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About opusfmspol

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  1. For those who still enjoy playing original BIS Warfare missions in Arma 2 and OA, I've begun putting some tutorial videos together on how to set up Warfare missions of your own in editor, and then customize them to your own liking. They pertain to editing missions using the Warfare and Warfare (OA) modules in editor, not modded editions such as Warfare BE. The playlist thus far includes: - Creating Basic Warfare Missions in Arma 2 & Operation Arrowhead - Adding Respawn and Parameters to Warfare Missions - Setting Up Base and Capture Sites in Warfare Missions As I can get more videos created to share, the list here will be kept updated. My set goal (the Lord allowing, each video takes time) is to eventually share six videos minimum, with no max limit, covering basic setup, adding SecOps, and scripting to customize Warfare missions. Then hopefully after that, some targeted scripting tutorials on how to customize various things in WF missions, like swapping out factions in the factories, adding Air teams, and what not. I began creating these videos after finding that many of the community resources that were relied on most for editing and customizing Warfare, which did exist for quite some time, have gone away. I'm hoping these videos will carry on as a useful available resource for those "Warfare Warriors" out there who still continue to play. Note: The resource websites in each description are unfortunately cut short by YT and not clickable (I am aware), but at the end of each video the web links can be viewed in full.
  2. opusfmspol

    missing files error

    Another thing to consider is that when Combined Ops (which is both A2 and OA) is being installed, it has to be done a specific way, or A2 content doesn't get read. 1. Run Steam as Administrator. 2. Install Arma 2. 3. Launch Arma 2 (important!). 4. Exit Arma 2. 5. Install OA. 6. Launch OA. People tend to skip steps 3 and 4. They install A2 and install OA, then launch OA without having run Arma 2, and then missing content issues occur. If OA is launched without A2 launched first, there's no Arma2 content because it never got configured. And launching A2 after the fact doesn't help, because OA already configured itself without the A2 configuration. Don't know if that's the issue, just considering.
  3. opusfmspol

    Adding cz to warfare

    There's a function in A2/OA BIS Warfare that assists in getting the current data in the factories: BIS_WF_GetUnitData (Review the script Common\Functions\Common_GetUnitData.sqf) Warfare has five functions that assist in modifying the factory configs (changing unit types and values): BIS_WF_RemoveUnitData (Review the script Common\Functions\Common_RemoveUnitData.sqf) BIS_WF_RemoveAllUnitData (Review the script Common\Functions\Common_RemoveAllUnitData.sqf) BIS_WF_AddUnitData (Review the script Common\Functions\Common_AddUnitData.sqf) BIS_WF_ModifyUnitData (Review the script Common\Functions\Common_ModifyUnitData.sqf) BIS_WF_ModifyAllUnitData (Review the script Common\Functions\Common_ModifyAllUnitData.sqf) But switching over units in the factory is not all that has to be done. Default faction, HQ identity, units, vehicles and loadouts also have to be redefined. How to change those over is included in this post where I helped someone with switching West faction over to CDF. - - - - Edit - - - - this page has all the factions. It's part of the A2/OA Script Commands page in the BIKI. Czech HQ identity should be the same as used by A2 Resistance: "WFHQ_CZ" baf_soldier_mtp is a BAF Rifleman in desert camo. BAF_Soldier_W is woodland camo. If you place a unit in the editor and in the init field put: hint typeOf this; when you preview, the hint will tell you what the unit classname is. Czech also has desert and woodland camo. Desert camo are under "Men", and woodland camo are under "Men (Woodland)". They have different classnames. Which one to use would depend on the mission map, woodland or desert setting.
  4. opusfmspol

    New to editing

    Hi @Brandon Hakki, welcome to the forums. It is possible to swap out units in the Warfare factories, yes. But with DLC or mod units, it's not so simple nor is it beginner level. It's more of an intermediate level effort. One has to be familiar with editing, scripting, classnames, how the factory configs are set up, and how to dump data into the .rpt file for review, along with having time and patience. The two multiplayer missions "Operation Serpent" (Chernarus) and "Crimson Lance" (Takistan) have British Armed Forces (BAF) units in the factories, and they provide good example how Army of the Czech Republic (ACR) units can be swapped in as well. Operation Serpent and Crimson Lance are contained in the missions_2_baf PBO, which is part of the ALDP A2OADLC APL-SA download on the Arma Licensed Data Packs (ALDP) page. In my Warfare video #2 is a part that discusses BI's public data, the licenses covering that data, and how to go about accessing Warfare mission examples from the ALDP. Hope this helps.
  5. What I can provide: BI Public Data BI Game Content Usage Rules BI Licenses Overview BI Licensed Data Packs BIKI ALDP (includes links identifying contents of each BI licensed data pack) BankRev (PBO extractor, part of Arma 3 tools) Mondkalb's Basic Addon Tutorial (old, many links are now dead) These videos are old and might be outdated as well: Installing Arma 2 Editing Tools with Gnat666x on YouTube (but maybe Arma 3 Tools Addon Builder, Object Builder, Terrain Builder could work ??? (not known)) Oxygen2 Tutorial #1 with Gnat666x on YouTube Oxygen2 Tutorial #2 with Gnat666x on YouTube Oxygen2 Tutorial #3 with Gnat666x on YouTube Oxygen2 Tutorial#4 with Gnat666x on YouTube Oxygen2 Tutorial #5 with Gnat666x on YouTube Oxygen2 Tutorial #6 with Gnat666x on YouTube Oxygen2 Tutorial #7 with Gnat666x on YouTube
  6. In A2 Warfare, fixed wing aircraft are available from capturable airports, which are not factories a Commander builds but fixed structures to capture, like towns and camps. They're empty objects added into a mission. The multiplayer mission "Superpowers" and single-player scenario "Bear Rising" both provide good examples how to set them up. Place an Empty -> Warfare Buildings -> Airport object alongside where you want planes to spawn (like an airport taxiway, or end of a runway). In the Name field, give the airport a name, i.e. Airport1. (This is important to prevent a script error from occurring.) Have it run the update script for Warfare airports. Put this code in the init field: nul = [this,Localize "str_wf2_gl_airport"] ExecVM "ca\Warfare2\Scripts\Server\Server_UpdateAirport.sqf"; this SetVariable ["markerName","Airport1"]; When facing the object's direction, the hangar doors are at the bottom of the object, so face it away from the taxiway/runway spawn point. Create the marker for the Airport. Name: Airport1, type: Icon, color: default, icon: Circle, text: @str_wf2_gl_airport Then move the marker right on top of the airport object. Save mission and preview. When your unit runs into the hangar, the airport captured message should show, marker should change color, and planes should be available to purchase. Some extra notes: The Airport object is part of A2 content, it's not part of standalone OA. That's likely why the "Mountain Warfare" missions in OA don't include capturable airports, the hangar is only available in Arma 2 and Combined Ops. Standalone Arrowhead doesn't have it; but a Combined Ops player can create capturable airports on OA maps because they do have the object. If anyone plays Resistance side, there won't be any aircraft to purchase. Default Resistance side has no fixed-wing aircraft. In multiplayer, JIP players won't see the updated marker color for friendly captured airports. To have their markers update when joining, add this code to an "initJIPcompatible.sqf" file in the mission folder:
  7. Warfare factories produce units from the default factions until customized by scripts. The A2 default West faction is USMC. In multiplayer, the mission team leaders also receive a default weapons loadout unless customized by script. The default A2 West loadout is M-16 with grenades. But in singleplayer, the mission team leaders receive whatever weapons their units have from the editor. The multiplayer mission "04: Civil War" has CDF fighting against Insurgent forces. It provides a good example how West factories and such can be switched to CDF, but doesn't switch the team leader loadout from default, they still have M-16. So to customize your mission, set a custom init script. In editor, put this in the Warfare init field: this SetVariable ["customInitMissionScript","InitMission.sqf"]; Then create a custom init script. Go into you mission folder and create a file "InitMission.sqf". In the file, put this: BIS_WF_Common SetVariable ["customInitCommonScript","Common\Init\Init_Common.sqf"]; // Using a custom common script. BIS_WF_Common SetVariable ["customInitServerScript",""]; // Using core server script (Must always be included even when no custom server script is used.) Two custom common init scripts are needed. One to switch general things (faction, AI units, support vehicles, loadout), and the other to switch the factories and defenses. In your mission folder, create a folder "Common". In the Common folder, create a subfolder "Init". In the Init subfolder, create a file "Init_Common.sqf". In the file, put all of this: In the Common folder, create a subfolder "Config". In the Config subfolder, create a file "Config_Structures.sqf". In the file, put all of this: Save file, save mission, and preview. If done correctly, West should be CDF factories producing CDF units, weapons and vehicles. Mission team leaders should have CDF weapons instead of M-16. My A2 Warfare mission editing videos thus far: Creating Basic Warfare Missions in Editor Adding Respawn and Parameters to Warfare Missions Hope this helps.
  8. Terrain locations (those in the map config) can only be modified by creating a scripted terrain location, as in createLocation example syntax 3. Or you can create a custom map location of your own, called a scripted location. Scripted locations can be fully modified or deleted in a mission using Location commands. To create a custom map location, place a game logic where you want the icon or the name to be located on the map, and in the logic init field put: myLocation = createLocation ["NameCity",this,100,100]; myLocation setText "My Location"; deleteVehicle this; myLocation is the variable used to modify or delete the location created in game. "NameCity" is the class name (type of location, which controls the font color, type of text, and icon that appears if it has one). this represents the location position (the location will be created at position of "this" logic). 100,100 represents the location's range, E-W and N-S. In scripts, you can check to see if an object's position is IN a location's range. Setting 0,0, the location has no range. setText "My Location" sets the name label that appears on the map. Default text is an empty string "" which is nothing, there is no name, only an icon shows if the location has an icon. deleteVehicle this removes the logic from the map (if no longer needed). You only need a variable if you intend to modify or delete the location during the mission. If you don't need the variable and just want the location created, that's it, use this: createLocation ["NameCity",this,100,100] setText "My Location"; deleteVehicle this;
  9. Glad you figured it out. When that happens (done it myself from time to time), another option is to take command and use the teams panel or command menu to assign one of the other teams as Air team, then order them to respawn.
  10. Hi @Gistereo, At mission start, vote yourself as commander and set up the base. Air Teams need a minimum of a barracks and aircraft factory. Assign some towns as missions, and then switch command over to AI. Go to maps and watch the Teams panel. Keep an eye on the Air team. What does that team do while the other teams reinforce and run off to do missions?
  11. Try to avoid using player command in conditions on a dedicated server when possible, since player is objNull there. Making the condition: this && local sq ought to work fine. When sq is not played (unit belongs to server), the server won't be calling on the radio trigger. Trigger would only be called by sq as a player.
  12. opusfmspol

    BW Cti with Ace

    Found Warfare BE ACE Edition (v 2.067[1.2]) and Warfare BE - ACE (v 2.059) at Armed Assault Info.
  13. opusfmspol

    How to find/use Warfare maps

    You might be using groups or vehicles, which causes issues in game. This video on YouTube can help you with properly setting up a basic Warfare mission in the editor. And this video on YouTube can help you with adding a description.ext file that includes the unique parameters Warfare uses, plus how to add a few custom parameters of your own for extra options. I'm just starting to put together a third video on Warfare editing now, but don't know how long that one will take. The videos are set unpublished on YouTube for now, meaning a search won't find them. You have to click the link above to view them, but that could change later. (I still have things to figure out about properly setting up my YT account, so that hyperlinks in video descriptions work, and what not. I'm old, it's confusing). I started putting these videos together a little while back, after finding out that Darren Brant's blog (which was the go-to site for Warfare how-to stuff) had gone away, as did Armaholic. As for finding maps, all those I have were obtained from Armaholic before it went away, so don't really know where one would go now.
  14. It is possible. Commander clicking on map to tell the driver where to go is default engine behavior. onMapSingleClick uses a true/false flag at the end of the code to tell the engine whether the map click code completes the click sequence or not. By default it passes false, indicating not complete, so default engine behavior will follow. You pass true, and it prevents the engine from carrying out default map click behavior. See example 4 on the page.
  15. Verify the command is being run on the machine where the aircraft is local.