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Dynamic Movement - Descend in Style

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@MordeaniisChaos: First off: Whoa, wall of text ;) Sadly I can't really change the fall damage on my part, because it might clash with some of the medical system out there. But the mod itself already allows you to drop down from greater heights without harm, considering I place you about 2m under your current position. Next step will probably be including a tumble/fall over animation when you fall from a height too high. Also I might adjust the speed needed to jump - will see.

@MacScottie: Whoops, my bad ;) Currently if there is a wall within 2m of you you just can't step over at all. Will be fixed later today.

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Again I found a BUG: When you're standing in front of an obstacle when you want to cross him, he did not press the V key to move

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@MordeaniisChaos: First off: Whoa, wall of text ;) Sadly I can't really change the fall damage on my part, because it might clash with some of the medical system out there. But the mod itself already allows you to drop down from greater heights without harm, considering I place you about 2m under your current position. Next step will probably be including a tumble/fall over animation when you fall from a height too high. Also I might adjust the speed needed to jump - will see.

@MacScottie: Whoops, my bad ;) Currently if there is a wall within 2m of you you just can't step over at all. Will be fixed later today.

Hmm, that's a good point. Hopefully at some point we get 10 foot falls that kill our soldiers... lol. I'll have to play with that addon that changes falling to see if it helps with the issues I saw. Your addon is awesome, having a lot of fun just running around in ways I never could before. Sadly it also points out the flaws in the engine but I'm confident the community will step up one way or another. If nothing else, it is nice to have such awesome traversal. There are some pretty cool things you can do in the big city on city with the larger more detailed buildings.

An animation for hitting the ground too hard would be awesome though. It'd definitely make this mod even more awesome :)

And sorry for the poor formatting haha.

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Hey Gole!

First off, this is a great mod and works more or less flawlessly. Awesome job!

I don't know if you're still around, but I have a request: When I press the V button to jump or vault, a hint always pops up with "true" or "false". Can you make an update to remove that?

I hope you keep working on this and add climbing in like you originally said!

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Excellent addon,

As Nacissu say, sometime the player can't vault over low wall. I guess it's because it's trying to find a landzone or something ? Maybe by default the player should vault if no landzone is found to make sure it can move above weird rail collision or other specific case.


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I'd have to agree I really like this addon. I actually forgot I was using it TBH, very handy for getting out of a bad spot. There has been a couple of times I've tried to vault an Altis/Stratis dry stone wall (the type you can also walk over without vaulting) and ended up doing a super high jump and injuring myself :p. But you learn from your mistakes and I don't vault them any more. :D and the camera angle (more noticeable in 3rd person) seems to reset itself whilst vaulting? I love the height drop down feature, it works quite nicely. A weight/loadout vs height limitation would be a nice addition.


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could I make a suggestion? currently it's very hard to tell while in first person where to press the key to get the jumping down animation going. do you think it would be possible to have a cue (like an icon) pop up when the action can be performed?

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Since I've recently updated I've found as L etranger has found that it's not possible to vault over certain walls and the true/false message pops up. Vaulting on rocks is also similar to vaulting Altis/Stratis drystone walls and resulting in death. Is it possible to universally limit the height of the vault? I hope you continue to work on this mod and appreciate the work you have done to date.

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Will the following work?


This looks great in the editor.

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Is there shift+V doing something? I see notes false/true when i press it.

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Do anyone know how to ensure the mod executing for new unit after "selectplayer" ? (sometimes it stopping working).

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I'm still surprised that this kind of movement hasn't been implemented into Arma by BI themselves yet.. It's like common sense. If a modder can do it then I'm sure BI can, but anyway.


Looks great man! Keen to try it out at some point :)

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Hi everyone.

We use this mod as a part of our modpack since a long time now, in combination with various other "movement" mods, in order to allow us not to be as static as we should with vanilla movement system. This small addon is really really appreciable, and as far as we were able to test, it is the best regarding the efficiency as well as the aesthetic.


But since ArmA 1.64 we encounter some trouble with it : the mod seems to be disabled. No way to use the functionnalities anymore. I'll soon depack the PBO in order to have a look on it and do further tests, but I wanted to know if the author has stopped the developement of the mod, and also if there is anyone else facing this problem ? If the author is not working anymore on it and if you guys are interested in making it working again, maybe we can work on it together and "Make DynMov great again" ! ;)


As a reminder for working on it :


Edit, de-pbo etc. as you want. In my opinion addons should be there to further the game, so if someone can improve on the addon? Go right ahead! However I would ask you to at least give me some credit
Also if you think your changes could benefit the main release, just post your code/new PBO here and I will see to incorporating it.

(quoted from Armaholic download page)



EDIT : hey guys... don't pay to much attention to what I've written above. I'm simply a bit silly ;) In fact the mod is perfectly working, considering two points : 1) don't forget to include it in the modpack, as I do since the last release of the modpack I manage in my team, and 2) the "vault over" key in ArmA settings seems to be a on-tap key in order to make the mod work. I mean that if you use the standard "V" key all is perfectly working, but if, as we do, you use "2x V" it's not working anymore. That's a bit anoying because of other mods which needs the same type of condition to properly work, but the spotted misworking was not the mod's fault, only ours.

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