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A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

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I wouldn`t say sad.


A2 could have been long ago left as it was, as is sadly the way with old bugged games, especially after there`s a whole new version out and established. Good on them - one of those (at least, thank you dwarden) at BI, decided to work one last patch in there with help from the guys that could do the work for all us diehards still using it.


The only problem I`m seeing is that some of the parts of the final patch are being reverted by users of a mod. Not just a mod, but (to the best of my recollection), a mod combined from 2 big mods, which were both mods of a mod for A2. Mods of course being modifications of a source game.


Not sure exactly how the source game should be altered to suit them, since their mod could just y`know, mod the ranging out of the DMR if they needed it to continue using their mod.


Being a veteran modder of many titles myself, I have no problem with mods, or those that use them (in case they think I`m just having a go at them). I`m certainly not. I`m all for any and all mods that improve and keep games alive, as it helps us get our value, and the devs (who keep getting the sales in long after it would have died). As a modder though, I know it`s on us to keep updating and changing parts of the mods, when the base game changes. We do not get the base game altered to suit our modded vision of it.


A final patch for A2 was never going to be easy, especially so when a huge amount of testers of the final released patch are running total conversions....

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some of the changes are re-evaluated by the Corepatch team so some of e.g. the zeroing etc. stuff will return

so keep the constructive feedback flow they will deal with it and we will see next year

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some of the changes are re-evaluated by the Corepatch team so some of e.g. the zeroing etc. stuff will return

so keep the constructive feedback flow they will deal with it and we will see next year

As I said previously, I'm willing to help in any way needed.  I wish I'd known sooner that ArmA 2 was still being updated and cared for, I'd have been here much sooner.

To ask again though, is it possible to look at the way Helicopter pilots don't seem to know what to do when they reach an ordered location?


Also, lasers need to be looked at.

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The constructive part is definitely needed at this time. I was one of the ones who were happy to go with the base as it was for many years. I was fine with the corepatch/final changes until sensible things were being reverted to please users of mods of mods of mods.


Anyone with any voice of any side, should take this chance to do so. It`s the last of chances. Just remember, those of you using those mods of mods - no doubt long after this final patch, your current mods will still get tweaked (which could easily include weapon zeroing changes to infinity and beyond), this is the final change to the base game.

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Peregrine1987, maybe you know... Is PSO optical sight compatible with NVG? Can TWS be zeroed?

pzvi, was this bug before?

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I strongly agree with peregrine1987, flyingpig, samatra, Schatten, and others who are furrowing their brows about the reversions of recent changes to satisfy mod users.  IMO, please stay true to the ideals of corepatch and CCP, namely stick to reality/real data/common sense in all cases*.  If DMR can be zeroed in real life, it should have zeroing now.  If M134 fire rate was heinously too high, then make it real (2000 or 4000 rpm).  Nostalgia and "it broke my mod" shouldn't be important factors here IMO, unless BI wants it that way for some reason.


A key issue now is the use of scoped weapons with NVG, as Schatten mentioned.  I sincerely hope that yesterday's corepatch reversions related to scopes/NVG didn't diverge from reality, creating an "arcade-like" gaming situation.  I had thought that corepatch devs were on top of this issue for the most part, and had done the research, so second-guessing them without real data is counterproductive.  If the type of NVG included in the vanilla game cannot be used with certain scopes, then so be it, without exception IMO.  Let us know if you need help on the research.


*The only exception to this would be if a change broke official BI playable content, and that content cannot be updated to support the change.  Let us know if testing of BI content is needed.




What would be UNBELIEVABLY cool is if eggbeast or someone else could modify venom UH-1Y to have M134 on one side and 50-cal on other, as shown in that video of Yuma base training, and have that included in corepatch (eventually).  Ha!  I know this is too much to expect, but I thought I'd mention it.  :bigglasses: :biggrin:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnXDQV-5ndA :681:

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I strongly agree with peregrine1987, flyingpig, samatra, Schatten, and others who are furrowing their brows about the reversions of recent changes to satisfy mod users.  IMO, please stay true to the ideals of corepatch and CCP, namely stick to reality/real data/common sense in all cases*.  If DMR can be zeroed in real life, it should have zeroing now.  If M134 fire rate was heinously too high, then make it real (2000 or 4000 rpm).  Nostalgia and "it broke my mod" shouldn't be important factors here IMO, unless BI wants it that way for some reason.


A key issue now is the use of scoped weapons with NVG, as Schatten mentioned.  I sincerely hope that yesterday's corepatch reversions related to scopes/NVG didn't diverge from reality, creating an "arcade-like" gaming situation.  I had thought that corepatch devs were on top of this issue for the most part, and had done the research, so second-guessing them without real data is counterproductive.  If the type of NVG included in the vanilla game cannot be used with certain scopes, then so be it, without exception IMO.  Let us know if you need help on the research.


*The only exception to this would be if a change broke official BI playable content, and that content cannot be updated to support the change.  Let us know if testing of BI content is needed.




What would be UNBELIEVABLY cool is if eggbeast or someone else could modify venom UH-1Y to have M134 on one side and 50-cal on other, as shown in that video of Yuma base training, and have that included in corepatch (eventually).  Ha!  I know this is too much to expect, but I thought I'd mention it.  :bigglasses: :biggrin:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnXDQV-5ndA :681:

I really wish you would stop treating "mod users" Like they are garbage and there opinion is less than yours... Your 3000 forum posts does not make your opinion more valid than my 4000 hours ingame experience. and vice versa. After all Arma is built around mods and is only the success that it is today because of mods like... yes.... Dayz!, Thanks to the developers to listening to the opinion of all equally and reverting the changes, I am not against this "realism" but I understand that ACE mod is available for all the hardcore realism fans and there is no reason to change the vanilla platform too drastically. Risking the upset of the majority player base when there is already ACE mod available seems rather silly to me, I would also like to suggest polling for future updates rather than just implementing them. 


The way I see it Arma 2 is a platform for mods... Dayz fans want one thing, Realism fans another, Wasteland another, Life another and so on... Mods and a central platform allow that differentiation whilst keeping everyone happy... So trying to influence the "platform" one way to better suit one of the mods is obviously going to upset the others. 


On a more positive note, I would love to see some variations to the venom (not replacements). It may be nice to get some different guns on there. Also the M134... not sure what is going on with it but the fire rates are not accurate, Also on the littlebird the 4000rpm mode makes me question life. I see less bullets coming out the weapon, More inaccuracy and yet some how the ammo drains faster?

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guys dream on for more modded aircraft in A2.  we made more versions of more planes and helis than anyone added together, and even we have started working in A3 now... with some A2 aicraft plans shelved, mid conversion.


this thread is for feedback on the corepatch.


In my mod pack, I made eb_weapons, which added appropriate zeroing ( by appropriate, i mean suitable zeroing for the calibre of bullet and length of barrel etc) to all of the unzeroed A2 weapons, missed OA weapons and enabled NVG to the scoped weapons.  This works great.  However for vanilla users, I really think you need 100m-800m zeroing for your DMR and NVG usage.  Many of the weapons have had zeroing avoided or removed based on the type of sight, e.g. kobra or holo, but i imagine you can zero a kobra or holo sight to whatever range you want surely?

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in case it helps, here is our correct M134 settings (we read the manuals from Dillon Aero)


	class EB_762x51_M134: EB_762x51_Nato
//multiplier 3
		hit = 30;
		indirectHit = 0;
		indirectHitRange = 0;
		cost = 1.2;
		airLock = 1;
		cartridge = "FxCartridge_762";
		displayName = "";
		displayNameShort = "";
		descriptionShort = "";
		visibleFire = 25;
		audibleFire = 22;
		visibleFireTime = 4;
		model = "\ca\Weapons\Data\bullettracer\tracer_red";
		tracerScale = 1.2;
		tracerStartTime = 0.015;
		tracerEndTime = 2;
		airFriction = -0.0009324;
	class EB_762x51_M134_twin: EB_762x51_M134
//multiplier 6 - explosive simulates range and spread of devastating fire
		hit = 50;
		indirectHit = 10;
		indirectHitRange = 1;
		explosive = 0.6;
		CraterEffects = "NoCrater";
		ExplosionEffects = "";


	class EB_2000Rnd_762x51_M134: VehicleMagazine
//multiplier 3 - single 6x barrel weapon
		scope = 2;
		ammo = "EB_762x51_M134";
		count = 2000;
		maxLeadSpeed = 200;
		tracersEvery = 1;
		nameSound = "mgun";
		initspeed = 853;
	class EB_4000Rnd_762x51_M134: EB_2000Rnd_762x51_M134
//multiplier 3 - single 6x barrel weapon
		count = 4000;
	class EB_6000Rnd_762x51_M134: EB_2000Rnd_762x51_M134
//multiplier 3 - single 6x barrel weapon
		count = 6000;
	class EB_3000Rnd_762x51_M134_twin: EB_2000Rnd_762x51_M134
//multiplier 6 - dual 6x barrel weapon
		scope = 2;
		ammo = "EB_762x51_M134_twin";
		count = 3000;
		maxLeadSpeed = 200;
		tracersEvery = 1;
		nameSound = "mgun";
	class EB_1500Rnd_762x51_M134_twin: EB_3000Rnd_762x51_M134_twin
//multiplier 6 - dual 6x barrel weapon
		count = 1500;
	class EB_4000Rnd_762x51_M134_twin: EB_3000Rnd_762x51_M134_twin
//multiplier 6 - dual 6x barrel weapon
		count = 4000;
	class EB_8000Rnd_762x51_M134_twin: EB_3000Rnd_762x51_M134_twin
//multiplier 6 - dual 6x barrel weapon
		count = 8000;
	class EB_12000Rnd_762x51_M134_twin: EB_3000Rnd_762x51_M134_twin
//multiplier 6 - dual 6x barrel weapon
		count = 12000;


	class EB_M134: M134
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "M134 7.62mm Minigun";
		magazines[] = {"EB_2000Rnd_762x51_M134","EB_4000Rnd_762x51_M134","EB_6000Rnd_762x51_M134"};
		canLock = 0;
		cursor = "Air_W_MG";
		cursorAim = "Air_Dot";
		cursorSize = 1;
		showAimCursorInternal = 1;
		aiDispersionCoefX = 1;//15
		aiDispersionCoefY = 1;//15
		reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Weapons\rifles\reload-belt-1", 0.056234, 1, 25};
		bullet1[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\shells\big_shell_metal_01",0.0707946,1,15};
		bullet2[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\shells\big_shell_metal_03",0.0707946,1,15};
		bullet3[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\shells\big_shell_metal_02",0.0707946,1,15};
		bullet4[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\shells\big_shell_metal_01",0.0707946,1,15};
		bullet5[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\shells\big_shell_dirt_01",0.0707946,1,15};
		bullet6[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\shells\big_shell_dirt_02",0.0707946,1,15};
		bullet7[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\shells\big_shell_dirt_03",0.0707946,1,15};
		bullet8[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\shells\big_shell_dirt_04",0.0707946,1,15};
		bullet9[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\shells\big_shell_soft_01",0.0707946,1,15};
		bullet10[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\shells\big_shell_soft_02",0.0707946,1,15};
		bullet11[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\shells\big_shell_soft_03",0.0707946,1,15};
		bullet12[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\shells\big_shell_soft_04",0.0707946,1,15};
		soundBullet[] = {"bullet1",0.083,"bullet2",0.083,"bullet3",0.083,"bullet4",0.083,"bullet5",0.083,"bullet6",0.083,"bullet7",0.083,"bullet8",0.083,"bullet9",0.083,"bullet10",0.083,"bullet11",0.083,"bullet12",0.083};
		modes[] = {"LowROF","HighROF","close","short","medium","far"};
		ballisticscomputer = 2;
		weaponInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing";
		discreteDistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,800,1000,1200,1400,1600};
		discreteDistanceInitIndex = 2;
		class LowROF: Mode_FullAuto
			displayName = "2000rpm";
			burst = 1;
			multiplier = 3;
			reloadTime = 0.09;
			sound[] = {"\EB_missilebox\m134\m134_fire",8,1,2200};
			soundBurst = 1;
			soundContinuous = 0;
			flash = "gunfire";
			flashSize = 0.1;
			recoil = "Empty";
			ffMagnitude = 0.5;
			ffFrequency = 11;
			ffCount = 6;
			dispersion = 0.0065; 
			//BIS 0.0017; 
			//grouping 17cm at 100m, 34cm at 200m, 68cm at 400m, 1.3m at 800m
			//dillon aero has cited 6.5mils for m134
			minRange = 0;
			minRangeProbab = 0;
			midRange = 0;
			midRangeProbab = 0;
			maxRange = 0;
			maxRangeProbab = 0;
		class HighROF: LowROF
			displayName = "4000rpm";
			sound[] = {"\EB_missilebox\m134\m134_fire",8,1.05,2200};
			dispersion = 0.008; 
			soundBurst = 1;
			reloadTime = 0.045;
			minRange = 0;
			minRangeProbab = 0;
			midRange = 0;
			midRangeProbab = 0;
			maxRange = 0;
			maxRangeProbab = 0;
		class close: HighROF
			showToPlayer = 0;
			soundBurst = 0;
			burst = 10;
			aiRateOfFire = 0.5;
			aiRateOfFireDistance = 50;
			minRange = 0;
			minRangeProbab = 0.05;
			midRange = 100;
			midRangeProbab = 0.58;
			maxRange = 200;
			maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
		class short: close
			burst = 8;
			aiRateOfFire = 2;
			aiRateOfFireDistance = 300;
			minRange = 50;
			minRangeProbab = 0.05;
			midRange = 200;
			midRangeProbab = 0.58;
			maxRange = 400;
			maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
		class medium: LowROF
			showToPlayer = 0;
			soundBurst = 0;
			burst = 4;
			aiRateOfFire = 3;
			aiRateOfFireDistance = 600;
			minRange = 300;
			minRangeProbab = 0.05;
			midRange = 400;
			midRangeProbab = 0.58;
			maxRange = 600;
			maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
		class far: medium
			burst = 18;
			sound[] = {"\EB_missilebox\m134\m134_fire_burst1",8,1,2200};
			aiRateOfFire = 5;
			aiRateOfFireDistance = 1000;
			minRange = 500;
			minRangeProbab = 0.05;
			midRange = 600;
			midRangeProbab = 0.4;
			maxRange = 800;
			maxRangeProbab = 0.01;
	class EB_TwinM134: TwinM134
		displayName = "Twin M134 7.62mm";
		canLock = 0;
		aiDispersionCoefX = 1;
		aiDispersionCoefY = 1;
		magazines[] = {"EB_3000Rnd_762x51_M134_twin","EB_4000Rnd_762x51_M134_twin","EB_8000Rnd_762x51_M134_twin","EB_12000Rnd_762x51_M134_twin"};
		modes[] = {"LowROF","HighROF","close","short","medium","far"};
		class LowROF: Mode_FullAuto
			displayName = "2000rpm";
			burst = 1;
			multiplier = 6;
			reloadTime = 0.09;
			sound[] = {"\EB_missilebox\m134\m134_fire",8,1,2200};
			soundBurst = 1;
			soundContinuous = 0;
			recoil = "Empty";
			dispersion = 0.013; 
			minRange = 0;
			minRangeProbab = 0;
			midRange = 0;
			midRangeProbab = 0;
			maxRange = 0;
			maxRangeProbab = 0;
		class HighROF: LowROF
			displayName = "4000rpm";
			sound[] = {"\EB_missilebox\m134\m134_fire",8,1.05,2200};
			dispersion = 0.016; 
			soundBurst = 1;
			reloadTime = 0.045;
			minRange = 0;
			minRangeProbab = 0;
			midRange = 0;
			midRangeProbab = 0;
			maxRange = 0;
			maxRangeProbab = 0;
		class close: HighROF
			showToPlayer = 0;
			soundBurst = 0;
			burst = 10;
			aiRateOfFire = 0.5;
			aiRateOfFireDistance = 50;
			minRange = 0;
			minRangeProbab = 0.05;
			midRange = 100;
			midRangeProbab = 0.58;
			maxRange = 200;
			maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
		class short: close
			burst = 8;
			aiRateOfFire = 2;
			aiRateOfFireDistance = 300;
			minRange = 50;
			minRangeProbab = 0.05;
			midRange = 200;
			midRangeProbab = 0.58;
			maxRange = 400;
			maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
		class medium: LowROF
			showToPlayer = 0;
			soundBurst = 0;
			burst = 4;
			aiRateOfFire = 3;
			aiRateOfFireDistance = 600;
			minRange = 300;
			minRangeProbab = 0.05;
			midRange = 400;
			midRangeProbab = 0.58;
			maxRange = 600;
			maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
		class far: medium
			burst = 18;
			sound[] = {"\EB_missilebox\m134\m134_fire_burst1",8,1,2200};
			aiRateOfFire = 5;
			aiRateOfFireDistance = 1000;
			minRange = 500;
			minRangeProbab = 0.05;
			midRange = 600;
			midRangeProbab = 0.4;
			maxRange = 800;
			maxRangeProbab = 0.01;
			dispersion = 0.009;

use as you see fit

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Thanks, eggbeast! My fix contains the same reloadTime and multiplier definitions. :)

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our damage values and tracer make the weapons work properly


btw team if you want my yakb ammo and mags and weapon configs too you'd be welcome - BIS boned the yakB hind cannon as badly as the gau2.

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My config:

	class YakB : MGun
		class manual : MGun
			burst = 7; // 0.1 s
			multiplier = 1;
			reloadTime = 0.014118; // 4250 SPM
			sound[] = {

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Thanks, eggbeast! My fix contains the same reloadTime and multiplier definitions. :)


This is the kind of changes that should be made to add realism, I'm all up for that, and thanks for putting the time into it.


guys dream on for more modded aircraft in A2.  we made more versions of more planes and helis than anyone added together, and even we have started working in A3 now... with some A2 aicraft plans shelved, mid conversion.


this thread is for feedback on the corepatch.


In my mod pack, I made eb_weapons, which added appropriate zeroing ( by appropriate, i mean suitable zeroing for the calibre of bullet and length of barrel etc) to all of the unzeroed A2 weapons, missed OA weapons and enabled NVG to the scoped weapons.  This works great.  However for vanilla users, I really think you need 100m-800m zeroing for your DMR and NVG usage.  Many of the weapons have had zeroing avoided or removed based on the type of sight, e.g. kobra or holo, but i imagine you can zero a kobra or holo sight to whatever range you want surely?


Will look into your mods a lot! I love aircraft in arma 2 and always want more. 


Keep doing what you're doing and making the game even greater :D 

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Problem with Shilka https://youtu.be/uyLvEdHK9ZI


Looks like the gunner view point moves into the roof of the turret when you aim too high.  Probably the model needs fixing.  Most likely, the issue has been there for a long, long time.

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Looks like the gunner view point moves into the roof of the turret when you aim too high.  Probably the model needs fixing.  Most likely, the issue has been there for a long, long time.



I have played with the Shilka before, last time maybe about three or four months ago.  Don't recall encountering it.

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I strongly agree with peregrine1987, flyingpig, samatra, Schatten, and others who are furrowing their brows about the reversions of recent changes to satisfy mod users.  IMO, please stay true to the ideals of corepatch and CCP, namely stick to reality/real data/common sense in all cases*.  If DMR can be zeroed in real life, it should have zeroing now.  If M134 fire rate was heinously too high, then make it real (2000 or 4000 rpm).  Nostalgia and "it broke my mod" shouldn't be important factors here IMO, unless BI wants it that way for some reason.


A key issue now is the use of scoped weapons with NVG, as Schatten mentioned.  I sincerely hope that yesterday's corepatch reversions related to scopes/NVG didn't diverge from reality, creating an "arcade-like" gaming situation.  I had thought that corepatch devs were on top of this issue for the most part, and had done the research, so second-guessing them without real data is counterproductive.  If the type of NVG included in the vanilla game cannot be used with certain scopes, then so be it, without exception IMO.  Let us know if you need help on the research.


*The only exception to this would be if a change broke official BI playable content, and that content cannot be updated to support the change.  Let us know if testing of BI content is needed.




What would be UNBELIEVABLY cool is if eggbeast or someone else could modify venom UH-1Y to have M134 on one side and 50-cal on other, as shown in that video of Yuma base training, and have that included in corepatch (eventually).  Ha!  I know this is too much to expect, but I thought I'd mention it.  :bigglasses: :biggrin:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnXDQV-5ndA :681:

This is insulting to the mod users community. IF it wasnt for the mods, arma 3 wouldnt of had such a high expectation. and arma 2 would of NEVER been what it is.  So the mod users make up alot of the arma 2 community.  I really dont know who you think you are, but i do realise arma is a simulator.  And when they created arma 2, the 3d models were not perfect.  Which is why they made arma 3.  To try and change a game that has been fine, and players like it the way it is, then to come here and say that!!  


Oh and i quote "create arcade like gaming"   SO this is not a game? hmm im confused. i know its not a arcade. but come on.  Want to talk realism  GTA has WAY better parachutting than arma will ever have,  Wanna talk realism. how bout fixing the fact people die when walking down stairs, wanna talk realism??? i could go on and on and on... but no, you USE the realism excuse to insult the majority of the modding community.  Shame on you!@ Im getting fed up with this so called "realism"  want real;ism go on the freaking battle field.  Oh and for the NVGs and scopes. IF you really want realism, most NVGs now work with scopes, the technology is there, first gen has the circle like we have in arma, 3rd gens gives you a fish eye NVG view to almost 180.  You really want realism for arma 2 change the whole freaking game and leave this one alone.

Stop insulting the modding community, you're not THAT important. grrrrr


How bout i take your 2015 truck and put a yaris engine it, i bet you'll be super happy!!!


Oh and i had a arma 3 server...I just let it go... i will not host another arma server because of this screw up. tired of it, plus all the denying of things...fed up

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Looks like the gunner view point moves into the roof of the turret when you aim too high.  Probably the model needs fixing.  Most likely, the issue has been there for a long, long time.

i imagine they changed the max elevation to a real world value, and it now elevates higher, therefore causing this obstruction to the view.

without moving the memorypointgunner in the model the only fix is to revert the maxelev in the turret


Yak-B 12.7mm quad barrel gatling cannon

BIS made bad configs originally for several weapons - MP5, M134, YakB are the worst by far.

The stock Mi24 is castrated by having such a poor weapon config.


ever wondered why the BIS Mi24 doesn't use it's cannon often? preferring rocket attacks?

well I think that changing the cannon to a real world value greatly changes their behaviour.

AI Mi24 gunners even attack passing aircraft with their new cannon.


here is my YakB config - I'm very happy with it - the AI love it.

//yakb multiplier 2
	class B_127x108_APHE: BulletBase
		hit = 48;
		indirectHit = 9;
		indirectHitRange = 0.3;
		cartridge = "FxCartridge_127";
		visibleFire = 22;
		audibleFire = 22;
		explosive = 0.1;
		visibleFireTime = 3;
		cost = 20;
		airLock = 1;
		model = "\ca\Weapons\Data\bullettracer\tracer_green";
		tracerScale = 1.5;
		tracerStartTime = 0.05;
		tracerEndTime = 2.3;
		airFriction = -0.00055;
		CraterEffects = "ExploAmmoCrater";
		explosionEffects = "ExploAmmoExplosion";
		muzzleEffect = "BIS_Effects_HeavyCaliber";
		caliber = 2.07;
	class 1470Rnd_127x108_YakB: VehicleMagazine
//multiplier 2
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Yak-B";
		displayNameShort = "1SLT";
		ammo = "B_127x108_APHE";
		count = 1470;
		initSpeed = 730;
		maxLeadSpeed = 600;
		tracersEvery = 2;
		nameSound = "mgun";
	class YakB: MGun
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Yak-B Gatling";
		showAimCursorInternal = 1;
		magazines[] = {"1470Rnd_127x108_YakB","EB_1470Rnd_127x108_YakB","EB_750Rnd_127x108_YakB"};
		canLock = 2;
		soundContinuous = 0;
		flash = "gunfire";
		flashSize = 0.1;
		recoil = "Empty";
		aiDispersionCoefX = 15;
		aiDispersionCoefY = 15;
		ffMagnitude = 0.5;
		ffFrequency = 11;
		ffCount = 6;
		cursorAim = "Air_Dot";
		cursor = "Air_E_MG";
		cursorSize = 1;
		ballisticsComputer = 2;
		WeaponInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing";
		discreteDistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400};
		discreteDistanceInitIndex = 2;
		modes[] = {"manual","close","short","medium","far"};
		class manual: MGun
			displayName = "12.7mm";
			autoFire = 1;
			sound[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Weapons\cannon\m134loop4_end",10,1,1200};
			multiplier = 2;
			reloadTime = 0.0133;
			dispersion = 0.006;
			soundContinuous = 0;
			showToPlayer = 1;
			burst = 1;
			aiRateOfFire = 0.5;
			aiRateOfFireDistance = 50;
			minRange = 1;
			minRangeProbab = 0.01;
			midRange = 2;
			midRangeProbab = 0.01;
			maxRange = 3;
			maxRangeProbab = 0.01;
			ffMagnitude = 0.5;
			ffFrequency = 11;
			ffCount = 6;
		class close: manual
			showToPlayer = 0;
			soundBurst = 0;
			burst = 15;
			aiRateOfFire = 0.5;
			aiRateOfFireDistance = 50;
			minRange = 0;
			minRangeProbab = 0.05;
			midRange = 200;
			midRangeProbab = 0.58;
			maxRange = 500;
			maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
		class short: close
			burst = 10;
			aiRateOfFire = 2;
			aiRateOfFireDistance = 300;
			minRange = 200;
			minRangeProbab = 0.05;
			midRange = 500;
			midRangeProbab = 0.58;
			maxRange = 800;
			maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
		class medium: close
			burst = 7;
			aiRateOfFire = 3;
			aiRateOfFireDistance = 600;
			minRange = 600;
			minRangeProbab = 0.05;
			midRange = 800;
			midRangeProbab = 0.58;
			maxRange = 1000;
			maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
		class far: close
			burst = 4;
			aiRateOfFire = 5;
			aiRateOfFireDistance = 1000;
			minRange = 800;
			minRangeProbab = 0.05;
			midRange = 1000;
			midRangeProbab = 0.4;
			maxRange = 1200;
			maxRangeProbab = 0.01;

ref http://www.russianammo.org/Russian_Ammunition_Page_145mm.html

see 1SLT ammo section


Two types of duplex rounds are described by several sources, the first is the 1SL, it consists of two ball bullets with mild steel core and incendiary composition in the nose. The second duplex round, the 1SLT consists of a ball and a ball-tracer bullet in the rear, they weight 31g and 27g. These duplex cartridges are easily identified by three indented dots in the side of the cartridge case and by the dark green bullet-tip of the 1SLT round. The total weight is 145g for the 1SL and 142g for the 1SLT. The overall length is 147mm. They are operated reliably with the YakB machine gun of the Mi-24D helicopter at temperatures from -60°C to +60°C, engaging vulnerable ground and airborne targets. Tracer of the 1SLT burns a minimum of 2.9sec. Projectiles for the "Duplex" cartridges do not have any AP feature, there is an  erroneous advertisement brochure around, showing even the wrong shape of the cartridges.


so this is why our YakB does a lot more damage, it fires 2 rounds with every cartridge

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here is some old test footage comparing BIS twin miniguns with ours, only it'sslightly off as in our mod vid we were using the triple miniguns from the AC47 spooky (i configged them for unsung)

but it's only a 50% boost from our twin m134s, so here you go:


Published on Jun 5, 2014

the BIS twin miniguns fire at almost the correct rate (2000 and 4000 rpm), using a multiplier of 3 (3 shells depleted per 1 damage creating round) but this round has normal solo bullet damage, so this is like firing water at the enemy, as for each round depleted, the average damage is 1/3rd of a 7.62 NATO. Even if you appear to hit a target in the centre of mass, he's frequently gonna walk away.


Published on Jun 5, 2014

here we have the new unsung AC47 triple miniguns being tested on a jerry-rigged AH-6 (the plane is in the workshop). so you have 3 x 6-barrel M134's with a multiplier of 9 (meaning the ammo depletion rate is correct), and damage per hitting round of 50+invisible explosive damage out to 2m. In low ROF (2000rpm) you can put anything you target for a few seconds out of action while hosing the field with all that ammo.

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here is some old test footage comparing BIS twin miniguns with ours, only it'sslightly off as in our mod vid we were using the triple miniguns from the AC47 spooky (i configged them for unsung)

but it's only a 50% boost from our twin m134s, so here you go:


Published on Jun 5, 2014

the BIS twin miniguns fire at almost the correct rate (2000 and 4000 rpm), using a multiplier of 3 (3 shells depleted per 1 damage creating round) but this round has normal solo bullet damage, so this is like firing water at the enemy, as for each round depleted, the average damage is 1/3rd of a 7.62 NATO. Even if you appear to hit a target in the centre of mass, he's frequently gonna walk away.


Published on Jun 5, 2014

here we have the new unsung AC47 triple miniguns being tested on a jerry-rigged AH-6 (the plane is in the workshop). so you have 3 x 6-barrel M134's with a multiplier of 9 (meaning the ammo depletion rate is correct), and damage per hitting round of 50+invisible explosive damage out to 2m. In low ROF (2000rpm) you can put anything you target for a few seconds out of action while hosing the field with all that ammo.


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