Private Evans 498 Posted February 25, 2017 F.cking yes ! I am really happy to see this continued :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeroesandvillainsOS 1504 Posted February 25, 2017 Hell yeah, the man himself is back! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted February 27, 2017 New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. =VQI= Frogs v0.2.3 Beta Community Base addons A3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hard2Kill 14 Posted May 21, 2017 @Von Quest Any idea as to when the next update will be? This mod could be one of the best things in Arma and would go so well with the new USS Freedom! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted May 22, 2017 Not sure. I keep getting sidetracked on other ideas and projects. I was going to wait until I have the new LOC done, but it's taking forever. There isn't much that has been done as of this post (I think). Maybe I can put a little polish and documentation on what I have done, and do a small update this Friday. I really should get back to working on this. So easy to get distracted on all the ideas one gets just messing around with ArmA. I'll see what I can do. Watch for an update this weekend...... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3803 Posted June 1, 2017 This is a super cool mod dude. Thanks! On 5/21/2017 at 10:05 PM, Von Quest said: So easy to get distracted on all the ideas one gets just messing around with ArmA. I know that feeling man! I need to get back and add features to JBOY Dog, but I keep getting distracted by other ideas! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted June 1, 2017 Thanks! @everyone I'll be releasing a small update this weekend. Spent all week crushing some game killing bugs that would have caused too much confusion. I have some docs types up, and a small demo mission to walk you through some of it as well. I have SIMULATED SUBMARINES working! The 3D models will be in a separate (not required) download. The Subs are placed randomly and at random depths. You can select the numbers like my SCAR add-on. You can select the Intel type also. From Radio Triangulation, to various Satellite reports. Still WIP, but it's further along (don't get too excited). The enemy subs can Ping you, and Launch Torpedos as well. I have 6 Subs so far plus a next-gen SDV. Some subs can launch Guided Missiles at you if in range (if on land), and called in by OPFOR. There is one SSBN Ballistic sub that will launch on Towns and Cites up to 10km away. When you use the transport (HMS Proteus) sub, you'll have to Start outside of the Map and plot Nav Points to your destination where you want to deploy from the LOC. I do not have a time table on the new LOC yet. Hoping for sometime in June. I have an 8-Man LOC modeled (pic under my WIP Thread). And a smaller more realistic 4-Man LOC that's going to be released first (no pics). I have an Excel Spreadsheet that has all the stats on the Subs on the board so far (sonar, torps, stealth, ranges, etc), but I doubt that will be included in the release this weekend. I have just a few loose ends to address tomorrow, and I'll release something this weekend. Don't expect much, as it's still clunky and woefully unfinished. The big upgrade is several prototype scripts are ready for public testing with how the enemy may respond if they detect you with their SONAR. Anyways... Talk you you "Frogmen" laterz! Over & Out. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ski2060 167 Posted June 1, 2017 So, regarding the LOC. With this new release using the old LOC, is it still broken as far as deployment after readying? Or will it work in the meantime until you have your spiffy new stuff brought in? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted June 2, 2017 Same clunky (place-holder) LOC. I had a hard time getting the addActions to work if you were underwater, and underneath them. Something changed a few BIS updates ago. The New LOC works great as the controls are built into the model itself. For now I tweaked the addActions and moved the Exit LOC one down to the Flood/Drain Control after it fills with water. So, as far as I can tell it'll mostly work again like before. I several real-life projects going on this year, but it looks promising I can get the first functioning Combat Diver Lockout Chamber released in a few weeks. I should also have the New Submarines released as well. I doubt they will be fully functional, but I just have to get the graphics done, which is mostly just Black right? LOL. So it will be just the static Models for now. I have I think 6 subs so far. Some early pics were posted a while back. Since then I also added a U-Boat style sub, that I think looks bad ass (no pic). So anyway, getting off topic. But, yeah, It should work as before until the New LOC is ready in roughly 2-4 weeks. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted June 3, 2017 - UPDATE - v0.3.0 Beta =======================ADDED: User Options for Enemy Subs Intel ADDED: Sub Transport System - User Nav ADDED: Enemy Submarines (simulated) ADDED: Enemy Subs will launch Torpedoes ADDED: Enemy Subs will launch Guided ADDED: Enemy Subs will launch Ballistic ADDED: Enemy Subs will deploy Divers ADDED: Combat Diver Goggles ADDED: Default Cargo into SDVs ADDED: Rebreather Bottles into Crate ADDED: Documentation ADDED: Demo Intro Mission CHANGED: Updated Menu System CHANGED: Several Classnames TWEAKED: addActions (temp WIP) TWEAKED: several misc tweaks Good luck! I'm sure this may be confusing yet, but give her a try. We are about 30% done with this, so there is still a ton to do. More Docs included and a Demo/Example Mission to help guide you. It will still throw a Config Error at the start. Just ignore for now (my apologies). This works best in SP. It failed MP testing last night if the client PC does the Sub Navigation. So use in SP or ONLY have the Host PC run it. Specific details on Equipment is NOT included (not really needed yet), and specifics on the Enemy Sub Scripts is also not included yet. It may work best if you all just give it a few tests, and then post Feedback and Questions here. Have fun!!!!!! 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sammael 366 Posted June 3, 2017 Superb work. Also a bit complex and hard system. sadly when I choose waypoints proteus can`t be close to enemy . Always says error with TOO CLOSE. and it is very booring to swim 9km to enemy location Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted June 3, 2017 Make sure your are starting OUTSIDE of the Map (in the Black). You have to approach from afar to start. Then you can go anywhere thats -30m or deeper. Unlimited Nav Waypoints. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceALMIGHTYY 18 Posted June 13, 2017 Awesome! I played around with this about a year ago and wondered what happened to it. So happy its back. Great work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted June 13, 2017 Thanks pal! @everyone And if it wasn't clear... I'll add a little note to the Enemy Sub Markers: // Blue Slashes -- SONAR Range. _ Red Line -- Torpedo Effective Range (then 2% accuracy out to SONAR) _ Blue Line -- Guided Missile Range (enemy will call a strike if detected) = Double Green -- Ballistic Range (possible targeted towns, cites, etc) Worked for a few hours texturing the LOC this weekend. Should still be on schedule for release before the end on the month. I'm not very good at uvmapping and textures, but it's coming along. Also keep in mind it's SP ONLY right now. If used in MP, make sure the Host PC does the Nav. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Private Evans 498 Posted June 13, 2017 Very happy to see this project being continued :) cheers 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted July 24, 2017 When I get back into town I'll put in the Attach Explosives to Hulls of Boats. I didn't write this one in full. I have permission, and many thanks to zooloo75. It was going to go into the FUSE add-on, but I'll add it here as well so you can swim under boats, set a timer on the C4, and KABOOM. It works great in testing. May not work on first release in MP though. Damn MP coding gets me every time. It's such a pain in the arse. I'll be back in town this week (got to fly my first Beachcraft Aircraft - fuck yeah) and I'll try and do a small update for ya guys. I'll put it in both projects. I'm way behind schedule again this summer. So sorry. Some things came up and I'm not sure when I'll have the next LOC and Subs ready. Stay tuned.... 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
63C 0 Posted September 7, 2017 hey von quest I'm a big fan of your work I was wandering if anyone else has the problem on being unable to exit the LOC to the out side of the sub I can flood the room but cant get the external hatch action to pop up Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted September 7, 2017 Can't remember if it's in the last update or not, but the Exit action was moved to the same box you use to flood the chamber on the floor. The old upper one quit working. You have to wait for it to flood first, then the action will appear. You may have to be in first-person view to see it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted September 15, 2017 UPDATE v0.3.1 Beta =======================CHANGED: Misc code tweaksADDED: Transition Cut Scene NOTE: The NEW Lockout Chamber, and Submarine stuff is still in the works. Haven't had much time to work on ArmA this Summer. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted September 15, 2017 New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. =VQI= Frogs v0.3.1 Beta Community Base addons A3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeroesandvillainsOS 1504 Posted September 17, 2017 Hi @Von Quest Sorry for the stupid questions, but I'm wondering, how can I dive using your mod-set and not drown? Running a vanilla test without your mods, using a NATO diver class unit, with the standard dive suit/goggles/rebreather, I'm having no problems, and can dive and breathe and get the first person oxygen sounds. But using your mods in a mission I'm tinkering with, I am drowning and can't figure out the combination of gear needed. I'm stumped, basically. The mission has a regular infantry class soldier as the player unit. I go to the arsenal and give him a dive suit/rebreather/goggles like I would with vanilla (this is not sufficient, I drown), and have also tried carrying SR-2 Divox, SR-2 Diluent (only one or the other can go in binoculars slot, so I put one there and place the other in my backpack) and Trident Diving computer as well and I definitely still don't have the ability to breathe under water. I must be missing something simple. Any ideas? Also, once I get this sorted out, how do you detach the SDV from the sub? I can get in the SDV as driver, but I don't see any option to free it from the top of the submarine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted September 17, 2017 Place BOTH Bottles into your Stingray ReBreather. Use your FROGS Menu (Shift+F) to then turn ON your ReBreather. Check your Trident Dive Watch to see if it's on, and in a 'green' state. Use your Menu again to Turn ON your Dive Valve so the gas can flow. Check your Watch again to see if it's all working. Upper Left on Watch is System its tethered to, and its State. The Upper Right on the Watch is the GAS ON/OFF indicator. You can Turn the Gas Flow (Dive Valve) On/Off so it doesn't all leak out when stored on land (hidden in the bushes) if you need it again to Exfil back out to the NATO Sub. (Note: both LEAP and FROGS have a ReBreather you need to turn ON and a Valve you can turn On/Off for each on the Dragonfly and Stingray systems) The Controls for the SDV Unlock are on a panel right in front of the SDVs. You'll need to swim very close, and possibly in first-person view. There are no stupid questions. Ask away! ;) And for everyone else, note ALL Projects have their own Menu. When in doubt, check the Menu. CORE (Shift+C) --- C for Core, Command, Call, etc FROGS (Shift+F) --- F for Frogs, Frogman, etc LEAP (Shift+L) --- L is for Leap SCAR (Shift+A) --- A is AOs, Areas of Operation SCOUT (Shift+S) --- S for Scout/Sniper SOCOM (Shift+I) --- I is for Intel (inop right now, WIP) FUSE (Shift+E) --- E is for EOD, Explosives, etc *Check the DOCs Folder included with most Addons. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matkob 6 Posted September 22, 2017 Hi, is there a way to extract/teleport from the sub to the OPCEN/Computer? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted September 23, 2017 I don't think so. At least right now. There used to be one. I'll add it back in the next update. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites