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I can confirm that the fix for extraction worked. Still dunno what caused it in the first place.

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Hey, I played on the Flava server the other day and I noticed that enemies had a white/yellow/red marker under their feet for easier detection. I loved it. What is this mod called and is this version on the bleeding edge releases? Would love to use it or add it to the versions I play privately with friends. Thanks!

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Just a few questions....


1a. What's the calculation for AI spawning based on the size of the village marker, bigger markers mean more AI but it's a little hard to estimate how many will spawn.


1b. Is there any negative impact in placing multiple small markers in an area instead of a single larger one, on an airfield for example.


2. It appears much larger amounts of ComCenter markers can be placed than just the default 9 and the mission will select from them where to place the actual ComCenters, is there any negative impact to placing more than the default number TE markers as it was stated previously they were fixed and hard coded into the mission although you might've just meant the extraction points in that reply. (haven't had any problems yet)


3. Where do we send ported missions to?


4. After building an alternative ComCenter in Mapbuilder and exporting to both sqf and sqm the positional information for the objects is very different from that in the fn_BuildComCenter. I was hoping to just replace the object information in the fn.sqf as I am far from knowledgeable in scripting, however looking at the difference in information in the position references it looks impossible. How is the map position information from Mapbuilder converted to the simple positon information contained in the fn_BuildComCenter.sqf.


5. Did Scruffy ever finish the porting missions tutorial post, specifically "I'll explain how to do mod versions and the content of the unitclasses.sqf a bit in another post, coming soon" I couldn't find it, though may just have missed it.


6. In the fn_findFlatAreaNear.sqf is it possible to add other objects as well as Houses inside the brackets eg; {count(_result nearObjects ["House", 50]) == 0}; (I know I could've trial and error this, but unless it kills the mission straight away it's a lot quicker getting a straight answer instead of having to restart the missions numerous times hoping to get a spawn where it can be confirmed or denied)


7. May I recommend the TE markers made in the editor for the ComCenters, Villages and Patrol Boats contained in the Island folder be included in the pbosof any future ports of the mission as it would make it a lot easier for editing. For example Isla Duala has just been updated and a few buildings have been moved/added. It would be handy to just open the mission's TE villagemarkers in the editor and add and/or move them rather than creating a whole new set and possibly changing the feel of the mission ie. question 1.


Ok, sorry, it was just several questions



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1a) It is calculated with groups per squarekilometer. The value depends on difficulty settings.

1b) Yes, smaller areas mean more triggers which impact (server)performance. But there is a tradeoff as large triggers would mean more active groups even if some can't be seen.

2) The comcenter positions are backed in an array. There can be as many positions as you want. The mission selects some positions randomly (with some slight bias to spread the comcenters evenly across the map)

3) Upload them somewhere (best the folder zipped, not a pbo) and sent the link via PM to Scruffy. Write in the PM what you changed and if we should consider adding your portto the offical downloads.

4) You need to export it as composition when I remember it correct. That way the script (sqf) will take a center location and a rotation. Basic SQF export is meant to restore the stuff you build exactly like you made them in MB.

5) Not completly as we are constantly changing some stuff that would affect such a tutorial and would render it useless. Expect some more docs after we release 1.8.0

6) Wouldn't change something in fn_findFlatAreaNear as it may easily break the mission and/or completly destroy the balance. Why do you want to add other objects for the blacklist?

7) See 5. The whole porting and creation process will likely be streamlined (and thus changed completly) in the future.



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Thanks for the quick answers. In reference to answer 6. I made a Zombie version of the mission for Fallujah (not what I was intending to send) and the prison was spawning near the edge of the map the majority of the time. When I lowered the number in the fn_findFlatAreaNear that started making it spawn inside the city, but on occasion it will spawn partly merged with a garden wall and unless the escapees have enhanced movement installed they'll be stuck inside. I was guessing that adding the object name for wall to the sqf might mean it would also take them into consideration when calculating the flat area. Not to worry, it's not really an issue as it happens rarely and everybody playing the mission usually has EM installed, it was just my OCD kicking in. I'll experiment a little further with the village markers and then send a pm to Scruffy, thanks again.

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You can try to add a distance check to the center of the map to fn_findFlatAreaNear so it will not return positions near the border. For the fences: The prison script should remove/hide all mapobjects in prison. Looks like it doesn't work for these gardenfences.

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Hello Neo,

I'm looking to modify the mission so that the players are of the independent side and will fight both the Russians and the Americans. in the unitClasses file, there seem to be two arrays for each category of units - An array of either OPFOR or BLUFOR units, whichever the player is not, and an independent array. If I wish to play as independent, how would I adjust the array headers? Or do I even need to? If I were to leave the headers as they are and just change all the independent unit class names to units from either BLUFOR or OPFOR (opposite faction of first array), would that work? I have already changed the 'east' and 'resistance' assignments. It's mostly the array headers that I'm unsure about.


@unknownsoldier, Have you made any headway with this?


*Edit in case more clarification is needed* - The array format in unitClasses I am referring to is:


array 1: a3e_arr_Escape_InfantryTypes = [];

followed by- 

array 2: a3e_arr_Escape_InfantryTypes_Ind =  [];


Where the first array conventionally is the major faction that the player does not belong to, and the second is for independent units. This format is followed throughout unitClasses.


P.S. - Thank you for your time. I appreciate your help and guidance.

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I can not understand how you can get injured players out of the car?

P.S. v.1.8.0

Edited by TokiMe

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On 11.2.2017 at 9:41 AM, zippy3251 said:

Hello Neo,

I'm looking to modify the mission so that the players are of the independent side and will fight both the Russians and the Americans. in the unitClasses file, there seem to be two arrays for each category of units - An array of either OPFOR or BLUFOR units, whichever the player is not, and an independent array. If I wish to play as independent, how would I adjust the array headers? Or do I even need to? If I were to leave the headers as they are and just change all the independent unit class names to units from either BLUFOR or OPFOR (opposite faction of first array), would that work? I have already changed the 'east' and 'resistance' assignments. It's mostly the array headers that I'm unsure about.



The Enemy and Enemy_Ind arrays are not directly linked to a side in terms of A3 sides. Escape basically have three factions: One player factions and two enemy factions used for some variation in gameplay. Because in the original Escape the mission was hardcoded to use OPFOR and INDEP as enemy factions this carried on into the naming in the unitclasses. However the actual side ingame used is determined in the top lines of the unitclasses.sqf:

A3E_VAR_Side_Blufor = west;
A3E_VAR_Side_Opfor = east;
A3E_VAR_Side_Ind = resistance;

Blufor is the side the players will be on, Opfor is the main enemy faction used for comcenters, vehicle depots and heavy reinforcement. Ind is used as the "locals"-faction (prison guards, common patrols, patrols in cities).

Note that you can set these sides indepdentently from the unitclasses in the arrays below. For example it is possible to have CSAT units as the players and NATO as enemy whilst still having the players on the "west" and enemies on the "east" side (it may cause some problems with some vehicles that assume a certain side thou).


In your case I would suggest leaving the player either on the west or east side and use the remaining sides for the two enemy faction (CSAT and NATO for example). That way the other factions will not constantly fight each other (that will make the mission easy).


On 11.2.2017 at 2:12 PM, TokiMe said:

I can not understand how you can get injured players out of the car?

P.S. v.1.8.0


There was a bug in one of the devbuilds. Should be fixed as of now.

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On 11/02/2017 at 8:41 AM, zippy3251 said:


@unknownsoldier, Have you made any headway with this?



Yeah I got it working, quite easy in the end once you get to grips with it. The only thing I needed to do was tweak the unitclasses.sqf and change the player units in the mission itself. I used the RHS version and changed the resistance units in unitclasses to be US, and then left the east side as was. 

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I tried using the option in parameters to save the settings but it didn't seem to work. Anyone else used this feature that can confirm it works?

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4 hours ago, Vigil Vindex said:

I tried using the option in parameters to save the settings but it didn't seem to work. Anyone else used this feature that can confirm it works?

same with me,  it does not work

instead I use the #reassign command to restart the missions and that keeps all of your settings 

you can also edit the "/include/params.hpp" file to set your own defaults 

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12 hours ago, Vigil Vindex said:

I tried using the option in parameters to save the settings but it didn't seem to work. Anyone else used this feature that can confirm it works?


Are you sure you set the first parameter to "Use below and save"? After that you normally don't need to touch anything in the parameters and it stays as it is (in mission only, the parameters will NOT reflect the stored settings, they will always revert to default, engine limitation).


It works for me splendid.


If the values are really applied and NOT restored, your profile namespace may be read only (make sure A3 can write the profile data, start server as admin for example).

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If anyone is interested ?

I've made a mission map that adds an AI Squad Team. With  helis and tanks that once you Escape or before , You tell your AI peeps to come get you with the Helis.

I've added respawn that works but might be confusing at first. When you are incapacitated you just hit space bar until your world goes" sideways". once this happens you use the respawn button after hitting escape. YOU wake up at the base with your Team, If you pick an AI mate with A or D to respawn to, you may lose your team leader status. I made this mission because I mainly play on my own lan. Also because I like to use Articulate and @C2 command voice programs,really great programs. The AI enemy have the yellow indicators cheats? You can duplicate the squad in the mission by copy/paste and have two squads for a race off the island. Or become one of the AI slots already there. You can turn off the AI in the lobby. I have finished the whole mission with this mod.

all I have to post is my mission and my description.ext. the rest stays the same. Not sure how to post the mission.



my god I just found VoiceAttack.

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Just ported my own "revision" of Escape for internal use (which I continiously working on in over a two years sicne A2) to build 93, and got some problem - my host expierenced massive FPS dropping after ~30 min of gameplay at random locations. Frames near 2-3, models loosing their polygons, AI is nearly sleeping, and so on. Things got better from time to time, but game became unplayable very quickly.  


I am not sure what it is and why it is happening. It only happend once in a past, after over a hour long firefight at northern-east airfield with ~150 bodies lying around, so it's some kind memory overload (and it was gone when we leave area far enough). But this time I am not sure about reason. Maybe my own changes make a black hole somewhere inside scipts, lol, or maybe some new mods aren't this good and crapping inside host's DDR.


But I have to ask about actual changelog to build 93. Having no changelog is minor issue, but still issue :(

Edited by Delta547

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A few friends and I played through build 94 on Takistan using CUP mods last night and unfortunately we were unable to extract, we tried multiple smokes after clearing the area, but still no triggering of the extraction Helo. Are there any other details I can pass along to you guys to help figure out the solution to it, or is it a known issue? I saw a few posts back there had been issues with extraction.


Another question I had was if there was any way of even triggering the extraction manually via server side scripts while logged in as admin in future if it continues to happen?

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12 hours ago, Delta547 said:

Just ported my own "revision" of Escape for internal use (which I continiously working on in over a two years sicne A2) to build 93, and got some problem - my host expierenced massive FPS dropping after ~30 min of gameplay at random locations. Frames near 2-3, models loosing their polygons, AI is nearly sleeping, and so on. Things got better from time to time, but game became unplayable very quickly.  


I am not sure what it is and why it is happening. It only happend once in a past, after over a hour long firefight at northern-east airfield with ~150 bodies lying around, so it's some kind memory overload (and it was gone when we leave area far enough). But this time I am not sure about reason. Maybe my own changes make a black hole somewhere inside scipts, lol, or maybe some new mods aren't this good and crapping inside host's DDR.


But I have to ask about actual changelog to build 93. Having no changelog is minor issue, but still issue :(

Hi Delta547,

You are likely experiencing what has been termed the "3 fps bug" by the Arma community. I've had terrible issues with this recently while trying to host my modified version of escape for me and a few friends. BI has addressed this in their latest update as something they're working on, but don't have a fix for yet. For me, it's usually accompanied by a memory overflow error when I alt+tab out of Arma or exit the game another way. I've tried TONS of supposed fixes, but haven't been able to fix it in it's current state. BUT I haven't had it happen to me since I subscribed to the dev build and started running the 64 bit version. I usually host games with my group of friends, and since we all switched to the dev build, I've not had any problems.

Good luck!


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6 hours ago, Wakeuphate said:

A few friends and I played through build 94 on Takistan using CUP mods last night and unfortunately we were unable to extract, we tried multiple smokes after clearing the area, but still no triggering of the extraction Helo. Are there any other details I can pass along to you guys to help figure out the solution to it, or is it a known issue? I saw a few posts back there had been issues with extraction.


Scruffy made some changes to extraction and some stuff wasn't behaving correctly. We thought it was all fixed, but we will look into it some more.

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On 14.02.2017 at 2:25 PM, NeoArmageddon said:

There was a bug in one of the devbuilds. Should be fixed as of now.

It works very bad, tired of circling near the car to find the right position :(

//build 94

Edited by TokiMe

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I've run into an issue while porting escape to the unsung mod on the da krong map, everything works fine except village markers and patrol boat markers don't work.

This is the error i get when running the mission


3:21:14 Error in expression <kers set [0, [[632.921,3516.65,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [100,100]]];

 3:21:14   Error position: <ELLIPSE"", [100,100]]];
 3:21:14   Error Missing ]
 3:21:14 File D:\Users\Charlie\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\co10_Escape.DaKrong\Island\VillageMarkers.sqf, line 2
 3:21:14 Error in expression <kers set [0, [[632.921,3516.65,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [100,100]]];
 3:21:14   Error position: <ELLIPSE"", [100,100]]];
 3:21:14   Error Missing ]
 3:21:14 File D:\Users\Charlie\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\co10_Escape.DaKrong\Island\VillageMarkers.sqf, line 2
 3:21:14 Error in expression <Markers set [0, [[3231.99,4204,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
 3:21:14   Error position: <ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
 3:21:14   Error Missing ]
 3:21:14 File D:\Users\Charlie\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\co10_Escape.DaKrong\Island\PatrolBoatMarkers.sqf, line 2
 3:21:14 Error in expression <Markers set [0, [[3231.99,4204,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
 3:21:14   Error position: <ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
 3:21:14   Error Missing ]
 3:21:14 File D:\Users\Charlie\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\co10_Escape.DaKrong\Island\PatrolBoatMarkers.sqf, line 2

And this is what's inside the Village Marker file

a3e_villageMarkers = [];

a3e_villageMarkers set [0, [[632.921,3516.65,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [100,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [1, [[1331.05,3698.86,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [100,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [2, [[1888.07,3784.47,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [100,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [3, [[1842.22,3140.59,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [4, [[2510.65,2330.87,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [5, [[1253.61,4842.4,0], 89.594, ""RECTANGLE"", [50,250]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [6, [[3016.49,537.145,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [7, [[1671.96,752.635,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [8, [[3912.85,1711.58,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [25,25]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [9, [[1681.6,2196.69,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [25,25]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [10, [[1540.53,2774.29,0], 90.4287, ""RECTANGLE"", [150,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [11, [[3325.05,952.626,0], 137.502, ""RECTANGLE"", [100,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [12, [[3665.3,1180.09,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [13, [[3585.26,3585.91,0], 137.502, ""RECTANGLE"", [100,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [14, [[3721.69,3439.78,0], 137.502, ""RECTANGLE"", [100,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [15, [[3858.87,3294.4,0], 137.502, ""RECTANGLE"", [100,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [16, [[3996.05,3149.02,0], 137.502, ""RECTANGLE"", [100,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [17, [[4016.83,2920.94,0], 148.908, ""RECTANGLE"", [50,50]]];

I'm not sure what the issue is but any help would be appreciated.

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21 minutes ago, chuggachar said:

I've run into an issue while porting escape to the unsung mod on the da krong map, everything works fine except village markers and patrol boat markers don't work.

This is the error i get when running the mission



  Reveal hidden contents

3:21:14 Error in expression <kers set [0, [[632.921,3516.65,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [100,100]]];

 3:21:14   Error position: <ELLIPSE"", [100,100]]];
 3:21:14   Error Missing ]
 3:21:14 File D:\Users\Charlie\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\co10_Escape.DaKrong\Island\VillageMarkers.sqf, line 2
 3:21:14 Error in expression <kers set [0, [[632.921,3516.65,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [100,100]]];
 3:21:14   Error position: <ELLIPSE"", [100,100]]];
 3:21:14   Error Missing ]
 3:21:14 File D:\Users\Charlie\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\co10_Escape.DaKrong\Island\VillageMarkers.sqf, line 2
 3:21:14 Error in expression <Markers set [0, [[3231.99,4204,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
 3:21:14   Error position: <ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
 3:21:14   Error Missing ]
 3:21:14 File D:\Users\Charlie\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\co10_Escape.DaKrong\Island\PatrolBoatMarkers.sqf, line 2
 3:21:14 Error in expression <Markers set [0, [[3231.99,4204,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
 3:21:14   Error position: <ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
 3:21:14   Error Missing ]
 3:21:14 File D:\Users\Charlie\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\co10_Escape.DaKrong\Island\PatrolBoatMarkers.sqf, line 2


And this is what's inside the Village Marker file


  Hide contents

a3e_villageMarkers = [];

a3e_villageMarkers set [0, [[632.921,3516.65,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [100,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [1, [[1331.05,3698.86,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [100,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [2, [[1888.07,3784.47,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [100,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [3, [[1842.22,3140.59,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [4, [[2510.65,2330.87,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [5, [[1253.61,4842.4,0], 89.594, ""RECTANGLE"", [50,250]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [6, [[3016.49,537.145,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [7, [[1671.96,752.635,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [8, [[3912.85,1711.58,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [25,25]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [9, [[1681.6,2196.69,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [25,25]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [10, [[1540.53,2774.29,0], 90.4287, ""RECTANGLE"", [150,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [11, [[3325.05,952.626,0], 137.502, ""RECTANGLE"", [100,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [12, [[3665.3,1180.09,0], 0, ""ELLIPSE"", [50,50]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [13, [[3585.26,3585.91,0], 137.502, ""RECTANGLE"", [100,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [14, [[3721.69,3439.78,0], 137.502, ""RECTANGLE"", [100,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [15, [[3858.87,3294.4,0], 137.502, ""RECTANGLE"", [100,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [16, [[3996.05,3149.02,0], 137.502, ""RECTANGLE"", [100,100]]];
a3e_villageMarkers set [17, [[4016.83,2920.94,0], 148.908, ""RECTANGLE"", [50,50]]];


I'm not sure what the issue is but any help would be appreciated.

Chuggachar- The  ""ELLIPSE""  bit has two quotation marks. replace all the double marks with just one. That threw me for a bit too.

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1 minute ago, zippy3251 said:

Chuggachar- The  ""ELLIPSE""  bit has two quotation marks. replace all the double marks with just one. That threw me for a bit too.

Thanks for the help!

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Umm. I have a problem. When I or my friend spawn we just fall through the map into the water under it.

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