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hey man nice mod

i have only one problem. the parajumps work fine but with the halo jumps i dont  seem to get the oxygen working.

i have the bottle placed in my rebreather and have my helmet on. 

Make sure, when you get teleported to the Aircraft for jump, to turn on your Jump options (shift+L default), and scroll down.  That should give you multiple options for turning on your Auto-pull, and your Gas/Oxy.

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Hi ! I expect so much from this mod, but at this moment we cannot get it work, there is two problems : firstly, the altimeter is not usable, as the "show" action bring us a script error. That's not an enormous problem but still a bit inconvenient. The second problem, much more serious, is that we cannot get the oxygen to work. We've tried to put it in the binoculars slot, in the rebreather, use the different actions in the shift+L menu, but whatever we do, from the most logical action to the most stupid ones, the jump master keep telling us that we have no oxygen ("how the hell do you expect to breathe ?"). Is there something we are missing, or the mod is still WIP on this point ?

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You need to put the MPA-02 bottle inside the rebreather. When you teleport  to the plane, use the Shift+L menu, scroll down to turn on Gas.  You should get a confirmation.

The altimeter will work in Editor, maybe single player or LAN.  But on MP server, it's semi-broken.  It will read the current level.  I use the wrist mounted Altimeter, and just use the Watch keybind to bring it up.

You do have all the appropriate modules down, correct?

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We have tried the bottle inside the rebreather, but when talking to the jump master he says us that we have no oxigen. That's even before going to the plane, the jump master is the guy standing at the rear of the plane.

For the modules, I could only find one in the editor, I placed it and set it as I want, just for trying (no SAMs, etc...). The plane is well spawned, the jump master and the crates to. So I think the module is OK, did I miss something ?

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I haven't used LEAP standalone, so I don't know if that might be an issue.  I have been using it with CORE to generate the offsite location, or placing the new Site and spawning in there.  From there, we suit up, use the JumpMaster, and teleport up to the plane for  our jump.

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Currently at least two of my projects are broke again. Maybe more. The Combat Diver and this HALO add-on. I haven't worked on anything or played ArmA in awhile. I'm burnt out on fixing it all the time and am taking a break for a bit. I'll be starting back up soon.

I'll have to recheck this. My addActions are broke, but it sounds like you have a different issue. I can also add to what he said, and that is make sure you have the Dragonfly Re-breather. It's the only HALO approved O2 System for Jumps and shallow Dives. And the O2 Bottle goes INSIDE the Re-breather. It should fill it up 100%.

We plan on playing this Friday, and I can test it then and see for sure if there's anything new that's broke.

So sorry. Thanks for the feedback. Oh, and yes. It's still WIP. But what I had released was all working at one point.

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Hello to everybody!!

I have a problem:

I created a missions but if create my server it work, but if try to start it from the clan's server, the plane doesn't appear...

Editor 3d.

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​I am able to get the VQI Deamondropper mod to function (The origional Standalone) but the VQI LEAP mod I cannot figure out. I've been reading through all the docs attached and I'm missing something. Anyone wanna give me a quick run-down of getting this on the editor so I can test it?

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To everyone who have problems with oxygen - in mod there are two types of rebreather. First one (non functional one) is in the crate with equipment. When u take it, jumpmaster says you have no oxygen. The second one is visible in Arsenal. To get it working, just take the wrong rebreather, then go to Arsenal, select Vests and take another one. Next step is to put oxygen bottle inside rebreather.

VonQuest, your mod is awesome, if you fix the problems and clear scripts and configs from things like double rebreather and obsolete/not used stuff, it would be great.
Many of us, i think, are waiting for dedicated server compatibility. For groups like mine it would be great improvement. Keep going with good work!

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The 'normal' version may be broken. In fact I know parts of a few projects now are broke. I haven't used this for a while with the ground-start option. We always transfer into the JumpPlane from my Ops Center (CORE Project). And that's even broken as well.

As-is you just place the Module where you want the plane to start on the ground. But as I haven't tested that in a while, some are having issues, I wouldn't be surprised nothing is spawing or working for that specific setup. I'll have to test it when I get home and have time then report back here. There have been a few now that are having issues.

IF it's working, just place Module where you want the plane to spawn (airport), and double-click it to open it up and select your options. That's it. Easy peasy.

I'll try and find some time soon to test. Right now I'm super burnt out with ArmA dev work and there's a high probability I'll be moving onto other hobbies and projects.

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Doh. Thanks! Yeah that makes sense for the O2 issues. I totally forgot about the Crates as we never use them. I'll fix soon! ;)

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Has anyone attempted to get the C-17 to work on the newest update?

​I'm asking because I would like to get the C-17 w/ 2x Zodiak cargo drops.

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Von/Anybody that knows,


Does this work In multiplayer yet?

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Yes, LEAP works well enough for MP.  Some issues at times, but for the most part it works fine.  Helljumper watch doesn't read continuously, but you can use the ACE Altimeter watch if you use ACE.

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Just a quick Q for VQ, the AI drop their parachute packs upon landing, but the player doesn't, is it supposed to happen ?

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3 hours ago, road runner said:

Just a quick Q for VQ, the AI drop their parachute packs upon landing, but the player doesn't, is it supposed to happen ?

Hmm.. Let me run my VQI test map real fast and I'll let you know how mine works.  I can't remember if it stays and you have to drop it manually or not.

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Just now, ski2060 said:

Hmm.. Let me run my VQI test map real fast and I'll let you know how mine works.  I can't remember if it stays and you have to drop it manually or not.

I was always dropping mine manually before, I'm also interested in the part of the script that makes the AI HALO ( above 15K feet) switch from the rebreather vest to their standard  load carrying vests on landing.

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Yeah, no clue there.  My use of mods extends to "shit, I think i got that dropdown menu option correct" ;)


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I wonder if its more broken with v1.66? The way we play, the chute is automatically dropped and replaced with your backpack when you hit the ground. And as for AI, I have no clue. I still have never played with them. I can't remember since I haven't touched the dev side in months now, but I believe I had them jump normal without the extra HALO gear.


When we played last time, the system seemed to work mostly good. I also think there may be a few mod conflicts (ACE3?) as well. I'm still undecided if I'll return or when to tinkering with these projects.

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11 minutes ago, Von Quest said:

I wonder if its more broken with v1.66? The way we play, the chute is automatically dropped and replaced with your backpack when you hit the ground. And as for AI, I have no clue. I still have never played with them. I can't remember since I haven't touched the dev side in months now, but I believe I had them jump normal without the extra HALO gear.


When we played last time, the system seemed to work mostly good. I also think there may be a few mod conflicts (ACE3?) as well. I'm still undecided if I'll return or when to tinkering with these projects.

I've no idea, for the best part of it works as I want it to mate, I always thought the chute came off and the pack went on, lol, and the one I'm experiencing now is Parajump over the sea, AI open their chute, player piles in, but because I've got him set up to scuba he doesn't die, so it's still a winner for me, it's a really great addon to be honest.

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6 hours ago, O.Languedoc said:

RoadRunner, Are you using the mod on a dedicated server?

Nope, solely for SP

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Is it possible for the module to be implemented in a mission after starting? Basically what I'm trying to do is have it as a support you can unlock in a DUWS mission I'm working on. After unlocking I want to be able to place the module on a map click location so I can put it close to a dynamically or manually placed headquarters. Right now I'm just placing the module in editor and starting the DUWS mission which runs as usual, but that means that the module starts in a fixed location every time. Works fine, but being able to make it an unlockable support that I can place after I unlock it would be awesome.

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