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The A-164 WIPEOUT Fixed Wing Aircraft

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I personally find the gun to be totally fine versus tanks. I'd use it vs infantry to support buddies on the ground anyways, you've got the 6 ATGM's for any actual tanks you engage.

My question is:

Why would the A-10 future replacement be equipped with ammo with inferior capability?

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why does the 3rd person view of this aircraft completely waste my fps especially when the heat wave effects are directly in my screen (standard 3rd person view)

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I don't like the A-164 handling, it's too bad.

The plane is always shacking, it's not easy to aim with it if I want to do a gun run.

Why not taking the ArmA 2 flight model of the A-10? It was much better!

Please, fix this and do it!

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I don't like the A-164 handling, it's too bad.

The plane is always shacking, it's not easy to aim with it if I want to do a gun run.

Why not taking the ArmA 2 flight model of the A-10? It was much better!

Please, fix this and do it!

The worse its the pitching moment at low speed, increase the tail down-force. And the CG its correct?

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Will BI rework the flight model of this plane?

It really needs to be fixed!

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Yes because it´s broken right now. And it´s not like my opinion, it really is broken.

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Need to post first post first:S

---------- Post added at 19:10 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ----------

First of all, I really like the 2 new aircraft are implemented into arma 3.

The LCD screens in the cockpit display some information, thats also nice. But what isnt so nice IMO, is that unguided munitions dont have the "impact point" displayed in the HUD.

So saying that, what would be nice was if there was an "indicator" wich messured the distance to the ground, displaying Max engage distance for the weapon and the Min engage range for the weapon. If the object (on the ground) was withing the range parameters, in RL (in some planes) there is a crosshair that displayes the "impact point" an the HUD. This "impact point" shifts the crosshairs in realtime, to make the chosen unguided munition to hit where the "impact point" is aimed.

I really hope this wil me implemented into the game, as this will make CAS way more effective!

Thank you verry much



Here is a video about air to ground.

Just forget about the TV screen in the video. What to look for the the column on the left (max-min engagement range(although the weapon is used before max distance is even reached)of the HUD and the riticle wich is used last to aim the S7 rockets. I dont want to make commercial for another game, but i believe that HUD "impact point" is essential to firing unguided munitions.

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First we need a proper CCIP for bombs. It amazes me that BIS still didn´t implement one of the most basic features for todays combat aircraft. We have a future scenario but we still have to play the ww2 Stuka Dive bomber way. Ridiculous.

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First we need a proper CCIP for bombs. It amazes me that BIS still didn´t implement one of the most basic features for todays combat aircraft. We have a future scenario but we still have to play the ww2 Stuka Dive bomber way. Ridiculous.

Yea, thats interesting why they didnt added that - because all arma 2 jets had it and worked well :/

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Yea, thats interesting why they didnt added that - because all arma 2 jets had it and worked well :/

What? You mean that "fake CCIP" that merely drew a line from the center of the HUD to the little circle that estimates where your plane will fly to (don't know the technical term for it)?

It does that in Arma 3 planes when bombs are selected too. Only proper implementation of CCIP in Arma 2, if I remember correctly, was by Nou.

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It was probably with the ACE mod , so my bad :D (its a long time ago when i was playing a2)

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It was probably the with the ACE mod , so my bad :D (its a long time ago when i was playing a2)

Just shows how many things they did right. :D

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Yes ACE had a working CCIP for the A 10 and the Harrier (maybe for the F-35 too?).

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While we're on the topic of targeting issues, acquiring targets for the guided munitions is awful.

The direct target command is WAY too accurate in aircraft, and would be more useful if it worked by the centre of your view rather than the centre of the HUD or however it works now (I honestly have enough trouble lining up targets well enough that I am still not sure if it does this). Preferably it would work in a narrow cone and lock the target closest to the centre. Just filter out things that aren't known to your group to avoid "scanning". Wouldn't hurt if it would work with the reveal target command, though.

As it is now any situation with multiple targets ends up with a mad pressing of the next target button, hoping that it will get the one you want before you are so close you won't have time to lock.

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They really need to get the jet flight model and controls nailed down, it's always been horrible. Maybe BI should try to do the same thing they tried to do when attempting to fix the helicopters with Take On: Helicopters? Why not make a "Take On: Jets"? With future ArmA titles, they can then use that perfected flight model.

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We still don't have TOH's flight model in Arma 3, I don't see how TOJ would benefit Arma.

Apparently several physicians worked several months for each helicopter's custom flight model in TOH. That's way too much work, just look at how long the current jet flight model took them to implement.

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We still don't have TOH's flight model in Arma 3, I don't see how TOJ would benefit Arma.

Apparently several physicians worked several months for each helicopter's custom flight model in TOH. That's way too much work, just look at how long the current jet flight model took them to implement.

Several months for each helicopter or several months for all helicopters?

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Each. I'll try to find the quote, maybe my memory fails me.

edit: As it turns out I wasn't 100% correct.

But one caution: we do not yet know we will make our stock helicopters use this flight model. "just adding" a RTD config file is not quite so easy when you want to simulate a specific helicopter (in comparison, we used a physicist for at least one month per helicopter in the past). So, we are trying to make the technology work inside the engine at some point beyond Alpha, but we cannot promise shipping with RTD-enabled helicopters even in Q3 2013. When you know I was the Project Lead for TKOH, I hope you can understand such decisions are not always based on what we want, but what we are able to do in time.

Link to said post.

Edited by zimms

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In the past this is where the shortsighted folks would often quote "it's not a flight sim".

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Dev-Branch just got an update on the flight model. Feels much better now!

Still, I hope the CCIP gets worked on, it is pretty useless right now and every shot fired is a huge estimation - at least for the bombs a nice release prediction would be awesome.

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Dev-Branch just got an update on the flight model. Feels much better now!

Still, I hope the CCIP gets worked on, it is pretty useless right now and every shot fired is a huge estimation - at least for the bombs a nice release prediction would be awesome.

I agree that would be fantastic

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Dev-Branch just got an update on the flight model. Feels much better now!

Still, I hope the CCIP gets worked on, it is pretty useless right now and every shot fired is a huge estimation - at least for the bombs a nice release prediction would be awesome.

Honestly, it would be fairly easy to make that script if BIS spilled the beans on bomb physics and why they don't accelerate at the rate of standard gravity (9.81 m/s^2). Sure you can estimate it right now, but I wouldn't be very comfortable with just an estimation.

For shits and giggles, here's what I've come up with, it only works with guns and not bombs due to the messed up gravity http://i.imgur.com/PAxOqHs.jpg - I of course could just experiment with the gravitational acceleration but as I said, I'd want a one solution fits all kind of thing.

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Could be good to have some news whether the flight model of the plane is going to be fixed or not!!!

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Did you test it on Devbranch? It is much improved now.

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re-downloading dev bracnh.

how much is it improved? can we handle it like the A-10?

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