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All in Arma Standalone (AiA SA) - A1/A2/OA content in A3

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Someone has another torrent or a mirror?

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Any news on Play with Six, that's the only way I can download it, torrent is way too slow.

Edited by MarcusCunningham

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I would really like to install standalone version but since I have my game on my SSD I would like to know if the lightning on islands has been fixed?

Edited by Denco

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@ MarcusCunningham

Unfortunately it will still take some time. Maybe 2-4 weeks. We will see.

@ Denco

Hopefully in tomorrow's update.. :o

How does it related to your SSD though - can you put mods to any location you want to.

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How does it related to your SSD though - can you put mods to any location you want to.

Trough symbolic links I believe I could. I have very little space on my SSD left ( 24GB after I would install AiA ) and I dare not to use it. But I'm also planning on buying the 250GB SSD soon so most of my problems will be solved :)

How will the update work? Will we have to install the full package or just the updated files?

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Just a set of new/changed files one has to copy over. No updated full pack for now and no installer/patcher - just a simply 7z archive. :)

You can also use absolute path in the modline like -mod=x:\path\to\mod;...

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;2660570']You can also use absolute path in the modline like -mod=x:\path\to\mod;...

Oh yes that too. But I've started to rely much on Arma 3 launcher from which I load all my mods also I'm very glad to hear about the updates. Thanks for all the work you've done to make Arma 3 backwards compatible.

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First patch finally out. Check the first post for info and the download link (~1 GB torrent). Mirrors welcome. :)

Suggestions what to focus on for the next patch would be useful. Thanks :bounce3:

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I dare not to advice much since I'm not of much help but I saw people porting vehicles from Arma2 to 3 with phsyx support. Is it possible to contact them to see how they did it?

Nice update :yay:

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arma2 vehicles with phyx support and working sound is the most important thing i am waiting for since release of arma3 and of course of aia.

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In the community upgrade project we have a few people working on porting vehicles to the new physx system, however its a lot of work, there is missing or unclear documentation and its a very frustration job overall. In addition we also have most community people involved that have released their own vehicle ports so far.

With said the only solution in my opinion is for BI to fix the standard/non physx simulation for cars and tanks.

To port the whole vehicle set of A2/OA will take months, if not years - hence we need the old system working for now,

and have vehicles get ported and use the new system one by one.

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First off, thanks a lot for this mod mate, i'm loving playing old Arma 2 missions again with all the new bells and whistles.

I was just wondering though, could I use this patch for the original all in arma mod? The reason I ask is because I really want this feature ( Fixed: All infantry use the same face and speak English.) but are unable to download the huge stand alone version. If not, will this fix ever be implemented into the older version?

Thanks again for your hard work.


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;2661768']In the community upgrade project we have a few people working on porting vehicles to the new physx system' date=' however its a lot of work, there is missing or unclear documentation and its a very frustration job overall. In addition we also have most community people involved that have released their own vehicle ports so far.

With said the only solution in my opinion is for BI to fix the standard/non physx simulation for cars and tanks.

To port the whole vehicle set of A2/OA will take months, if not years - hence we need the old system working for now,

and have vehicles get ported and use the new system one by one.[/quote']

yes, thats the sad thing. My statement was more directed to BIS. Thanks kju for your and the team´s hard work! Battles with humvees and the good old 80´s stuff on altis must be a nostalgic overkill :)

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@ sfb

The old AiA will no longer be updated unfortunately. However it should (still) work,

if you download the patch and just replace the new AiA_xxx.pbos in @AiA\core\addons.

Once we can offer the conversion feature in Play withSIX the download should be down to 1-2 GB if you already have A2+OA on your computer. :)

Edited by .kju [PvPscene]

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@ KingoftheSandbox

Not sure if I understand you correctly. For the HQ replacements one can use them in any combination desired.

However as this is not the thread about the replacements.. the standalone pack is an all or nothing pack. Anything else doesn't make sense sorry.

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Its not possible to upload the size of the pack to a dedicated, so my question is, if it is possible to cut out what you dont need. Example: I need only the russian vehicles for chernarus (allready got A3mappack), so i delete the rest of the AIA folder or make a new addon folder, only for russians, with the related pbos? Or is this breaking the AIA mod?

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Acouple questions and I'm not sure if they have been asked before, but whats the status of the jets and helicopters that lean back when you start them up, have they been fixed? Also, whats the status of the tanks flipping over, is that a BI engine problem? Thanks. Just trying to get an idea if this is usable by my community.

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Acouple questions and I'm not sure if they have been asked before, but whats the status of the jets and helicopters that lean back when you start them up, have they been fixed? Also, whats the status of the tanks flipping over, is that a BI engine problem? Thanks. Just trying to get an idea if this is usable by my community.

Those are as far as I understand physx related issues which means we will have to wait quite a while before they get fixed.

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@ KingoftheSandbox

Do you have a pure game server with just FTP access? In such case best find someone in your team/a friend with a high upload speed,

or a friendly server admin for a server to server ftp transfer.

Finally I did also the initial upload with just 1 MBit/s upload - took ~3 days running 24 hours a day.

If you only want Russian units, better download an A3 infantry mod and/or vehicle mod.

AiA SA is meant as a base for mission authors and multiplayer. Splitting it up just causes lots of headaches.

Finally no one would be willing to do the extra work - its very complicated and lots of work to unwind/separate the data.

Just removing some pbos will not work.

@ MarcusCunningham

In short not much unfortunately. There is only few modders willing to help porting vehicles and its a LOT of work.

So the only realistic option is BI to fix the old simulation, so that the vehicles behave like in A2/OA again

when the vehicle is not set to use the new physx simulation.

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Why is it so much work? I ask to see if I can somehow help.

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Thats what i wanted to know kju, thanks for your answer. Sadly the community i play with will not upload the full pack on the server.

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