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thanks for the testing scruffy! glad there are no more bugs (hoorah!)

While I'm here, I'm also working on a brand new base head rather than the current ones I'm using now, lower poly(better performance), higher detail, no permanent smiley face, hopefully, they'll be easier to rig too.

ciao! :D

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Okay the new Base head has been generated, the UV is much more efficient now, allowing for much higher resolution textures, it doesn't have a goofy smug grin and the model will use Arma 3 eye textures rather than the stock ones.

I'm not finished with the texture yet, sorry :P


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Okay the new Base head has been generated, the UV is much more efficient now, allowing for much higher resolution textures, it doesn't have a goofy smug grin and the model will use Arma 3 eye textures rather than the stock ones.

Intriguing...so are we going to see the ladies in an all-new-fashion way in the next update ? (higher textures and more details ?)

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Essentially yes, high resolution textures that are hopefully more versatile and more believable.

The original UV had other elements in it that werent relevant, those have been removed so the uv is much more efficient.

Thing is though it might not be in an update, it might be an extra expansion.pbo, I've managed to perfect the eyelid weights now.

More on it all nearer the time a few other commitments have come up, so i'm not able to dedicate as much time as usual to the addon. Not that its a major issue

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Hiya, I love your work.

Could it be possible to get a class list for all the uniforms? It'd be super helpful for some work me and my community are working on.

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Is there any civilian uniform of the femal boby in this mod?If not,would you made some in the future?

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Hiya, I love your work.

Could it be possible to get a class list for all the uniforms? It'd be super helpful for some work me and my community are working on.

FEM_NATO_F - short sleeved female NATO soldier

FEM_NATO_long_F - long sleeved NATO soldier

FEM_NATO_Rolled_C_F - long sleeved soldier (rolled sleeves)

CSAT and AAF follow those naming conventions, just replace NATO with CSAT/AAF :)

Is there any civilian uniform of the femal boby in this mod?If not,would you made some in the future?

yarp! Working on a couple very slowly due to other projects, but they will be there at some point :)

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I can add a medic unit into the config at some point. but i'm not too familiar on how to set them to an attendant ingame.

in the meantime, y'know that RVMAT I could never get working... it's working now... muahahaha!

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Is there any civilian uniform of the femal boby in this mod?If not,would you made some in the future?
yarp! Working on a couple very slowly due to other projects, but they will be there at some point :)

It will the best!!!

zeealex, i hope you'll not forget about lips (till conversations)...:icon_rolleyes:

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You do realise how difficult it is to get the face weighted properly...right?

In short, no I haven forgotten.

In long its going to take a while for it to be ready with the weights.

Its like the voices, its going to be a difficult, potentially insanity inducing project.

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Small question:

Any simple way to set one of these units as a medic?

Well, honestly I can think of a walkaround...during the mission use Zeus (you could need MCC Sandbox), spawn a medic and use the Virtual Arsenal on him to change his appearance to "her" appearance :)

Save the loadout and use it evertime you wish a femal3 medic, doing some changes here and there. Easy solution, and it doesn't takes so much time until you wish an entire platoon of field-medic ladies :rolleyes:...

*cough* or someone could even decide *cough* to get injuried *cough* every minute *cough*

in the meantime, y'know that RVMAT I could never get working... it's working now... muahahaha!

:yay::yay::yay: :D congratulations !!!

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Muchos gracias for the solution. A certain someone in my life i'm trying to get to play Arma with me informed me healing is preferable to shooting so-o-o-o-o useful tip!

You do realise how difficult it is to get the face weighted properly...right?

In short, no I haven forgotten.

In long its going to take a while for it to be ready with the weights.

Its like the voices, its going to be a difficult, potentially insanity inducing project.

Fly to the Czech Republic and get the jebronis to help out!

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Hey man, d'ya mind if I retex and include my own reskins in my own mod?

The core PBO will be separate and a required mod

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sure you can! go for it! :)

be advised that remodels and re-textures are on the way though, they don't look nearly as stupid XD

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sure you can! go for it! :)

be advised that remodels and re-textures are on the way though, they don't look nearly as stupid XD

Great news :)

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sure you can! go for it! :)

be advised that remodels and re-textures are on the way though, they don't look nearly as stupid XD

Cool :) Will these (I'm guessing yes :p ) mean new texture maps?

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Sorry for the double but I have one little request :) Would it possible do add the ability to use insignia's in the next update?

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Cool :) Will these (I'm guessing yes :p ) mean new texture maps?

yeah, they'll have brand new (mostly) hand made textures.

and sure, I can see about adding insignias to the uniforms! :)

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yeah, they'll have brand new (mostly) hand made textures.

and sure, I can see about adding insignias to the uniforms! :)

That would be utterly awesome! I'm planning to have a female main character in my next SP project and would love some customisation possibilities. Namely a custom uniform. Thanks for your great work so far!

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Hello im having some trouble finding the server keys for your mod. They dont seem to be included in the folder when you download it.

Is it me being blind or are they missing in the download? If so where do i find the server key?

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Thank you. Just wanted to say that your mod is awsome and that i really appreciate what you are doing. Hope you have a wonderfull day or night.

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I'm certainly keeping tabs now on this. I might end up asking to put female CSAT Modification troops in somewhere, sometime in the near future.

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