haleks 8212 Posted December 5, 2016 Haleks and everyone else do you find a good idea to force 1st person once you wearing a gasmask? I know that cease people's freedom of choice but this tents to get popular especially on the famous dayz alike mods.At least it's a thing I will try to do on my mission if I find some help on how to do it :-) Second is there any way I could include or push back your ambient music and add more songs to the list? Thanks. Execute the following script on each players to limit camera views : ["rvg_goggleRestrictView", "onEachFrame", { if (goggles player in antirad_goggles && {cameraView isEqualTo "EXTERNAL"}) then { player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; }; }] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; I suggest you test it extensively though (especially with vehicles & turrets). Sadly it's not possible currently to modify the music soundtracks : they use local variables and it's therefor impossible to refer to them outside of the original script... Something I'll change eventually. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted December 6, 2016 Haleks i updated ravage and i had an issue. Ravage cant find any map locations(it has no configured locations so this seems normal) The first issue,no AI were spawning i think because ravage could find any map locations,i sorted that out by using a game logic- "location" Am i correct in thinking that AI spawn,and their waypoints are influenced by locations,and not only the player? And what would you recommend,that i create "town" game logic locations in every town on the map? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kmoth 13 Posted December 6, 2016 regarding the wandering ironsights problem:if it happens, just save and load the game. the view will be reset. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jimmakos 168 Posted December 6, 2016 Execute the following script on each players to limit camera views : ["rvg_goggleRestrictView", "onEachFrame", { if (goggles player in antirad_goggles && {cameraView isEqualTo "EXTERNAL"}) then { player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; }; }] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; I suggest you test it extensively though (especially with vehicles & turrets). Sadly it's not possible currently to modify the music soundtracks : they use local variables and it's therefor impossible to refer to them outside of the original script... Something I'll change eventually. Thanks very much haleks appreciate it, this seemed to work, at least for the first try, didn't tested with vehicles and other type of stationary vehicles yet, though while you pressing numpad enter to enter into 3rd person mode it skips a frame and flickers one (frame) like the camera goes to 3rd person view for a sec but fails and return back to 1st person again. -Something else i wanted to ask you is for the script i'm using with the option of the character to self heal minor injuries while sitting:(an action which i believe a few people know its implemented on my missions) i wanted to make it so the player won't be able to perform this action once and if he suffering from radiation poisoning, because it falls into a constant loop and players could benefit from that as they are able to selfheal while they taking radiation damage (at least for a certain amount of damage and once they don't overtake it, ~20% of damage). I'm sorry for bothering you the last of 2 days -_- but its some things i want to deliver before the update, or at least before you release your hotfix update, so i will be able to release mine. This is the resting script: while {alive player} do { _t = time; waitUntil {time - _t > 1}; if ((damage player) > 0 && (damage player) <= 0.20 && (animationState player in ["amovpsitmstpsnonwpstdnon_ground","amovpsitmstpslowwrfldnon","amovpsitmstpsnonwnondnon_ground"]))then { _newDamage = (damage player) - 0.005; player setDamage _newDamage; hintSilent "Resting"; }; uiSleep 5; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted December 12, 2016 Forum back online, yay! @Jim : test this script, it should cancel the resting effect whenever the player is being irradiated : while {alive player} do { _t = time; waitUntil {time - _t > 1 && {(player getVariable ["_radToProcess", 0]) isEqualTo 0}}; if ((damage player) > 0 && (damage player) <= 0.20 && (animationState player in ["amovpsitmstpsnonwpstdnon_ground","amovpsitmstpslowwrfldnon","amovpsitmstpsnonwnondnon_ground"])) then { _newDamage = (damage player) - 0.005; player setDamage _newDamage; hintSilent "Resting"; }; sleep 5; //don't use uiSleep or the player will heal while the game is paused - not a good practice for SP }; 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted December 12, 2016 Hi guys! Ravage has been updated! Since the new forum is currently a pain, I'll invite you to the first post for the complete changelog and download link. Have fun fellas! 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Catchdog64 11 Posted December 12, 2016 I'm trying to make a mission off of this wonderful mod and I'd like to add some weapons and equipment from another mod to the loot and what NPC's might be carrying. Can somebody point me in the right direction on how to do that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kodabar 607 Posted December 13, 2016 Yikes, these new forums are ghastly. Way too much white. I see I'll have to write a script to darken them to something less offensive to my eyes. Anyway, I thought I'd let you know that I made a video about the new 28 Years Later mission. It's a full playthrough, so... spoilers. Video in the spoiler section below. Spoiler 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted December 13, 2016 Nice to see an update Haleks, In the previous version survivors faction(didnt matter what side) survivors/traders never despawned like other hostile factions. I am not sure if this is just on my end,but i would doubt it.Is this a deliberate feature? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted December 13, 2016 13 hours ago, kodabar said: Yikes, these new forums are ghastly. Way too much white. I see I'll have to write a script to darken them to something less offensive to my eyes. Anyway, I thought I'd let you know that I made a video about the new 28 Years Later mission. It's a full playthrough, so... spoilers. Video in the spoiler section below. Reveal hidden contents Hi Kodabar, Very nice playthrough there! A quick word about the end of the video : you were very close at one point to complete your task. The bandit distracting you wasn't helping, but there's also a small glitch I just noticed in your video : Spoiler An important object fell through a certain desk and was lying on the ground... :/ Sorry for that one, it'll be fixed soon, it's not game breaking though, just makes it harder to notice... 13 hours ago, redarmy said: Nice to see an update Haleks, In the previous version survivors faction(didnt matter what side) survivors/traders never despawned like other hostile factions. I am not sure if this is just on my end,but i would doubt it.Is this a deliberate feature? Yes, it's intended; friendlies aren't handled the same way, as they require more persistency than basic bandits. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted December 13, 2016 Oh i see,i guess that makes sense. My only reason to mention it is that its a little bit of a concern if the player were to hop in an air vehicle of some kind,and fly around the map enough throughout a persistent mission.That many AI spawning in (over and over even in same areas) might bog things down/become unbalanced.Though understandable ravage isnt really about air vehicles. No worries glad could confirm this is intended anyway i will try to make a triggered faction side delete script to run every so often. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted December 13, 2016 There is no risk flying around : the amount of friendlies is limited and depends on the number of locations on each map. It's usually a dozen max, so it will hardly impact performances. ;) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted December 13, 2016 I never thought there was a population limit,thats great Haleks you think of everything. you might wana check out the new mad max mod and think about adding compatibility for it if you think it suits ravage,some badass/survivor looking gear and three cool vehicles in there(also has gasmask in description) ;) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted December 13, 2016 I will wait for Mad Arma to be a bit more finished before adding full mod support, but I'm already working on stuff. ;) 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caluu66x 11 Posted December 13, 2016 dear Haleks, i think i found a bug in the tanoa demo mission, my character can't seem to look straight with his gun and the crosshair thing seems to spread really far apart then my guys gun points down and to the left even tho im trying to look straight. this happens after a bit of gameplay, it seams to fix the funny bug when i load and reload the mission or a save file. Like for example, after exploring for a bit and getting loot and a nice gun, the guys gun tends to point down and to the left even when i hold the right mouse button to aim down iron sights. i think this bug may have been present in the altis demo mission as well, im not sure has i never encountered this bug on the altis demo mission. Also another possible bug, when i use the editor with the ravage modules and i go to play my mission, i cant seem to use the scroll wheel to recruit survivors, maybe i did something wrong with that portion of one of the ambient AI modules or maybe i have to script it in? not sure. Thanks for the update btw much appreciated! :D Caluu! :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Floky06 0 Posted December 14, 2016 Hi haleks :) what do you think about the idea the players could be infected by zombies. disease effects (visual blurring, slow down...)if theyr infected, they have a few minute to swallow an antidote. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted December 14, 2016 14 minutes ago, Floky06 said: Hi haleks :) what do you think about the idea the players could be infected by zombies. disease effects (visual blurring, slow down...)if theyr infected, they have a few minute to swallow an antidote. Haha, funny you're mentionning that... I've been brain-storming about the idea for a few days. ^^ The difficulty about that is to keep the game interesting or enjoyable while sick : I have burning memories from the DayZ mod... I'll experiment on this, implementing illness will be easy, finding the right balance is going to be a pain... So yeah better be patient on this - I'll probably extend this to the survival system (food & drinks) at the same time. Survival in general should receive an overhaul early 2017. @Caluu : Already reported, by I can't reproduce this at the moment... Best thing to do is to try and reproduce this without mods and file a ticket on BIS bug tracker. Anyway, work on the next update has started already : 143 Tweaked : Tweaked vanilla gear lists (loot & AI) : - Added more civilian uniforms. - Military gear limited to more generic content (AAF gear was removed, emphasis on NATO gear). Fixed : Minor fix to the 28 years later mission. Fix for various RPT errors. New : New setting to the Equipment Pool module to limit stock content : - currently excludes vanilla uniforms from the gear lists. - should be used in combination with supported addons. The guys at RHS suggested that their next update will be quite important in terms of new content : I'll probably wait on their release so I can update the supported items... 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted December 15, 2016 New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. Ravage Mod v0.1.42 Community Base addons A3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted December 15, 2016 Haleks an infected system seems interesting. An idea besides the sick effect of infection....upon infection set player face set as renegade infected,add a minus rating so all other survivors treat player as renagade until cured.Player becomes cannabilistic and has to gut people hahaha Looking forward to more survival like features,maybe add some more functionality to the fire,such as boiling water to purify it from radiation,although thats a little unrealistic perhaps.I would really like to see something like item merging,bandages and blood bag = FAK for example. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wasbob45 17 Posted December 17, 2016 Hey haleks I have been playing Ravage for a couple of years now and I had a few suggestions (Im a derp and didn't know where to post them) 1. In my time playing I have always found that vehicles were a big part of the game, both for storage and transportation. But not all of the vehicles are anphibious. So what I was thinking is that there is a Aquatic Vehicle spawn option in the vehicle modual that will dynamically spawn water based vehicles around the coast's of the map, then have like pirates that are the threat for water based vehcles. I have a custom Planthera singleplayer mission that I am working on and would love this as an option to get from Island to island. 2. As for some odd reason I can never try and find traders unless I put in the code for a trader in the editor. I think that there should be an option for survivor encampments where the player can rock up and buy/sell stuff. To this add like some options in the modual for like where to spawn vehicles and the player had to place an item in (Like a helepad) and name it like vehicle_spawn and any vehicles bought will spawn in the object. But this i assume is a bad idea because of the issues and bugs that spawning has on other objects. 3. Airport modual much like the Survivor camp modual but the player has to put a trigger that is the size of the runway or Hangers and there is a chance for aeroplanes to spawn in that trigger. Again spawing in hangers might be a porblem but if they are on the tarmack it sould be ok, but then again arma will be arma. 4. Building system? But like Aftermath, wasteland, shiz like that but again these are only suggestions. 5. I have always found that there are broken down tanks and stuff like that but no actual tanks that spawn, so i have two ideas for this. Make it so that they are very rare and only spawn in player placed millitary triggers, as well as 1-5% chance to spawn in the wild. Or the other option. Have an option where the player can put in the name of a vehicle and it will be added to the vehicle spawn system. So like: Additional Vehicles: CUP_B_MTVR_USA, CUP_B_Mastiff_HMG_GB_W, etc.... 6. ACE medical intergration for all your medical intergration needs. 7. IDK if it is possible but a dynamic spawning option so that if you die and press restart/respawn it will be a diffrent location inside of like a trigger. 8. More mod intergration, I know that you have a lot on your plate ATM but i would love to be able to play with UNSUNG mod intergration, and i few others that i forgot the name of. 9. Roadmap to see some of the upcoming items for later updates. But over all love the work you do, keep it up! BTW do you have a donation page caus if so im dumb, but I would definatly support you and your great work. XD P.S: Soz for bad english, not my strong suit. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FireWalker 329 Posted December 17, 2016 (edited) Haleks and others.. I was "finally" able to reproduce the sight alignment issue today. Not sure if someone else has figured it out or not, but I can reliably reproduce it on Altis and Tanoa, whether in the editor or on the server. It happens everytime I drink something. Water or Franta. Once my sight alignment came back to normal after about 10 minutes, but that's only happened once so far. It also affects binoculars. For me the character just starts shifting his sight alignment off to the right, and towards the ground. (so if I'm looking straight ahead- the rifle moves to the right and down). It happens rather quickly, you can watch it move across the screen, especially more so if you are moving. Haven't got it to happen unless I drink something (the character, not me ). Starts a couple seconds after that. Fully updated game and addons. CBA Ravage Arma Enhanced Movement I'm going back into game now and leave AEM off and make sure it still happens. Edited December 17, 2016 by FireWalker Play Test - It looks like AEM may be the culprit for me. Couldn't replicate the issue with it turned off. I will double check the version and continue testing, but its a start. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tortuosit 486 Posted December 17, 2016 (edited) Parachute into your SP missions! (put code into players init). 0 = [500, 1000] spawn { _autoOpenChuteATL = random [75,100,130]; private _loadout = getUnitLoadout player; waituntil {alive player}; removebackpack player; player addbackpack "B_Parachute"; player setdir random 360; player setposATL [position player select 0, position player select 1, (_this select 0) + random ((_this select 1) - (_this select 0))]; waitUntil {getPosATL player select 2 <= _autoOpenChuteATL}; player action ["openParachute"]; waituntil {isTouchingGround player}; if (alive player) then {player setUnitLoadout [_loadout, true]}; }; Edited December 17, 2016 by tortuosit WTF I cannot edit stuff inside [code] tags!? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted December 17, 2016 Hi Wasbob! Thank you for the suggestions : Quote 1. In my time playing I have always found that vehicles were a big part of the game, both for storage and transportation. But not all of the vehicles are anphibious. So what I was thinking is that there is a Aquatic Vehicle spawn option in the vehicle modual that will dynamically spawn water based vehicles around the coast's of the map, then have like pirates that are the threat for water based vehcles. I have a custom Planthera singleplayer mission that I am working on and would love this as an option to get from Island to island. Yeah having boats spawning is becoming a necessity, even more so since Tanoa was released... I'll see what I can do. Quote 2. As for some odd reason I can never try and find traders unless I put in the code for a trader in the editor. I think that there should be an option for survivor encampments where the player can rock up and buy/sell stuff. To this add like some options in the modual for like where to spawn vehicles and the player had to place an item in (Like a helepad) and name it like vehicle_spawn and any vehicles bought will spawn in the object. But this i assume is a bad idea because of the issues and bugs that spawning has on other objects. Problem is that traders won't be that numerous, and they aren't that easy to distinguish. The trading camp module idea sounds nice, but also difficult to achieve : randomly generated camps will never be as convincing as hand-crafted locations. I've been (and still am) considering this for bandit camps - that part needs improvements. What I'll do with traders will mostly depends on that. Quote 3. Airport modual much like the Survivor camp modual but the player has to put a trigger that is the size of the runway or Hangers and there is a chance for aeroplanes to spawn in that trigger. Again spawing in hangers might be a porblem but if they are on the tarmack it sould be ok, but then again arma will be arma. Well, I am quite reluctant about introducing aircrafts as they usually are over-powered in many ways... but it could be a nice option to have. ;) This could be combined with what you suggest for tanks or other military vehicles. Quote 4. Building system? But like Aftermath, wasteland, shiz like that but again these are only suggestions. That is not high on the priority list at the moment : the amount of work required for that feature alone is considerable. :/ Not out of question, but I definitely lack the time for it... Quote 6. ACE medical intergration for all your medical intergration needs. [...] 8. More mod intergration, I know that you have a lot on your plate ATM but i would love to be able to play with UNSUNG mod intergration, and i few others that i forgot the name of. Same thing : it requires a bit of testing and painfull manual edits on my end - rather time consuming. But I may have good news on mod support in general in a month or two... Quote 9. Roadmap to see some of the upcoming items for later updates. But over all love the work you do, keep it up! BTW do you have a donation page caus if so im dumb, but I would definatly support you and your great work. XD As much as I would love to, it'll be hard for me to come up with a roadmap : working as a (modest) freelancer, I never know how much time I'll be able to dedicate to modding (among other stuff!). All I can say for now is that, besides bug fixing and code improvements, the long term plan is to streamline the modular aspect of Ravage and eventually work on the most demanded features. But yeah, for now I can only give short-term updates. You should see a donation button in my signature, or you can try this link. Anyway, thanks for the kind words, I hope the mod can keep you busy for another couple years! ;) 2 hours ago, FireWalker said: Haleks and others.. I was "finally" able to reproduce the sight alignment issue today. Not sure if someone else has figured it out or not, but I can reliably reproduce it on Altis and Tanoa, whether in the editor or on the server. It happens everytime I drink something. Water or Franta. Once my sight alignment came back to normal after about 10 minutes, but that's only happened once so far. It also affects binoculars. For me the character just starts shifting his sight alignment off to the right, and towards the ground. (so if I'm looking straight ahead- the rifle moves to the right and down). It happens rather quickly, you can watch it move across the screen, especially more so if you are moving. Haven't got it to happen unless I drink something (the character, not me ). Starts a couple seconds after that. Fully updated game and addons. CBA Ravage Arma Enhanced Movement I'm going back into game now and leave AEM off and make sure it still happens. Thanks Firewalker, I appreciate you taking the time to debug this. Keep me updated! ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
one_eyed_croaker 34 Posted December 17, 2016 Hey Haleks, Was just looking through the mod and saw you have started working on an "add random loot to vehicle cargo". Do still plan on adding this option? If not is there a way I could add this to my mission? Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FireWalker 329 Posted December 18, 2016 Ok, update after a good deal of testing. Bad Benson - You're off the hook. AEM isn't the culprit here. So, I get get it to happen with only Ravage and CBA running. The first time I drink anything there is usually just a small amount or short duration of the character moving off center. If I drink back to back, you better look out, cause he's pointing the gun at the floor... sometimes forever. And yes if I reload the mission from the save - voila! its fixed and back to normal until I drink something again. I can cut a video of this if you like. Seems like its definitely centered around the drinking. - but I haven't tried eating yet either. That's next. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites