R0adki11 3949 Posted November 27, 2016 Looks awesome :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FederalRazer89 7 Posted November 27, 2016 I think i found a bug with Ravage 0.1.40. After playing for about 6 hours straight, the player character started do some weird stuff, like starting to rotate after ironsighting or using a rangefinder. I only encounterd this problem after installing the latest verison.The mods i have active:RavageSimple Single Player Cheat Menu(for troubleshooting or random fun stuff)Ares [steam]JSRS4:APEXCBA_A3 [steam]CUP Terrains - Core [steam]CUP Terrains - Maps [steam]Napf Island A3Beketov [steam]And i also encounter a weird stuff with line "{[_x] call rvg_fnc_equip} forEach units _grp;" that you provided. It causes the waypoints that i have placed to be replaced, so sometimes i see guard to a base/camp wandering 1km from there intended location. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted November 27, 2016 I think i found a bug with Ravage 0.1.40. After playing for about 6 hours straight, the player character started do some weird stuff, like starting to rotate after ironsighting or using a rangefinder. I only encounterd this problem after installing the latest verison. The mods i have active: Ravage Simple Single Player Cheat Menu(for troubleshooting or random fun stuff) Ares [steam] JSRS4:APEX CBA_A3 [steam] CUP Terrains - Core [steam] CUP Terrains - Maps [steam] Napf Island A3 Beketov [steam] And i also encounter a weird stuff with line "{[_x] call rvg_fnc_equip} forEach units _grp;" that you provided. It causes the waypoints that i have placed to be replaced, so sometimes i see guard to a base/camp wandering 1km from there intended location. Hi! I'm pretty sure the waypoint issue can't be caused by the equip function - it touches absolutely nothing but a unit's gear. I'd say this is something you did in editor, or one of your mods (Ares seems like the perfect suspect, but I never tried it myself ^^). As for those strange anim issues, you're not the first one to report that, but I've been unable to reproduce it so far (if it does only happen after 6 hours or so, it's going to be a pain to debug). Could you try playing on the RC 1.66 branch (if you aren't already on it) and see if it occurs still? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted November 27, 2016 Just to chip in on the "strange anims" phenomenon, it's not something i've discovered while playing "28 years later" on current RC build, longest playthrough was around 5 hours yesterday. Didn't Gunter suggest it may stem from IronFront Lite....https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/183264-ravage-mod/?p=3121425 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
one_eyed_croaker 34 Posted November 27, 2016 Ok just sorta finished 28 years after much frustration........ Is Frost supposed to get in the chopper at the end? All that happens is he leaves the group so I have no control of him and he crouches beside the chopper, never getting in. I get in and the mission will not end. Is it just me or anyone else have this issue? Took me forever to make it through this one. I only killed 3 people and 5 zombies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted November 27, 2016 @one_eyed_croaker : definitely a bug... :/ He should get in as soon as he leaves the group - not sure what went wrong but I'll work on that part before updating. Sorry for the inconvenience... Does reloading a previous save leads to the same result? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
one_eyed_croaker 34 Posted November 27, 2016 @one_eyed_croaker : definitely a bug... :/ He should get in as soon as he leaves the group - not sure what went wrong but I'll work on that part before updating. Sorry for the inconvenience... Does reloading a previous save leads to the same result? Yes i saved before the chopper was in view. Tried several times. He died a few times by getting hit by the chopper. If you could make so we keep control of him and command him to enter chopper might fix this issue. One was pretty funny, chopper coming down and he runs right under it and squish. no problem. The part I hated was the bolt action rifle and not finding anything but. Even the 3 dudes I killed had same rifle and didn't even have ammo. i finished with 2 rounds left in my last clip. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted November 28, 2016 Spoilers dude... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
one_eyed_croaker 34 Posted November 28, 2016 Spoilers dude... ????? Was that a spoiler? If it was Im sorry, its fixed now. You guys are hard core on the spoilers... 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted November 28, 2016 The "c" word before your spoiler tag, it's quite a hint. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darkenraja 15 Posted November 28, 2016 Has anyone noticed loot is not re-spawning after a certain amount of time like it used to. I've looted most areas now, and I'm up to 6 in game days and nothing has reset. Is this intentional or is something funny going on? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
one_eyed_croaker 34 Posted November 28, 2016 The "c" word before your spoiler tag, it's quite a hint. ;) Sorry about that. It's fixed now.. I will proof before posting from now on.. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
one_eyed_croaker 34 Posted November 28, 2016 NP. Have you ever looked at Heroes survive mod on Armaholics? Its open for anyone to edit or add to their own mods. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31161 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted November 28, 2016 Haleks i am creating a scenario on chernarus,im simply using ravage modules,and editing each and every town,to make it look as "ravaged" as possible,you know,to give it a nice survivor feel. I had been placing veihicle wrecks of course,but vanilla arma3 wrecks dont have the eastern european cars etc. So i decided to test with RDS civilians cars etc,knowing that Ravage has a veihicle cache system,just for a test,i paced a few hundred empty veihicles in the northwest of the map,well out of sight and within cache range,but i had a terrible FPS drop. So my question is how exactly does the veihicle cache system work?Is there a limit?Does it cache only the physics? And do i need the clean up system for it?Currently i have items in the world,that would get cleaned up so i cant use it for my scenario. cheers 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ContheJon 245 Posted November 28, 2016 NP. Have you ever looked at Heroes survive mod on Armaholics? Its open for anyone to edit or add to their own mods. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31161 That's pretty neat. I like how he added the ability to carry water in jerry cans and has car keys and batteries, heatpacks and painkillers, and a temperature system too, that's cool. I wonder if Bohemia added in those models (painkillers, vitamins, etc) knowing full well that the community would be making survival mods for ArmA? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cmw71 7 Posted November 28, 2016 Anyone else having issues with some weapons not making sounds in 28 Years Later? I'm currently using a silent Mosin. Effective weapon but not the same without the normal bang sound.lol I'm running version 1.64.138732 of Arma 3. I'm checking to see if all my mods are up to date. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted November 28, 2016 Anyone else having issues with some weapons not making sounds in 28 Years Later? I'm currently using a silent Mosin. Effective weapon but not the same without the normal bang sound.lol I'm running version 1.64.138732 of Arma 3. I'm checking to see if all my mods are up to date. Im using the mosin in a custom ravage mission,seems to work fine except the odd animation glitch in manual bolting. I have iron front light,just downloaded it recently to have a look(great mod!) you need to give more info,are you using light version? 1.Any other sound mods installed? 2.does this no sound issue happen after loading a saved game?Or on current? 3.Does the mosin act silent in the Virtual arsenal? 4.Does the mosin have reloading sounds working? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cmw71 7 Posted November 28, 2016 Thanks for replying and yes I'm using Iron Front Lite. No other sound mods installed. The sound issue still happens after loading a save game. In virtual arsenal the Mosin, Kar 98 and SVT 40 work fine but the m76 zastava has a silent fire yet changing the mag is audible. And no the mosin reloading sound doesn't work either in the mission. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted November 28, 2016 Haleks i am creating a scenario on chernarus,im simply using ravage modules,and editing each and every town,to make it look as "ravaged" as possible,you know,to give it a nice survivor feel. I had been placing veihicle wrecks of course,but vanilla arma3 wrecks dont have the eastern european cars etc. So i decided to test with RDS civilians cars etc,knowing that Ravage has a veihicle cache system,just for a test,i paced a few hundred empty veihicles in the northwest of the map,well out of sight and within cache range,but i had a terrible FPS drop. So my question is how exactly does the veihicle cache system work?Is there a limit?Does it cache only the physics? And do i need the clean up system for it?Currently i have items in the world,that would get cleaned up so i cant use it for my scenario. cheers There are two caching systems in Ravage currently; the one you've been using - let's call it the lite one - only deals with physics (it also hides vehicles, but it doesn't save much frames). And there's the "heavy" system : written to handle the hundreds of wrecks and vehicles spawned by the vehicles module. This one is much more efficient but currently has a few limitations - it only works on vehicles that are 100% empty (no crew, no cargo). Here's an init you can try on your vehicles, if you want to test the difference : 0 = this spawn { sleep 1; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _this; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _this; clearItemCargo _this; rvg_dynamicWrecks pushBack _this; }; You can set the caching distance in the Vehicles module. I will keep working on those caching systems eventually, and replace the "lite" one with the more efficient version. ;) Also the clean-up system is only usefull for endless or very long scenarios; if you do need it, you can exclude objects from it with a special variable : this setVariable ["rvg_owned", true, true]; This variable also works on dead bodies you don't want to be removed. Anyone else having issues with some weapons not making sounds in 28 Years Later? I'm currently using a silent Mosin. Effective weapon but not the same without the normal bang sound.lol I'm running version 1.64.138732 of Arma 3. I'm checking to see if all my mods are up to date. The mosin is most likely from RHS Gref : start by checking this mod. ;) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FederalRazer89 7 Posted November 28, 2016 (edited) Hi! I'm pretty sure the waypoint issue can't be caused by the equip function - it touches absolutely nothing but a unit's gear. I'd say this is something you did in editor, or one of your mods (Ares seems like the perfect suspect, but I never tried it myself ^^). As for those strange anim issues, you're not the first one to report that, but I've been unable to reproduce it so far (if it does only happen after 6 hours or so, it's going to be a pain to debug). Could you try playing on the RC 1.66 branch (if you aren't already on it) and see if it occurs still? I am on version 1.64, but i going to play for a bit more to be sure. If it still happen then i am going to try 1.66. The units is not spawned with the editor its with a script because i want the mission to work on any map. In the furture going to try and change so the ai can spawn and fortify existing buildings, etc. the script: MinimumAIamount = 6; FR_fnc_MonitorAIBase = { private ["_grp"]; _grp = _this select 0; _campfire = _this select 1; _Wcar = _this select 2; _Wpickup = _this select 3; _Cargo = _this select 4; _Slumhouse = _this select 5; _Generator = _this select 6; _lamp = _this select 7; _Cloth = _this select 8; _grpsentry = _this select 9; _grpsentry2 = _this select 10; _randombanditcar = _this select 11; while {true} do { if ((player distance (leader _grp)) >= 2500) exitWith { {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _grp; deleteVehicle _campfire; deleteVehicle _Wcar; deleteVehicle _Wpickup; deleteVehicle _Cargo; deleteVehicle _Slumhouse; deleteVehicle _Generator; deleteVehicle _lamp; deleteVehicle _Cloth; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _grpsentry; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _grpsentry2; {_randombanditcar deleteVehicleCrew _x} forEach crew _randombanditcar; deleteVehicle _randombanditcar; }; sleep 1000; }; }; 0 = [] spawn { while {true} do { sleep (random [1000,1800,2400]); _radius = random [1000,1800,2000]; _spawnPos = [player, _radius, (RANDOM 360)] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _spawnPos = [_spawnPos, 20, 500, 3, 0, 0.065, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _grp = [_spawnPos, INDEPENDENT,["I_C_Soldier_Para_2_F","I_Soldier_LAT_F","I_Soldier_AA_F","I_G_Soldier_A_F","O_Soldier_A_F","O_HeavyGunner_F"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; {[_x] call rvg_fnc_equip} forEach units _grp; _grp setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _grp setFormation "COLUMN"; _wpguard = _grp addWaypoint [([(_spawnPos select 0)+(random [-2,0,2]),(_spawnPos select 1)+(random [-2,0,2])]), 20]; _wpguard setWaypointType "GUARD"; _campfire = "Campfire_burning_F" createVehicle _spawnPos; _Wcar = "Land_Wreck_CarDismantled_F" createVehicle ([(_spawnPos select 0)+(random [5,7,10]),(_spawnPos select 1)+(random [5,7,10])]); _Wcar setDir (RANDOM 360); _Wpickup = "Land_Wreck_Offroad2_F" createVehicle ([(_spawnPos select 0)+(random [2,3,4]),(_spawnPos select 1)+(random [-11,-12,-13])]); _Wpickup setDir (RANDOM 360); _Cargo = "Land_cargo_house_slum_F" createVehicle ([(_spawnPos select 0)+(random [20,21,25]),(_spawnPos select 1)+(random [20,21,25])]); _Cargo setDir (RANDOM 360); _Slumhouse = "Land_Slum_House03_F" createVehicle ([(_spawnPos select 0)+(random [-4,-1,0]),(_spawnPos select 1)+(random [-4,-1,0])]); _Slumhouse setDir (RANDOM 360); _Generator = "Land_Portable_generator_F" createVehicle ([(_spawnPos select 0)+(random [1,1,2]),(_spawnPos select 1)+(random [1,1,2])]); _Generator setDir (RANDOM 360); _lamp = "Land_Lamp_Small_EP1" createVehicle ([(_spawnPos select 0)+(random [2,2,3]),(_spawnPos select 1)+(random [-4,-1,0])]); _lamp setDir (RANDOM 360); _Cloth = "Land_ClothesLine_01_short_F"createVehicle ([(_spawnPos select 0)+(random [7,7,8]),(_spawnPos select 1)+(random [7,7,8])]); _Cloth setDir (RANDOM 360); _grpsentry = [([(_spawnPos select 0)+(random [30,30,40]),(_spawnPos select 1)+(random [30,30,40])]), INDEPENDENT,["I_C_Soldier_Para_8_F","I_C_Soldier_Para_6_F","I_G_Sharpshooter_F","I_C_Soldier_Para_4_F"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; {[_x] call rvg_fnc_equip} forEach units _grpsentry; _grpsentry setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp = _grpsentry addWaypoint [_spawnPos, 30]; _wp1 = _grpsentry addWaypoint [_spawnPos, 50]; _wp2 = _grpsentry addWaypoint [_spawnPos, 50]; _wp3 = _grpsentry addWaypoint [_spawnPos, 30]; _wp4 = _grpsentry addWaypoint [_spawnPos, 50]; _wp5 = _grpsentry addWaypoint [_spawnPos, 100]; _wp6 = _grpsentry addWaypoint [_spawnPos, 30]; _wp6 setWaypointType "CYCLE"; _grpsentry2 = [([(_spawnPos select 0)+(100),(_spawnPos select 1)+(100)]), INDEPENDENT,["I_G_Sharpshooter_F","I_Soldier_AA_F","I_Soldier_AA_F"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _wp20 = _grpsentry2 addWaypoint [_spawnPos, 150]; _wp21 = _grpsentry2 addWaypoint [_spawnPos, 150]; _wp22 = _grpsentry2 addWaypoint [_spawnPos, 150]; _wp23 = _grpsentry2 addWaypoint [_spawnPos, 150]; _wp24 = _grpsentry2 addWaypoint [_spawnPos, 150]; _wp25 = _grpsentry2 addWaypoint [_spawnPos, 150]; _wp26 = _grpsentry2 addWaypoint [_spawnPos, 150]; _wp26 setWaypointType "CYCLE"; _randombanditcar = "I_G_Offroad_01_armed_F" createVehicle ([(_spawnPos select 0)+(random [3,5,10]),(_spawnPos select 1)+(random [15,17,20])]); createVehicleCrew _randombanditcar; _randombanditcar setDir (RANDOM 360); _randombanditcar setfuel 0; //This gap has lots of weapons and ammo that i removed to condense the script. [_grp,_campfire,_Wcar,_Wpickup,_Cargo,_Slumhouse,_Generator,_lamp,_Cloth,_grpsentry,_grpsentry2,_randombanditcar] spawn FR_fnc_MonitorAIBase; waitUntil {count units _grp < MinimumAIamount}; }; }; Edited November 28, 2016 by R0adki11 edited post - but code in the code tags ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted November 28, 2016 You guys are hard core on the spoilers... Not really.....it's more about knowing and understanding the forum rules. I've already said I'm having a highly enjoyable SP experience with "28 years later" and I shouldn't really be worrying about browsing this thread for fear of any more spoilers.....but I am. :868: 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Floky06 0 Posted November 28, 2016 Hi Haleks , im using your mod in Multiplayer (altis life) i got some problems. since your last update, when a player takes some zombies damage, everyone on the server take some damage visual effect (blood effect). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted November 28, 2016 Hi Haleks , im using your mod in Multiplayer (altis life) i got some problems. since your last update, when a player takes some zombies damage, everyone on the server take some damage visual effect (blood effect). Hi Floky, and thanks for the report! An update should be out in the next few days to address most issues wich appeared with the last one. Right now I have two major bugs left to fix (plus some minor stuff) : - The one you just reported; this one will be fairly easy - consider it done already. - The problem with the loot search function and Arma2 terrains. I'll keep you guys posted, but I'd say that you can expect Ravage 141 next week-end... 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted November 28, 2016 No words are spoken.....but we communicate well. 28 years later. 100% Spolier Free. :D 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites