redarmy 424 Posted November 16, 2016 Haleks would you have the classname/s of gasmask/s handy? I searched the post but couldnt see them. Also,if i wear a mask,will it reduce radioactive poisoning from the rain? Also,im trying to push back the arrays and remove vanilla Arma gear like you suggested to do,but maybe i misinterperated your instructions because the AI still spawn with Arma3 weapons,here is what i put in the init.sqf of my mission: waitUntil {!isNil "rvg_gearlist"}; { 0 = rvg_weapons; } forEach []; { 0 = rvg_weapons; } forEach ["Trixie_CZ550"]; { As you see im trying to test by seeing if they spawn with Trixie's CZ550 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted November 16, 2016 Haleks would you have the classname/s of gasmask/s handy? I searched the post but couldnt see them. "Mask_M40_OD", "Mask_M40", "Mask_M50", ;) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NorthernLighT 5 Posted November 16, 2016 Heya redarmy, I've personally had much success just putting the following at the end of init.sqf (the MX SW just serves as example) : // Common weapons rvg_mainwWapons = ["arifle_MX_SW_F"]; // Military-grade weapons rvg_weapons = ["arifle_MX_SW_F"]; // LMGs, Sniper rifles and other "rare" things rvg_LMG = ["arifle_MX_SW_F"]; Since then I've only had MX SWs on baddies. However it will change every weapon spawn including loot. Hope it helps! EDIT : I'm an idiot Granted I'm no scripter and I really have only a basic idea of what I'm doing but shouldn't you try something like this? waitUntil {!isNil "rvg_gearlist"}; { 0 = rvg_weapons; } forEach []; { 0 = rvg_weapons pushBack _x; } forEach ["Trixie_CZ550"]; { If you're trying to eliminate vanilla weapons completely (including loot spawns), I would use the method I posted above to empty the arrays and then use the script you posted to pushback/inject the weapons you want to see. If you want to add them to the vanilla loot/spawns, then just use the script you wrote including the pushback command. There, I hope I got it right this time! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted November 16, 2016 Northern light you enter this into sqf exactly like you wrote it? And loot is spawning these weapons also you mean? saw your edit,cheers man will test Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FederalRazer89 7 Posted November 16, 2016 Haleks Have thought of adding more enemy type? Dont know how hard it is but mabye someone that can hold player/ai if caught.That could make things more challenging. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NorthernLighT 5 Posted November 16, 2016 To further clarify my post, after I tested it : Putting the following code into the init.sqf will replace all weapon spawns, including loot found in crates/bags/etc. So if you want to completely replace vanilla items, you'll have to put in every single item you want to add manually into the new array and this for each array you want to replace. And yes, you can type it as is. It worked for me. Referencing Haleks' instructions here : // Common weapons rvg_mainwWapons = ["arifle_MX_SW_F"]; // Military-grade weapons rvg_weapons = ["arifle_MX_SW_F"]; // LMGs, Sniper rifles and other "rare" things rvg_LMG = ["arifle_MX_SW_F"]; If you want to replace other arrays, Haleks posted a list I'm going to quote ( : AI gear arrays : rvg_uniforms_lv1 // Military-grade uniforms rvg_uniforms_lv0 // Clothing and guerilla clothes rvg_vests // Plate carriers and chest rigs rvg_headGears // Helmets and full head covers rvg_goggles // Facewear rvg_backpacks rvg_gasmasks rvg_items // Common loot rvg_uniqueItems // Rare loot, such as Toolboxes, Geiger counters, etc. vanilla weapons (disabled when using modded weapons) : rvg_weaponsA3, rvg_LMGA3 modded weapons : rvg_weapons, rvg_LMG rvg_WeaponItems //scopes, silencers rvg_WeaponLights //flashlights and such If you wish to add new items without replacing vanilla, then your pushback script comes into play. I've personally added the ADR-97 and several others and it works. And you do not need to replace any arrays or add anything else other than what I'm posting below : waitUntil {!isNil "rvg_gearlist"}; { 0 = rvg_mainWeapons pushBack _x; // Common weapons } forEach ["SMG_03C_black", "SMG_03_black", "SMG_03C_camo", "SMG_03_camo"]; { 0 = rvg_Weapons pushBack _x; // Military-grade weapons } forEach []; { 0 = rvg_LMG pushBack _x; // LMGs and "rare" weapons } forEach ["arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "arifle_SPAR_03_khk_F", "arifle_SPAR_03_snd_F", "srifle_DMR_03_F", "srifle_DMR_03_tan_F", "srifle_DMR_07_blk_F"]; { 0 = rvg_weaponItems pushBack _x; // Weapon attachments } forEach ["optic_Yorris", "optic_MRD"]; (Kudos to rsoftokz for the script) Personally, what I did was make a new script like replacements.sqf, put in the code I mentioned first with all the edits I wanted, and then reference it in the init.sqf. This prevents clobbering your init and you can easily see what you've done. So my init.sqf now looks like this bla bla script.sqf (you get the idea) replacements.sqf And replacements.sqf contains : // Common weapons rvg_mainwWapons = ["arifle_MX_SW_F"]; // Military-grade weapons rvg_weapons = ["arifle_MX_SW_F"]; // LMGs, Sniper rifles and other "rare" things rvg_LMG = ["arifle_MX_SW_F"]; 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted November 16, 2016 Great idea Northernlight Yeah i had forgot about the pushback to add in the line of code,just tested it and works now,all good thanks for the assist. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted November 16, 2016 Federal razor if you are looking for a "take prisoner script",i beleive there are a few around armaholic,i know for a fact that MCC sandbox has an interaction system that allows you to hold up the ai,then you can restrain them and make them follow you. Though im not sure if that feature is part of MCC "survive" feature,if it is it wont be compaible with Ravage as MCC revive has a "double click inventory item to use" mechanic,as does Ravage and it will overide Ravages double click feature making it imposible to use any items. Maybe script something that say...once player is within X amount of distance to ai,can makeAI surrender animation if player supresses ai via bis suppress feature. I might be talking outa my arse with that last sentence but this is Arma im sure somethings possible Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NorthernLighT 5 Posted November 16, 2016 Guys, I've hit a couple of walls during my MP mission creation and I need some assistance. Like I said, I'm entirely new to this scripting stuff so right now I'm only good at following instructions and extrapolating/deducting some modifications using provided code. When it comes to new stuff, I'm kind of a lost lamb. I've been trying to make a respawn script, that actually works by the way - but only for me. Both my friends spawn naked. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why they can't profit from it even though the respawns (aka respawn tents) work like a charm. Here's my onPlayerRespawn.sqf : waitUntil {!isNull player}; _unit = _this select 0; removeallassigneditems _unit; removeallcontainers _unit; removeallweapons _unit; removebackpack _unit; removeheadgear _unit; removeuniform _unit; removevest _unit; if (random 100 < 25) then { _uniform = selectRandom rvg_uniforms_lv1; _unit forceAddUniform _uniform; } else { _uniform = selectRandom rvg_uniforms_lv0; _unit forceAddUniform _uniform; }; _unit addVest (selectRandom rvg_vests); _unit addWeapon (selectRandom rvg_weaponsA3); if ((_unit ammo (currentWeapon _unit)) isEqualTo 0) then { _magazinearray = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> currentWeapon _unit >> "magazines"); if !(_magazinearray isEqualTo []) then { _mag = _magazinearray select 0; _unit addMagazines [_mag, 2]; reload _unit; }; }; if(true) exitWith{}; Since it works for me I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong with the "_unit" reference, though unlikely? And it gets even more interesting when I added a cfgRespawnInventory class in my description.ext file : the stuff appeared on the respawn menu in-game just fine, but I spawned naked. (Naked because I didn't use B_Survivor_F class as my unit, so that's normal.) I'm pulling my hair out with this one because I really don't see where I've messed up and I did follow the instructions on the link meticulously. Next wall I've hit is when I tried to make us all spawn together using the script provided by the default Ravage mission on Altis : 0 setRain random 0.7; 0 setFog 0.3; skiptime random 3; enableSaving [false, false]; sleep 1; private "_unit"; _markers = ["spawn1", "spawn2", "spawn3", "spawn4", "spawn5"]; _p = _markers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _list = (getMarkerPos _p) nearRoads 1000; _road = _list call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _pos = getposATL _road; _nextRoad = (_road nearRoads 50) select 0; _veh = createVehicle ["C_Truck_02_covered_F", _pos, [], 0, "FORM"]; _veh setDir (([_veh, _nextRoad] call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo) + (random 20 - random 20)); _veh setVectorUP (surfaceNormal [(getPosATL _veh) select 0, (getPosATL _veh) select 1]); [_veh, true] call rvg_fnc_vehInit; sleep 0.5; _dummyGrp = createGroup West; _driver = _dummyGrp createUnit ["Survivor_blue_1", _pos, [], 0, "FORM"]; [_driver] call RVG_fnc_AddGear; removeBackpack _driver; removeVest _driver; _driver addVest (selectRandom rvg_vests); if !(rvg_weapons isEqualTo []) then { _weapon = [_driver, rvg_weapons select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weapons) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon; } else { _weapon = [_driver, rvg_weaponsA3 select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon; }; [_driver] call RVG_fnc_AddLoot; _driver moveindriver _veh; _driver action ["Eject", vehicle _driver]; sleep 0.2; _driver setdamage 1; sleep 0.5; _passenger1 = _dummyGrp createUnit ["Survivor_blue_1", _pos, [], 0, "FORM"]; [_passenger1] call RVG_fnc_AddGear; removeBackpack _passenger1; removeVest _passenger1; _passenger1 addVest (selectRandom rvg_vests); if !(rvg_weapons isEqualTo []) then { _weapon = [_passenger1, rvg_weapons select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weapons) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon; } else { _weapon = [_passenger1, rvg_weaponsA3 select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon; }; [_passenger1] call RVG_fnc_AddLoot; _passenger1 moveincargo [_veh, 0]; _passenger1 action ["Eject", vehicle _passenger1]; sleep 0.2; _passenger1 setdamage 1; sleep 0.5; _passenger2 = _dummyGrp createUnit ["Survivor_blue_1", _pos, [], 0, "FORM"]; [_passenger2] call RVG_fnc_AddGear; removeBackpack _passenger2; removeVest _passenger2; _passenger2 addVest (selectRandom rvg_vests); if !(rvg_weapons isEqualTo []) then { _weapon = [_passenger2, rvg_weapons select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weapons) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon; } else { _weapon = [_passenger2, rvg_weaponsA3 select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon; }; [_passenger2] call RVG_fnc_AddLoot; _passenger2 moveinturret [_veh, 0]; _passenger2 action ["Eject", vehicle _passenger2]; sleep 0.2; _passenger2 setdamage 1; _prisonUniform = "U_C_WorkerCoveralls"; if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> "U_Captive_A")) then { _prisonUniform = "U_Captive_A"; }; for "_i" from 2 to 5 do { _unit = _dummyGrp createUnit ["Survivor_blue_1", _pos, [], 0, "FORM"]; _unit forceAddUniform _prisonUniform; removeGoggles _unit; _unit moveincargo [_veh, _i]; _unit setDamage 1; }; for "_i" from 6 to 9 do { _unit = _dummyGrp createUnit ["Survivor_blue_1", _pos, [], 0, "FORM"]; _unit forceAddUniform _prisonUniform; removeGoggles _unit; _unit moveincargo [_veh, _i]; _unit setDamage 1; }; deleteGroup _dummyGrp; player1 forceAddUniform _prisonUniform; player1 moveincargo [_veh, 10]; player2 forceAddUniform _prisonUniform; player2 moveincargo [_veh, 11]; player3 forceAddUniform _prisonUniform; player3 moveincargo [_veh, 12]; _posWreck = _veh modelToWorld [0, 7, 0]; _wreck = createVehicle ["Land_Wreck_Car2_F", [_posWreck select 0, _posWreck select 1, 0], [], 0, "FORM"]; _wreck setVectorUP (surfaceNormal [(getPosATL _wreck) select 0, (getPosATL _wreck) select 1]); [getPosATL _wreck,"FIRE_BIG"] spawn RVG_fnc_createFireEffect; _soundSource = createSoundSource ["Sound_Fire", getPosATL _wreck, [], 0]; sleep 40; _closesttown = (nearestLocations [player, ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"],2500]) select 0; _PosT = _pos; if !(isNil "_closesttown") then { _PosT = position _closesttown; }; //squads _posP = [getposASL player, 400, 600, 1, 0, 35, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _Grp = createGroup resistance; for "_i" from 0 to 3 do { _unit = _Grp createUnit ["Bandit_green", _posP, [], 1.0, "FORM"]; [_unit] spawn RVG_fnc_equip; [_unit, (["ENG", "GRK"] call bis_fnc_selectrandom)] call rvg_fnc_setName; rvg_garbage_collector pushBack _unit; _unit setCombatMode "RED"; _unit setBehaviour "SAFE"; [_unit] joinSilent _Grp; }; _Grp move _pos; 0 = [_Grp, _pos, _PosT] spawn { _Grp = _this select 0; _pos = _this select 1; _posT = _this select 2; waitUntil {(leader _Grp) distance _pos < 10}; [_Grp, _posT, 300] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; }; enableSaving [true, true]; execVM "scripts\tuto.sqf"; if (!isNil "_soundSource") then { WaitUntil {player distance _soundSource > 1000}; deleteVehicle _soundSource; }; So I managed to get the two extra guys (respectively _passenger1 and _passenger2) to spawn and get the appropriate loot (even though _passenger1 would not disembark from the cockpit but that's a minor issue). I spawned in the truck just fine but my friends didn't. I'm guessing this is trickier than the respawn script and so far I haven't found any indication as to how to make people spawn in the same vehicle despite not being in the same group. It works for AI but not when the actors are players. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, all of the spawn points were defined and all of them work like intended - it's only the players' spawn that's problematic. The script itself is launched via initServer.sqf to prevent each client from loading it multiple times. Since it doesn't work I've went back to a static spawn with hand-placed objects in the editor. Is there any way to make use of that script somehow to make us all appear in the same generated truck? As I'm writing this, I'm thinking about creating a dummy group just like in the script to make a "group spawn" and then deleting it after we've been moved into the truck, would that work? And finally, I've been adding bits and bobs to the loot spawns as well as on the bandits and it works great. I've been wanting to add some more custom stuff - namely the HLC mods. Now my problem with that is that most of them can make use of vanilla ammo and magazines except some rare exceptions that have their own mags (like the G36 and G3, for example). Now I'm cool with using custom ammo when required but I'd like to keep the vanilla-ish aspect as much as possible. I've tested all of the HLC rounds one by one with each weapon and found those that behave the most vanilla-like. That being said, the ammunition generation script for bandits just selects whatever it feels like using, regardless of instructions. That's fine for vanilla because there's not much choice, but with HLC spawned in it quickly becomes a mess since you need to carry every single mag for every single weapon while you wait for a vanilla STANAG to spawn. It's tedious. I've noticed that Ravage has getMagazineCost and getWeaponCost functions. How do they work and how do they choose which item to give? Is there any way to manually add magazines I exclusively want it to use? Sorry for the wall 'o text, and thanks in advance for any helpful insight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted November 16, 2016 @NorthernLighT : Regarding your first problem : the fact that the script works for you only points to locality issues - most likely it is executed on the server machine only. How do you call it? Are you using event handlers? Same thing for the second issue : try to use a global variable - replace "_veh" by something like "introVeh" (or anything, just have to be a global variable) and see if it helps. As for the modded magazines question : I greatly appreciate mods such as Niarms or warfareThai wich are mostly compatible with vanilla magazines - saves a lot of time for mission makers. Now, if they could set up the vanilla ammo as default, it would be even better! :D Ravage simply collects the default magazines for each weapons when populating loot lists - so what it chooses depends on how modders configured their weapons. The getMagazineCost and getWeaponCost functions aren't really related : they are designed to sort lists so they can make use of the gaussian randomisation method (it is however a good idea to use them whenever you add custom weapons to the lists). 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NorthernLighT 5 Posted November 16, 2016 @Haleks Thanks for the quick answer, I was guessing that it was indeed a locality issue as you say but just couldn't point my finger on it. However, according to the link I provided : When you create files called onPlayerKilled.sqf and onPlayerRespawn.sqf in your mission directory, they will be automatically executed on player's computer when he dies and respawns. So to answer your question : I don't call it in any way and I don't use even handlers. It just works when I die and respawn. So when they say "player", they're referring to the host or the local player? In any case, I'm assuming I have to do some more reasearch on the "respawn" event handler, right? For the intro script - thanks, I'll try that and post results! And for the ammo - it's a bummer but deep inside I felt it would be something like this. But on this one, I'd like to quote redarmy : this is Arma im sure somethings possible I'm going to see if I can create some sorcery using noob luck. Result not guaranteed. I do guarantee however that I'll come back and cry if it fails. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Donnie_Plays 435 Posted November 16, 2016 I remember some people had similar issues with specific mods (usually outdated ones); this is an engine issue, so the MP save system probably won't help. The only idea that comes to mind is to try this on those units (some units use random gear, your problem might come from that) : this setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", false]; If that doesn't work then it's probably a mod or engine issue indeed, you'll have to try with different loadouts... One further thought I had. How does a mod like Breaking Point force users to look a specific way when they load into their servers? For example, if you play as a Hunter, you always spawn in wearing a she-mag and whatever presets you have on your Arma profile has no bearing on it. There has to be a way to force players to wear specific things when they spawn into the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FederalRazer89 7 Posted November 17, 2016 Federal razor if you are looking for a "take prisoner script",i beleive there are a few around armaholic,i know for a fact that MCC sandbox has an interaction system that allows you to hold up the ai,then you can restrain them and make them follow you. Though im not sure if that feature is part of MCC "survive" feature,if it is it wont be compaible with Ravage as MCC revive has a "double click inventory item to use" mechanic,as does Ravage and it will overide Ravages double click feature making it imposible to use any items. Maybe script something that say...once player is within X amount of distance to ai,can makeAI surrender animation if player supresses ai via bis suppress feature. I might be talking outa my arse with that last sentence but this is Arma im sure somethings possible That might be interesting to look at, but at the moment i need to change more stuff with the current scripts that i have. Need to optimize some of the things i have take unnecessary preformance, which i can use for more ai or something else that i have planned. But isnt it possible to just use a playmove or playActionNow to lock the movement when getting hit by a zombie or really close? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NorthernLighT 5 Posted November 17, 2016 Haleks, I've triend doing what you suggested and renamed "_veh" to myTruck but the result is exactly the same. On a hunch, I tried removing the player movincargo lines and adding them to a separate script loaded after the intro. Same result This means that the server doesn't recognize my truck at all, despite giving my truck a global identifier. Since I'm hosting the mission, I have to call in the intro script using if (isServer) then {execVM "scripts\intro.sqf"} otherwise it'll run it several times and spawn several trucks. On a side-note, when I executed it without telling it to run only for the server it worked somewhat since my friends all spawned at the back of their respective trucks. Alongside countless bodies and 3 vehicle wrecks for each. I'm linking my mission file in case someone is bored and wants to take a look (no mods required except Ravage, of course) :!YFgURJ6I!WUCt-5eFGJDA-JbckT3-EkEF-m8qZxUV38P17WjniXM Still, while experimenting and failing I've learned some handy tricks so not all is lost I guess! :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted November 17, 2016 Haleks,i had an idea for a cool new feature for this mod,that might make the player go from being hunted to being the hunter :P Hear me out,because this may be possible and not very complicated to acheive and it could add a very nice feature to single player,or MP. So there are bandits roaming,survivors too,and dont get me wrong,their pressence is great,but sometimes,i feel like they are just out for a stroll until they see me,and decide to shoot.I was thinking of a way to give my missions bandits more "basic instincts" to show they are really trying like me to survive. What that would involve,is them searching for loot,at least...while a garrison/enter building script is nothing new,i thought of something else..."The player drawing them out" (realisticly) And here is how,and why... How: Players dropped gear(any item,possibly backpack) would set off a trigger that would create a waypoint for any bandit/surviver within 100-200 meters(flair,smoke or chemlight must be either attatched to gear via addaction or simply thrown on ground nearby,for trigger to start) That waypoint would direct bandits to the gear position. The WHY: To give a use to what i feel are pretty cool yet useless survival items in ravage in most cases.1)Flares dont burn for long. 2)chemlights dont seem to illuminate CUP terrains. 3)smoke is semi useful 4)TRIP MINES!! yes the how and why cullminate to create....An improvised player made trap Succeding with planting mines is hard by default,but with this,you could have alot of fun,hunting and baiting the AI,And give further use to your item pool. I mean,who doesnt like seeing things go Boom in such a calculated way B) To sum up,bandits see a smoke/falre signal,or chemlight at night,and are drawn to it as the player would be,and fall into a trap.Hell maybe the AI could creat ambush for player this way with a random chance that loot illuminated by flare etc is booby trapped HAHA 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NorthernLighT 5 Posted November 17, 2016 If that ever happens, that would be totally ace! I'd actually start picking up mines and satchels during my travels. However, if they're lured with a 100% chance it would get old really quick, not to mention the free gear it comes with. Combining the trap with a random chance that the AI actually circles around the thing before going to it might be more fun on the long run. They could even ignore or run away from it with a lower chance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted November 17, 2016 Yes northen light i was thinking when AI get waypoint they actually generate two waypoints,one move to(about 20 meters from gear position) and second waypoint pointing to the gear area with a "search and destroy wp" simulating that they are cautious,also looking for player,SENSING IT MAY BE A TRAP....its up to player to position minefields/satchels/trip wire intelligently,at choke points,near cover postions etc Throw in a probability AI will equip players back,and you actually risk loosing something,rather than gaining of the game of survival IMO 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted November 17, 2016 It is indeed a nice suggestion - AI need more work to make their behaviour more believable... I definitely won't have time to tweak that for Ravage 1.40 though, but you guys gave a few ideas for the next versions... ;) 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted November 17, 2016 Happy to contribute man. Looking forward to 1.40 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greatman 10 Posted November 17, 2016 Happy to contribute man. Looking forward to 1.40 It is nice idea, however only if the AI finds it by means of searching not a trigger that would cause AI to drop everything and head to gear 100- 200m or even 50m, it would have to follow the same pattern of searching and looting and not just stop searching and looting because of a trigger that tells it to do so, it has to be within limits and i think the limit would be to treat it as a player behavior , does a player know another player dropped loot on the road a head or behind, the answer is no, so player continues to search and loot building only rush for loot dropped if it is within viewing distance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
steelthunder13 3 Posted November 18, 2016 Hey Haleks, is there a way in the editor that I can manually place containers with food and other RAVAGE added items in them? I want to make a RAVAGE mission for myself to play in the Chernobyl Zone map, but that map doesn't use any of the buildings that RAVAGE auto-populates. I know I can place some survival caches but id honestly prefer randomization. If not do you think you could add it to the next release? EDIT: Also can I see a changelist for the upcoming 1.40 release? Or will I have to wait? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted November 18, 2016 Hey Haleks, is there a way in the editor that I can manually place containers with food and other RAVAGE added items in them? [...] EDIT: Also can I see a changelist for the upcoming 1.40 release? Or will I have to wait? Yes, whenever you place a container in the editor and edit its content, Ravage items should appear under the magazines tab. Here's the changelog so far for the next release : 140 WARNING : SP and PM saves from previous versions aren't compatible! Tweaked : Zeus can now place (and control) individual zombies. Improved support for Marksmen DLC. Improved zombie reaction to flashlights. Players have to remove their gasmask or special helmet to take antirads. Traders are no longer limited to their inventory space, allowing them to buy more items. Restored enemy callouts (use Discipline mod if you want to disable them completely). Tweaked enemy callouts so they don't spam radio comms. Improved distance to target detection before triggering zombie attack animations - now relative to target size. Restored OpenBag action. OpenBag action doesn't pop up in the middle of the screen anymore. Stealing (or ordering to steal) from a backpack wich belongs to a trader decreases your rating. Improved Gasmask SFX handling (vanilla breathing sounds are completely disabled while a gasmask is equipped). Improved zed Blacklist behaviour. Removed Ravage Ambiant Weather from the Tanoa demo (the vanilla simulation works best for that island). Loot system : added a few static objects for Phronk's melee weapons script. Animals killed by zombies don't yield meat anymore. Optimisations of scripted AI behaviour related to nearby zombies awarness. Tweaked damage handling for most survival actions. Damage-related data for MP saves is now more accurate. Bandit groups have higher chances to search buildings for loot. Various minor tweaks. Fixed : Multiple issues when selling weapons and magazines to traders. Fixed several typos in the modules tooltips. The minimum safe spawn distance wasn't correctly applied for the Ambient Zombies module. Fixed an error preventing Hordes from spawning. Fixed props and static objects spawning in mid-air (WIP : disable them if you notice framerate drops). Fixed locality issues with the Blacklist modules. Several fixes to the loot spawn and equipment pool modules. Health in the Status Displays is now more accurate. Players would become invisible to zombies when opening their inventory. Zombies unable to hit players with their inventory opened. Zombies would attack vehicles with dead crew. Fixes regarding data loading for MP saves. Error with groupLootSearch function. Zombies could damage units with "allowDamage false". New : Added new Radiation Zone Placement module. Added a new parameter to the gear pool module defining chances for survivors to wear military grade uniforms. Added a new Safe Zone module to exclude hostile AI and/or radiations around its position. New handling of damage dealt by zombies (natively compatible with ACE,AGM,CSE,VTN and other similar modifications). Mission makers can now specify different uniforms arrays for each Horde. Added gasmask visual effects (survival module has to be present for it to kick-in). Added a new Loot Search option to the Loot Module (original script by Larrow). Showcased in the Altis demo. New renegade faces by Cosmic10R && Bad Benson. Updated supported items from Iron Front LITE. Added support for Avon's FM12 gasmasks. Added support for SKN gasmasks and uniforms. The "BIS_enableRandomization" variable can be used to disable random gear on zombies. Separated settings for Hunger and Thirst rates. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted November 18, 2016 Coming soonâ„¢... 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted November 18, 2016 It is nice idea, however only if the AI finds it by means of searching not a trigger that would cause AI to drop everything and head to gear 100- 200m or even 50m, it would have to follow the same pattern of searching and looting and not just stop searching and looting because of a trigger that tells it to do so, it has to be within limits and i think the limit would be to treat it as a player behavior , does a player know another player dropped loot on the road a head or behind, the answer is no, so player continues to search and loot building only rush for loot dropped if it is within viewing distance. Im not sure i follow man, The way i see it "making sense" is that if a flare,smoke or chemlight is used,it would signal above buildings(smoke rising in the air for all to see) and flare or chem strongly or weakly(trigger size different respectivly) illuminating the area causing cause for interest. I know me as the player would be drawn to a signal like that in real life or any game scenario Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greatman 10 Posted November 18, 2016 Im not sure i follow man, The way i see it "making sense" is that if a flare,smoke or chemlight is used,it would signal above buildings(smoke rising in the air for all to see) and flare or chem strongly or weakly(trigger size different respectivly) illuminating the area causing cause for interest. I know me as the player would be drawn to a signal like that in real life or any game scenario I thought you were talking about dropping gear like backpack and expecting AI to show up on it from 100-200m to loot it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites