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TF47 Launchers [WIP]

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Does somone else have the problem that the launchers make much less damage when using RHS?

I use the latest version from the mod and the RHS compatibility patch.


For example when you shoot a CSAT Punisher with the AT4 HEAT, only the tires blow up and the crew ist still alive and jumps out of the car.

Without RHS and the RHS compatibility patch the vehicle blows up instantly.


Tested in editor and on a dedicated server.

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Loving the new SMAW :)

Just wondering are there any plans to remove the pod from back when it is empty so it's smaller (like cup smaw) and to allow my ammo man to reload a rocket for me or is that an ace thing. Currently with ace ammo man can interact on smaw and see if it's loaded but with machine guns he can check ammo and link another 100 belt etc.


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Looking forward to the M72 in the future!

Although one thing to report, the Iron sight adjustments on the AT4 and Carl Gustaf don't seem to match between the HUD and the actual weapon, is this intentional?   

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In this mod, the Carl Gustav's sight can only be adjusted in 100 meter increments. This is too crude and doesn't allow you to aim precisely enough, making you often miss. The real version uses 50 meter increments. So, is there any chance we might see that in this mod?


Really nice mod, by the way!

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Someone else get a script error?

No one has the smaw equipped but there is a script failure.

Tested on a dedicated server.


21:15:15 Error in expression <apons this))) && (((currentmuzzle this) == "tf47_smaw") || ((currentmuzzle this)>
21:15:15   Error position: <== "tf47_smaw") || ((currentmuzzle this)>
21:15:15   Error General error in expression

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Someone else get a script error?

No one has the smaw equipped but there is a script failure.

Tested on a dedicated server.


21:15:15 Error in expression <apons this))) && (((currentmuzzle this) == "tf47_smaw") || ((currentmuzzle this)>
21:15:15   Error position: <== "tf47_smaw") || ((currentmuzzle this)>
21:15:15   Error General error in expression


Yes, get it very often when I go up to a dead unit.

Only running @tf47_launchers.

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I experienced the same issue a few times. I'm not 100% certain but I think Alex2k might be right that it happens when there are dead bodies around you.

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Is there any possibility that M141 BDM will be included in this mod?it's a variant of SMAW also known as SMAW-Disposable used by us army.


thx for the great works!

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@Blackpixel, So after some testing it seems currentmuzzle sometimes returns a number rather than a string if you. I'd advise replacing the == with 'isEqualTo' as this supports comparing variables of different types and won't throw an error.

Quoting this just in case blackpixxel didn't notice it.


There's also a ticket for the bug here.

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I noticed with the new ACE update, the spotting rifle backblast just happened and now in testing it isn't happening. It seems to be in and out with it working and it not working.

When not using the RHS compatability patch alongside ACE I noticed you cant switch between the SMAW and the Spotting Rifle.

And finally I've noticed a fairly gamebreaking one using the following mods when firing the spotting rifle on Stratis, my game would crash and give me this error: http://imgur.com/Bp71jpx

The mods used were:
- ACE3
- TF47 Launchers
- TF47 RHS Compatability Patch

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@tf47_launchers_rhs in play with six has full version of the mod, not the config for rhs compatibility.

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Status update, Rebelvg I was completely unaware that the patch was the entire mod, but that saves me an extra 100mb. And John I am also aware of the backblast fixes. My point being is that those issues are still relevant, they could be either ACE's for bugging out or TF47's need updating for the new ACE system.


The crashing issue still stands when using the spotting rifle.

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Another note is the TF-47 units are missing Radios.

Rifleman (SMAW) has too many missiles causing overloading of unit (so a TFAR cannot replace radios) 

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Found a problem with this mod.
Steps to reproduce:

1. Run editor with any unit and open inventory.

2. Click on any item in uniform/vest/backpack.
3. You notice that selection vanishes.
Run vanilla only and do the same steps, your seletction will be not vanished.

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Is it normal that it takes way too many shoots to destroy RHS tanks/bmps with your launchers? I have RHS compat but it just doesnt seem right...

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Short answer is that RHS basically decided to use their own totally proprietary damage model. 

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I think the problem got even worse with the latest Arma update. ( I use TF47, RHS and ACE )

When shooting a tank with the AT4 HP it removes maybe 10% of the life.

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Got a real head scratcher with this one: I do a lot of recording for my milsim community, and our tool of choice is a reworked version of gigan's GCam for Arma 3. It's basically a tool that lets me detach my view and fly the camera around like a spectator, albeit while remaining in the game and able to hear my radios. When I activate TF47 launchers, however, GCam vanishes from the list of addActions typically available. Take it out of the modpack and GCam is available. No conflict with tf47_launchers_rhs.pbo in the modpack, interestingly. Can anyone fathom why there would be a conflict between the two? Other mods in use are:

  • CBA
  • ACE3
  • RHS
  • AiA TerrainPack
  • TFR
  • Leights OPFOR

What's even more interesting is that we were using the TF47 mod with no conflicts before installing the August update (which we weren't aware of). After that was installed, the problem began. Any thoughts?

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We have a issue that when using JSRS you cannot hear the external sounds. Not sure if its your fault or not just thought you should know.- 

Restart fixed it

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Correct me if I am wrong but 3 shoots (side, back, side) from mk.153 using AA ammo from ~ 60m should destroy basic T-72 from RHS (I use RHC comp) but it didn`t. I think 1 shoot should be enough to kill that tank. Any hope to see it working better?

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https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/pull/1832For backblast issues in ACE3 fixed in 3.3.0 

I'm a bit of a noob, what do i do with this? will it fix or allow me to change backblast values? Can some one give me a few notes on how to implement this pls?

Ps i know how to add script to a mission but ive never been in or near github whatever it is lol

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