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"Impulse" (Convolution Reverb Mod)

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This plus DF Lite is AMAZING.

Only criticism is that the metallic reverb effect when inside Metal structures like the green guard towers etc is a little TOO metallic, too tinny ?

Otherwise absolutely stunning... The "Impulse" name is justly given.. The sounds on Full auto give me the feel of Sound pressure hitting the shooter on every shot... Stunning

Sorry for the rubbish video quality... :-) note that Youtube has compressed the sounds somewhat.

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Ah, so the same thing I did in Enhanced Soundscape?

(The sounds were reworked by now)

I like your sounds, btw :)

Enhanced Soundscape sounds nothing at all like this. So no. Just no.

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Add's an exuberant amount of realism and immersion with this enabled for SoS or DF, or just on it's own. Great mod, zooloo!

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Thanks for the support everyone!

Next revision will cover:

+ Performance optimizations

+ Tweaked sounds based off your feedback (so please continue to add input on what can be improved!)

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I'm sitting here miserable with the flu and decided to download this and give it a shot instead of laying in bed all day moaning (the bad kind :P ). I can say without a shadow of doubt I am glad I did. I've tried it with vanilla, Dfyre, SOS and was blown away. I think compared to other reverb systems I found myself tipping over more towards this surprisingly. Just something about it. I will admit it's not yet perfect (I stress yet), but it's on the highway speeding quickly towards it. So while this system might need some minor tweak here or there, I can definitely say this is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. I will stress though, that everyone's systems sound pretty good and enjoy them. However for me as a matter of personal taste, this is certainly on my winning shelf. I can't wait to see where this goes in the future of its development!!

One of my favorite moments was laying down with my ASTFOR MG3 testing it with RHS's 3d Elcan mounted and firing that thing on full auto with your system. While the weapons are currently tweaked for Dragonfyre, it was orgasmic. You really begin to feel something subconsciously when firing weapons with this on. Pretty cool. :D

Anyways, I've blabbered on enough. Just wanted to chime in with my mere two cents worth of feedback. Keep up the grand job, mate! :) :yay:

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I'm sitting here miserable with the flu and decided to download this and give it a shot instead of laying in bed all day moaning (the bad kind :P ). I can say without a shadow of doubt I am glad I did. I've tried it with vanilla, Dfyre, SOS and was blown away. I think compared to other reverb systems I found myself tipping over more towards this surprisingly. Just something about it. I will admit it's not yet perfect (I stress yet), but it's on the highway speeding quickly towards it. So while this system might need some minor tweak here or there, I can definitely say this is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. I will stress though, that everyone's systems sound pretty good and enjoy them. However for me as a matter of personal taste, this is certainly on my winning shelf. I can't wait to see where this goes in the future of its development!!

One of my favorite moments was laying down with my ASTFOR MG3 testing it with RHS's 3d Elcan mounted and firing that thing on full auto with your system. While the weapons are currently tweaked for Dragonfyre, it was orgasmic. You really begin to feel

something subconsciously when firing weapons with this on. Pretty cool. :D

Anyways, I've blabbered on enough. Just wanted to chime in with my mere two cents worth of feedback. Keep up the grand job, mate! :) :yay:

I appreciate your feedback, thanks! Great read! :)

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HEY ZOOLOO, Welcome back!!!! As usual awesome stuff. My only request would be maybe soften it out a bit. Its kind of over powering. Working on sounds for my new mod, and I finally got it working and found the strange click noise it shouldn't have (JSRS3 was the cause). I figure probably the reverb. Could be wrong, but anyways. That fire fight with Rainbow and your impulse was intense!!!! Great job! Just a bit overpowering but other than that its the bomb!!! ;)

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HEY ZOOLOO, Welcome back!!!! As usual awesome stuff. My only request would be maybe soften it out a bit. Its kind of over powering. Working on sounds for my new mod, and I finally got it working and found the strange click noise it shouldn't have (JSRS3 was the cause). I figure probably the reverb. Could be wrong, but anyways. That fire fight with Rainbow and your impulse was intense!!!! Great job! Just a bit overpowering but other than that its the bomb!!! ;)

Thank you, I will soften the reverb.

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Make sure Its not only me. Could be my sounds are too quiet. I don't think they are, but I just cut ur config volumns down a bit and still had hard time with rainbows rifle RHS Russian rifles on the other hand heard loud and clear. Not tested with Vanilla yet. Will do that before I report anything next time. :/

Still not tested with vanilla, but wanted to let you know I upped the volumn on my guns and put impulse back the way it was and heard my guns better with youre reverb. ;)

Edited by Mikey74

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Hey dude, feedback from a sound guy :)

• The system seems to work well, I dig that you can hear the delayed response from far away buildings (FPS don't seem to like it that much, though :D)

• There are two complete breakers for me: The first thing are the sounds themselves. They simply sound like white noise (bsshhhh)...

• ... and the second thing is that all sounds seem to be _way_ too loud (config-wise). The ArmA limiter instantly kicks in which leaves a horrible flat and compressed soundscape as soon as you shoot only once. But you seem to be aware of that!

Really looking forward to see where this is going to, dude, keep improving it!

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Hey dude, feedback from a sound guy :)

• The system seems to work well, I dig that you can hear the delayed response from far away buildings (FPS don't seem to like it that much, though :D)

• There are two complete breakers for me: The first thing are the sounds themselves. They simply sound like white noise (bsshhhh)...

• ... and the second thing is that all sounds seem to be _way_ too loud (config-wise). The ArmA limiter instantly kicks in which leaves a horrible flat and compressed soundscape as soon as you shoot only once. But you seem to be aware of that!

Really looking forward to see where this is going to, dude, keep improving it!

Thanks for the feedback!

---------- Post added at 03:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 AM ----------

Currently working on optimization.

The biggest performance-eater is nearestObjects, so I've taken it upon myself to come up with an exceptional alternative to this function which performs MUCH faster, though the algorithm is approximate.

Here's the comparison using ArmA3's built-in script timer:

2000 meter building check.

83.4147 ms (nearestObjects)

0.837141 ms (my algorithm)

As I said, my algorithm is approximated and as such, will not return every object, but is sufficient enough for my needs.

---------- Post added at 03:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:04 AM ----------

Performance is improved tremendously now! No more 20FPS dips when firing!

Edited by zooloo75

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Received some very good compliments from friends and family that have served and have been in combat and they said that this sounds just like the real thing, like Iraq.

Same with indoors; was told that this is what it really sounds like. I'm happy :D

---------- Post added at 08:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 AM ----------


Thanks :)

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I was curious about your near objects solution so took a peek. Honestly I wouldn't have credited that sort of trace would be quicker than the native function but it's great you've hit on something better. As a further optimization I would suggest you store the results in a global variable and record the firer's position at the time enumerated and then only update it when they've actually moved (rather than on every shot).

EDIT: Hmmm... maybe not. I think I was assuming you were only hooking the player's fired event.

Edited by Defunkt

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Hey dude, feedback from a sound guy :)

• There are two complete breakers for me: The first thing are the sounds themselves. They simply sound like white noise (bsshhhh)...

IMO the difference between L_ES and Impulse is that L_ES adds additional reverbs/reports (whole) to support the gunshot and @Impulse adds another frequency range 'layer' of a reverb over the gunshot, all be it higher frequencies. The two mods do entirely different things imo, by this I mean different approaches. An impluse response is usually higher frequencies outdoors (specific to location and proximity). But if memory serves me correctly there are lots (100's -1000's...) of processed impulse responses integrated when a sound is sent through a convolution reverb not just one. As used in this mod. But beggars cant be choosers (more CPU load no thanks), I like the effect of @Impulse though it does depend heavily on how loud the weapon sound is to start with and how the sound is mixed.


Imo @Impulse is better at giving the sense of close space/near objects/early reflections, the weapon sounds like it's firing in open space. L_ES captures distance, something which convolution reverbs struggle a bit. If there's nothing for sound to reflect off then impulse responses can sound pretty desolate. I've recorded some myself in the past. The question is, is it now possible to marry them both @ImpulseES ;).

Edited by taumargin

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I think it sounds great, as some already mentioned maybe soften it up a lil bit im gonna give the new update a go and see how it is, thanks zooloo75 :)

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Thank you very much for sending us the updated release :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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I was curious about your near objects solution so took a peek. Honestly I wouldn't have credited that sort of trace would be quicker than the native function but it's great you've hit on something better. As a further optimization I would suggest you store the results in a global variable and record the firer's position at the time enumerated and then only update it when they've actually moved (rather than on every shot).

EDIT: Hmmm... maybe not. I think I was assuming you were only hooking the player's fired event.

My function uses line intersections at fixed angle intervals from a position. This is much quicker than the nearest objects command, though less accurate.

I don't need to get EVERY building, I just need to get most of them, and with an execution time of less than a millisecond vs 40+, this is the better choice.

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Excellent work zooloo75, I aldready feel that this mod is a must :)

Good work on optimizations so far, I hope there is more to come.

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Excellent work zooloo75, I aldready feel that this mod is a must :)

Good work on optimizations so far, I hope there is more to come.


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My function uses line intersections at fixed angle intervals from a position. This is much quicker than the nearest objects command, though less accurate.

I don't need to get EVERY building, I just need to get most of them, and with an execution time of less than a millisecond vs 40+, this is the better choice.

And also want to add that you have a great fashion performance.thank you, and success to you.

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