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I played V0.1.2 and V0.1.3 without ACE and no FPS drop occurs then.

ACE make FPS drop from 45/50 to 25/35 depending of where I am on the map and numbers of AI involved in the action.

so for me, FPS Drop is not caused bay Ravage update.

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New :
[Ambient AI module]New autonomous machines faction added to the list of Hostile Forces.......


If this is the "small surprise for mission-makers"......Haleks, you are both awesome AND generous.......opens up a whole new dynamic...... :thanx:

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I'm using 0.1.3 of Ravage with only CBA added. i7 4790K with GTX 970. No drop in framerate for me.

PS rsoftokz - love your sneaky syphoning. Brilliant.

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i7 4790K with GTX 970. No drop in framerate for me.

No sh#t? :D

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:huh:  <_<  :unsure:  :wacko:



it seems v0.1.3 have something in configuration to delete all weaponCargo/ItemCargo/MagazineCargo of ALL the vehicles on the map (using the modules)...

the matter is on "customized" crates or vehicles, your system cancel the "init" of the crate (or vehicle ) placed with Editor or any sqf files  who call for "addItemCargo/addMagazineCargo/addWeaponCargo" to customize crates and /or vehicles......(for example the sqf file to create my survivor's ATV )....

how can I override this ??????



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how can I override this ??????

Right now the only way to do it is to set "damage vehicles" to false in the module...

I will add a way to work around that - either a variable to set on each vehicle you want to exclude, or a global setting (less work for the mission maker, but less flexibility too).

@Evil Organ : It is. ;)

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Right now the only way to do it is to set "damage vehicles" to false in the module...I will add a way to work around that - either a variable to set on each vehicle you want to exclude, or a global setting (less work for the mission maker, but less flexibility too).@Evil Organ : It is. ;)

Couldn't he have is command line "wait" for 5 or 10 seconds until the missions starts, so that your delete command is finished before his custom init line begins? I'm away from my cheat sheet right now, but I feel like I had something like that in a mission I made a couple years ago.


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Couldn't he have is command line "wait" for 5 or 10 seconds until the missions starts, so that your delete command is finished before his custom init line begins? I'm away from my cheat sheet right now, but I feel like I had something like that in a mission I made a couple years ago.


I was just about to edit my post! ^^

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Right now the only way to do it is to set "damage vehicles" to false in the module...

I will add a way to work around that - either a variable to set on each vehicle you want to exclude, or a global setting (less work for the mission maker, but less flexibility too).



thank you but...

this will set the vehicles with all items inside , won't it ?... :huh:

anyway, I found an another way to override this matter in my mission....


the items I wanted to be found in some crates  in a few specific places... are now to be found elsewhere* ( and this will add more difficulty to the game  ;) )

I guess you'll just have to exclude all ammo/supply/weapon crates that a mission maker can customized on his need (remove all and/or modify the contents )

empty vehicles are not really a matter then and this keeps Ravage as it is


EDIT: yes the "wait" command is also a solution...   ;) :P


EDIT²: a guy with ammos and weapons should be more dangerous than a supply crate  ... :D  :lol:

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I never noticed ammo crates were being cleaned-up too though - this isn't intended behaviour.

It should be easy to fix the script so it takes care of vehicles only.

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all ammos crates I have inclued in the game with specifics contents, visible in V0.1.2 are now empty with V0.1.3 release... exception of backpacks still present in the crates if there are some.

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Not sure why the behaviour has changed with v013, but I've just edited the module function on my build : all vehicles without fuel capacity will be excluded.

It should definitely resolve the problem. ;)

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I firstly thought about ACE  changed something somewhere... but why it should have ??

tested without ACE....nothing changed

thanks for your reactivity.

(I need to focus on something else than tragic events here in Paris, lot of mates/excoworkers involved in the events...for now, no sad news about relatives and close friends..; so working on my misson build helps a little to change my ideas and I kept my son as far as possible of all of this shit while playing/testing Ravage )

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I'm french too mate; this madness affects a lot of people (I have a brother living in Paris)...

It's hard not to think about it...

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Back home. If I'm correct... (which isn't very often) rsoftokz would need to add the following line in his init file before his ammo crate line:

sleep 120;

waitUntil{!(isNil "BIS_fnc_init")};

sleep 5;

then whatever his ammo crate script is

I'm not certain without trying it myself, but Haleks could probably clarify. Or wait for the next update. ;)

Edit: In hindsight the best way would probably just to use triggers to spawn the ammoboxes in as needed when you reach the specified area.

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I'm french too mate; this madness affects a lot of people (I have a brother living in Paris)...

It's hard not to think about it...

Really Haleks? My condolences mate, for this tragedy that has struck the France. Even if you're not personally affected by it (hopefuly your bro is safe), it's still a national tragedy. In any case, the France will overcome this. It has overcome much greater problems and evils through its history than ISIS terrorists. Stay strong.

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Awesome mod, I'm having a blast playing it right now.


I did run into an error while playing the showcase mission in v0.1.3 though - the fireplaces are spawning about 20m in the air above me when I try to light a fire.  I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this issue, as according to your change log you seem to have fixed this issue.

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Yeah just a small elevation error in the scripts - it will be fixed very soon.

The update should be ready tomorrow - maybe sometime during the night (it's 6.pm here).

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maybe it explains why I was unable to light fires this WE on my MP game...
I didn't take a look 20 meters above  :P


I get bored with ACE for several reasons.. so i decided to work on my own script to attach a chemlight to the body, all directly in mission files ...

I digged in Google and found an interesting script here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/145319-chemlight-on-soldier-multiplayer/


the matter is this script generate chemlights even you don't have a single one in your inventory ( for me, regarding to ravage build, it is cheating then .... )

so i decided to learn a little bit more about scripting and decided to allow chemlights only if you have some on you and delete the chemlight from your inventory once you have light it on.

I gave it a little go... it seems to work

the modification is only on the chem_init.sqf given in the link above


I did this:

_target = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;
_id = _this select 2;

_caller removeaction _id;

if (magazines player find "Chemlight_red" >= 0) then {
RedOn = _caller addAction["<t color='#B40404'>Chemlight Red On</t>", "chemlights\chem_on.sqf",["Chemlight_red"],6,false,false,"","_target == ( player)"];

if (magazines player find "Chemlight_blue" >= 0) then {
BlueOn = _caller addAction["<t color='#68ccf6'>Chemlight Blue On</t>", "chemlights\chem_on.sqf",["Chemlight_blue"],6,false,false,"","_target == ( player)"];


 chem_on.sqf  is slightly modified too, to remove the spent chemlight

_target = _this select 0; //target - if there is one for the addaction. In this case the player.
_caller = _this select 1;// person calling the addaction - hopefully the player
_id = _this select 2; //the id of the addaction.
_caller removeAction _id;  

_ltcolor = (_this select 3) select 0;    // color of the chem light to turn on.

            _lgt = _ltcolor createVehicle [0,0,0]; 
            _lgt attachTo [_caller, [0,-0.03,0.07], "LeftShoulder"]; 
            _caller setvariable ["lgtarray", _lgt,true];


//_caller removeaction actioncloselist;
if (_ltcolor =="Chemlight_Red") then {
        RedOff = _caller addAction["<t color='#B40404'>Chemlight Red OFF</t>", "chemlights\chem_off.sqf",[_ltcolor],6,false,false,"", "_target == ( player)"];
        _caller removeaction redon;
		player removeMagazine "Chemlight_red";
if (_ltcolor =="Chemlight_Blue") then {
        actionBlueOff = _caller addAction["<t color='#68ccf6'>Chemlight Blue OFF</t>", "chemlights\chem_off.sqf",[_ltcolor],6,false,false,"","_target == ( player)"];
        _caller removeaction blueon;
		player removeMagazine "Chemlight_blue";

both chem_on.sqf and chem_off.sqf are also modified to remove the green and yellow chems command as I only met red and blue ones for now with Ravage


it seems to be a simple but efficient script to do what we asked for a long time (I know ACE did this to but much complicated way)

I need to go further in the game as I'm afraid those Chemlights are everlasting while there is a command " red/Blue Off"

then I'll need to figure out to give a limited lifespan to the chemlights if they never fade.

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maybe it explains why I was unable to light fires this WE on my MP game...

I didn't take a look 20 meters above  :P


I get bored with ACE for several reasons.. so i decided to work on my own script to attach a chemlight to the body, all directly in mission files ...

I digged in Google and found an interesting script here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/145319-chemlight-on-soldier-multiplayer/


the matter is this script generate chemlights even you don't have a single one in your inventory ( for me, regarding to ravage build, it is cheating then .... )

so i decided to learn a little bit more about scripting and decided to allow chemlights only if you have some on you and delete the chemlight from your inventory once you have light it on.

I gave it a little go... it seems to work

the modification is only on the chem_init.sqf given in the link above


I did this:

_target = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;
_id = _this select 2;

_caller removeaction _id;

if (magazines player find "Chemlight_red" >= 0) then {
	RedOn = _caller addAction["<t color='#B40404'>Chemlight Red On</t>", "chemlights\chem_on.sqf",["Chemlight_red"],6,false,false,"","_target == ( player)"];
player removeMagazine "Chemlight_red";	

if (magazines player find "Chemlight_blue" >= 0) then {
	BlueOn = _caller addAction["<t color='#68ccf6'>Chemlight Blue On</t>", "chemlights\chem_on.sqf",["Chemlight_blue"],6,false,false,"","_target == ( player)"];
player removeMagazine "Chemlight_blue";

both chem_on.sqf and chem_off.sqf are almost the same, just removed the green and yellow chems command as I only met red and blue ones for now with Ravage

I need to go further in the game as I'm afraid those Chemlights are everlasting while there is a command " red/Blue Off"

then I'll need to figure out to give a limited lifespan to the chemlights if they never fade.


Nice find!

Although there is a small error : you should use > rather than >= (right now you add the action if the number of chems is greater or equal to 0).

Small corrections to your code :

_target = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;
_id = _this select 2;
_caller removeaction _id;
if (_caller != player) exitWith {};//abort if not a player

if (magazines _caller find "Chemlight_red" > 0) then {//has to be greater than 0
//you don't really need a global variable name for your action :
	_RedOn = _caller addAction["<t color='#B40404'>Chemlight Red On</t>", "chemlights\chem_on.sqf",["Chemlight_red"],6,false,false,"","vehicle _target == _target"];//only if the player is on foot
//player removeMagazine "Chemlight_red"; >> You should move this to chem_on.sqf : the mag should be removed once the action is called. Should be easy seen as you already pass it into the arguments.



Actually, here's a much simpler way - add this in the init of your mission :

0 = player addAction["Chemlight On", "chemlights\chem_on.sqf",["Chemlight_red"],6,false,false,"","vehicle player == player && 'Chemlight_red' in magazines player"];

The action will only appear if the player has chemlights on him. You can modify the conditions field and check for a variable you would set it in chem_on.sqf.

So, if you use :

0 = player addAction["Chemlight On", "chemlights\chem_on.sqf",["Chemlight_red"],6,false,false,"","vehicle player == player && 'Chemlight_red' in magazines player && isNil {player getVariable 'chemON'}"];

And add this somewhere in chem_on.sqf :

player setVariable ["chemON", true];

The action will disappear once you attach a chemlight - no need to remove it.

To make it available again :

player setVariable ["chemON", nil];
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Yeah just a small elevation error in the scripts - it will be fixed very soon.

The update should be ready tomorrow - maybe sometime during the night (it's 6.pm here).


Excellent, looking forward to it!  :D

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thank you very much for your comment.

the command to remove a chemlight has been moved to chem_on.sqf before you posted (and I had edited my first message then )

as you know I'm very new in scripting and I have lot to learn

the global variable was there because the guy who wrote the original script  did it for MP , I guess as it is mentioned in his topic.


actually  my script works , command (scroll mouse button) is available only if the player have red and/or blue on him.
the command "red on" disappears once the red chemlight is attched, the option "blueon " still remains and there is an option "red off" that appears.

one chemlight of the used color disappears then from the inventory.

I'll try to follow your intructions and change the terms for it works too with blue chemlights.

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Yeah, it's just an alternative way of doing it. ;)

I haven't tested it myself yet - I'm quite happy with ACE at the moment.

By the way, I will update the list of supported/recommended ACE files in the OP - I run a minimal set, and it's working flawlessly so far (no noticeable FPS drop either).

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I just finished playing a game after recruiting a guy and doing rather well until my health hit 50 and everything else around 95. I think it needs adjusting slightly because hitting 50 health is a little drastic with regards to slowing to a crawl and pretty much unable to move. I thought maybe if i dropped my gear i could move a little quicker but to my disappointment........no! Any chance of tweaking it a little as 50 health in my opinion pretty much says game over!


Thanks  ;)

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I just finished playing a game after recruiting a guy and doing rather well until my health hit 50 and everything else around 95. I think it needs adjusting slightly because hitting 50 health is a little drastic with regards to slowing to a crawl and pretty much unable to move. I thought maybe if i dropped my gear i could move a little quicker but to my disappointment........no! Any chance of tweaking it a little as 50 health in my opinion pretty much says game over!


Thanks  ;)

The forced walk below 50% health isn't supposed to happen anymore.

How did you loose health? Was it radiations? Or a car accident?

Do you have CBA enabled?

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