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Anyone has changed the dispersion in the OPF weapons to 0.01 in lieu of the default 0.0002?

IMHO, now the AI skills when shooting is more human. And you can't hit with your M16 at 200 mts with ease. Still, if you stands when AI shoot to you, they finally hit you.

Now this game is absolutely incredible! The bullets whistle near you and you have to move and cover. You have now a chance......but not always, he he.

For the sniper weapon is another history. I leave it 0.0002 and is very good that way.

Please tell me if you have other numbers in dispersion and how you feel it.

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Interesting. Since you have to mess w/ the config.cpp file this is only possible for off-line playing, but I think there's quite a bunch of us who play offl-line a lot.

Changing and tweaking the weapons' class is not a very popular practice. I may be wrong, but I blelieve that Satchel tweaked the LAW launcher in the first Dynamic Range release and some people disliked it. Don't know if the values remain the same now.

I've never fired a gun, so I don't know how a M-16 or an Ak-74 behave and let those values alone, but It'd be nice if somebody can provide values that resemble the actual performance of the different rifles you can find in the game.

On the other hand, I'm seriuosly thinking about tweaking the stopping power for 7.62 ammo. Sometimes it takes two to three (eventually four) hits with the M-21 to knock out an enemy who is just 200-300 m from my pos. No way.


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The accuracy of the assaulkt rifles isnt the biggest Problem in OFP, it's the Range of the LWA and RPG..

Both schoult hit the dirt after 400m, but at present you can shoot nealy a kilometer with them...

Trajectory is much to flat...these rocket propelled grenades are much more similar to Mortars in their trajectory in real life.

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Perhaps the worst proble with the G3, FN-FAL, and M21 are the pathetically waek sounds. I don't want 'em to deafen me, but I'd like them close.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Beagle @ Oct. 20 2002,15:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The accuracy of the assaulkt rifles isnt the biggest Problem in OFP, it's the Range of the LWA and RPG..

Both schoult hit the dirt after 400m, but at present you can shoot nealy a kilometer with them...

Trajectory is much to flat...these rocket propelled grenades are much more similar to Mortars in their trajectory in real life.<span id='postcolor'>

Mortars? I don't know about that. the AT-4's I've fired in real life were nothing like a mortar. However you are correct they do not have a very great range. With most hand held anti-tank weapons you never engage past 300 meters. Normally you try to get in to within 100 meters and make sure you have cover to retreat so the pissed off tank (which usually doesn't get destroyed) doesn't kill you. At any rate, I think Kegetys's RPG-7 has the most realistic ballistics of all the OFP anti-tank weapons.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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So how would you change the file so it would do that,

I dont play online much anyway do the my 56k so VayHalen could you tell me where to edit it.

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yes but 1m in OFP isn't really 1m in real life. Check it out for yourself in the game

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wow.gif1--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (desantnik @ Oct. 20 2002,19wow.gif1)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">So how would you change the file so it would do that,

I dont play online much anyway do the my 56k so VayHalen could you tell me where to edit it.<span id='postcolor'>

This is for v. 1.46. I don't have Resistance yet.

Well, I got de satchel's dynamic range sound addon (the very best IMHO).

It include a config.ccp file that you must copy to the BIN folder. Is in this file where you can change de dispersion values.

First make a back up of the config.ccp file just for online play. This way you only have to change the file for online or for offline.

Open the file with notepad. And search (with control+ b) the word dispersion. And where the value is 0.0002 change it to 0.01.

Go to de following dispersion value and to the same. Except for the sniper weapons.

That is. If you don't feel it is good and more real, you only delete this file and restore the default config.ccp that comes with the sound addon.

I enjoy OPF much more now.

Please tell  if you like it.

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I use modified dispersions for tankguns too. (default is 0.002 I use 0.010). The tank battles last 4 times longer, much more realistic.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PFC_Mike @ Oct. 20 2002,17:08)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Perhaps the worst proble with the G3, FN-FAL, and M21 are the pathetically waek sounds. I don't want 'em to deafen me, but I'd like them close.<span id='postcolor'>

The rediculously low level of damage bothers me more.

I wouldn't mind to give the M60, PKM, M21, SVD, FAL and G3 the same damage level like the new remington 700 hunting rifle has. Ak47 should be slightly below this.

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I agree with Niles, to have to hit a guy 4 times with M21 is bullshit. Our .50 cal Mcmillan wipes guys out in one shot, as a .50 cal should. But it also destroys a UAZ in 5. Should it? I would think if a guy hits someone with M21 he should atleast go down. And if you hit a UAZ with a .50 cal it should be damaged, especially if it hits the engine block. The problem being if a guy makes a rifle too powerful it takes out tanks and bmps, which is not realistic. Just a problem with the game engine I guess.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Holy Smoke @ Oct. 20 2002,08:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Changing and tweaking the weapons' class is not a very popular practice. I may be wrong, but I blelieve that Satchel tweaked the LAW launcher in the first Dynamic Range release and some people disliked it. Don't know if the values remain the same now.<span id='postcolor'>

yes, they remain the same as the non-edited config.bin

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Thanks for the imput and , I have to say, for keeping alive the Dynamic Range with the updated config.ccp files you release smile.gif


As for the previuosly discussed stopping power, take a look:

class BulletSingle: Default



















This are the data entries for 5.45 ammo in the Config.cpp file. As you can see, there're two variables which seem to be related to the stopping power of the bullet: Hit and indirectHit. BIS gave the 5.45 a value of 9, whatever this number represents (stopping power, kynetic energy, hit points...)

class BulletSniper: BulletSingle











This is the data entry for the rounds used in the M-21. As you can see the value for hit is just 10.

class Bullet7_6: BulletSingle













And here, data entry for the 7.62 ammo (m-60). The hit is rated at 8 wich, by the way, is the same value they gave to the sinlenced Mp5 ammo.

So according to these numbers, a 7.62 round fired from a M-21 is more or lees as powerful as a 5.45 fired from a M-16 is (in terms of dammage it will produce, i guess). The 7.62 rounds fired from a M-60 are less powerful than the 5.45 fired form a M-16.

Last, this is the data entry for the .50 ammo:

class Bullet12_7: Bullet7_6












I think it is time for tweaking. I will mess with those values and post the conclusions tomorrow


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Ive changed the dispersion, and dammage of almost all of the small arms in OFP a LOOOONG time ago, (because I got EXTREMELY tired of the AI being able to pick you off in one shot from several hundred yards away WITH AN AK-47 mad.gif )

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I think some vehicles should be "immune" to small arms in places, like tanks. It's just not right that you can cause an APC to explode after shooting it with something that will not penetrate it's armor enough times. Cars and trucks "imploding" after you shoot them enough times is also sad. Tires should be flattened, and glass should break from small arms fire. It should take a couple grenades or an AT weapon to crumple it. Using a M2 machinegun with ball rounds and shooting a BMP one or two hundred times should not destroy it. On the other side of the spectrum, the effect of small arms fire needs to be changed. Maybe I'm hallucinating, but it seems like it takes two hits to kill with a M16 or AK74, at ranges up to 500 meters. The sniper weapons usually take two rounds as well at these distances. It should take more rounds to kill people with the smaller caliber weapons. The sounds for the FAL and G3 are absolutely pathetic. M21 is okay. SVD could use some work, but the G3 and FAL sounds are hands down the WORST sounds in the game. They sound like springs being flicked.  The machineguns should also be more accurate. They should be more accurate than the assault rifles. And for the love of god, take the burst off the AKs.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (USMC Sniper @ Oct. 21 2002,03:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Does an AK47 in OFP have the same damage values as an AK74?<span id='postcolor'>

Yes. The M16, the AK74 and the AK47 use the "bulletSingle" model data, so the dammage values are the same for each weapon. Maybe this is what you want to know, concerning ammo damage values:

bulletSingle: ammo values for M16, AK74 and AK47 (rated at 9)

bulletSilencedSigle: ammo values for MP5 (8)

Bullet7_6: ammo values for m60, PK and PKT (8)

bullet12_7: ammo values for m2 (west and east) (13)

bulletSniper: ammo values for M21 and Dragunov (10)

I don't have a decrypted config.bin file for the addons (G36, Steyr, etc...) so I can't say a thing about these guns.

changing the "hit" value for the "bullet7_6" to 10 gives the machineguns some use. When the "bulletSniper" value is raised to 11 (eventually 12), the sniper riffles behave more or less as they are supposed to. One shot one kill.

Talking about the dispersion, we have to be aware that there're values for single fire (rated at 0.0002), burst (0.0004) and full auto (0.0008). It is a good thing changing all the values while keeping the relationship between them.

Finally, I have to say that since I don't have a v1.75 Config file in .cpp format, I tested this with OPF v1.46. But I guess it will be the same. Last but not least, one has to bear in mind it is impossible to make armored vehicles inmune to small arms fire since the OPF engine is representing damage using the well known "hitpoints" system. Deciding wether it is a good idea or not trying to destroy a BMP with a M2, it's up to the player. It is certainly possible, but having the ability of doing things doesn't mean you have to. :p


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Holy Smoke @ Oct. 22 2002,00:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">...The M16, the AK74 and the AK47 use the "bulletSingle" model data, so the dammage values are the same...<span id='postcolor'>

This setDammage 1 confused.gif

The worst feature of the editor. It is ruining my spelling... biggrin.gif

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Why is it spelled like that anyway?

If it is going to be dammage, it might as well be damnage because you die when you use that command smile.gif

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