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New Server Browser (dev branch)

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Hi there,

in the last update of development branch you will find the first version of new Launcher-based Server Browser. This is a basic release with a view to building on a solid start. We plan to update it regularly and even add some key features that are not yet present. The mod handling is an example of a feature which will be added later, when we will be ready to share it with you.

Please feel free to let us know your ideas, experiences or bugs you may experience. There is the Launcher category on Feedback Tracker where you can direct your feedback, we will read all your comments and ideas in here as well. Any feedback will be very appreciated and can contribute to the better final product.

For more information see the OPREP: http://dev.arma3.com/post/oprep-the-future-of-server-browsing

Thanks in advance for all your feedback!

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I don't know if it is already implemented, but it would be good to be able to automatically download the MOD's necessary to enter the server we choose.

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No feedback yet from me, but I already want to say thank you. It looks great from what I've seen and it will definitely enhance the user experience!


  • One thing that just came to my mind: In order for the filter to work properly, every mission has to have the game type and min, max players set. However, there are many scenarios which do not have those information set properly. So in my opinion, mission creators should be forced to set up these values in the future, or at least get a warning in 3den if they have not set those properly.


  • It takes the launcher quite a while to find all servers - for me 2-3 servers 1 second are added to the list. Is this bound to Steam or is there potential or further improvements?


  • Right now, updating the server list slows down the whole launcher


  • How does the launcher know which mods are used on the server? My guess is that it only detects mods which actually run on the server, but not those which are allowed. This will probably cause issues in the future, since not all mods which are required for a mission, are running on a server.


  • A button to quick refresh the server list and one to stop the updating would come in handy.


  • It took me a few moments to realise how/where I could sort the server list. I think the small button at the upper right corner is obsolete. Sorting should be possible by simply clicking on the attribute I want to sort e.g ping, mission name etc.


  • Another thing which I believe is worth considering, is possibility for server admins to set up a Teamspeak and Arma 3 Units link in the server cfg (or whatever you think fits best) so players can not only join a server quickly, but also learn more about the unit which runs the server and also join their Teamspeak server by clicking on a link/button. That was one major complaint my community had with the old system, it was quite hard to get people on the Teamspeak, because is was too tedious for many players, to type the IP into teamspeak.


I don't know if it is already implemented, but it would be good to be able to automatically download the MOD's necessary to enter the server we choose.



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I'm watching, everyone knows why, happy to see launcher fruits growing ;)

note: lot of stuff from the long promised improvements like regex filters and search ;)

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  On 12/16/2015 at 3:33 PM, R3vo said:

One thing that just came to my mind: In order for the filter to work properly, every mission has to have the game type and min, max players set. However, there are many scenarios which do not have those information set properly. So in my opinion, mission creators should be forced to set up these values in the future, or at least get a warning in 3den if they have not set those properly.

Or have this information automatically be created in mission.sqm. There's quite frankly no reason whatsoever it should not automatically be defined. The maximum amount of playable units clearly depends on the units with the playable- or player-setting. Game Logics (except for Zeus, so HC-Game Logics don't mess the number up) could be automatically ignored and if a mission author deems more than two or even one player to be necessary to finish a scenario there should be an option to manually edit it within the intel tab of the editor.

Manually adding these informations to the description.ext has always seemed an inpractical way to me.

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  On 12/16/2015 at 3:33 PM, R3vo said:

  • How does the launcher know which mods are used on the server? My guess is that it only detects mods which actually run on the server, but not those which are allowed. This will probably cause issues in the future, since not all mods which are required for a mission, are running on a server.



very good point. i was also wondering this since i assumed this would kind of work based on signatures, which would be pretty convenient. that could possibly help with non-workshop mods. maybe even expand overall functionality of signature files to support that better. just a thought. of course auto download of external mods is an expected limitation just by the nature of things.


something i didn't see mentioned (or missed) is favouriting a server. that would be very useful.



overall this is pretty much what i was hoping would happen. the launcher is one of my favourite things about arma 3 in terms of overall progress of the series and mod support.

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you need to differ between

serverside mods (-serverMod) those are hidden

normal mods (-mod) those are public

and optional mods (key files)

now if you server requires mods as needed for client but server isn't using them

then it falls into category of optional

and it more likely will need some special setup via server.cfg or requiredmods.cfg in future ...

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  On 12/16/2015 at 3:33 PM, R3vo said:
How does the launcher know which mods are used on the server? My guess is that it only detects mods which actually run on the server, but not those which are allowed. This will probably cause issues in the future, since not all mods which are required for a mission, are running on a server.

I think it's possible to detect allowed mods because this page already does it.

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something i didn't see mentioned (or missed) is favouriting a server. that would be very useful.


Favorit feature is already implemented, but not working yet. It's the star symbol at the left side of each server.



and it more likely will need some special setup via server.cfg or requiredmods.cfg in future


I don't think that server.cfg or requiredMods.cfg is the way to go. Mods change with missions, at least in our community.



note: lot of stuff from the long promised improvements like regex filters and search


That's great to hear!




Or have this information automatically be created in mission.sqm. There's quite frankly no reason whatsoever it should not automatically be defined. The maximum amount of playable units clearly depends on the units with the playable- or player-setting. Game Logics (except for Zeus, so HC-Game Logics don't mess the number up) could be automatically ignored and if a mission author deems more than two or even one player to be necessary to finish a scenario there should be an option to manually edit it within the intel tab of the editor.
Manually adding these informations to the description.ext has always seemed an inpractical way to me.


For the number of player that would probably work, but what about the game mod? That's something that can't (in most cases) not be set automatically.
Good thing is, in the feature we don't need to add those things in the description.ext. Thanks to the 3den developers.

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I haven't seen mentioned queuing of players trying to join a server.  The server I play on is frequently maxed out with VIP slots only available.  Trying to join this server is a clumsy act of "double clicking as fast as possible" in the server browser after being disconnected on failed attempts to join.  The net result is the message stream in game gets spammed by these connects and rarely is it FIFO.  Luck of the draw is the only way to get in.  It would be nice to see this addressed.

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  On 12/16/2015 at 3:33 PM, R3vo said:

  • It took me a few moments to realise how/where I could sort the server list. I think the small button at the upper right corner is obsolete. Sorting should be possible by simply clicking on the attribute I want to sort e.g ping, mission name etc.

Oh it's possible. It would've took me more than a few moments for me because I hadn't a clue about that.


Couple filter things that we need. Some of these are likely coming and not yet in the launcher but saying just in case:


  • Exclude: We need to be able to exclude words, game modes/types, maps, mods and so on. This is the #1 filter to filter everything that you know you will not play at the point when you're browsing the server. I'm not going to play Altis Life or Wasteland 99,9% of the time I look servers so I want to exclude that huge clutter that it makes in the server browser. We need to be able to make multiple excludes and I think it's not possible to even make multiple includes. Just like browsing in Google, you can +include and -exclude words. The more, the better. Everything you ca include, hopefully it's  possible also to exclude those ;)


  • Tags: It would be cool if servers could have their own tags like life, pvp, rpg, coop, wasteland, alive, zeus and so on. No I don't mean the Game Type filter, I know it already exist. Then if it would be possible to include/exclude tags in the server search, it could be pretty cool and working thing. Of course this requires servers to use right tags and hopefully we wouldn't see someone to use all kinds of tags and mess things up and showing in every search then. This way communities could come with some tags that separate themselves well from others. Just an example Finnish server could add a tag finnish and maybe it would mean the server is more for the Finns or just knowing that you'll very likely find other Finnish people from the server. Or Finnish communities could add finnishcomm tag and you can be pretty sure the community and communication is Finnish in the server. Just a couple  examples from me. Would be really cool thing and could bring some communities together and more easily found.


  • Game Type: Maybe you BIS should add more game types in the filter. We know that there are many more popular game types that the filter doesn't have. This would be very important if you don't add something like tags.


  • Sorting like before: But I like that you added couple new ones under the little list button, so the more the better. Sorting should be possible to do for example highest ping on the top or in the bottom.


  • Spacing in filters: So if I write "high loot" it doesn't mean high+loot so every server that has words high and loot will come up. It should show every server that has phrase "high loot" exactly in that order and exactly like that. Currently I can't even write two separate words easily. So if I try to find Tactical Battlefield named server, I need to write "server:Tactical server:Battlefield". OK maybe not very important for all the filters but it would be cool if it's possible to come up with that more easily. I just realized when I wrote this how I can even try to find two phrase server names. Spacing in tags would be good thing just like in the feedback tracker you can tag the ticket like "first aid" or just two separate words "first and "aid". "first aid" is more precise tag. No I haven't written the tags exactly inside the "" in the feedback tracker :P "" marks just show off in this text better.

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It should be much faster, you should be first 1000 servers under 15 seconds. But it also depends on both your network and Steam.



100M/bit connection here. I also tried to change the CafeRate (has nothing to do with Cafe Noir)  according to this guide https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=4487-YUOC-6922


Gonna check it again tomorrow, maybe it was just a one-time occurrence.


That would be really interesting feature, but for now we're subjected to severe limitations of the protocol. This is something we'll re-evaluate in the future after we finish the basic functionality of the server browser.


But don't forget about it, I'll ask again in the future ;)

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Can you also add support for IPv6 while revisiting the browser? I know it's more of a network related feature, rather than a core server browser related issue, but I think it would make arma more future proof. Ideally with multiple ip binds, so you can have IPv4 and IPv6 coexist for the same server.

I think it would also allow me to bypass the restrictions tied to the use of NAT and allow me to remotely admin my servers from work without having to resort to port forwarding. IPv4 has alerady run out of address space and it's not coming back. I know it might take a few years before everyone has it, but it's probably better to build the experience earlier, rather than later. Also, I know that the serverbrowser can already resolve hostnames. Please keep that in the new launcher :)

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Players should be able to create groups and join a server together, once there's enough space. If I remember correctly, BF3&4 have a similar feature. Arma 3 Units could perhaps also make use if this.

  On 12/16/2015 at 8:00 PM, derpzerker said:



I haven't seen mentioned queuing of players trying to join a server.  The server I play on is frequently maxed out with VIP slots only available.  Trying to join this server is a clumsy act of "double clicking as fast as possible" in the server browser after being disconnected on failed attempts to join.  The net result is the message stream in game gets spammed by these connects and rarely is it FIFO.  Luck of the draw is the only way to get in.  It would be nice to see this addressed.

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  On 12/16/2015 at 8:45 PM, BIS_Wizard said:
ad Game Type: You know, the list of mods is so loooong and I'm so lazy O:) (Meaning: will be fixed tomorrow.) (Or did you meant that we should add more game types above these https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_Game_Types?)

I actually meant that what you linked, though that really depends how the filter system will work in the end. I meant that it maybe should be bit more specific list. It maybe comes that it's just weird to see that Invade & Annex use Co-op, when I'd say it's CTI. The list could contain very popular gamemodes/mods like Life, Wasteland, King Of The Hill, Invade & Annex, Domination and so on if possible.

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It should be much faster, you should be first 1000 servers under 15 seconds. But it also depends on both your network and Steam.



It seems to be an issue on my end. Neither the Arma ingame browser nor the CS GO server browser is faster. CafeRate is set to 50000. Any ideas?

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Since Yesterday I'me getting quite a lot of warnings from Malwarebytes about arma3launcher.


Also very slow 30-50+ seconds to find 788 servers.


Not a very fast connection though 4.5mb

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The game mode Seize is accidentally called Sieze ;)

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Not sure if known issue or not:
Cannot see the full details of the server if I click on one (bottom is chopped off). Windows scaling is set to 125%.
Scrolling down doesn't help. (It just jumps to the next server). Might affect other lists too (mods), but they are not that long, so it's not reproducible.


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I'm not sure if cafeRate is used anymore

as there is entry in steamClient > settings > In-Game >

In-Game server browser: Max Pings / minute

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  On 12/17/2015 at 7:30 PM, dwarden said:

I'm not sure if cafeRate is used anymore

as there is entry in steamClient > settings > In-Game >

In-Game server browser: Max Pings / minute


Thank you, I didn't know about that. Damn, I spent like 2 hours today searching the www for a solution...and it was right in front of me all the time.

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The #1 issue that would need to be resolve to make this feasible is to find a way to change the Steam Workshop EULA. Currently, it prevents many major mods from being uploaded to the Steam workshop, which will result in making this solution non-functional for any server using one of those major mods.


Once that is dealt with and all major mods can be shared on Steam Workshop without hurting the developers in any way due to bad licensing, the next most important issues I would anticipate is proper differentiation between server mods (run on server, not needed on client), required mods (currently can only require mods via mission.sqm), and optional mods (either running or not running on server, but allowed for client). Preferably, this should be easy to configure for server admins, and have good defaults for servers that don't take the time to carefully define said values.


I really hope to see all issues dealt with, so that we no longer need 3rd party software and websites just to get the mods needed to play on a favorite server or explore new servers.

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Ok, so here is my idea on the new Server Browser. Integrate Arma 3 Units into the launcher in unison. What i mean, is that it would be very beneficial if we could have a tab for Units, and sort of host a room where we can have all out team mates. Then the creator of the room can join a server, and it launches the game for everyone in the room. Using units, could add further options, like 2 different units joining one match for a competitive game. Or you can browse units that are online, and invite a certain unit to a server, or your queue. This would allow some serious integration of the community right into the launcher, and allow various options to jump into a game with your buddies, alone, or with multiple units. 

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  On 12/18/2015 at 11:48 AM, galzohar said:

The #1 issue that would need to be resolve to make this feasible is to find a way to change the Steam Workshop EULA. Currently, it prevents many major mods from being uploaded to the Steam workshop, which will result in making this solution non-functional for any server using one of those major mods.


hm. isn't that more of a very RHS specific issue these days? i mean i respect their decision and reasoning and all. but when you say major mods i was thinking this:


ACE - on workshop

CBA - on worjshop

CUP - on workshop

RHS - ...


or am i missing a lot of others? genuine question. have only been following the most noticable discussions on that.


although it would/would've been great if the launcher itself was more open and would kind of allow torrent like linking of mirrors so that external mods in general could be more integrated.  i'm probably, again, missing limitations and even possible exploits here though. aslo i can imagine BI's perspective on this. the workshop and launcher combo offers now all needed functionalities as far as i can tell so from their view it probably (most likely) makes zero sense to do what i just proposed. can't blame them at all.

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