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About Delta547

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  1. Delta547

    co10 Escape

    Just ported my own "revision" of Escape for internal use (which I continiously working on in over a two years sicne A2) to build 93, and got some problem - my host expierenced massive FPS dropping after ~30 min of gameplay at random locations. Frames near 2-3, models loosing their polygons, AI is nearly sleeping, and so on. Things got better from time to time, but game became unplayable very quickly. I am not sure what it is and why it is happening. It only happend once in a past, after over a hour long firefight at northern-east airfield with ~150 bodies lying around, so it's some kind memory overload (and it was gone when we leave area far enough). But this time I am not sure about reason. Maybe my own changes make a black hole somewhere inside scipts, lol, or maybe some new mods aren't this good and crapping inside host's DDR. But I have to ask about actual changelog to build 93. Having no changelog is minor issue, but still issue :(
  2. Is there any way to switch affected civillians to their normal behavior? Well, aparently I need to switch some of them to their normal animation sets with PlayMoveNow in other script, but I am eventually not good with arma animations at all :/