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1.85 resistance patch discussion

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Since our other thread imploded from too much whining about 1.46, this thread is dedicated to the discussion of the upcoming patch 1.85 for Resistance, what the new features mean for Gameplay. And maybe clarification on some of the items listed smile.gif

Please refrain from adding new suggestions for the patch as it is bad-wrong according to mods smile.gif

One question I have, will multiprocessors be supported?

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Hmm, Damage, I think it would have been better to try and steer the original thread back on course than creating a new one...but the mods will decide.

-edit- Just noticed the original has been locked, sorry Damage. Good call.

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Original Thread = Closed. Reason = Flaming.

It be good if moderators can just delete offending posts insted of closing thread.

Now I think whats high on discussion is wether or not 1.85 will have true Multi-Processor Support not some 50/50 thing as Res has now. This would enable GamePlanets Duel 1.6ghz System to have 3.2ghz of processing power behind it insted of 800mhz x 2.

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The other one is closed mate smile.gif There are many new possibilities with this new patch which need to be discussed somewhere wink.gif

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Do you think the bicycle will start smoking when damaged?

So far everything in that feature list looks bloody fantastic, finally a sniper class for the Resistance!

Half of these bugs I did not even know about, BIS have certainly done well with this patch.

Having better tank physics is an excellent improvement.

And there is a lot of new editing features which mission makers will have to explore. I wonder if people can get a chopper to land reliably now?

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So, the Linux port is going to be seperate from the 1.85 patch? Wonder when they'll be done with it...

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From the looks of it...the hunting rifle might be a nice bolt action sniper rifle! Something which I have personally been wanting to see for a while! The addition of the Ingram (mac10??) coupled with the already available scorpion will be nice for those snipers crossing country with such a weapon.

Less CPU usage might also mean a bit higher player limits on server as well as more complicated missions be available for design. As a mission editor Im also looking forward to these new commands that will be made available to us...very nice!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Oct. 08 2002,18:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">So, the Linux port is going to be seperate from the 1.85 patch? Wonder when they'll be done with it...<span id='postcolor'>

What makes you say it will be a seperate release?

I thought Suma said that the Linux dedicated server would be released with 1.85 patch.

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I don't recall that- and you think they would have mentioned it in the list if it had been included, cuz it's been a pretty big talking point

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No it's ok, I stuffed up.

He said "Resistance patch (1.85) will be out soon, it is currently in the final developement stages. The same is true for linux dedicated server."

Which I now correctly interpret to mean they will be released around the same time. But it doesn't promise they'll be released together.

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One can only hope.

Anyhow, I noticed they fixed the disconnect cheat. I heard about it, but I never actually understood what was up. Could someone explain it please, since the patch is going to eliminate it anyways?

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I believe it was along the lines of sneaky people disconnecting the incoming traffic to their PC, only allowing outgoing traffic, and shooting people, then reconnecting incoming traffic. It stops them getting shot while they run around and shoot people.

Or I could be totally wrong..

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

Fixed: AI Helicopter pilot no longer climbs high when preparing to stop or land.

<span id='postcolor'>

I am very much liking this.

Finally we can make realistic helo insertions.

There were also a whole lot of nice little things in that list.

/me wants.

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Hmm, they didn't say the engine would be stronger up hills, does anyone know how well a tank does climbing slopes?

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I hope the breaks are stronger on the tanks as they seem to slide down hills.


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That is one of the things they specifically said was fixed. Tank stopping power.

What I would love to see is dust come up the front of the tank as it skidds to a halt! *drool*

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I dont know what the bicycle and the morris is for..... But I guess its a nice new feature, just like the trabant in the old days. It will probably be best for athmosphear, and were probably just made so BIS could include something under "new vehicles". Anyway, the list is long and great, especially for editing porpuses, where OFP was allrdy the best game outthere on this area.

Just look at some of the things, like the "IncomingMissile". This will be very neat for planes and choppers, to hear an alarm go off when some1 fires an AA towards them smile.gif.

I also cant wait for the Ingram smile.gif Not to mention the new addons and scripts in missions that can be made now.... OFP is coming to life again smile.gif

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I wonder what they will break this time tounge.gif

There is always one thing/feature that gets broken when other things get fixed....I cannot wait to see how they have implemented the bicycle though, and I want to see some of these new scripting commands too smile.gif

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Well, nice work. But: when i read Suma's post i thought this would mean the von would be back with sockets. Apart from maybe the getnearestobject everyone was complaining about this was the most missed feature. OFP without von is deathmatch. TS, RW and BC suck cause random players joining your servers aren't using them and can't (cause they don't know the ip) and those tools lack all the cool channels anyway. Sliding tanks are annoying, sure, and, well, a hunting rifle may have it's uses, but without von ofp isn't half the game it used to be before resistance. I hope von will come back sometime. But linux servers are great, and if von had to wait because of linux servers then that was the right decision imho.

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Please ensure that any comments made are not of an inflammatory nature, thus causing this thread to be closed like the other one.

5thSFG Drak, Harbinger[TG] & Lt_Damage & Tex [uSMC] you 4 are all guilty of flaming in the previous thread, after talking with Ralph about it and taking into account the fact that the topic of discussion is something people are very passionate about it has been decided to take no further action, however this goodwill is not something that will most likely happen again in the future.

5thSFG Drak's PR has been reduced to time served.

The large majority of you have been around long enough to know what is tolerated and what isn't, discussing something without resorting to personal insults is something you should all be capable of.

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I wonder if this bug has been fixed:

When you press m for map and you are loking at your gear and group and then one of your men dies and you try to look at his gear game crashes.

And sorry for my english

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ Oct. 08 2002,12:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I bet the Strella still doesn't have an equipment pic! 16_angry.giftounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

My strela has one already tounge.gif

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