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launcher doesnt store mods where i told it to

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Using arma3 launcher > (top right) options > launcher options > mod options


I have set mod storage to be the game root folder so subscribed mods are stored in the same place we put them before we had the launcher. But the game root folder is now empty of suscribed mods


If I unsub and resub to the mods, they go into steamapps/workshop/content/107410/ some odd number and the addons folder is inside there. For example, cup weapons is in a folder called 497660133


The big problem is that my server gets its mods from the root of the client install, so they were shared and autoupdated by steam. But now they've all gone. The server can't load the mods.


Why isn't the launcher doing as it's told?

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But this behaviour is new since 1.60. Is that intended?

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Here's what my server launcher looks like now. Because the mod folder is no longer named after the mod but by it's steam identifier.



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  On 5/30/2016 at 5:30 PM, BIS_Wizard said:

Yes, this in intended for 1.60. With previous version, you ended up with two copies of the mods (one in the arma folder, one in the Steam cache, which is a problem given size of mods and average SSDs).


We've discussed an option of read-only folder links from the Steam cache to Arma folder with some users a few days/weeks. But fate of that feature is not determined, yet.


I really hope you find some solution to this, because this way it's a real pain in the ass to keep a local dedicated server's mods updated.

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This is all well and good, would be nice if I could subscribe to the mods for my dedicated server then to keep them updated. Now I have to remember what each mods number is to update it.

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OK, the best workaround right now is this;


From the steam launchers mod tab, expand each mod entry, click on the 3 dot icon to the left of the dustbin, select copy to a folder. Choose a folder (don't make a new one otherwise it will nest too deep), you could choose root of the a3 server application, I prefer a folder called "addon stuff" that all of my servers share.


Note that the folder it creates has a a sensible name, not the steam id number. Then point your server launcher mods to there and you are pretty much back to where we were before BI "improved" it.

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I don't know if this folder copy will be autoupdated when the mod updates. Time will tell.

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  On 5/30/2016 at 7:57 PM, tankbuster said:

From the steam launchers mod tab, expand each mod entry, click on the 3 dot icon to the left of the dustbin, select copy to a folder. Choose a folder (don't make a new one otherwise it will nest too deep), you could choose root of the a3 server application, I prefer a folder called "addon stuff" that all of my servers share.



Thanks, I didn't notice this option, it makes my "job" much easier :)

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Every Arma update has it's *facepalm* moment. This is that moment for 1.6

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  On 5/30/2016 at 8:02 PM, tankbuster said:

I don't know if this folder copy will be autoupdated when the mod updates. Time will tell.

The copy DOES NOT update itself when the steam workshop cache updates. CUP Terrains core just updated and the copy is still the old version.


You can do the copy again as I described earlier but it doesn't overwrite the old mod folder, it creates a new one, so I now have a @CUP Terrains - Core and @CUP Terrains - Core (1). Not a real problem, just delete the old one and rename the new one, but this could have all be avoided if BI had not chosen to fix a minor problem creating a bigger one.

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  On 5/30/2016 at 8:44 PM, -dark1- said:

Every Arma update has it's *facepalm* moment. This is that moment for 1.6




This forced location of Mods is just stupid. If an option like this is introduced, it should be optional, not forced. I know there is a button hidden away to copy the folders back to how they used to be, but the whole thing is just so stupidly backwards considering how many people will need easy access to those files for dedicated server updates. Now it's a case of going through each and every installed mod and manually moving them with that button which is just tedious with the large number of mods some servers run.


EDIT: And now doing it this way I have each mod listed twice in my launcher. Seriously, BI, these kind of things shouldn't happen. I love Arma, I love how flexible, how versatile it is, but why do you ALWAYS have to mess something up so badly each and every time you do an update?! Arma 2, Arma 3, DayZ SA, they all take 1 step forward and 2 steps back each time, only for a subsequent patch to come in and fix the mess but also breaking something else..!

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The way things are now I think I'll go back to the old way of just downloading everything from armaholic and manually updating things. The launcher can just be that a launcher. 

Honestly I'd take the 2 copies on my drive issue over the current state any day of the week.

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Why can you not create 'directory junctions' to the "\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\107410" folders from the 'root' of your arma3server? It needs to be a junction and not a sym-link! (run cmd.exe in windows and type 'mklink' for more information, use the /J option when linking).


I have done exactly this when it comes to subscribed steam workshop mods, and when loading the mods in arma3 (or arma3server), you choose the directory junction (named appropriately) that resides in the root folder of the executable.


For example, create a directory junction at "\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server" named "@CUP" (or "@CUP_497660133") that links (junctions) to "\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\107410\497660133", then when loading @mods in your launch parameters or via tadst, you choose the folder named @CUP, and not the actual steam workshop link. Therefore "\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@CUP" junctions directly to "\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\107410\497660133", so it is able to access the files as needed, but is named appropriately, not just a bunch of numbers.


At first it is a bit of a hassle to set up (for some)... but once you set up all the required junction links from your arma root directory to your workshop directories, you won't have to touch it again (steam workshop updates happen as per usual, and you will NOT need to touch anything regarding the directory junctions). Like I said above, I have done this for ALL my steam subscribed workshop 'addons'.



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I know you've said that this saves on disk space and that it's basically a workaround for Steam issues, but please hear me out:


A lot of mods have included manuals, and this update has made it much harder to find them. People who run dedicated servers are also having to copy their mods to different locations to be able to run their servers, so this "saved space" is a moot point for them.


You also said that this update was discussed in a SITREP, which I did read. I believe the reason it didn't garner much attention was because it was presented as an improvement and only that. (https://dev.arma3.com/post/sitrep-00155 under "OPERATIONS")


The removal of workshop mods from the root folder, and especially the implications of that change, weren't well emphasized. Again, people running dedicated servers are now having to scramble and find their mods in the workshop folder (which is very confusing) and manually move them back to a manageable location.


Another point is that many community groups use programs like Arma3Sync, which both manage mods and run the game without using the standard launcher. Now, since workshop mods are moved out of the root folder, many repositories are going to create duplicate files, again making the "saved space" point moot.


I understand the benefits of this new system for people who exclusively use the workshop for their mods, and I do appreciate the saved space, but it's also causing quite a few problems. I'm not saying "Roll back the changes! This is awful!", but perhaps a different system could be implemented which saves space while also making it easy for people to do the things mentioned above.

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the best would be a tool where you can specify where to copy to, (also maybe ftp posibility). also is there no way to contact steam and ask if they can make the path of the cache not hardcoded?

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  On 5/31/2016 at 6:36 AM, BIS_Wizard said:


I'm just looking into a way to remedy the issue. For Launcher it's actually a preferable to prevent people from accessing Steam cache data to prevent users from messing with it. But I understand the concerns so I'm considering two options: either let Launcher to create a virtual directory (a directory junction) under Arma folder or to create a dedicated tool to handle that (or do both). Any the question is, do anyone have feature requests on top of that?

If I understand how the junction would work, that sounds preferable. I assume it would allow people to more easily access workshop mods without actually duplicating them in the root folder.


Placing this in a public poll or otherwise making it more visible might be useful to find out how people want this addressed.

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  On 5/31/2016 at 6:36 AM, BIS_Wizard said:


m considering two options: either let Launcher to create a virtual directory (a directory junction) under Arma folder or to create a dedicated tool to handle that (or do both). Any the question is, do anyone have feature requests on top of that?

When you do a copy mod like I described earlier, it generates a copy of the cache folder that automatically has the right name, so that's a start, but the copy is not dynamic - it doesn't update when the mod in the cache does. So..


Either have it autoupdate, or give us the option to maintain two folders that are identical apart from their name, ie, how it was before.


If you think this is an improvement, let me ask you this;


What's been louder, the complaints about running out of disk space because mod folders were duplicated, or complaints about the added complications for those of us that have to maintain servers with mods?

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I think the situation would be better if we could subscribe to and get mods to download for dedicated server, then we don't have to find and manually update them.

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  On 5/31/2016 at 6:36 AM, BIS_Wizard said:


I'm just looking into a way to remedy the issue. For Launcher it's actually a preferable to prevent people from accessing Steam cache data to prevent users from messing with it. But I understand the concerns so I'm considering two options: either let Launcher to create a virtual directory (a directory junction) under Arma folder or to create a dedicated tool to handle that (or do both). Any the question is, do anyone have feature requests on top of that?


Can we not just make this a toggleable option?


Use Steam Cache or Classic Storage (Arma3 root DIR) method - Yes? / No?

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If possible, add "Open folder" on RMB for the workshop mods, with would take you to the mod folder in the steam cache. Right now its greyed out for me and I need to search the cache by hand to find mods I wish to edit. Why is that option disabled for workshop mods? It really makes things harder then they need to be.

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So I need to copy whole CUP vehicles with weights 3.7GB just to find it and take one of the pbo's to unpack it and and study configs? I just want to see the mod. it's not like those files are hidden, all one need to do is run a search to find a particular mod, why do you keep insisting on making it harder then it needs to be? That's just annoying.

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It is currently easy to access the Steam Cache files.  You just need to know where to look. 
Maybe some of this angst could have been avoided if BIS had explained that ANY mod folder from Steam workshop would be removed from whatever directory they were previously in.  I know I didn't read that in any SITREP or SPOTREP. 


I have 50 mods on my server for various mission configurations and campaigns. All of the STEAM available mods disappeared, and I had NO clue where they went.  Documentation on what happened, or how to perform the "add local copy" was nonexistent.
We figured it out after an hour or two looking through files and copying manually.

I get your "we're here for the masses", but without Server Administrators and hosts, there would be no servers for the masses to play on.

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Yes, you have to do that. You would do the same thing that was happening a day ago, with just 3 extra mouse clicks.


I won't make it easy to access those files directly in Steam cache, as then anyone could modify them, change them, corrupt them and that would cause issues with Steam client, and it would be up to us to provide support for that. Sorry if that is inconvenient for you, but at this moment I still believe that it is a sensible precaution.

:banghead: :face_palm:


All right, have it your way. However, at least give us an option to hide doubled mods that appear when you copy mod from a cache. Maybe couple of tickboxes: "Hide cache mods", "Hide copied cache mods" and "Hide mod's copies". At least it will make things a bit easier to figure out what's what. Also, an indication that copied mod is out of date would be nice along with info how the original cache mod was called. Oh, and default coping location should be Arma 3 folder and the command for local copy should be available in RMB menu.

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  On 5/31/2016 at 6:36 AM, BIS_Wizard said:


I'm just looking into a way to remedy the issue. For Launcher it's actually a preferable to prevent people from accessing Steam cache data to prevent users from messing with it. But I understand the concerns so I'm considering two options: either let Launcher to create a virtual directory (a directory junction) under Arma folder or to create a dedicated tool to handle that (or do both). Any the question is, do anyone have feature requests on top of that?

Could we please have the Workshop mods named? For example, @CUP_Terrains

Would that be within your power to do or is it Steam that's forcing the mods to be renamed as a string of numbers?

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So, the easiest workaround for Server admins that do not want double files, is to not use STEAM and just use other repositories to download from, it seems.
If you don't mind the hassle and double space, then just making local copies of the cache files to the Arma 3 directory would be the next option.

Guess we'll figure out a way to deal with it.

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