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Support Your Arma Modders! Various Links to Modders Youtube Acc's and Donation Links

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Hello, I’m NonovUrbizniz aka CiforDayServer aka DayZSahraniHelp, I make mods, I've only been doing it for a year or two.

One thing I've stumbled across time and time again is that modders who reach a certain level of skill/proficiency often leave the Arma modding scene entirely. This can be for a number of reasons, they might get hired by BI, or VBS, they might take their skills to another game engine entirely that they are actually earning income for their work more readily, or they may simply have too much on their plate to continue dedicating the ENORMOUS amount of time it takes to develop quality content and mods for Arma.

I've seen a few posts promoting a project of an individual, but I wanted to sort of put out a comprehensive list of modders that have been contributing for a Loooong time, and really are not getting the sort of support or even exposure they deserve.

I’m not talking throwing money either (Although that’s clearly welcome by many as well), you can help by checking out their work and posting feedback or encouragement in their topics or start threads or share pics/vids of their work wherever you want, general promotion is always welcome!

You can also:

- subscribe or follow their youtube, or twitch channel

- vote for their entries in the MANW Contest

- Tweet about them

- Play their addons with friends and share the great experiences you have using their addons

This isn’t by any means an all encompassing list but it’s a pretty decent start.

I. Bad Benson: Author of countless addons, scripts, fixes, enhancements

- BI Forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?61559-Bad-Benson

- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_HadaEuVn2YoIsnKKmVyTw

II. Foxhound: Head of Armaholic

- BI Forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?25459-Foxhound

- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheArmaholics

- Website: http://www.armaholic.com/

SUPPORT: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13310

III. IceBreakr: Author of COUNTLESS Terrains, Panthera, Lingor, Fapovo etc etc etc

- BI Forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?29131-IceBreakr

- Website: http://www.icebreakr.info/

SUPPORT: Paypal: [email protected]

IV. Killzone Kid: Scripting and coding expert and blogger/tutorial author

- BI Forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?111447-Killzone_Kid

- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/killzonekidtv/videos

- Website: http://killzonekid.com/

SUPPORT: Paypal: [email protected]

V. kju: Addon Author and Mission Scripter

- BI Forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?72080-kju-PvPscene

- Website: http://dev.withsix.com

Support: http://www.patreon.com/PvPsceneWorkshop

VI. Mikero: Author Mikero's Dos Tools and DePBO.dll the single greatest suite of tools for addon authors BAR NONE

- BI Forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?34807-Mikero

- Website: https://dev.withsix.com/projects/mikero-pbodll/files

- MANW Entry: http://makearmanotwar.com/entry/rJzIvsFkAf#.VAoqKPldWrE

VII. M1lkm8n: Terrain Artist and Modeller (SMD Sahrani and SMD Building Project)

- BI Forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?96398-M1lkm8n

- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwn3CuqIPPgBQ3vHLUO9w9A

VIII. Nouber Nou - Author of ACRE, Contributer to ACE and CBA

- BI Forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?56560-NouberNou

- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Noubers

SUPPORT: http://www.patreon.com/acre

IX. Sickboy: Play With Six Author, CBA Coordinator/Contributer

- BI Forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?13213-Sickboy

- Website: http://play.withsix.com/

X. Snakeman: Creator of PMC Wiki/Forums and Countless addons and tutorials

- BI Forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?39957-Snake-Man

- Website: http://tactical.nekromantix.com/

- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/pmcsince1984

SUPPORT: http://tactical.nekromantix.com/donate.php

XI. Vilas: Author of P85 and COUNTLESS vehicles and weapons

- BI Forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?15691-vilas

- Website: http://www.createforum.com/vilas/

Support: Paypal: [email protected]

Show some support! Subscribe! Vote! Donate!

ANYONE who knows of a modder and wants to post their details as a reply as well feel free....

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I gotta be honest, i only signed in to answer because you got "sillygamemode" in your nickname, and i´m wondering: has arma rly gotten that low?

If this has become facebook and i havent noticed .. tell me, plz.

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I gotta be honest, i only signed in to answer because you got "sillygamemode" in your nickname, and i´m wondering: has arma rly gotten that low?

If this has become facebook and i havent noticed .. tell me, plz.

Woah buddy calm down, there is nothing wrong with liking a non-milsim "gamemode", and at least this guy acknowledges them as silly and not the way that ArmA is meant to be played.

Also he is trying to help and promote a bunch of awesome guys who have really contributed to the ArmA community, an IMO that outweighs all gripes I may have about his nickname.

Anyway, I really like what you are doing with this. If you could maybe add on the RHS team (You know, the guys who are currently making this) that would be really cool, because they IMO make some of the highest quality total modifications for ArmA.

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Anyway, I really like what you are doing with this. If you could maybe add on the RHS team (You know, the guys who are currently making this) that would be really cool, because they IMO make some of the highest quality total modifications for ArmA.

I agree, RHS are one of the best groups. Also Sudden, Cunico and the people from the FFAA, etc.

In fact, there are so many good people out there, that IMO the best is just to ask for support to all of them.

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I gotta be honest, i only signed in to answer because you got "sillygamemode" in your nickname, and i´m wondering: has arma rly gotten that low?

If this has become facebook and i havent noticed .. tell me, plz.

It's presence in my username is there for exactly that purpose.

It helps sort through those that judge folks on their own preconceived notions and bigotries, and those that have an open mind and want to contribute positively.

I antagonize DayZ fans for not honoring Arma in that circle to accomplish the same goal.

there are always a few bad apples ;-p

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Put Lord Jarhead and Optical Snare in there too, their mods are amongst the most popular. Don´t forget Robalo and all the others that worked/and work on ACE and ACRE etc, etc.

There are many moders out there that do a fantastic job without getting the attention they deserve.

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I think you'd need pages and pages to list those that should be recognized, and leaving some people off may cause more controversy.

I think your idea is fantastic, but having a list of those deemed "worthy" may be a little risky :)

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Just a small plug for Demonized, maybe not considered in the same 'status' as those listed but his 'small simple' scripts have kept me entertained for years, in fact I'm currently gone back to using them in Arma 2, I really hope he will return with his updated version of Patrol Markers.. Norrin also, I used helo taxi in nearly every other mission, brilliant scripts, and also Twirly who helped write a few useful scripts.. There's many more like the ever helpful Kylania and his goto website and Darren Brant with another useful site.. So many cool guys help make this game so much better for non scripters like me.

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List is way too short..

I agree with @katipo66, some of the smaller simple to add in scripts, are the best and indeed easiest to use, when used in a well designed mission, they can work wonders..

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but having a list of those deemed "worthy" may be a little risky :)

Yeah but if you meet the guys on the list youre like Waynes World "We're not worthy! We're not worthy!" jk ;)

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You may aswell put the BI Editing forums on your list. There are people there that solve countless issues for the editing community, day in and day out.

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Thanks for the replies guys!

All the suggestions have been great, and I've had a few convo's about it directly with a few folks.

What I might end up doing, is making a BIKI entry that anyone can add too.

This is really about people starting to feel more comfortable with promoting their favorite modders, or even themselves.

SO MANY folks are putting in endless amounts of hours for nothing but passion for the series, and I really wanted to get a conversation started about how to better highlight and promote those efforts.

I have to focus on a few projects this weekend, but I will keep this going on the back burner, hopefully giving it proper attention in the next few weeks.

CHIME IN with your thoughts on it being a BIKI Page

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