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Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

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Wait....before you go. Remove my addons from your p2p server please

I'm gone already. Vanished into thin air.

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So posts one post, it gets ripped apart with proof.

Leaves and doesn't answer a mod creators request to remove his mod.

Yer seems like a legitimate group :)

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since no one seems to speak about one of the bus in a3:life mod:

one of the bus is stolen from crysis 2. too bad that everyone does not see it or ignore it. are you blind or what ? where are your eyes ? why no one speak about it ?

crytek has strict rules about taking theyr assets and porting it to other games. they are very strict, you are not even allowed to use crysis 2 assets in the cryengine 3 sdk.

go to crydev.net and read theyr EULA.

now lets get to the proof that they stole the bus from crysis 2:

Video 1 of Arma 3:Life where players drive with the bus from crysis 2: youtube.com/watch?v=Rgm16WdHb2k

Video 2 of Arma 3:Life where players drive with the bus from crysis 2: youtube.com/watch?v=KlFWN1sQKeI

Crysis 2 original shot from story mode: igcd.net/images/035/946.jpg

i contacted crytek and paypal both, both answered me, they are aware of this problem now and they will investigate it and (hopefully) they will take actions but when i read crytek answer, it seems like that i am not the only one who reported it to crytek.

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Looking at the video it clearly appears to be the same model, ripped right from Crysis 2.

Thanks for posting that.

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I just watched Frankie's video and the whole game revolves around Police state mentality (give me your camera!) with serial molesters. GTA online is better than this. At least everyone has guns to equalize the game.

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Lol, I'll make sure to have the coffee ready. I guess the haters need a place to express all the hate :D

---------- Post added at 20:43 ---------- Previous post was at 20:41 ----------

Yeh I steal addons which I can find on armaholic. I'm a criminal now :(

Well, what you just said proves you aren't that bright. The problem is that you take a bunch of addons you find or armaholic & elsewhere then charge people to access them. You didn't make theses mods and you aren't entitled to profit from them.

---------- Post added at 21:55 ---------- Previous post was at 21:52 ----------

I just watched Frankie's video and the whole game revolves around Police state mentality (give me your camera!) with serial molesters. GTA online is better than this. At least everyone has guns to equalize the game.

Probably because Caiden couldn't join the police in real life and he had to compensate for it by making a server where he could make himself a cop? ;)

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Stop posting insults. Everyone is free to post things that supports their side of the argument, but please be aware of what you are writing and how it will make you look.

Thank you :)

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Stop posting insults. Everyone is free to post things that supports their side of the argument, but please be aware of what you are writing and how it will make you look.

Thank you :)

This seems to be a recurring theme for Caiden to insult other members. Not in only this thread, but in other threads as well when asked about his "donation" system and stolen work.

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This is some minecraft level bullshit, atleast the minecraft community has the excuse of being mostly prepubescent but I'd like to assume the people involved here are adults, at least physically.

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Playing devils advocate here....

My clan play A3 missions which we make and require a number of addons. We ask clan members and players who come in to play to consider donating to keep the server and website running.

Does this fit into the same category as A3 Life and donations?

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This is some minecraft level bullshit, atleast the minecraft community has the excuse of being mostly prepubescent but I'd like to assume the people involved here are adults, at least physically.

Actually, most minecraft servers are better than these guys. It's really funny how when shit gets tough for Caiden, he just goes away. He knows he's lost. Now if we can shut him down. Just remember, Caiden, using work without permission is wrong and:


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Playing devils advocate here....

My clan play A3 missions which we make and require a number of addons. We ask clan members and players who come in to play to consider donating to keep the server and website running.

Does this fit into the same category as A3 Life and donations?

No. You ask them to "consider donating", not "donate or you can't play". That's the difference. Donations are fine as long as they are helping keep the server running and the other costs that go along with that. What they are doing is charging people to be able to play a mod, they most likely didn't even create, with addons they didn't create either.

Basically a scam. It's saddening to create mods for such a long time and release them for free and see someone else snatch it up and try to profit from it. People need to wise up.

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Playing devils advocate here....

My clan play A3 missions which we make and require a number of addons. We ask clan members and players who come in to play to consider donating to keep the server and website running.

Does this fit into the same category as A3 Life and donations?

i've heard the argument to have to keep servers running a lot from life people when i asked why there are cars with prize tags on their page or donation systems in general. i'm 100% sure that the servers they run cost way less than what they make. and funnily enough the people actually making (porting?) content (aka doing dirty work) for them don't know how much the leaders make. it's a well oiled money machine based on "need to know". the pages with cars with price tags are ofc labeled as donation related and the cars are "presents" with ironically a prize on them...interesting. it's the same principle as bribes. you call them presents or donations too. doesn't change that they are used to make certain things happen.

i really wonder how other arma servers run without systems like that, or any game server in general...:rolleyes:

about being allowed to use stuff that was free. use yes, make money from it? no. BI's license is actually pretty strict even if you are the original author.

Edited by Bad Benson

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So, where are the consequences?

A loss of e-cred among your (lol) peers doesn't count for squat.

Where's the banhammer?

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Instead of going with, he stole this code or there are these models that have been ripped from so on and so forth. To actually bring up a valid point is that A3L has received over $10,000 in "donations" from some of my sources and if I remember correctly, you need to pay taxes for that much money and you would also need a business license. Which I don't think they've done anything of those yet.

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So, where are the consequences?

A loss of e-cred among your (lol) peers doesn't count for squat.

Where's the banhammer?

It's like I said before.

If all these A3L players are happily paying in their blissful ignorance, there is nothing that we ourselves can do beyond boycotting the game mode and raising awareness.

Neither of which will yield an immediate or even short term result.

The only presence here with any real weight or power on the matter is BI. And whether or not they are actually doing anything to follow up this alleged breach of EULA - who knows.

As for mod devs, they probably have decent standing to raise this in a legal manner but let's face it, who wants to pay for the legal costs.

As always, the big bad wolf wins by default simply due to a larger bucket of money.

And that's really frustrating given that they don't even have the maturity, cool-headedness or even a solid basis of truth with which to post reasonable and clear explanations to our concerns, and end either being evasive, rude, or contradicting and attempting to cover up their previous statements.

Shame about all the ignorant sheep that paid for that bucket of money.

Edited by ACyprus

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Everyone who has been around a few years knows that A3 is 99% based on Tonic's Life, and Wasteland, and to a lesser extent Sa-matra's mods. I don't understand the deceitful nature of the A3 Life team? Why wouldn't you just come clean, and give the respect that goes with proper accreditation? If Tonic pissed you off, and you simply don't like him.....fine, so be it, but it doesn't change the fact that it is his code, his ideas, and without the Tonic stuff, THERE WOULD BE NO A3 LIFE! Do you think everyone here is stupid?

Also for the A3 team, that whole 30 dollar donation to play your "beta" was yet another deceitful insult to gamers, Bohemia, and the entire Arma modding community. Everyone knows you can't do that! So you made a mod? Big deal, it's not like you coded the engine, or the actual game, Bohemia did that! You guys really grind my gears. I hope Bohemia just shuts you down, you aren't developers, you're modders of thier game, and profiteers as well! You should be ashamed of yourselves. That goes for Caiden, and the whole A3 Life "team". The worst part of all of this is that I doubt Tonic, or anyone else even wanted anything to do with your "for profit" mod, so to discredit them was just more low-life crap on your part.

Tonic=1 Arma3Life Modders=0

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I think the most importent next step is to clarly inform all the youtuber and streamers of all the legal violations of this mod. Only if this information is given around outside off this Forum we can reach the people. Just brake the Hype around this pile of stolen mods and assets.

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I think the most importent next step is to clarly inform all the youtuber and streamers of all the legal violations of this mod. Only if this information is given around outside off this Forum we can reach the people. Just brake the Hype around this pile of stolen mods and assets.

That would be the first step, start with Frankie and then make your way down. Also if you really want to rustle some jimmies, their Moddb entry is against the ToS, using other people's work and calling it their own.

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That would be the first step, start with Frankie and then make your way down. Also if you really want to rustle some jimmies, their Moddb entry is against the ToS, using other people's work and calling it their own.


all the named exampel violation are come more or less true - so i think we have a big chance to get this done

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we should make a list of models, addons, mods, scripts etc that has been stolen from other games and post it here. it should include a comparison of arma3:life content vs the stolen content, the original author/company name and/or game name. i make a sample:

what has been stolen ? a bus model.

from where does the original model come from ? crysis 2

who are the developers of crysis 2/the bus model ? crytek

proof / comparison of original content from original origin vs arma3:life :

Video 1 of Arma 3:Life where players drive with the bus from crysis 2: youtube.com/watch?v=Rgm16WdHb2k

Video 2 of Arma 3:Life where players drive with the bus from crysis 2: youtube.com/watch?v=KlFWN1sQKeI

Crysis 2 original shot from story mode: igcd.net/images/035/946.jpg

where to contact crytek ? here: crytek.com/contact

then we should contact the affected company and/or person and tell them about A3:Life and what they are doing with theyr content.

Edited by havatan19

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@havatan19 Good idea, there should definitely be a list of everything people feel have been taken without permission. Perhaps someone could gather all the evidence and create the list of stolen mods and get takus to stick it on the first post of this thread so its easy to find for future reference.

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we should make a list of models, addons, mods, scripts etc that has been stolen from other games and post it here. it should include a comparison of arma3:life content vs the stolen content, the original author/company name and/or game name. i make a sample:

what has been stolen ? a bus model.

from where does the original model come from ? crysis 2

who are the developers of crysis 2/the bus model ? crytek

proof / comparison of original content from original origin vs arma3:life :

Video 1 of Arma 3:Life where players drive with the bus from crysis 2: youtube.com/watch?v=Rgm16WdHb2k

Video 2 of Arma 3:Life where players drive with the bus from crysis 2: youtube.com/watch?v=KlFWN1sQKeI

Crysis 2 original shot from story mode: igcd.net/images/035/946.jpg

where to contact crytek ? here: crytek.com/contact

then we should contact the affected company and/or person and tell them about A3:Life and what they are doing with theyr content.

I think that list would get way too long I'm afraid.

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I think that list would get way too long I'm afraid.

That doesn't matter.

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