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The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

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Hello everyone,

At the beginning I would like to thank everyone who have contacted me regarding what the news reporters such as DailyMail , Le Monde have wrote about the Iraqi warfare mod .

Now .. any member of the Arma's community who have read those reports -specially the Dailymail report -can simply see the huge misunderstood the writers of the articles have had, the French press "Le Monde" have even went further harassing , naming & shaming & whats even worse "Accusation of Terrorism" towards me , according to google's English Translated version of there French website , the "Le Monde" writer believes that he have uncovered a great mystery when he searched my posts for the past months , while all it actually takes is a few clicks on my "public" profile to find out simply that none of them were promoting or encouraging terrorism in anyway !

the news reporters claim that my mod is being used currently in promoting terrorism & of course something like that is not permitted nor welcomed neither by me or any of the great community of Arma 3 (who btw I would like to thank for speaking in behalf of me during my absence in the dailymail page )& its not & 'll never be my intention to support terrorism in anyhow .

I haven’t hijacked the game as the"Dailymail" claims , nor released it & escaped away as the "Le Monde" claims , I have released this mod months ago & kept updating it since then with the permission of the Community Moderators of Bohemia Interactive all the time .

We Arma fans know that Arma 3 is a Mil-sim game & even it's producer Bohemia Interactive had there share of legal troubles during developing the game , and they paid the cost of creativity higher then they expected when one of Bohemia Interactive team was arrested by greek authority .

I do not like to see neither myself nor any of Bohemia Interactive Team nor the great community members who have helped me developing this mod going through same problem again because of me or because of some Media misunderstood .

Therefore I Decided to Shut Down the whole Iraqi warfare mod completely & starting from today I'll not be responsible for anything related to this mod .

i sincerely ask the Community moderators of Bohemia Interactive to Remove the Mod Links as its suspected to be used in illegal activities like promoting hate & terrorism & I urge the other networks that publishing my Mod to follow the same .

My deep apologies to anyone who have misunderstood my intentions , as this mod was made ONLY for gaming purposes & to reach the maximum quality of details & simulation not to encourage or promote terrorism or hate in anyway .

A special apology for Bohemia Interactive Team for any disturbance My mod might have accidently brought to there name .

Again thx to the great community of Arma , I am currently busy in a new country with a new carrier , gaming is my passion & will always be , but till I settle in I might be far for a while , I was planning to Team up with Drongo & other modders to bring a bigger, better version of the Iraqi warfare mod , but seems that wont be possible anymore due to my travel & above all the claims of miss-use by the press .

it was a hard decision for me to shut all my hard efforts down , but I wont hesitate taking it when it comes to ppl's safety & security , which at the end matters the most .

best regards , stay safe .

Edited by Marve_XT
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You probably considered NATO SF and Russian Spetsnaz Weapons already, it's probably the perfect one. I can only see 1 downside, which is the size (probably what you thought) but I can assure you it's not really a problem. These days it's dependency rate can race with CBA, I don't think anyone playing on desert maps whould go out of their FOB without Massi's weapons anyway. Good to have a deserty mod which focuses on units and vehicles, I say this whould go perfect with Takistan, Fallujah or F.A.T.A.

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  654wak654 said:
You probably considered NATO SF and Russian Spetsnaz Weapons already, it's probably the perfect one.

Massi's pack is good because it's varied but lacks detail quality. The other alternatives require more than one addon, so I'd suggest you to go with Massi's for now. As IMO adding more than one addon as requirement is quite annoying for a lot of users.

BTW nice retexture :)

---------- Post added at 04:23 ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 ----------

I forgot to say that another good alternative would be Sudden's East vs West, it would allow you to include not only the light weapons but also the main vehicles used by the factions ( you could retexture them, and you would have HUMMVEs, M1A1, etc. ).

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its not a bug , its a scratch , u'll see lots of them :D

@ 654wak654 , Madbrood

yes , Massi weapons are definitely on my mind, since both iraqi forces & IS troops are using mixed russian american rifles , i am also considring HLC packs , they are very good but sadly requires more addons .


yes i totally understand how annoying addon requirements could be , but what else can i do , for vehicles i prefer sticking with vanilla for now & also for the same stated reason too .


good question , the answer is simple ,i didn't try it before , i am still learning my way around things .

also community have provided some real quality stuff so far , so why not use it ? :D

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Downloading now for testing, do you know if the faction/classnames work with Alive?

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@ Rob3para

i have tested this alongside with other mods & its working fine , haven't tested it with alive thought or any online server yet ..... so feel free to report any issues u'll find .

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I'd go with the HLC AK pack, or talk to Ohally from the CAF mod, and ask if you can use his CAF agressors AK's and other weapons.

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Well, time to shoot up some IS bastards... :) What you have is a decent start, looking forward to more additions and refinements.

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HLC is a higher quality dependency pack then massi's although both are bada$$. Thanks for the contribution, been looking forward to cracking shots at 'IS' militants and holding iraqi security accountable for their own AO

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@ EricJ

thx , wouldn't be done actually without ur support :D

@ robowilso

i am thinking of an optional configs right now , letting the required weapons be an optional thing would be great .

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Hi, are you able to give the faction names for these groups, they look awesome and I want to try them with Alive. Thanks.

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Hey. New on the forums here, hello all.

Great mod, I must say. Exactly what I've been looking for. (I find current warfare/events to be the most interesting for gameplay (IE, Iraq situation, Ukraine, ect.) and must say you've done a fantastic job so far.

As for guns I'd recommend either RH M4/M16 pack or Design Mastery M4s for western weapons. For AKs I would suggest HLC AK pack. Keep up the great work, though. Good so far! Real good! :)

Edited by lizardman563

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@ -lordsoth-

i 'll make a list once i properly finish editing all classes & loadouts , but here u go for now :

Iraq = marv_Iraq

Islamic State = marv_IS

i also found a config bug with the Iraqi police offroad earlier this morning , i Fixed it alongside with adding a police car texture randomization script :


'll be updating shortly once the mod get approved in armaholic .

@ lizardman563

thx so much i am glade that u like it :) HLC seems to be favored by many so far even the ones who like massi's (including me to be honest) ,thats why i am thinking about making a 2 configs for that reason , but i might need help for that since i am new to modding in arma , anyway i'll see what i can do .

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Thanks for sending us the release :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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This mod has potential. particularly at this point in the saga! great work! :yay:

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Great mod ! Thank you.

I also would like to vote for HLC AK & RH M4/M16

Why not use separate config files ? One for vanilla weapons, one for Massi's, one for RH + HLC, etc... That's a bit more work for you but it makes mods much more compatible.

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About to start an MP campaign on Fallujah and your addon is simply spot on, keep reading my mind Marven! :cool:

Could you please give the IS guys other shoes than white Air Max?

If you are going to include additional config, may I suggest to config some heavies from Reyhard's tank pack? Afaik, IS captured some armored vehicles from Iraqi army and my pilots need something to eat for breakfast you know. ^^

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