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US Helicopters (HAFM OVerhaul) MOD

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We're not focussing on AI at this moment.

Gerald and me are polishing the mod as it is and looking to fix the errors.

The AI problem is noted though.

I sure hope you guys do come around soon to fix the AI issues as I use these helicopters for AI CAS in a lot of my missions.

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I just tested your modlist:

- TPW: don't know how that thing works, changed all my controls and added sounds and stuff everywhere. Really annoying.

- RWCO hasn't been updated for a while now and the sounds on the weapons it changes (for the HAFMs) aren't fixed, so if you remove the optional hafm rwco pbo's it will reroduce the sounds correctly.

Solution: as stated before, remove rwco_hafm.pbo and you'll be fine.

Either way, we are working to integrate the RWCO features DIRECTLY to this addon ;)

I'm very sorry about that, I didn't realize TPW did all that as it works okay with me. I removed RWCO all together from the folder and tried again but the issue is not solved. At this point I'm not going to ask you to try to find a solution for my issue as, obviously, the majority of people don't have this issue so I'm not going to afford you trouble for one or two persons but I'd appreciate if by any luck you discovered why I'm having this rare issue :P. Thanks for the help so far and sorry to have screwed up your controls, I'll be careful next time ;).

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Now that the new flying model has been released in the Dev Branch, I guess the proper question would be if it's inside your plans to implement it in the mod.

Would be really awesome to fly the AH64 with the new model!

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Thanks for reporting, what's your current modlist? Do you have the old HAFM helis there too?

Maybe you can talk to mindbl4ster, he had a similar problem but got fixed (page 6 on this thread)


Hi geraldbolso! Turns out there was a conflict on our linux server with RAV Lifter mod, i'm not sure if it's just not compatible with your HAFM but since the 1.24 update RAV Lifter mod won't launch alongside other Aircraft mods. We've just resorted to removing RAV Lifter, Bohemia are working on a lifting system anyway so scripts will do until then.

Great mod, keep up the good work!

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Hi geraldbolso! Turns out there was a conflict on our linux server with RAV Lifter mod, i'm not sure if it's just not compatible with your HAFM but since the 1.24 update RAV Lifter mod won't launch alongside other Aircraft mods. We've just resorted to removing RAV Lifter, Bohemia are working on a lifting system anyway so scripts will do until then.

Great mod, keep up the good work!

Well I'm glad to hear that :p

I'll talk to Raven about integrating that in the future, but as I said before, I'm focused on the weapons part of the mod right now.


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Looking great!

By the way, since you were working from Aplion's sources from the Arma 2 samples, might you be interested in the Community Upgrade Project? It's entirely possible that someone else has also done some of the work that you're interested in (i.e. RotorLib integration), and it would be beneficial of perhaps you could touch bases and enhance the quality of this mod even further. :) You can find more info or answers to any of your questions at the @CUP Wiki and Skype channel.

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Looking great!

By the way, since you were working from Aplion's sources from the Arma 2 samples, might you be interested in the Community Upgrade Project? It's entirely possible that someone else has also done some of the work that you're interested in (i.e. RotorLib integration), and it would be beneficial of perhaps you could touch bases and enhance the quality of this mod even further. :) You can find more info or answers to any of your questions at the @CUP Wiki and Skype channel.

Aight, thanks! Gonna check it out :)

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Any one else having troubles with the server-keys ??

I cant get on own server with either Kimi_gerald.bikey or Kimi_bolso.bikey.

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Dorph;2750091']Any one else having troubles with the server-keys ??

I cant get on own server with either Kimi_gerald.bikey or Kimi_bolso.bikey.

Are u talkin about the HMDs or the US Helicopters? Cause i didn't post the kimi_gerald.bikey in the helos...

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Are u talkin about the HMDs or the US Helicopters? Cause i didn't post the kimi_gerald.bikey in the helos...

Both really - got kicked for both although the keys were on the server.

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Hmm, why are the UH-60s using the UH-1 sounds? Wouldn't it be better to use the vanilla UH-80 sounds if you don't have any UH-60-specific ones? Other than that, this is a great mod, and currently the best Black Hawks in ArmA 3. Thanks for the hard work!

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Hmm, why are the UH-60s using the UH-1 sounds? Wouldn't it be better to use the vanilla UH-80 sounds if you don't have any UH-60-specific ones? Other than that, this is a great mod, and currently the best Black Hawks in ArmA 3. Thanks for the hard work!

Next Version will include a mash-up between vanilla and JSRS sounds. But yeah, i think it will end up sounding like the uh80, that's a great idea! Thanks :)

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File hafm_arma2_helis\config.cpp, line 16665: '/CfgMagazines/4Rnd_Hellfire_K.displayNameMagazine': Missing ';' at the end of line

File hafm_arma2_helis\config.cpp, line 16672: '/CfgMagazines/4Rnd_Hellfire_N.displayNameMagazine': Missing ';' prior '}'

File hafm_arma2_helis\config.cpp, line 16678: '/CfgMagazines/4Rnd_Hellfire_L.displayNameMagazine': Missing ';' prior '}'

Server won't run the mod, I believe because of this. Any help?

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Next Version will include a mash-up between vanilla and JSRS sounds. But yeah, i think it will end up sounding like the uh80, that's a great idea! Thanks :)

Thats what i am talking about. I am really happy that you are doing the sounds. I think that has been missed by a lot of modders. So thanks for that.

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Now we just need this to implement the new flight model and every pilots dreams will come true!

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Don't know if this has been brought up already but... the UH-1H has no ammo in its guns. Also.. If your looking to improve the mod a version with mini guns like the black hawk would be cool also.

I apologize if this has already been brought up.

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Version 1.2 AVAILABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Changelog Version 1.2:

- Small Changes to HMDs. (radar boxes on targets for gunships!)

- Changes to flight models of all choppers.

- Changed the way Turrets work, they lock-to-ground only when zoomed in.

- Integration of Rotary Wing Combat Overhaul MOD features (hellfire launch modes).

- Added JSRS Sound to some of the helos. (The addon is twice the size, but it's worth it!!!)

- Other tweaks to stuff.

- Resigned the pbo's.

- New texture for the UH-1H.

- Desert Version for the CH-47 Chinook (Credit goes to CptDavo).

- More Stuff I can't remember.

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I love that you are so gung ho about this mod. Thank you thank you thank you

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Thanks you very much for informing me of the update :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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I am still having the same problem with the UH-1H with no ammo in the M240's. I thought it could be another conflicting mod so I just ran this mod with cba and still no ammo. Any ideas on how to fix or is this a known problem?

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I am still having the same problem with the UH-1H with no ammo in the M240's. I thought it could be another conflicting mod so I just ran this mod with cba and still no ammo. Any ideas on how to fix or is this a known problem?

Strange :s, Can you post your modlist so I can reproduce the error?

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Really good job! It's nice to see that this mod keeps alive!

BTW if you accept a little suggestion, could you darken the Blackhawk textures, to make them true Black hawks ( the A3 engine shows A2 colors light ).

It should be dark gray, dark olive green or black.


https://www.strategypage.com/gallery/images/blackhawk-frigate.jpg (127 kB)

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