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Latest dev build, no mods =  gigantic Eden interface on 1080 resolution



Interestingly the video settings window is correctly scaled for the resolution.

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Hiding the interface via backspace does not hide comment titles and certain trigger areas. For example, the area of the cover map module isn't hidden.

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After the last update, it happens very often, that if I open an attribute window of a object (trigger,unit, etc) that the previously opened unit is shown.




- I open trigger_1, change one of the attributes

- Press save

- I double click on trigger_2 -> trigger_1 is opened

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After super size Eden now Eden is too small. UI size is nice, I like it as small. But fonts too bad for this size.

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what happened to the paramsArray? is it a temporary bug that the parameters defined in the descrition.ext fail to load? because this can't be considered intended. major regression if that's the case.

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There's another bug which has been existing since release of 3den and I am not sure if your are aware of it.


Almost everytime, the buttons in the toolbar for the widgets are not properly toggled according to their state. E.g., if rotation widget is activated, the button is not dented (probably not the correct word, but I hope you get what I mean)


This only appears when a new scenario is opened, or 3den is freshly started.

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Just posting some stuff that seems to have gone unnoticed for a long time now.

There's no longer a "Show info" equivalent for modules, meaning figuring them out is much harder.

Guard waypoint is broken, there's a ticket here. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T86121

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I'd like to highlight this ticket



Just tried to publish a mission to the Workshop and finding the right picture was a guessing game since I couldn't see the name of it.

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Sorry for double post, but I found another issue and inconsistency:




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I saw that stuff the other night looking at someone's issue.  If you have Playable units on the map you're locked into Multiplayer tags and can't change it before or after publish.

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I'm trying to create a scenario in which waves of enemies attack an outpost which the player has to defend. As they are attacking from distance, I want to make it more balanced by having the enemy know your location and start firing in your direction as soon as they come over the horizon (500m away). At present, i've tried doTarget, doWatch, doFire, reveal, knowsAbout, but none of these seem to force the AI to spot my player and engage, they just go prone and wait to be picked off at range without returning fire until they are close (which can take a while).

Any ideas?


Thanks alot.

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I'm trying to create a scenario in which waves of enemies attack an outpost which the player has to defend. As they are attacking from distance, I want to make it more balanced by having the enemy know your location and start firing in your direction as soon as they come over the horizon (500m away). At present, i've tried doTarget, doWatch, doFire, reveal, knowsAbout, but none of these seem to force the AI to spot my player and engage, they just go prone and wait to be picked off at range without returning fire until they are close (which can take a while).

Any ideas?


Thanks alot.


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Can anyone confirm that shortcut set for actions in the context menu don't work? They appear as expected, but nothing happens. They work fine for the menuStrip though.

        class GarrisonBuildings
             action = "call Enh_fnc_garrisonNearest";
             Text = $STR_GarrisonBuilding;
             conditionShow = "selectedObject";
             shortcuts[] = {"512 + 2048 + 0x22"};


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could someone tell me, if maintainance of editor modules is responsibilities of the eden team / if this is the right place to report bugs/probems mit modules?


the problem would be, that all the old module are not yet configured for the new factions. for example, the support provider module always spawns a default csat support box, instead of a csat (pacific) box, even when it is called by csat (pacific) and configured accordingly.

there are some other minor problems of this sort - lack of maintanance mostly...

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by the way. the "guarded by" trigger is still not working in eden!!!


i guess i will file some tickets, next time i log in to the feedback tracker...

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Hi guys... The module hide/show work only in local but don't work on server. Bug? Suggestions?

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Ok, i want show or spawn some unit IA when one trigger is activated... Solutions? Thanks

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Hi guys... The module hide/show work only in local but don't work on server. Bug? Suggestions?


Not necessarily a bug, but can certainly be improved



private ["_logic","_units","_show"];

_logic = _this param [0,objnull,[objnull]];
_units = _this param [1,[],[[]]];
_activated = _this param [2,true,[true]];

if (_activated) then {
    _show = parsenumber (_logic getvariable ["state","0"]) > 0;

        _veh = vehicle _x;
        _veh hideobject !_show; //use hideObjectGlobal
        _veh enablesimulation _show; //use enableSimulationGlobal
    } foreach _units;


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hmm, someone else got that bug that the right click menu in assets window doesn't work since 1.62, before i could right click any asset > and got the menu with config viewer etc, now its selecting units like i pressed left click...

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