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Can anyone tell me what Mr. Poroshenko is smoking? After losing a strategic peninsula and heart of Ukrainian industry with factories and deposits he says Putin has suffered defeat in Donbass, almost like everything is OK. 

Many people suppose he's drinking very much alcohol.

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Well technically neither of them did win this. Ukraine lost Crimea. Russia lost a shitton of money, material and personel.

About the Donbas, it looks like it will stay in Ukraine after all and I´m not sure that this is a win for Ukraine. They will have to pay for the rebuilding and everything....

In the end both countries lost. As it is the case with most civil wars, in the end everyone looses.....

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there are no infomations if it was bomb or just new year fireworks , such thing could be done by nationalistic hooligan or provocator, if explosion was from civilian fireworks , i would not care about it, but press made from it something important , i do not understand why it became such news 

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MH17 crash report is set for release, but it is unlikely to offer closure (TheGuardian Oct. 11th)

Technical report on 2014 air disaster in Ukraine will avoid ‘blame and culpability’ – though its evidence may further bolster argument Russia was involved.


Over the past nine months Dutch investigators have been fitting together pieces of recovered plane wreckage and debris. They have rebuilt part of the cockpit and business section. The plane is MH17, the Malaysia Airlines flight shot down on 17 July 2014 while flying above conflict-torn eastern Ukraine. All 298 people on board were killed.


The Dutch Safety Board will display its reconstruction for the first time at the Gilze-Rijen air base on Tuesday. It will also publish its long-awaited report into the disaster.


The board has said its 15-month multinational investigation will not deal with “blame and culpabilityâ€. A second criminal investigation by the Dutch prosecutor’s office is due to conclude later this year or early in 2016. It is expected to answer the most politically charged question: who shot down MH17?







Ukraine ex-security official doubts MH17 report will give answers (Reuters Oct. 9th)

A former top official in Ukraine's security service said on Friday he doubted a final international report on the crash of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 would provide conclusive answers.


Vasyl Vovk, who was involved in investigating the crash as chief investigator for Ukraine's SBU security service until June this year, said it was clear the plane was shot down by a Russian missile on behalf of pro-Russian separatist rebels


"I am confident that this missile system was delivered from the territory of the Russian Federation with a high-skilled crew - most likely a crew of well-trained officers, of course from Russian territory," he told Reuters.


However Vovk said he doubted whether the Oct. 13 report would reach the same conclusion.






MH17 report on responsibility will be next year: NRC (dutchnews Oct. 12th)


The investigation into who is responsible for the downing of Malaysian Airways flight MH17 last July will continue well into next year, a spokesman for the Dutch public prosecution service has told the NRC.
The Dutch safety board OVV, which has been investigating the actual cause of the crash, is due to publish its report on Tuesday. That report will look at what caused the plane to crash, not at who is actually responsible, the NRC says.

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(BBC News) MH17 Ukraine disaster: Dutch report blames missile



Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 crashed as a result of a Russian-made 9M38 Buk missile, the Dutch Safety Board says.

The missile hit the front left of the plane, as a result of which part of the plane broke off, it said in a final report into the disaster.


So, no more fairy tales from Russia saying the plane was downed by an Ukrainian airplane ?

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Well they reached the same conclusion as I did long ago. Now the Russians will try to tell everybody that it was a Ukrainian BUK missile, not one of theirs.....

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Concluding video by Dutch Safety Board. Missile came from opposite direction to MH17 flightpath and exploded in front/slightly above of the airplane nose. Forensic investigation shows the missile was launched from separatist controlled region. 


I'm sure everyone remembers photos of this Buk heading back to Russia after "the job" was done. 


Now the Russians will try to tell everybody that it was a Ukrainian BUK missile, not one of theirs



Yep, they are good in pushing fairy tales. 

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Forensic investigation shows the missile was launched from separatist controlled region.

So part 11 of today report's chapter 10.2 is false, is it?

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Concluding video by Dutch Safety Board. Missile came from opposite direction to MH17 flightpath and exploded in front/slightly above of the airplane nose. Forensic investigation shows the missile was launched from separatist controlled region. 


I'm sure everyone remembers photos of this Buk heading back to Russia after "the job" was done. 



Yep, they are good in pushing fairy tales. 

This will get kind of interesting that who will be the one that gets sued on what. The thing is that Ukraine can be sued because they didn't close the air space. The BUK model that shot down the plane was decomissioned 2011 by the Russian army so they can just say it was rebels or Ukraine, which is very likely rebels so far by the evidence. So even (if) the Ukraine didn't shoot down the plane they could face some consequenses and actually be the biggest losers in this, just because the airspace wasn't closed.

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This will get kind of interesting that who will be the one that gets sued on what. The thing is that Ukraine can be sued because they didn't close the air space. The BUK model that shot down the plane was decomissioned 2011 by the Russian army so they can just say it was rebels or Ukraine, which is very likely rebels so far by the evidence. So even (if) the Ukraine didn't shoot down the plane they could face some consequenses and actually be the biggest losers in this, just because the airspace wasn't closed.



Btw, was there ever a case where a civilian plane got shot down and the perpetrator (i.e. foreign countries military) got sued or taken to the UN tribunal ?

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Btw, was there ever a case where a civilian plane got show down and the perpetrator (i.e. foreign countries military) got sued or taken to the UN tribunal ?

AFAIK no.  In case of Korean Boeing shot down by USSR air defence - no. Iranian airliner shot down by US warship - no. Russian Tu-154 shot down by Ukrainian air defence - no.

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(Vice News) A Russian Cyber Spy Group Might Have Tried to Hack the MH17 Investigation



A cyber attack and spy group believed to have ties with the Russian government reportedly attempted to hack the Dutch agency tasked with investigating the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 disaster, according to a software security firm.

An analysis of the Dutch Safety Board's computer system revealed suspicious activity likely carried out by Russian spy group Pawn Storm attempted to access the accounts of officials tasked with the investigation, cybersecurity company Trend Micro reported on Thursday.

The results of the safety board's investigation were released in October, after months of probing the details of the July 17 incident when the plane crashed in eastern Ukraine — during the height of the conflict between the Ukrainian government and pro-Russian separatists — killing all 298 people on board.

According to Trend Micro's findings, attackers used a fake server to launch attacks against the investigation staff. A fake email server was also utilized. In a press release, Trend Micro said it notified the safety board before any information was accessed.

"These discoveries show that it is very likely that Pawn Storm coordinated attacks against different organizations to get sensitive information on the MH17 plane crash," the company said.

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Serious shit... Someone sabotaged power lines delivering electricity to Crimean Peninsula. Essential infrastructure in Crimea is working on emergency mode. Streets, homes, schools, points of interest are left with no power. there are problems with warm water too. State of emergency have been declared. 


One of the damaged pylons was found with Tatar flag wrapped around. Russian media have already started blaming Ukrainian nationalists and Tartars. Tatars have denied their involvement in this act. 








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One of the damaged pylons was found with Tatar flag wrapped around. Russian media have already started blaming Ukrainian nationalists and Tartars. Tatars have denied their involvement in this act. 

It's joint group of Right sector and Jamilev's tatar supporters, they had been performing block of roads to Crimea for months already. And it is not the first time they blow power lines.

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2 articles about Ukraine today:

1st "Ukraine raped by west" "battle goes not on field, but in parliament, 8 times Ukrainian parliament was rejecting gender-like things which majority of people oppose there, parliament voted one law but breaking regulation of work of parliament, parliament members voted 4 times against which should end story but head took bosses of parties , told them something in closed room and suddenly they voted for" "Russian opposition now has succes, they were saying that changes will not bring wealth and lack of corruption, but promotion of gender ideology and homosexualism, Ukraine not entered Europe but Gayrope - said Russian media"

2nd article "two years passed since Maidan, people are more poor than before, oligarchs are drinking blood of people" "people do not see effects of reforms, people say about second revolution, Petro Poroshenko says that all will be well", 


about those blown up electric poles - i do not understand - Ukraine gives 80% of energy needed by Crimea which is anexed by Russia and with which cover operations fights ... sounds Monthy Python, 

2 countries that are almost on state of war - deal and do business, wtf ? or enegry plant belongs to private oligarch ? 

i cannot understand how it is possible that Crimea has enegry from ... Ukraine  ( http://wpolityce.pl/swiat/272637-niespokojnie-na-ukrainie-krym-bez-pradu-stanely-trolejbusy-problemy-z-woda-to-akt-sabotazu source saying about 80% of energy)

maybe it is again business of one oligarch (similar issue when Ukraine asked Poland for help while Ukrainian weapons industry is among leading weapon dealers in export and that time exported stuff which Ukrainian army couldn't afford - probably again strategic plants in few private hands ?)

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about those blown up electric poles - i do not understand - Ukraine gives 80% of energy needed by Crimea which is anexed by Russia and with which cover operations fights ... sounds Monthy Python, 

2 countries that are almost on state of war - deal and do business, wtf ? or enegry plant belongs to private oligarch ? 

i cannot understand how it is possible that Crimea has enegry from ... Ukraine  ( http://wpolityce.pl/swiat/272637-niespokojnie-na-ukrainie-krym-bez-pradu-stanely-trolejbusy-problemy-z-woda-to-akt-sabotazu source saying about 80% of energy)

maybe it is again business of one oligarch (similar issue when Ukraine asked Poland for help while Ukrainian weapons industry is among leading weapon dealers in export and that time exported stuff which Ukrainian army couldn't afford - probably again strategic plants in few private hands ?)

Nobody understands how the moans about Russian agression (BTW still without valid proof of 'thousands of Russian troops invaded Ukraine') coexist with Russian and Ukrainian embassies working as usually, Ukraine buying Russian electricity (yes, large part of energy coming to Crimea from Ukraine is in fact Russian one, transferred via Ukrainian power lines) and asking for gas discounts, Ukrainian ministers arguing about food embargo from Russia (not so far ago Russian govt banned all the food from Ukraine), Ukrainian Roschen food company still owning some Russian candy factories (which work as usual), Russian banks (Sberbank, VTB, Alpha-bank) working in Ukraine without any troubles etc. The only thing it looks like is schizophrenia of all the Ukrainian establishment who suffer from delirium attacks and see some mysterious Russian hordes here and there. But after they get proper medical treatment, they start behaving in civilised way (have trade, business relations etc.).

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Energy is sold usually no matter about the war. That's why ISIS was able to sell oil and that's why Ukraine sells Crimea power. Money and resources are needed even if the seller/buyer is the enemy. Sometimes it makes you think how much of an enemy the enemy really is.

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