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DLC Strategy community survey

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We're conducting a small-scale exploratory investigation among the most dedicated Arma players. Our objective is to gather structured feedback on Arma 3's DLC Strategy (more detailed info here).

Can I ask you to share your thoughts and insights on our approach to downloadable content? I've prepared a survey here: http://arma3.com/survey.

Thank you

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"Have you tried out the DLC system for yourself?"

I bought the DLC bundle right away. Therefore haven't tried the 'limitations'. Would that count as yes or no?

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  runekn said:
"Have you tried out the DLC system for yourself?"

I bought the DLC bundle right away. Therefore haven't tried the 'limitations'. Would that count as yes or no?

That's a no. :) [There is a way you can try it after purchase and/or with a supporter edition by disabling DLCs in the Steam configuration and some guys did so, that's why I phrased the question as it is. ]

Edited by Gekon

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Why bother when the Lite option would win in a landslide even though DnA and pettka went out of their way to specifically say that its NOT happening anymore?

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Because the Lite option is the worse option, frankly. I didn't like the lite content, I still don't, and it is annoying to watch when you don't own the DLC. I'd rather have something like a showroom to test DLCs in, with an option to buy. Possibly connected with the Arsenal.

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for me is only a matter of quality, the upcoming dlc are weird , this game is a full of choppers and sniper rifle but lack on Assault rifles.

why not a BREN + SCAR DLC?

why not a small Maps DLC?

cut contents DLC?

rewamped csat DLC?

again the price isn't a problem but the quality for me is really important and the MP aspect too

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  Zukov said:
for me is only a matter of quality, the upcoming dlc are weird , this game is a full of choppers and sniper rifle but lack on Assault rifles.

why not a BREN + SCAR DLC?

why not a small Maps DLC?

cut contents DLC?

rewamped csat DLC?

again the price isn't a problem but the quality for me is really important and the MP aspect too

I think they are focusing each DLC in improving areas of the game, not in including new content ( which they also do, but it's more secondary ).

For instance a flight model like in ToH was something I waited for a long time, a proper sniper shooting engine that involves wind, ballistics, etc.

I think they should extend that to tanks ( with interiors and complex firing system ), ships ( ability to carry vehicles and disembark them, also use them as artillery support from the sea ), heavy planes ( to carry vehicles, airdrop them, as a radar, or even as CAS like a Specter AC130 ), diving ( oxygen options, pressure, underwater charges to blow up ships, hostile animals like sharks ), etc.

The content can always be added by mod-makers, BI should focus more on improving the engine to make it possible and easing the mod-makers job ( with tutorials, with cool models like the new FIA clothes, etc ). Although some CSAT revamp and new maps ( maybe a Chernarus update ) would be cool too.

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While we can expect a large increase of content with the "Expansion" DLC, the community wouldn't mind more content along the way that could add new things to play with or features to do things. But i'm not going to turn this into a "this should be added" thread. I will say, though, that the current DLC strategy is ok. However, someone mentioned an idea of using DLC content in something like Arsenal if it's not owned, sort of like a "Try Me!" option. You can try it out like you try out your gear, and it's all fine and dandy, but when your playing with the content you don't own outside of the "Try Me!" feature, then it goes back to the advertisement style feature that comes with un payed content. That'd be interesting to try out.

Another idea i had, is more donation style things. Maybe little content adders. For example something like Karts, but it doesn't cost a lot. You can buy it, or you can just get it free. It can be one vehicle, or one weapon, or something that adds tot he base game. The point of that, would be giving the opportunity to donate to causes, through content, if a person so chooses.

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That idea actually sounds quite good, about the try me. Hope that gets implemented. Maybe also when arsenal lets you try vehicles. I still wish I knew why dev branch had vehicles in Arsenal (as targets though) and when the update came 1.24 stable didn't.

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  InstaGoat said:
Because the Lite option is the worse option, frankly. I didn't like the lite content, I still don't, and it is annoying to watch when you don't own the DLC. I'd rather have something like a showroom to test DLCs in, with an option to buy. Possibly connected with the Arsenal.
No, I mean that in the sense when the community would just choose the option that already got proscribed... it's an unnecessary PR negative ("Bohemia not listening to community") when they could have... just kept on not listening to the community without this over their heads. :p

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I think that the current system is fine. I looked at the new content first in the editor (Note: "Looked", I hadn't bought the DLC then). Then I tried out the new pistol, and thought it was neat. Then I played a few races with my buddies (The screen overlay scared the bejesus out of me), with not too many ads. Good fun. Then I saw how cheap it was, and that part of the funds went to charity. So I bought the DLC pack. Been having amazing fun by myself and with friends ever since.

Thanks BI Dev team!

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Two months ago I asked you to provide feedback on Arma 3 DLC strategy. The survey recieved staggering 784 responses, written in a very polite and friendly manner - I would like to thank all contributors for that.

Here is an overview of the survey results and some key findings we will need to take a closer look at.

(all % are based on the total number of answers, all answers were optional)


  • 80% of you were doing good or even great
    Some of you asked me how I am doing: I would prefer summer weather, but apart of that, I'm doing good. Thanks for asking :)
  • 70% respondents have tried the DLC system for themselves
  • 70% report strategy well explained outside of game and 59% in game
  • 66% preferred A3 DLC system to a game of their choosing
    • notable mentions here were CS:GO, PayDay2, Arma 2 Lite and Wargame (free content).
      To quickly recap why A2Lite won't be coming back:
      • DRM implementation is not transferable from A2 to A3.
      • Data branching (Full/Lite) is a bit over what we could manage
      • We no longer liked the aesthetic aspect of lowering the data quality



  • 36% see the restrictions as fine, 31% don't hate them (3 on the 5 scale), 24% didn't like them (1,2 on the 5 scale)
    top 3 harsh restrictions:
    • Vehicle restriction (55%, also 19% most acceptable)
    • Popup (43%, also 16% most acceptable)
    • Tiles (30%, also 15% most acceptable)

    top 3 acceptable restrictions:

    • Main menu icons (62%, also 11% the most harsh)
    • Locked scenarios (40%, also 25% the most harsh)
    • Field manual texts + Debriefing (32%, 14% and 9% the most harsh)

Key findings

  • Improve aspect of try-before-buy
  • Improve recognition of assets belonging to a DLC
  • Improve presentation of features are free, but they still belong to a DLC

+ lot more details and ideas how to improve other parts of the game. I have them noted down.

Lastly, let's address the commonly referenced scenario for vehicle access restrictions:

Pilot of a helicopter, a sole owner of a DLC in the vehicle, gets shot. Since the non-owners cannot enter his seat due to restrictions, the helicopter falls down killing everyone.

Indeed, that's how it's going to happen. Since you can only switch seats from cargo to a pilot or copilot position when not flying, ownership of the DLC does not play a role in this. Therefore I can safely recommend purchasing DLC Helicopters :)

Thanks for your input. Take care, get to da choppa and see you on Altis!



A bonus sneak peak on the upcoming DLC browser: IMAGE

Edited by Gekon

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  Gekon said:

  • 36% see the restrictions as fine, 31% don't hate them (3 on the 5 scale), 24% didn't like them (1,2 on the 5 scale)
    top 3 harsh restrictions:
    • Vehicle restriction (55%, also 19% most acceptable)
    • Popup (43%, also 16% most acceptable)
    • Tiles (30%, also 15% most acceptable)

    top 3 acceptable restrictions:

    • Main menu icons (62%, also 11% the most harsh)
    • Locked scenarios (40%, also 25% the most harsh)
    • Field manual texts + Debriefing (32%, 14% and 9% the most harsh)

I'm a bit confused by this, does harsh meant they thought the restrictions were too harsh? I can't remember exactly how the survey was, but I would've probably put "harsh" because it is indeed strict, but I believe they are every bit necessary to encourage people to buy the DLC. Does anybody remember exactly (or more accurately) what the survey question was?

Key findings

  • Improve presentation of features are free, but they still belong to a DLC

This is the most important in my opinion. People seem to think that the DLC is just the two helicopters, and forget that it also includes the RotorLib FM, Firing from Vehicles, Sling loading, etc. (we know this because of that awful "13 euros is too much for the DLC!" thread). I know BI probably can't go back on their word, but I think that either Sling loading or the RotorLib FM should actually not be free. I understand the whole "content paid, features free" strategy and I think it's great, but I also think it's unwise to allow players to have everything but two helicopters (less than 25% of what the DLC adds to the game). It could be either RotorLib or Sling loading, but I think it would be better if one of the two only came with the DLC.

I am most definitely going to buy the DLC as soon as it comes out, because 1. I love helicopters and 2. I want to support BI. But if I liked helicopters but wasn't a massive supporter of BI, I might not buy the DLC because I would think "oh, it's just two helicopters for 13€? I get the rest anyways, I don't even need those two helicopters." We'll see how it turns out, hopefully enough of the community wants to support BI as much as I do. I'm just worried that lots of people will think the DLC is "not worth it" because they don't understand that the features are part of the DLC too and all just use config mods that allow them to use the helicopters via moveInDriver and not get the DLC.

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@demongod I don't think we should trade naysayers for fragmented community with that kind of DLC practice.

Edited by enex

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  Gekon said:

Lastly, let's address the commonly referenced scenario for vehicle access restrictions:

Pilot of a helicopter, a sole owner of a DLC in the vehicle, gets shot. Since the non-owners cannot enter his seat due to restrictions, the helicopter falls down killing everyone.

Indeed, that's how it's going to happen. Since you can only switch seats from cargo to a pilot or copilot position when not flying, ownership of the DLC does not play a role in this. Therefore I can safely recommend purchasing DLC Helicopters :)

That was not the real problem. The problem is what happens if you pla a mission inclduding one of those helis and the only person who has the DLC must leave. Then you are stuck without a pilot. I fear this will make the helis unpopular with mission makers in the long term.

Edited by Tonci87

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  Gekon said:
Lastly, let's address the commonly referenced scenario for vehicle access restrictions:

Pilot of a helicopter, a sole owner of a DLC in the vehicle, gets shot. Since the non-owners cannot enter his seat due to restrictions, the helicopter falls down killing everyone.

Indeed, that's how it's going to happen. Since you can only switch seats from cargo to a pilot or copilot position when not flying, ownership of the DLC does not play a role in this. Therefore I can safely recommend purchasing DLC Helicopters :)

As you say, DLC does not play any role there. Beast course of action would be for passengers to take a parachute so they can safely jump in case of emergency.

---------- Post added at 13:14 ---------- Previous post was at 13:11 ----------

  the_Demongod said:
It could be either RotorLib or Sling loading, but I think it would be better if one of the two only came with the DLC.

Sling loading does come with the DLC. How else could you use it if you don't have the DLC? You can't use the helos, so you can't use the sling loading feature they have.

  Tonci87 said:
That was not the real problem. The problem is what happens if you pla a mission inclduding one of those helis and the only person who has the DLC must leave. Then you are stuck without a pilot.

Then, maybe you shouldn't play a mission which one one of the players can play perfectly. That's not BI's fault.

Edited by becario

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  becario said:

Sling loading does come with the DLC. How else could you use it if you don't have the DLC? You can't use the helos, so you can't use the sling loading feature they have.

You can use it on the helos we already have......

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Doesn't the sling loading only apply to the new helos, since they are cargo helos?

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  becario said:
Doesn't the sling loading only apply to the new helos, since they are cargo helos?

No, I'm not sure if it applies to all the vanilla helis but it certainly applies to most (sling loading has been on dev-branch for a while with the vanilla ones).

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Why are you guys even talking about that? BIS has already stated that Features Are Free, Content Is Paid. They are not changing it. Ropes and FFV are available to all. The helicopters, 4/5 missions, are not. Cannot confirm about the m-900 at the moment, we'll have to wait for a sitrep for that.

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  DarkSideSixOfficial said:
Why are you guys even talking about that? BIS has already stated that Features Are Free, Content Is Paid. They are not changing it. Ropes and FFV are available to all. The helicopters, 4/5 missions, are not. Cannot confirm about the m-900 at the moment, we'll have to wait for a sitrep for that.

Because he asked, therefore I answered.

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  becario said:
Sling loading does come with the DLC. How else could you use it if you don't have the DLC? You can't use the helos, so you can't use the sling loading feature they have.

Sling loading can be used on all helicopters now, from MH-9 to our in-the-works cargo helis. They can't carry much more than civilian cars (and the MH-9 can only carry Quads and ammoboxes) but they all lift nonetheless.

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  the_Demongod said:
Sling loading can be used on all helicopters now, from MH-9 to our in-the-works cargo helis. They can't carry much more than civilian cars (and the MH-9 can only carry Quads and ammoboxes) but they all lift nonetheless.

and go-kart. :cool:

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  DarkSideSixOfficial said:
and go-kart. :cool:

You literally made me sign in just to respond to that. :p

Truly the go-karts may be our glorious and powerful combat vehicles.

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