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M1A1 MBT A2 Port

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V1.6 |

M2 RoF - Now Properly firing at 635 Rounds/Min. Same RoF as the M2HB.

M1A1 Tracks - Now looks a lot better

No Ammo - Should be fixed

M2 No Reload - Fixed

Original Sights - I wen't with the A3 sights as I had problems with the A2 ones. Considering that A3 sights are using smarter code I'm going to keep it that way. However you will notice that the Main Cannon sights are White and the Commanders are Green. This is intentional. You will notice that the main cannon is using Green Hot / Green Black Hot TI and the Commander is using White Hot / Black Hot TI. This way you can see the sights when using thermal.

Damage - I didn't touch the hit points on the M1 as I don't really know what to do in this area. I might look into it in the future but as it stands it is using A2's hit points.

M2 Iron Sights - Don't know how to accomplish that.

I will hopefully get an update out later this week. Just keep posting in issues :)

Edited by Raid

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Hey Raid, what happened to the loader seat??

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Hey Raid, what happened to the loader seat??

You are referring to the M1A2 Tusk.

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You are referring to the M1A2 Tusk.

Alright I believe you but doing some research shows this

Now I'm not saying that it needs to be included, maybe the Australian M1A1 has an autoloader

M1A1 in Iraq

The M1A1 does not use an auto loader, instead relying on a crewman to load the rounds.

M1A1 Veteran Yahoo ID Rawbert

An Auto loader has many moving parts, prone to brake. An Auto loader cannot match the speed of a human loader. Also, a 4th person gives the tank more eyes on the battlefield.

M1 Abrams, Wikipedia

The Abrams uses a manual loader. The fourth tank crew member on the Abrams also provides additional support for maintenance, observation post/listening post (LP/OP) operations, and other tasks.

Now I do understand that most of these don't offer much backing behind it so as said I may be incorrect.

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@Lala14 the reason why there is no loader as this is a BIS Model ported by Raid which doesn't have a loader position defined. For realism perhaps it should have one, but for game play it doest break the add-on.

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Are there any plans for adding a M1A2 TUSK?

At the current moment no. There are animation issues with the M1A2 that I do not know how to fix in any way.

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Excellent work, I can't stress enough how long I have been waiting for this vehicle to be released/ported. Thank you so much. Now, I feel my wishlist is almost complete, just waiting on the arrival of the Bradley and Strykers...and an M1A2.

Simply amazing, I guess it's time to start readjusting some missions. ;)

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Do you think it would be too much to ask for if I asked for 2035 versions? (i.e. using arma 3 rounds?) I like both Arma 2 and Arma 3 munitions so I'd like to see both.

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Do you think it would be too much to ask for if I asked for 2035 versions? (i.e. using arma 3 rounds?) I like both Arma 2 and Arma 3 munitions so I'd like to see both.

And maybe a new coat of paint to match nato's grey/green? Just wondering myself also.

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Do you think it would be too much to ask for if I asked for 2035 versions? (i.e. using arma 3 rounds?) I like both Arma 2 and Arma 3 munitions so I'd like to see both.

I'll keep that in mind but again no promises.

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Thay's funny, I was making a US mission, and thinking when someone will port ArmA 2 m1a1 to ArmA 3 ^^ ! now it's done !

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Update V1.6 is LIVE. Check first post.

Edited by Raid

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alright anyway I'm guessing its a no for loader but my other question, for the commander why does the commander turret move with the main turret when in first person and not when in third, preferably I think it shouldn't move at all, secondly about the radar, when would you fix this or is it not supposed to be there, also sorry for being a ass hole if you do feel like I am being one. :/

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alright anyway I'm guessing its a no for loader but my other question, for the commander why does the commander turret move with the main turret when in first person and not when in third, preferably I think it shouldn't move at all, secondly about the radar, when would you fix this or is it not supposed to be there, also sorry for being a ass hole if you do feel like I am being one. :/

The commander turret was a big debate in my WIP thread. Apparently the M1A1 Commander turret was always able to be controlled when turned in. I'm talking about real life. As for the radar I know what you mean about the NSEW but I don't know how to fix that sorry.

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The commander turret was a big debate in my WIP thread. Apparently the M1A1 Commander turret was always able to be controlled when turned in. I'm talking about real life. As for the radar I know what you mean about the NSEW but I don't know how to fix that sorry.

Yes I know that the commander turret could be controlled from inside, but I mean you may be aiming at an enemy and then the main turret would move and your aim would go completely off but when your turned out this does not happen.


The system is called CROWS you probably know that but anyway here they are talking about it in wikipedia

Probably need to do some research on this. Will come back soonish

Edited by Lala14

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Yes I know that the commander turret could be controlled from inside, but I mean you may be aiming at an enemy and then the main turret would move and your aim would go completely off but when your turned out this does not happen.

I see what you mean... Not sure on how to go about that.

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I see what you mean... Not sure on how to go about that.

Anyway you could take a look at the MBT-52 Kuma config or the T-100 Varsuk since they both also use the commander gun thing.

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Good stuff! Glad to see such a quick update to it.

One request though, in a future update do you think you could increase the coax's ammo count? I'm fairly certain M1A1's carried a lot more then 1200 rounds, although I don't know the exact number.

Keep up the good work!

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I've found this bug :

When using Altis Defense Forces, your mod make the other one go to BLUFOR (they are REDFOR normally) and take the name and logo of Australian defense forces.

If you could fix this, it will be great !!!!!

Appreciate your work !!!

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@Shep_FR: it happens ´cus Altis Defense Forces units have the SAME classname as Australian Defence Force (ADF_) so this conflict occurs... I´ve already asked gazillion times the Altis DF mod to change his classname to AlDF or something else, but neither the last patches had this fix, so I just ditched his mod in favor of the much more better worked and best content-wise Australian Defence forces =/

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;2691588']@Shep_FR: it happens ´cus Altis Defense Forces units have the SAME classname as Australian Defence Force (ADF_) so this conflict occurs... I´ve already asked gazillion times the Altis DF mod to change his classname to AlDF or something else' date=' but neither the last patches had this fix, so I just ditched his mod in favor of the much more better worked and best content-wise Australian Defence forces =/[/quote']

That's why there has been the convention since years to prefix all class names with a modder specific tag, not content specific... if I make a mod, everything I do is prefixed with FHQ_

Honestly, since Arma 3, a lot of modders didn't do that anymore but instead made the class names have content related prefixes (like the ADF_ thing for example), or completely avoided ANY prefix.

Modders, PLEASE:

Go to OFPEC and register a tag for yourself. Then, USE THE TAG. People that came before you made this a convention, and it is a good one that totally avoids such a CF

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