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A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

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not to mention weeks of debugging and mod compatibility issues.

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I have something to ask. Is it just me or did you guys change the aiming angles of the front machineguns on the HMMWV SOV and Land Rover? I haven't spent that much time using them before so I can't be sure but it seems like they now have a very limited angle and they're not too useful.



And something completely unrelated: any chance we can get this done? http://dev.withsix.com/issues/2962 :)

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Very unlikely.


Shame because it's one of the highest voted tickets on the CIT and it's existence would really allow things to be done which have no alternative (unless you go into configs) as far as I know.


Anyway keep up the good work guys!

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yeah lack of addweaponturret is a massive pita in arma 2. probably hard to port from a3

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any engine changes are out of question for corepatch, that's just data, configs and scripts

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any engine changes are out of question for corepatch, that's just data, configs and scripts


Any chance of BIS making it happen then? Or is A2 now considered to be completely obsolete?

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well bis is only releasing our fixing stuff. adding a lot of new features is beyond the scope of this patch process at the moment.

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Guys, now with the destructions sometimes everything stay burning in big distances and the WILDCAT is spawning without ammo for the gun and the sound of the guns in the mi24 are bad now.

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fire in the sky bug is BACK? dwarden mate that's one for you!

I gave them your code for this patch... perhaps you can take a look to see they added it right?

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Another thing you guys could look into. The Ambient civilian vehicles is somewhat odd.

Sometimes when i use it, i get lots of burning cars on map, i get cars raining from the sky, i get cars spawning on rooftops, etc.





Also Ambient civilians is spawning muchg less civilians than it used to, and the takistan version behaves odd:


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Another thing you guys could look into. The Ambient civilian vehicles is somewhat odd.

Sometimes when i use it, i get lots of burning cars on map, i get cars raining from the sky, i get cars spawning on rooftops, etc.


I have experienced exactly the same thing, and reported it earlier.  Ambient civ vehicles appears to be completely broken, at least in Takistan.

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I've had the same with vehicles on all maps, but my own observation has been that some vehicles spawn in at ground level then launch into the air for having contact with something.  It seems to depend on if they have contact after spawning, and maybe the way they have contact with some object while spawning.  Like Mirek's image shows, vehicles often end up riding on objects.  Most vehicles don't launch but sometimes they do.

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...t some vehicles spawn in at ground level then launch into the air for having contact with something. 


Yep, that is what I see.  Here's a vid:


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Also Ambient civilians is spawning muchg less civilians than it used to, and the takistan version behaves odd


When I used it yesterday, I actually thought it spawned too many civilians on Takistan. There were certainly too many Westerners for my liking.


Corepatch incorporates the BIS Module Improvement Project which may be the cause of some of these issues.


The ambient modules have always had some weird behaviour, but not to this extent, I agree with the posters above.


My personal favourite:



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Could corepatch devs try removing Module Improvement Project and see if that solves Amb. Civ. Vehicle problem?  I had never heard of that project before now.


Or we can ask zGuba to look at it.....(I don't "know" the other guy)

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I'm thinking it has to do with this part of the "spawnvehicle.sqf" in the module:



_car = createvehicle [_class, _pos, [], _radius, "none"];
_car setdir (_dir - 10 + random 20);
_car setvelocity [0,0,-1];


_car = createvehicle [_class, _pos, [], _radius, "none"];
_car setdir (_dir - 10 + random 10);
//_car setvelocity [0,0,-0.1]; // -0.2
_tempPos = getPosASL _car;
_car setPosASL [_tempPos select 0, _tempPos select 1, 0]; // converge to the terrain


Maybe the SetPosASL needs the setVelocity command to following it.


Or maybe SILVIE could benefit from execVM'ing Warfare's "Common_GetSafePosition.sqf" script prior to actually creating the vehicle.  From _pos it would search within 25m radius for a position with no objects inside a 12m radius.  And the defaults 25/12 are adjustable as params.


If object collision is the cause, I don't know that either could eliminate the problem totally, but maybe they could help.

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As to the ambient civilians, it looks like it spawn toomany civs on takistan, and too little on Chernarus, or better say spawning civilians on chernarus takes too much time. When you arrive in a town, you meet like 1 or 2 civs in entire town. But after some time few more will appear. idont know, maby the raining cars scares them and they only go out after the rain stops.

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the WILDCAT is spawning without ammo for the gun

In what mission?

the sound of the guns in the mi24 are bad now

I'm not agree with you.

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Recently booted up ArmA2 for the first time in some weeks. Yet for some reason when I try to join a server I keep getting a "modified data file" error. I do run the game through Six Launcher but that has not given me issues before. I don't know for sure if this is related to the patch but has anybody had similar issues?

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afaik pws is borked mate

roll it back to an earlier version

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I'm not up-to-date. So if i wanna newest stable branch of arma (best optimalised) i need to switch to legacy?
What is the diferences between legacy and stable?

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^ ^ AFAIK, you want "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs," which will give you the most up-to-date stable branch (including current corepatch dated Dec. 30, 2015).  I'm not sure what "legacy" branch is; perhaps it is an older version of 1.63 + corepatch from before the time when corepatch went to stable branch.  For that matter, I'm not sure what the "Beta" branch is, either.  You could try switching from NONE to legacy to beta and comparing the "date modified" of corepatch.pbo.

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^ ^ AFAIK, you want "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs," which will give you the most up-to-date stable branch (including current corepatch dated Dec. 30, 2015).  I'm not sure what "legacy" branch is; perhaps it is an older version of 1.63 + corepatch from before the time when corepatch went to stable branch.  For that matter, I'm not sure what the "Beta" branch is, either.  You could try switching from NONE to legacy to beta and comparing the "date modified" of corepatch.pbo.

Actually, I just tried it: "beta" has the most up to date version of corepatch. "NONE" doesn't have the G36 fix that is mentioned above, among other things.....

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^ ^ Good to know.  I tried the beta branch a while back, and nothing would download, but it works now.


Vasily.B mentioned his desire for the "best optimized" corepatch, so perhaps the stable branch version can be considered more stable, tested, and optimized compared to beta... 

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