screen

    Press T to tag being the more important one, as its always asked it seems. a lot of FPS people need handfed info and utilizing the loading screen works well.

Yup, the loading hints that we have for now are somehow funny and unexpected, but noobs may need some actual informations, about for example key-binding, tactics, fatigue, the way bullets fly...

(no, "press R to reload" or "walking is like running but slower" will not be enough)

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Decided to do not install this mod "game" because of install size - 14,3 Gb for something, very reminding of "King of the Hill" mission for A3 (and non-fact it is better, sorry).


And Bohemia is lost a mind or something, to make ArmA 3 engine downloadable for free?..

You're forgetting this is a test for Bohemia Incubator. This isn't supposed to be a 100% full game. It's a 'prototype', AKA the devtest before Alpha. That's why it's standalone.

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I've played about 2-3 hours of Argo now, but I can't play it in a long session, it just gets repetitive and boring. The thought "What is the point of this game?" has come across my mind serveral times. When playing competitive games such as CS:GO (or any othercompetitve shooter) the goal is basically to rank up, to become the highest rank, to be the best. That's why I keep playing, because I want to rank up and be the best. 


As far as I know a ranking system (or anything which motivates you to keep playing the game such as unlocking items) isn't available. I'd like to see that change, so that you actually feel fulfilled after playing this game for a long time. If any kind of ranking system get's added, I'd love matchmaking based on your rank, since in my opinion playing against players who are about as good as you are is fun.


I'd also love to see a party system, so that you can queue up with your (Steam) friends. The party 'leader' can decide to join a server, and everybody in the party will join that server as well.


My last complaint is about the white text appearing in the bottom of your screen, the font looks really odd (same goes for Arma 3). I'd love to see a different font instead of the font currently used.

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I could not disagree with you more. Where to start.


Before I am going to disagree with your disagreement, and give my feedback to Argo myself (even though I can already say that I am relieved to read that BI is not going to introduce 3rd person, that would have been an instant drop from my side) I do believe that Bohemia needs to clarify what goal they have for Argo in mind.


Does Bohemia wants a competitive game, or does Bohemia wants to create a tactical competitive game (whatever that means, tbh), because both of those couldn't be more different. While competitive games most certainly have tactical aspects, tactical games are not competitive material.


What the majority of people, you included, in this thread want is Arma 2.0, not a competitive game.

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Before I am going to disagree with your disagreement, and give my feedback to Argo myself (even though I can already say that I am relieved to read that BI is not going to introduce 3rd person, that would have been an instant drop from my side) I do believe that Bohemia needs to clarify what goal they have for Argo in mind.


Does Bohemia wants a competitive game, or does Bohemia wants to create a tactical competitive game (whatever that means, tbh), because both of those couldn't be more different. While competitive games most certainly have tactical aspects, tactical games are not competitive material.


What the majority of people, you included, in this thread want is Arma 2.0, not a competitive game.



Each to there own.  Do you mean Arma 3.5? as we already have Arma 2 :P


I for one love the way Argo is going,  no auto sniping bunny hop-hop-hoping nading from one side of the map to the other.. some CQB tactical gameplay.

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If You find it hard to see the reasons behind Project Argo, there is a fine blog on the Argo website explaining exactly that :icon_twisted:

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I think everyone is listing the quirks out already so I won't add to that just yet.

I'm hoping for a specific hunted or 'fox and hound' mode which would be a 5 vs 1 option and it rotates who the 'one' is each round until a full rotation is achieved.


Anyone else think this might have some life in it?

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Feedback about last Dev Blog :

I've some comments (some questions in fact, but I'm not actually expecting an answer, I just want to rise them) about the metagame and unlockable content.

Don't you think that making locked content can be an issue, especially with the "easy to pick up, but hard to master" aspect?

Won't it put an unnecessary limitation of gameplay for newcomers, who may want to discover by themselves which weapons they can handle?

Won't it reduce skill influence on the flow of matches and balance, if players of higher rank have more content available?


Won't it create issues for unusual situations (LAN, e-sport competitions...), where players may not be able to use their main account (so a part of the content may be locked for them during the event)?


For the CSGO reference, matches happen between players with same content available, and similar levels (more or less).

In Argo, if there is nothing to force players to play with people of similar levels, and additionally players of higher level have more content available, I'm afraid that balance will take a major hit.


These questions also apply for the "skill tree" tab.

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Mitrail, I have no details to share at the moment, but I'd like you and others to know that we have already been carefully considering those questions (and many others), since they're good ones. We definitely want the metagame to bring something interesting and motivating into the game, rather than push people away from it.

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So far I'm really liking it, I've always wanted a smaller team death match or objective mode for arma 3. Really my only complaints so far are the questionable performance like in arma 3 and for some reason all the foliage in my game has white spots all over it regardless of settings but I don't have the issue in arma. Really enjoying it so far though keep up the great work guys.


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I like Clash because I am old and those quicker modes for todays hyperactive young scamps don't interest me, so I will offer my thoughts on Clash only.


I wish more people knew how to use chat in game. I wish more people knew about what pressing "T" does. I would like folks to realise that they can rest their weapons using "c".


I think the time limit could do with being increased ( as I'm old and move slow ) maybe to 15/20 minutes, add 1 player slot to enable 2 groups of 3, and a revive function - either timer and all revive, or include 2 medics in a team of 6 and limit the times they can revive. Everyone should have 1 offensive grenade and a couple of smokes.


Maybe an objective in a building?


Code in a prerequisite that folks have a mic or they can not join.  :D


Tip - I have found that every couple of minutes calling it unacceptable in chat that people are not communicating using a mic usually gets a few people saying hello, and then good things start to happen.


Also I have found that the quite a few people I got talking to did not know about T or C.


All folks I have talked to playing with or against have been friendly, and not one person has questioned the integrity of my mother.


To conclude - I'm having fun when I can get people to talk. Increase round timer a little and add revive.



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I think everyone is listing the quirks out already so I won't add to that just yet.

I'm hoping for a specific hunted or 'fox and hound' mode which would be a 5 vs 1 option and it rotates who the 'one' is each round until a full rotation is achieved.


Anyone else think this might have some life in it?

Interesting idea, I can imagine it being quite fun if you had a whole lot of traps and tricks available, but I do think that it would be difficult to achieve on the current map, as it isn't really set up for that, and I don't know how viable it would be as a competitive style game mode.


Tanoa though I can see as a perfect map for something like that, and I can imagine it being a fun kind of Arma gamemode, maybe even for more than 5 players, like have it scale to 1 hunted per 5 hunters, so maybe you could have a go at creating it yourself.

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So far I'm really liking it, I've always wanted a smaller team death match or objective mode for arma 3. Really my only complaints so far are the questionable performance like in arma 3 and for some reason all the foliage in my game has white spots all over it regardless of settings but I don't have the issue in arma. Really enjoying it so far though keep up the great work guys.



Hey man, turn the sharpness down in the game settings..

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