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Only small updates but no uploads yet. I'll try and get those up too, along with the rewrite of the new SCOUT mod possibly. The best upgrade is the new Re-Breathers with the Trident Diving Computer.

The Dragonfly re-breather is for HALO and shallow dives. Down to 10m for an hour. Heavy and durable. Uses 1 tank. And the lighter, non-magnetic, Combat Diving Rig called the Stingray. Uses 2 tanks. Which is good down to 20m for 2 hours. You can go deeper of course, but it will burn out the system quicker. It's half fictional but vastly adds to the immersion and game-play.

Now that I found the EOD re-write (deleted it by accident, but recovered it), i want to get that up soon as well. Either this weekend or maybe by the next. That should then have all projects up to speed, and then I can really get into some brand new stuff. I really want to focus on Combat Diving stuff hardcore for a while. It's the one big area that I feel the game is lacking. All that water, and so little attention.

I have 1 more re-breather coming and some SCUBA stuff for deep dives. More Altimeters and Diving computers. I need to finish some Submarines and get the Lock-Out Chamber finished. Huge projects.

I'll be talking the occasional break to go back and update the other projects as I go through out the winter....

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Should have the New S.C.A.R. System up later today sometime.

It'll be its own separate thread of course. Stay tuned...

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Should have the New S.C.A.R. System up later today sometime.

It'll be its own separate thread of course. Stay tuned...



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Let loose the Dogs-of-War!



Its been released - S.C.A.R



Have fun. Report Bugs there.


Thanks!!!! B)

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Thinking of releasing the Scout/Sniper Project next. Hoping in the next few days.


No major upgrades, just a re-write of the system as the new stand-alone addon.

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Loved the scar system ! really enjoying playing special ops with all you systems ! 

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Managed to cram out the newer Sniper Addon - now called S.C.O.U.T


Nothing that new, just mostly the re-write (like the other ones) to get it

out to the public as the Stand-Alone. Still needs a lot of work and polish.


Let me know on the SCOUT Thread how its working and thoughts.





Should have the new FUSE out soon as well. Should be next weekend.

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How is the work on the subs comming along?  Pix?  Adding some environmental things,like air consumption increasing with depth,or shivering without wetsuit and maybe model a handheld camera for recce may come in handy.

Some light system may be handy:




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Haven't had time to touch the subs all summer. Should be getting back to it this winter. I have lights planned. I may do something simple for the time being. It would be fairly easy to get a light on the Stingray ReBreather. The 3D models and things likely won't be until next summer. I have breathing rate and/or consumption stuff done (mostly fictional). It's based on Rig, Depth, Workload, Fatigue, etc.

I just have to check a couple tweaks and will have a FROGS update this weekend with the new Re-Breathers and Trident Diving Computer.

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*KABOOM* !!!


Holy shit! Yeah!! Okay, I did it. I FINALLY got ALL current projects re-released into their own Stand-Alone Addons. Cool Beans!


Just released my old EOD Project, now called F.U.S.E. Check it out over there on its own thread and test it out. Let me know what you guys think. Its a complete re-write with several upgrades.


Obviously it goes without saying, but I have to remind all that ALL my Projects are still early in development and roughly about 20% done. Still have a couple years worth of work to do, assuming I stay with the hobby. Please reserve THIS THREAD for the up-coming SPOOKS & SPYs stuff and other "Black-Ops" projects. Everything should now work (mostly anyhow) as its own stand-alone with or without the other mods installed (and I repeat, mostly).


The next step forward will be to get a STEAM VERSION of the Full-Pack for auto-updates and ease-of-use for the whole Valve Steam angle.


Then I want to spend the majority of my energy working on the FROGS Combat Diver Project throughout the Winter and get a kick-ass Lockout Chamber with Submarines into the Game. I'm absolutely floored at how little BIS has put into the water environment. Its such a waste. I love the water and anything Naval and look forward to all that it can offer coming up in the next year. Since "Phase 1" is basically over, I would also like to get some work done finally on the 3D Models I have been tinkering with as well. I LOVE working in 3D design, and feel that will go much better than the coding and scripting-side of all these goofy systems.


Hold her steady my friend.... Until the break of dawn. Onward and upwards!

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Awesome work!  Looking forward to seeing what you can do with the underwater environments. 

What we need are waterborne targets that we can affect (small craft, Dhows, patrol vix etc), and I think that Offshore facilities would be perfect targets for SCUBA insertions.

Also excited for a STEAM version that I can pimp out to my unit. 

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Hey Von,


Daddeh here.. What's the ETA to that steam release? I've waited for that to jump in on the action so it'l be easier to coordinate some fun things with my guys. Any thoughts?

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Don't ask for release dates. It is done when it's done.

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Don't ask for release dates. It is done when it's done.

Thanks but if I WAS asking for a release date it'd be one thing. Wanting to know if there'd been any movement on the Steam front is another thing.

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I don't mind people asking for updates and info. I'm actually against the "no asking" forums rule. I think its silly. It shows devs/modders they still care and are watching their interests and helps keep projects alive. As long as they are not over-pestering there is nothing wrong with it. Free Speech.


Right now I have at least 2 broken projects. Both the Combat Diver (FROGS), and the HALO/ParaJump (LEAP) Projects. After one of the last recent game updates, it broke some of my addAction (menu) for things which stalled out momentum. I need to get those fixed before looking into the full Steam package. I should just start a new thread and ask for help from some of the pros since I'm stuck, or have a corrupted version of the game. As soon as I get those fixed, I'll be looking into the Steam option and can move forward.

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Hey, I hate to bug you but how close are we to the next release? I really want to use this for my group, in fact I just created an account to ask this question. I also saw that you have some newer posts on the HALO mod. Is both the Sniper and HALO mod working? If so can you provide me a link to both?

Edited by SpaceWolf
Asking a question

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The full package, and any other updates are currently in a holding pattern. NO UPDATES for a long while. So sorry. Both SpookWarCom and all Stand-Alones.


All Links for the most current versions are in my Signature below. The Sniper Addon mostly works except for the Ballistics. You'll have to use ACE3 or similar. The Blind, Sniper Senses, Target/Card, etc should still work.


The HALO Addon works good at last check I think. It's designed for SP play though. Quirky in MP, and I don't think it works at all in full Dedi Server.


Feel free to bug all you want. That's what these forums are here for. I regret to admit I'm still not sure if I'm coming back to dev full time with ArmA or not. It's an amazing hobby, but way too time consuming.


Until further notice.... Dismissed! Over & Out! -S-

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I'm more so curious if the Steam drop is in the pipeline. One wouldn't think they made it too hard to do this..


Me and my Community have followed this mod for a while now and have pretty much moved our mods to the Steam versions, mainly because of how fast it installs/auto updates. But it also allows us to get mod lists handled in a much cleaner fashion than before with ArmAholic.


Don't mean to sound pushy on this subject.. But I'd love to be able to drop these mods into the list and say we're using it. Many others are already in agreeance that this mod set is a must have for our non-official ops.

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I believe the Diver Module (FROGS) does NOT work. For a few months now there is NO addAction for objects underwater which is what gives you the Player Menus. I just haven't had time to fix this yet, or work with BIS and address the issue with them. If someone wants to start a Ticket with them, please go ahead. I'm just not sure yet if its a bug, game engine, or perhaps a mod conflict on my end. I would need to narrow it down and confirm its on their end before I go any further. I just haven't had the time this fall and possibly for the rest of winter. I just got my Computer Lab put back together this last weekend.


@Pvt C. R. Williams

Steam is definitely in the pipeline. For sure. Again, just not sure on a time-table. If I can't get the package into Steam, I'll still add EACH Project so anyone can subscribe to the ones they want as needed. The primary plan is to have the SpookWarCom full package on Steam, but have the simple stand-alones on both Armaholic and Dropbox. I DO PLAN on uploading on Steam whether I continue to mod or not.So they WILL BE ON STEAM. Absolutely.  :thumb_down:

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@Von Quest

Honestly I am GRATEFUL you put the standalones on Dropbox. Took me 5 seconds to download 4 mods. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing the Standalones on steam.. Could always just make a collection of all the mods and just call it 'The Package'. We went forward with adding SOCOM, SCAR, CORE and SCOUT to our list to test out.. Been waiting a LONG time for these mods to be used :) Thanks for all the hard work you've put in and if you continue, hope to see more content in the future!

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I have started on the configs for ProjectOPfor for this, that will be first faction pack config donation

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