Richie 330 Posted September 29, 2016 A few km's of test roads and it great so far. The only issue I have is creating mountain road switchbacks without the terrain getting buckled. For them you can draw them in red on your L3DT sat, then add that as a new layer, then view it and use L3DT, use the bulldozer tool Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonto- 43 Posted October 1, 2016 im trying to use the powerlines.tpp in demo but cant get output from it. what am i doing wrong? ive set the output folder to export options but the path contains the input folder too.. also tried multiple directories Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pooface 4 Posted October 1, 2016 im trying to use the powerlines.tpp in demo but cant get output from it. what am i doing wrong? ive set the output folder to export options but the path contains the input folder too.. also tried multiple directories I can add a little bit of information, but I also seek affirmation if I am correct. Assuming you have the P:\ca downloaded (even this is missing some texture files I think) and located, you will have these objects referenced in the powerlines.tpp: sloup_vn - P:\ca\misc\sloup_vn.p3d sloupyelE - P:\ca\misc\sloupyelE.p3d bcorylus2s_summer - P:\ca\Plants_E2\bcorylus2s_summer.p3d The problem with the demo powerlines.tpp is that these objects, although they are properly named, are not located properly (I think.) As a result Terrain Processor outputs nothing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoF 241 Posted October 1, 2016 I can add a little bit of information, but I also seek affirmation if I am correct. Assuming you have the P:\ca downloaded (even this is missing some texture files I think) and located, you will have these objects referenced in the powerlines.tpp: sloup_vn - P:\ca\misc\sloup_vn.p3d sloupyelE - P:\ca\misc\sloupyelE.p3d bcorylus2s_summer - P:\ca\Plants_E2\bcorylus2s_summer.p3d The problem with the demo powerlines.tpp is that these objects, although they are properly named, are not located properly (I think.) As a result Terrain Processor outputs nothing. TP doesn't really care if the file is there or not. Where you saved your TP project, there will be a file next to it, I think it ends .lbt. You drag that into Terrain Builder and as long as you have added the objects in the library of that, they will import fine. You can see in your picture it worked as it says "total objects created 4020", they are all stored in the *.lbt file. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonto- 43 Posted October 1, 2016 TP doesn't really care if the file is there or not. Where you saved your TP project, there will be a file next to it, I think it ends .lbt. You drag that into Terrain Builder and as long as you have added the objects in the library of that, they will import fine. You can see in your picture it worked as it says "total objects created 4020", they are all stored in the *.lbt file. :) just cant find this.lbt file :/ i assume there should be a saving path after "saving all objetcts *.lbt in *********" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pvt. partz 248 Posted October 1, 2016 @Tonto Your .lbt file should be in... P/yourprojectname/source/TerrainProcessor/yourprojectname.lbt You should also have a yourprojectname.tpp along with it, if in fact you have run the Terrain Processor at least once. --------------------------------- Can others confirm? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonto- 43 Posted October 1, 2016 @Tonto Your .lbt file should be in... P/yourprojectname/source/TerrainProcessor/yourprojectname.lbt You should also have a yourprojectname.tpp along with it, if in fact you have run the Terrain Processor at least once. --------------------------------- Can others confirm? Don't have folder named terrainprocessor in my source folder. i've set the output folder to be in source folder tho. I also tried to export to other drives with no luck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoF 241 Posted October 1, 2016 Don't have folder named terrainprocessor in my source folder. i've set the output folder to be in source folder tho. I also tried to export to other drives with no luck. When you first open TP, it will show you a list of your projects and where it's stored. The *.lbt file will be where that is Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonto- 43 Posted October 1, 2016 When you first open TP, it will show you a list of your projects and where it's stored. The *.lbt file will be where that is shouldn't it be where i've set it to be created? anyway the tp doesn't create any files to that location. I tried without UAC too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonto- 43 Posted October 2, 2016 I finaly got the output from TP. I guess the demo project was corrupted somehow because new one worked nicely. thanks for the help guys! :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pooface 4 Posted October 2, 2016 I finaly got the output from TP. I guess the demo project was corrupted somehow because new one worked nicely. thanks for the help guys! :) How did you manage to do this? Redownloading or relocating? I had same problem as you and it still is not resolved. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ALSO, I have exhausted all searching for a guide to get "Heightmap: Create from geodetic.asc" to work. From the tutorial: QGIS Download DTED file from USGS website for latitude 50° and longitude 14°, as this is where our tutorial part of Czech Republic is located. This part worked succesfully! ​ This DTED has different rows and columns count. Reprojected the DTED (Raster > Projections > Warp (Reproject)) to GeoTIFF format; this step allows you to resample it to have the equal count of rows and columns. In this steps, we work with GeoTIFF format because of QGIS limitations. If you are familiar with Qgis: in this step, I cannot proceed because the step "gdalwarp -overwrite -of AAIGrid" gives a qgis-ltr-bin error. It says: "Output drive 'AAIGrid' not recognised or does not support direct output file creation." As a workaround, I have replaced the "-of AAIGrid" to "-of GTiff " in the editing window and I get an exported .tif with equal numbers of columns and rows. Now you can convert the GeoTIFF to ASC (Raster > Conversion > Translate (Convert Format)) and use it in TP. You can find the result data in ..\map_TPDemo\source\Heightmap\n50_e014.asc. I succesfully get an .asc, but when I import this into Terrain Processor's "Heightmap: Create from geodetic.asc" DEM, I freeze upon running the Plugin. As you can see, the problem with the .asc may be an output from Qgis (as I have to conduct a workaround that was not mentioned in the tutorial.) After following the tutorial, I come with my .asc file into Terrain Processor and it reads the data as: Rows and columns are equal? Good X and Y coordinate? seem appropriate for DTED Cell size...errr...Does this seem a normal input parameters for Heightmap: create from geodetic.asc? As I mentioned, when I run with the proper Parameters set, TP crashes. I would also take this moment to express my frustration with the Terrain Processor Tutorial and Manual. In the manual it explains on this page Algorithm Load geodetic ASCII DEM. Prepare heightmap with size and position in UTM. For each cell in heightmap: Get its UTM coordinate Convert UTM coordinate to geodetic coordinate. Get height from geodetic ASCII heightmap with bi-cubic spline function. Isn't the function of this process to convert the geodetic coordinates into UTM (not v.v. as the bolded text suggests) Also on this manual's page, it also does not explain what Terrain Processor expects as an input for the DEM tab. It accepts an .asc, but in which Coordinate Reference System is this to be provided? This may be more of a Qgis problem, but I am obviously not complying with something somewhere. I hope this wall of questions/complaints does not seem like a rant, I am really trying to learn and (believe me) I have failed and succeeded so many times to get to this point already. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonto- 43 Posted October 2, 2016 How did you manage to do this? Redownloading or relocating? I had same problem as you and it still is not resolved. I just created a new project and added plugin there.Turned out the demo doesnt really do what i was hoping it would do. Does anyone know easy way to add power poles with lines in terrain processor? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoF 241 Posted October 3, 2016 pooface why is you map in P:\a3\map_*** ? You should put it in its own folder in the root of P:\ with your tag, like rof\map\. By putting it in a3 you run the risk of losing it when a new arma patch comes out, an you have to extract the .pbo's again. Just trying to save you from some heartache down the line :D As for your problems, have you tried using Global Mapper instead? There is another program as well I've seen mentioned, but I can't remember the name of it... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pooface 4 Posted October 3, 2016 pooface why is you map in P:\a3\map_*** ? You should put it in its own folder in the root of P:\ with your tag, like rof\map\. By putting it in a3 you run the risk of losing it when a new arma patch comes out, an you have to extract the .pbo's again. Just trying to save you from some heartache down the line :D As for your problems, have you tried using Global Mapper instead? There is another program as well I've seen mentioned, but I can't remember the name of it... Thank you very much RoF for the suggestion to move out of P:\a3\! (these kinds of things I am unaware of make me fear I am ultimately doomed) I have looked at Global Mapper, but I cannot afford the price tag to buy it - can you get very far with the demo? I have also looked through the forums / youtube for other mapping software - it all seems that most of them integrate the same gdal protocol that Qgis does, but I shall pursue these other options nonetheless. I would like to ask, if you know, how should the OriginX/Y, cell size, for the .asc appear in Terrain Processor? Would those numbers ever suggest incompatibility with TP or does TP just grind out it's algorithm anyway...Because I cannot get it to create heightmap from geodetic.asc :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Richie 330 Posted October 3, 2016 @Pooface, you do not require Global Mapper for TP, see Here 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pooface 4 Posted October 3, 2016 @Pooface, you do not require Global Mapper for TP, see Here Thank you Richie! Importing the DTED (.dt2) into TB, and then building mapframe + exporting terrain as .asc has allowed me to alter the Terrain using TP's modules! (and let's me skip the buggy 'generate from geodetic.asc' step) very good idea thank you. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pvt. partz 248 Posted October 4, 2016 As for setting up your folders and such, CAPTAINCAPS has some video tutorials that are clear and concise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Casseburne 127 Posted November 2, 2016 Hi, is it possible to change the height of the roads with processor field? such as elevating the road around my fields Thank for your help Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoF 241 Posted November 2, 2016 Hi, is it possible to change the height of the roads with processor field? such as elevating the road around my fields Thank for your help Don't think so. Maybe use L3DT and do set height and use a small brush Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Casseburne 127 Posted November 2, 2016 L3DT with the brush is too big and not precise. impossible to put a brush of 0.5 diamettre for example? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
digitalcenturion 20 Posted December 31, 2016 I am trying to use the Point with rotation plugin in TP and get the rotation value from my ROTATION data column - so far no dice and I can't find any proper documentation on the issue. Could any BI dev explain - If I can get it working it will be a huge step forward for automating building placement. EDIT: So according to there is no database binding for rotation - seems like a missed opportunity? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
starbrix 0 Posted January 18, 2017 Hell I can't even get around using one tool at the moment Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spookygnu 563 Posted January 18, 2017 Get used to it mate! If you wanna make terrains it will involve at best, minimum of 3 tools to get a basic terrain in game. You can avoid TP. Its not essential. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoF 241 Posted January 18, 2017 36 minutes ago, spookygnu said: Get used to it mate! If you wanna make terrains it will involve at best, minimum of 3 tools to get a basic terrain in game. You can avoid TP. Its not essential. I would say TP is kinda essential now. It's the easiest way to flatten your roads or do forests etc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spookygnu 563 Posted January 18, 2017 You can avoid it. Just takes longer in l3dt or anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites