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Advanced Urban Rappelling

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Any word on an update for this? My guys and I are still having issues that have gotten worse with the Arma updates it seems. Soon as you begin the rappel, it cuts ropes. I looked at the code myself. Is there a way to prevent the auto cut and force players to cut ropes themselves when they're "ready" to do so?

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Any chance for the Grappling branch to be released? I've seen your progress on that one and I hope you'll get back to it :/

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On 3/27/2018 at 6:10 AM, aweaver255 said:

quick question... I believe I am on the right track with this but need a bit of help. When installing this via scripting and not as an add-on, how can we enable the animation add-on so players can shoot while rappelling? The anims folder has the rtm's but I'm not sure how to make use of it. Found this: https://pastebin.com/cN3CHQ6j
Was thinking this would be a .hpp file and I'd #include in the description.ext? I'm missing something somewhere and can't get it to work. Someone got any clues?



Just saw this so thought I would reply here.


You can use the following as an example; I like to keep my players unable to shoot while rappelling so I use this...

They should be able to shoot while rappelling.


call compile preprocessFile "staticData.sqf";

[] execVM "Vcom\VcomInit.sqf";


execVM "fn_advancedSlingLoadingInit.sqf";

setTimeMultiplier 2;



Hope that helps

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Shooting while rappelling is only supported if the client has the mod enabled. As far as I know, there's no way to include custom animations in the mission directly.

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is there a way to avoid the random rope cut?   This addon is great but with this random bug it's unusable unfortunately.


cheers !


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On 1/15/2019 at 7:31 PM, rubberkite said:

is there a way to avoid the random rope cut?   This addon is great but with this random bug it's unusable unfortunately.


cheers !


Could be a conflict with EM if your running it. I read somewhere that EM also interferes with Advanced Rappelling with similar issue however Ive not tested myself.

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Hi guys !


I've partly solved the problem with random AI animations while using Advanced Urban Rappeling - by just removing all AI-related functionalities from this. So you and all Non-AI players could still use the rope but you shouldn't find the situation where random AI is "just hanging" on the rope sloped 'from the heaven' instead of normal staying or patroling etc .

Link to this version of the mod on my workshop is here : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1916062371


I decided to do this that way (which is a bit "quick and dirty" but works well ) - because of the fact that together with my team we've decided that we just need it to play our recon missions but we dont need to establish any "Bots rapelling school" (you know what I mean 🙂 )


Additionally, I have to say- that during my long time spended in Arma3 (as You can see on my steam profile - several thousands hours ) and using both EM and Rapelling mods parallely - I've never been able to reproduce such effects like you've writen above .... even in my photos - posted on my workshop mod gallery - which were taken in NORMAL, PRODUCTION environment (not a special one for taking screenshots) - there weren't effect like this .

(LINK to our normal, most-common modpack you can find here : http://pgm.armaonline.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=155&t=1371

So if you can provide me with more information about your "problem with clipping" or "random rope cut" (like photos, films, precise situation describing, steps to reproduce,... and so on) I may have a chance to catch the problem and, possibly, also find a solution ....



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This stopped working for me some time back - I assume it was a game update that broke it. The rappel self action doesn't appear anymore,

Is anyone else having problems?

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I cannot use it, no options for the rappelling kit or ropes, they are just item in the inventory. Used with CBA and ACE. 

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