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LOSounds2 Release Thread

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What it does?

LOSounds2 is a soundmod and therefore changes some of the game's sounds. (surprise!)

Everyone once sat there, playing ArmA or trying to describe a specific weapon sound to a friend.

We will give you the sounds that sound exactly like the ones you showed to your friends.

The sounds were recorded by me and my friend JeremiahRose, formerly know as Odium.

Check him out!


-*** Handguns ***-

• MX + Variants

• Rahim

• GM6 Lynx

• Khaybar

• M200

• Mk20

• Zafir



• Rook40

• M320


• P07

• Some launchers

-*** Vehicle Weapons ***-

• 120mm Cannon

• Gau8 (Wipeout Jet)... now renamed as demonfart for a higher reason


• DAR rockets

-*** Explosions ***-

Yes, there are some explosions, too

-*** Weapon Systems ***-

• Mortar

-*** Helicopters ***-


• MH-9 "Hummingbird"

• AH-9 "Pawnee"

-*** Jets ***-

• A10 (A164 Wipeout)

-*** Wheeled ***-

• Hunter

• Marshall

-*** Tracked ***-

• Slammer

• Kuma

• Varsuk

-*** Environment Sounds ***-

• Custom Beach Sounds

• Custom Sea Sounds

• Custom environmental sounds in general

• Custom random Samples

-*** Character Sounds ***-

• Custom gear sounds

• Custom suit sounds

• Custom rebreather sounds

• Custom freefall sounds

• Custom footstep sounds

• Custom crawling sounds

• Custom "burning" sounds

• Basically, most of the character sounds have been reworked

-*** Misc ***-

• Sonic cracks


Known issues?

• Some sounds might be too hyper realistic to handle

• Some weapons may shout at you in German in a disturbing way

• Weapons may seduce you


0.5 - Initial Release


- More hyper realistic weapon sounds




JeremiahRose/Odium for making these hyper realistic sounds. Also, he's my favourite Rosi.

LordJarhead for giving me some ammo classes. Saved some time!

Everyone with a good sense of humor. ;)

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New mod 0.5 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:



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Nice, load it now :) I assume its not recommended to use it with your "Enhanced Soundscape" mod? Or am i wrong :)

I am also using Dragonfyre 0.6, this new mod and DragonFyre works together?

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Nice, load it now :) I assume its not recommended to use it with your "Enhanced Soundscape" mod? Or am i wrong :)

I am also using Dragonfyre 0.6, this new mod and DragonFyre works together?

you keep posting up about having dragonfyre.. how is this are you a tester or did you get your hands on some hidden files...?? due share.. i would like to play with dragonfyre as well...

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you keep posting up about having dragonfyre.. how is this are you a tester or did you get your hands on some hidden files...?? due share.. i would like to play with dragonfyre as well...

Yes i am a tester, searching for Bugs and Issues and reporting it to LordJarhead.

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Yes i am a tester, searching for Bugs and Issues and reporting it to LordJarhead.

then test it, stop bragging about it, its unbecoming... your making me butt hurt... :p

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HAHAHAH love the trailer dude!

---------- Post added at 01:37 ---------- Previous post was at 01:24 ----------

LMFAO....i really thought the trailer was a joke until i just tried this....WTF? haha DUH after further reading it i get it and this is just great. Thanks for sharing and the laugh

Edited by JCae2798

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You may want to just sit down on the beach and enjoy the natural sound of the marvelous waves softly doing their thing :D

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Hey, LAx, Thanks for this. Really... Laughing is one of the most healthy exercises and its never done enough.. I have never laughed so hard.. I did a couple play threws of a mission i made with the raptors and Artemis and WOW while simultaneously being scared i was laughing my ass off. Again, from the bottom of my Arma addicted heart. Thank you!!!

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I know its just a joke, but here is my idea: remove the gun models entirely with will make soldiers look like they pretend to have guns.

Still, hilarious stuff.

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This is the only sound mod I will ever use from now on. I was talking to Stefan Strandberg the other day :p about the future of sound design and he mentioned Battlefield 5 will use this sound mod. Is this true?

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Edit: Seems to be a BIS bug, see http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=21906

Though I can easily reproduce using LOSounds2 and didn't manage to do it the same way with vanilla A3

I have got a bug to report. Something is wrong with the healing sound. When you patch up another unit and it doesn't complete the healing process (anim and sound finish), because the unit runs off or just warps away those few crucial centimeters due to lag, you lose your ability to heal afterwards. If you press "Esc" and resume the sound will play again. It also happens to AI, just order your medic to heal you and walk away after he starts. He will continue to play the healing sound nonstop and you can no longer order him to heal.

Since there .rpt shows nothing and the config looks fine I guess it could be the length of the sound that somehow is too much for Arma to handle.

Edited by Scruffy
BIS, please look at http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=21906

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LMFAO this mod is hands down the most hilarious mod ever created! nice job, it's really entertaining! XD

yours sound so much better than JSRS & Speed of SoundPew! Pew Pew Pew! XD

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Haha, I wish we could bring the mod further, but I've got too much other stuff going on at the moment, haha :D

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I was moderating at the radio station when I got a mail from JeremiahRose just saying that the mod actual is one of the finalists.

Didn't believe him at first, haha!

While we obviously won't win (and I'm still sure this is a nice joke from BI :D) it sure got a good laugh out of me.

My co-moderating guy's face was priceless :D

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