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the amazing flight lizard

Real world locations?

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I know it sounds like a simple, but that's mostly only because it is.

Has any modeled an ACTUAL real world location for the game? Like a genuine place, where the buildings and everything are placed where they are in reality? I dont mean a huge, complex type area. Maybe just a small town?

My suggestion would be to start with a thing like Guardian Centers in Perry , GA. http://guardiancenters.com/

It's relatively small, where people actually use to train in reality. Seeing it digitally reproduced would be really cool and give a real point of reference. From there, maybe we could move on to other stuff. I'm just thinking it's nice and small, with all the good combat necessities.

I played airsoft there last year, and aside from administrative issues, the facility was absolutely top notch. Rescue crews from all over the states come here to train and everything.

Just a suggestion. I could be totally off base with this.

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Not for Arma 3, but there are scenarios made for A2 that can be ported, that actually are real locations with realistic copies

---------- Post added at 05:53 ---------- Previous post was at 05:49 ----------

There is even the Osama Bin laden complex, that was really well made in the exterior

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Some detailed heightmaps, satellite imagery, etc. A little hard work and anything is possible, I'm sure we will see a lot of cool maps emerge soon enough :)

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If your lookign form atmosphere, Clafghan, FATA, Sangin, Hazarcot, and Fallujah are some great ones (off the top of my head) You'll need A3MP but they are definitely worth checking out.

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BIS maps since A2 are usually all real world locations...they just use fictious names.

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You should check out stratis and Altis on google, amazingly close to in game.

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You should check out stratis and Altis on google, amazingly close to in game.

Yep, Agios Estratios and Limnos. They are close indeed. creepily close 0-0

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Exactly why they chose fictional names. :) Greek government freaked out. They're supposed to be Agios Estratios and Limnos with serial numbers filled off.

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I get that. I really do. But how about some place that people who play the game may actually recognize?

I know I'm biased here, but I'd really like to see a small American town or city built in the game. Something that could really bring it home. Same for maybe England or other European locations. There has GOT to be a future war scenario that can take place in people's back yards. I'm an older guy, so don't think i'm a COD kid, but it WAS wvery interesting in MW2 when you're fighting your way through a small suburban area in Anytown, USA.

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the way things are progressing Chernarus is a good candidate, also has realistic layouts and vegetation (deciduous near ocean and coniferous further inland)

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Someone was working on the Burj Al Hotel or something like that from the UAE.

Also, when you go through abandoned playgrounds in towns like Kavala on Altis, those can bring it home.

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I am actually currently working on Bainbridge Island in Washington State. And my next project will actually be to recreate Pearl Harbor. Look for an upcoming thread by me that includes this if you want more information. :)

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Understand what you're saying I happened to have gone on vacation in Greece and in the Greek islands......it was weird running around the game when it first came out ...

The half finished houses and buildings, the little monuments on the side of the road....

Edited by Mustangdelta

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