major-stiffy 282 Posted September 13, 2016 To help expand on this. I was server and spawned first in the vehicle. I could see AIbuddy in the same vehicle I was in so spawning at right location works up to that point. When the client joins is when the Server player is warped to the boat and the client stays at the vehicle. What's weird is, this whole spawning issue wasn't a problem when 1.86 was initially released, it only started happening when BI pushed updates. With all the current issues with COOP, I would be satisfied and would continue to play it if the dang spawning issue was resolved. The other bugs we can just live with. Oh wait, hitchhiking is the next big concern. Get those wheels in your head turning Ryd, I'm sure you could come up with some kind of workaround. :) Guys, I know I'm beating a dead horse here but can't this be incorporated into Pilgrimage COOP? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
neofit 65 Posted September 14, 2016 - Difficulty levels " Hard", "Very Hard", "Insane" will now put Tanoa Archipelado in full black-out at night. all lights on the island (99%) are switched off. It's a shame I'll have to avoid night time now. I always play on Very Hard at least, but never thought "it's too easy, I wish it were all dark and ugly" ;). I do love all the nighttime lighting, and I wish the blackout was a new setting, separate from difficulty. Is it at least as easy to edit out as that other Ryd's addition to the VH+, where you don't even see holy place map markers? (you only have to modify the 'if diff_var < 2' to change the latter) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rsoftokz 288 Posted September 14, 2016 SP and MP Pilgrimage Tanoa Edition Updated 14/09/2016 <-click here to access to download page Changelog: V1.2.1 release 14/09/2016 Several Minor Corrections: - missing East and West in Landing aera options menu - "é" replaced by "e" in names and Surnames ( appears as empty space in game) -unexcpeted error on starting MP mission to crash the whole game -Tracks error message about missing .ogg file _Blackout in level difficulty "Very Hard" and "Insane" only in SP mission ..... @Neofit for now Blackout is linked to difficulty level... it is in my projects anyway to see if it could be a separate option. how it should be to appear in the menu at the begining of the mission as option in the SP mission (MP is a different script ) in Init.sqf : //... RYD_JR_Blackout = 0; //... switch (_ix) do { case (RYD_ix_Blackout_ON) : {RYD_JR_Blackout = true;_txt = "ON"}; case (RYD_ix_Blackout_OFF) : {RYD_JR_Blackout = false;_txt = "OFF"}; case (RYD_ix_Blackout_Rn) : { _ix2 = floor (random 2); switch (_ix2) do { case (0) : {RYD_JR_Blackout = true;_txt = "ON"}; case (1) : {RYD_JR_Blackout = false;_txt = "OFF"}; }; } }; profileNamespace setVariable ["RYD_ix_Blackout",_ix]; _txtM = _txtM + (format ["<font size=13><br /><br />BLACK OUT TANOA:</font><font color='#d0a900' size=12><br />%1</font>",_txt]); //... RYD_ix_Blackout_ON = lbAdd [2121, "ON"]; RYD_ix_Blackout_OFF = lbAdd [2121, "OFF"]; RYD_ix_Blackout_Rn = lbAdd [2121, "RANDOM"]; lbSetCurSel [2121, profileNamespace getVariable ["RYD_ix_Blackout",RYD_ix_Blackout_ON]]; and in JRInit.sqf: if (RYD_JR_Blackout) then { _lamps = [ "Lamps_Base_F", "Land_PortableLight_single_F", "Land_PortableLight_double_F", "Land_FloodLight_F", "Land_LightHouse_F", "Land_LampStadium_F", "Land_PowerLine_01_pole_lamp_F", "Land_NavigLight_3_F", "Land_LampAirport_F", "Land_LampSolar_F", "Land_LampStreet_F", "Land_LampStreet_small_F", "PowerLines_base_F", "Land_LampDecor_F", "Land_LampHalogen_F", "Land_LampHarbour_F", "Land_LampShabby_F", "Land_PowerPoleWooden_L_F", "Land_NavigLight", "Land_runway_edgelight", "Land_runway_edgelight_blue_F", "Land_Flush_Light_green_F", "Land_Flush_Light_red_F", "Land_Flush_Light_yellow_F", "Land_Runway_PAPI", "Land_Runway_PAPI_2", "Land_Runway_PAPI_3", "Land_Runway_PAPI_4", "Land_fs_roof_F", // Fuel station roof lights "Land_fs_sign_F" ]; { if ((typeOf _x) in _lamps) then { _x setdamage 0.97 }; } forEach (nearestTerrainObjects [player, [], 25000, false]); }; as far as I didn't make any mistake, untested for now... EDIT: and you'll have to change the GUI.hpp to add the button in the grid.... or adding more option in the existing grid, per exampe in Daytime choice, adding a option sunset w/blackout and midnight w/blackout, then the scripts given here are not the good ones It's now set to "very hard" and "insane only". for the holyplaces markers, I will not change a single thing about this.let me explain why: I always consider to play the more realistic way as possible with Pilgrimage.all is based on intels you are collecting during the know bro's body is lying close to a church or an holyplace. I gave the list of thoses places. some are already marked on default arma map (churches), the other ones are located in the cemetaries (easy to loacte on a map ) and then the last ones in natives villages (almost unspostable on the map, no specific markers for those ones.) BUT... all along the mission you are collecting intels: -ones to exclude some places -ones to show you a circle within the range to search. -ones to other usefull my own opinion, it is enough clues and informations to give what's needed to find your bro's body, buddies etc..... it is my opinion, I know people around are not necessary sharing the same point of view.Pilgrimage is not "my work". all credits are for Rydygier as he made it like he wanted it to be. Pilgrimage Tanoa Edition is something I try to bring to Pilgrimage with my ideas, the way I want, the way I try to, as a personnal challenge as this allow me to learn about scripting and the magical behid the lines of code. and I like to share it as knowledge is power and every single person on this earth should be powerfull but the main objective for me with Tanoa Edition is to stay as close as possible as Rydygier made it . Pilgrimage is and will remain Rydygier 's property in my mind. we shared some ideas here, some he made come true on Pilgrimage (like finding ammos from other vehicles, finding brother's body close to antennas that are legion on Bornholm map while Churches are only few of them ....) and some other he never wanted to do, as it wasn't in the " Pilgrimage style" like he made Pilgrimage (for example it will never be a Multiplayer mission with more than 2 players, until someone else than Rydygier or me does it ) so Everyone can do the same as I do (and better for sure ), modifying Pilgrimage like he wants, sharing his work, or not.What I mean is, everyone can take my work on Tanoa and modify it if he wants to.a few months ago, I was unable do write a simple script I've tried, failed, learned......achieved. about Blackout in the SP, if you want to try by yourself.... just open JRInit.sqf in Notepad++ the command script is into JRInit.sqf, line 1925 if (RYD_JR_Difficulty > 2) then { //Blackout script _lamps = [ "Lamps_Base_F", "Land_PortableLight_single_F", "Land_PortableLight_double_F", "Land_FloodLight_F", "Land_LightHouse_F", "Land_LampStadium_F", "Land_PowerLine_01_pole_lamp_F", "Land_NavigLight_3_F", "Land_LampAirport_F", "Land_LampSolar_F", "Land_LampStreet_F", "Land_LampStreet_small_F", "PowerLines_base_F", "Land_LampDecor_F", "Land_LampHalogen_F", "Land_LampHarbour_F", "Land_LampShabby_F", "Land_PowerPoleWooden_L_F", "Land_NavigLight", "Land_runway_edgelight", "Land_runway_edgelight_blue_F", "Land_Flush_Light_green_F", "Land_Flush_Light_red_F", "Land_Flush_Light_yellow_F", "Land_Runway_PAPI", "Land_Runway_PAPI_2", "Land_Runway_PAPI_3", "Land_Runway_PAPI_4", "Land_fs_roof_F", // Fuel station roof lights "Land_fs_sign_F" ]; { if ((typeOf _x) in _lamps) then { _x setdamage 0.97 }; } forEach (nearestTerrainObjects [player, [], 25000, false]); }; if you add /* at the begining of the script and */ at the end, it will disable the command /* if (RYD_JR_Difficulty > 2) then { //Blackout script _lamps = [ "Lamps_Base_F", "Land_PortableLight_single_F", "Land_PortableLight_double_F", "Land_FloodLight_F", "Land_LightHouse_F", "Land_LampStadium_F", "Land_PowerLine_01_pole_lamp_F", "Land_NavigLight_3_F", "Land_LampAirport_F", "Land_LampSolar_F", "Land_LampStreet_F", "Land_LampStreet_small_F", "PowerLines_base_F", "Land_LampDecor_F", "Land_LampHalogen_F", "Land_LampHarbour_F", "Land_LampShabby_F", "Land_PowerPoleWooden_L_F", "Land_NavigLight", "Land_runway_edgelight", "Land_runway_edgelight_blue_F", "Land_Flush_Light_green_F", "Land_Flush_Light_red_F", "Land_Flush_Light_yellow_F", "Land_Runway_PAPI", "Land_Runway_PAPI_2", "Land_Runway_PAPI_3", "Land_Runway_PAPI_4", "Land_fs_roof_F", // Fuel station roof lights "Land_fs_sign_F" ]; { if ((typeOf _x) in _lamps) then { _x setdamage 0.97 }; } forEach (nearestTerrainObjects [player, [], 25000, false]); };*/ it is simple like this.... and if you can do this, you can change the 2 by a 5 and have those holyplaces markers ;) :) :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rsoftokz 288 Posted September 14, 2016 Tested, it works..... so it will be in the next release V1.2.2 there is still room for two more buttons for others options (maybe one for the "Patrol Boats" if I can make it works, all attempt for now end with no spawn or full broken Pilgrimage system :D :lol: :( :angry: -_- <_< ..... one button left so for something else......) and in the next release, Push Boat will be activated for all the boats on the islands ( the one you spawn with and all the others abandonned ones ) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major-stiffy 282 Posted September 14, 2016 Have about 3 hours in SP version Pilgrimage194beta6V1.1.Tanoa. Everything working and looks good. :cheers: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rsoftokz 288 Posted September 15, 2016 Dev 1.22 no longuer exists V1.22a current version, released SP and MP Pilgrimage Tanoa Edition Updated DEV Version 1.2.2 15/09/2016 Changelog: - Black Out mode now as an Option in Starting menu. (SP and MP) default is ON (no lights at night) -Push Boat any boat in the mission can now be pushed if shored before that, only initial spawned boat can be pushed -all corrections and upgrade of 1.2.1 inclued as it is the DEV branch download link, missions are as is and untested for now, this is not final release for V1.2.2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stormforge 37 Posted September 15, 2016 @rsoftokz Awesome work on your modified Pilgrimage. Possible idea for additional drop down options menu. Always thought starting gear could be separate from difficulty. Currently I like to start on normal with map markers and whatnot, then sell off everything like I am starting on Insane. Loot set to normal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a2012v 30 Posted September 15, 2016 rsoftokz Correct errors with the function BIS_fnc_findSafePos!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rsoftokz 288 Posted September 15, 2016 @a2012???It would be nice you tell us moreHere or better on PM to avoid pollution on this thread in respect of Rydygier, unless you think the matter is more about Pilgrimage than my port on TanoaThank you in advance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted September 16, 2016 Had few free hours to learn how and make experimental implementation of new respawn system (see coop wip5 link in the first post). Instead of own death position, player now can choose one of: - boat (only the initial one); - teammate position (so while fallen comrade awaits for respawn, team mate may "secure" safe respawn position by movement, where respawn should occur); - last visited holy place (if any); - last visited hideout (if any, not tested, packing said hideout and moving it somewhere else will not delete nor move respawn position saved at the last hideout travel usage, so you land, where hideout was at your travel moment). It's only slightly tested. One glitch, I found - once boat respawn position wasn't at the boat, but somewhere near my own position. Reason unclear. If you die without a map in your map slot, you have no map also on respawn screen, black screen, but each position is labelled, so should be clear, which point is which. Rest is the same - all your gear is left at your body. Note: if you respawn far from your body, it's possible (not sure) it will be removed by "Grave digger" function (likely when after 30 minutes player is farther than 2500 meters from own former body). Probably I could do something about this, but seems kinda fair this way - after some time someone steals your gear, so it's lost. Changes made in the code: 1. Added onPlayerKilled.sqf and onPlayerRespawn.sqf files, but so far both empty and unused. 2. Init.sqf. line 99: RYD_JR_Group = group RYD_JR_Player; 3. JRInit.sqf, below endLoadingScreen: endloadingscreen; deleteWaypoint [(group RYD_JR_Player),0]; _buddy = if (RYD_JR_Player == RYD_JR_Alex) then { AIBuddy } else { RYD_JR_Alex }; RYD_JR_BuddyRespawn = [RYD_JR_Player,_buddy,"Teammate position"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; if (isServer) then { //_wp = RYD_JR_wp; RYD_JR_wp = (group RYD_JR_Player) addWaypoint [(position RYD_JR_Player),0]; RYD_JR_BoatRespawn = [RYD_JR_Group,RYD_JR_Boat,"Boat"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; }; 3. JR_fnc.sqf, RYD_JR_HideoutTravel function: _vp setDir _dir; [[_vp,_pos],"RYD_JR_MP_SetPos",_vp,false,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; //_vp setPosATL _pos; if not (isNil "RYD_JR_HideoutRespawn") then { RYD_JR_HideoutRespawn call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; }; RYD_JR_HideoutRespawn = [RYD_JR_Group,_pos,"Last visited hideout"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; 4. MainLoop.sqf: if not (has_body) then { if ((RYD_JR_Player distance RYD_JR_Brother) < 50) then { _isLOS = [getPosASL RYD_JR_Player,getPosASL RYD_JR_Brother,1.5,1.5,RYD_JR_Player,RYD_JR_Brother] call RYD_JR_LOSCheck; if (_isLOS) then { if not (isNil "RYD_JR_ChapelRespawn") then { RYD_JR_ChapelRespawn call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; }; RYD_JR_ChapelRespawn = [RYD_JR_Group,(position RYD_JR_Player),"Last checked holy place"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; saveGame; has_body = true; publicVariable "has_body"; RYD_JR_LastChat = time; //TitleText ["Shit! That is him! Now I must load the body into a vehicle and drive back to my boat...","PLAIN DOWN", 1]; [[["Shit! That is him! Now I must load the body into a vehicle and drive back to my boat...","PLAIN DOWN", 1]],"RYD_JR_MP_TitleText",true,false,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; if not (RYD_JR_NoMarkers) then { (RYD_JR_holyP select 1) setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"; (RYD_JR_holyP select 1) setMarkerType "hd_objective"; (RYD_JR_holyP select 1) setMarkerAlpha 1; }; RYD_JR_Brother setVariable ["RYD_JR_Captive",true]; RYD_JR_NearCivs pushBack RYD_JR_Brother; RYD_JR_isPlaying = true; RYD_JR_mHandle = ["EventTrack01_F_EPA",29] spawn { terminate RYD_JR_mHandle; 1 fadeMusic 0; sleep 1.5; playMusic (_this select 0); 3 fadeMusic 0.4; sleep (_this select 1); RYD_JR_isPlaying = false; RYD_JR_LastPlay = time } } }; if not (has_body) then { { if ((count _x) == 2) then { if ((RYD_JR_Player distance (_x select 0)) < 30) then { _x set [2,true]; if not (isNil "RYD_JR_ChapelRespawn") then { RYD_JR_ChapelRespawn call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; }; RYD_JR_ChapelRespawn = [RYD_JR_Group,(_x select 0),"Last checked holy place"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; [(_x select 1)] spawn { _mark = _this select 0; sleep 10; saveGame; sleep (random 10); if not (RYD_JR_NoMarkers) then { _mark setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _mark setMarkerType "hd_objective"; _mark setMarkerAlpha 1; }; _text = format ["No, he is not here. I still have %1 places to check though...",({((count _x) == 2)} count RYD_JR_allHolyPlaces) + 1]; //TitleText [_text,"PLAIN DOWN", 3]; [[[_text,"PLAIN DOWN", 3]],"RYD_JR_MP_TitleText",true,false,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; } } } } foreach RYD_JR_allHolyPlaces; }; }; 5. Description.ext: respawn = 2; respawnOnStart = 0; respawnDelay = 30; respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition"}; Documentation: As usual, please, report any bugs, improvement ideas and issues. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major-stiffy 282 Posted September 16, 2016 Ryd Thank you, thank you, thank you. You're the man. Will test and let you know first available chance. I see PayPal in your future. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rsoftokz 288 Posted September 16, 2016 I will try this this WE do you think it can fix the respawn issue after save ? other question. your Mod Incognito use Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers to execVM the INCinit.sqf. I actually inclued Incognito directly to Pilgrimage. I made a folder (RYD_Incognito) in the mission directory, with two files: - the first one is INC_fnc.sqf where I copied , pasted and renamed the functions RYD_INC_LOSCheck , RYD_INC_isFlanking and RYD_INC_angTowards (since they are a little bit different than the same functions in RYD_JR/ JR_fnc.sqf ) _ the second is INCInit.sqf as it is in the mode.(minus the functions of course ) I've made some modification to JRInit.sqf and created a variable RYD_JR_INC than can be called true or false on the start menu that looks like this now: the Incognito mod can be activated or not and parameters can be called by the radio menu 0-8-x since the Description.ext has been modified to add the functions in "class CfgCommunicationMenu". all in the PBO file: it seems to work ( started the mission this morning one or two hours ago and all is working like I have activated @Incognito as a mod, but here all folders and files are in the Pilgrimage PBO) so: what issue can occur since it is no more activated by the Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers call ?? (on return to game after a save??? didn't try this modification on MP mission for now ) ( and about the Boat Patrols, I'm still working on this and might bring this to game as an option like the artillery; thenI will create a folder IPV and the variable RYD_JR_IPV (false=OFF - true=ON) to activate the patrols. with on IPV_fnc.sqf for all the functions needed as we talked about and IPVInit.sqf for the init script. I took a look to the TPW Boats script as you suggested and found usefull and interesting informations that can help for spawning script, positioning in sea and LOS-check for waypoints.... but I guess this modification will take some time before it works, much more difficult than the simple Blackout script or even including Incognito directly into Pilgrimage )Thank you for the update on the MP version. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted September 16, 2016 do you think it can fix the respawn issue after save ? No idea, but frankly I doubt it. So far my best guess is, issue occurs, because for some mysterious to me reason at resumingh saved game there's re-exectued code, that included setPos of both playable characters and the boat at starting location. The more - AFAIK it occurs not always (?). what issue can occur since it is no more activated by the Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers call ?? None, I think. This EH is used in one purpose only - to activate the script without manual writing anything into mission's init.sqf ("self-activating" code). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rsoftokz 288 Posted September 16, 2016 Thank you for your reply So v1.2.2 of Tanoa Edition will certainly included Incognito as option in the menu with BlackOut mode also, giving a larger choice to player to configure the mission as requested Depending of the test for the new respawn menu, I will include it also on the MP version of Tanoa Edition Release within a week or so, need time to test both version of the mission and this new respawn menu 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pvt. partz 248 Posted September 16, 2016 - boat (only the initial one); - teammate position (so while fallen comrade awaits for respawn, team mate may "secure" safe respawn position by movement, where respawn should occur); - last visited holy place (if any); - last visited hideout (if any, not tested, packing said hideout and moving it somewhere else will not delete nor move respawn position saved at the last hideout travel usage, so you land, where hideout was at your travel moment). -boat (only the initial one): "I'm not sure what you mean exactly so the following may not be relevant. @Rydygier I don't remember if I read in the Patrol Ops thread if you had lent a hand in that mission. I played a short one this week and was able to respawn on a "respawn Point" by setting up a tent. This creates an element of realism, plus it makes you make a life and death decision (risk). If you wait to long you might get whacked and have to respawn all the way back at the boat, if you set up to early, you might have to walk a long way to help your buddy. Incidentally, if you create one of the respawn options, as being the boat, that boat might be a very long way from the other player, and if that other player is the server, the client player may, 1) not see the mission objects because he is too far away, and 2) because the client player is so far away, the fps might suffer,.....and visa versa. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted September 17, 2016 Initial boat - the one, Alex have at the beginning. Respawn point is bound with the vehicle itself, so should follow if boat is repositioned. 1) not see the mission objects because he is too far away, and2) because the client player is so far away, the fps might suffer,.....and visa versa. Yes, both things are possible issues with two players far from each other in Pilgrimage (not sure about 2nd though). Same may happen also with respawning at last visited hideout (kinda equivalent of your tent example) or chapel. For now it's all for testing, most important, to be sure, the system itself is working. Then we can decide, which respawn options to keep, which to add and which to remove. Some key positions have to be picked. Question is, do we have any reference point, that would ensure, respawned player will not be positioned too far from the second one. Alternative is not good - teleporting second player, where first was respawned. Of course, we could add some custom respawn position yellow action, it's just additional work (means: time needed) on the new feature (so far we're using existing features as anchors for respawn). And that gives no warranty of avoiding mentioned problems. It still may be set far. Or we can set some random, procedurally found safe position near the second player. From the other hand, death should have some punishing consequences to make player more careful about his life. Risk of being separated, without gear etc. works here. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted September 17, 2016 Added also link to coop wip 5b. It differs from 5 only one change in the code in the JRInit.sqf. line 500: if (isServer) then { { _dst = (2 * _foreachIndex); _x setPos ([(RYD_JR_startP select 0),_dst,_dst + _foreachIndex] call RYD_JR_RandomAroundMM); //[[_x,([(RYD_JR_startP select 0),_dst,_dst + _foreachIndex] call RYD_JR_RandomAroundMM)],"RYD_JR_MP_SetPos",_x,false,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; } foreach (units (group RYD_JR_Alex)); RYD_JR_Boat setPos (RYD_JR_startP select 1); //[[RYD_JR_Boat,(RYD_JR_startP select 1)],"RYD_JR_MP_SetPos",RYD_JR_Boat,false,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; I wanted to try this as an attempt to fix post-resume teleport issue (I felt, the code here isn't right, it's remote exec function used for a command, that is global by nature, and it was called server and client both - quite a mess). Since client-side I can test only with dedicated server setup, I can't really test, if this works. In one server-side try after resume player and his companion was not teleported to the boat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rsoftokz 288 Posted September 17, 2016 From my point of view, and for what that is worth, I think that the better place to respawn is close to your body, with 30s to 1 mn delay.I already experimented those kind of respawn system in several COOP missions (from BIS) and I'm not very confortable with this (but once again, my opinion ) punishing consequences are something to deal with, so (meaning scripting = time ) we might also think the spawning points (closer to further) might be linked to difficulty level too (and then not really a choice at the moment you have to respawn as it will be defined by chosen difficulty level at mission start)the matter is "action" is mostly linked to main player (server) position in the mission, so we might have AIs to simply vanish if dead player (server) is spawn far away from action and beyond position radius to spawn AIs.we might loose "action" (meaning items to sell, intels to checks, loot to search for etc...) but then, most of time those respawns (or death to restart on the last save in SP ) are just a way to go on an another option in the game we didn't choose on the first time ( that always reminds me of "Edge of Tomorrow" : Live, die, repeat..... ;) ) EDIT:I'll try the newest code for WIP5B... my son is here for the WE, that means "Pilgrimage" COOP time :P :D ...... by the way it's raining out there... so nothing better to do but to stay in front of the screens and keyboards ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major-stiffy 282 Posted September 17, 2016 We too what to find time to test 5b this weekend. This whole spawn issue "fix" is wonderful and should be done in baby steps. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rsoftokz 288 Posted September 17, 2016 1/ the WIP5B code seems to fix the respawn issue after resuming game... need more test however 2/ respawn system works but: - client (Buddy) have the choice to respawn to boat, near teammate or last holyplace while server (mainplayer) didn't have this last choice - respawn to the last holyplace was in a non enterable building: Buddy spawn inside the building, was able to get out with glitching through the 3d model. - while both team mates has been killed, closer spawn point was the last holyplace, both respawn without anything far from dead bodies (fortunately there where two surrender guys around not far to nicely offer their stuff ;) ) as I said, I'm not confortable with this but it is a personnal opinion. there are other issues in MP to work on: -buddy have no menu access (addaction) at first start and need to die/respawn.the access to addaction on respawn start with RYD_JR_RespawnGear = { RYD_JR_Player = player; //...... blablabla while on initial spawning it only starts with if (isServer) then { { //....blablabla seems logical it starts like this: if (isServer) then { RYD_JR_Player = player; { //......blablabla JRInit just modified, I need to test . other issue in addaction menu ( on Tanoa Edition only so this matter is to be fix on my side ): menu appears twice or/only when close to buddy/mainplayer and aiming the other one (buddy aims player or player aims buddy) with Push boat command and holster weapon command and it seems the 0-8-x call don't work for Incognito in MP ( I noticed this before playing with Incognito as a mod ) or works "sometimes" for a reason I can't explain for now (Incognito is scripted to be "local" for each players, I thought it wasn't logical to script it to be global ) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted September 17, 2016 while server (mainplayer) didn't have this last choice Since for the holy places code is executed only on the server (and it is global fuction that adds new respawn positions anyway), it's kinda counter intuitive. Interesting. respawn to the last holyplace was in a non enterable building: Buddy spawn inside the building, was able to get out with glitching through the 3d model. Didn't knew, there are non enterable holy places... :) Simpleist may be use not holy place position itself, but player's position at the time, a place is checked out. But: - while both team mates has been killed, closer spawn point was the last holyplace, both respawn without anything far from dead bodies Well, that can happen. In general currently I'm inclined to limit respawn option only to these close to the body: team mate position or some randomly picked safe position around the body (far enough and with no LOS with any hostiles). No boat, hideout nor last holy place respawns. This hould at least limit undesired side effects to the minimum. -buddy have no menu access (addaction) at first start and need to die/respawn.the access to addaction on respawn start with Well, just tested client-side with dedi set on the same PC (only way to test client side solo), and I had normal yellow actions - check account, make a box. Also in times of 1.86 coop I tested once with someone in classic server-client setup and client-side player had all yellow actions on place... till the game resume from saved file. Then he needed to respawn to regain them. and it seems the 0-8-x call don't work for Incognito in MP ( I noticed this before playing with Incognito as a mod ) Incognito wasn't designed for MP anyway, so anything possible. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rsoftokz 288 Posted September 17, 2016 yet Incognito works anyway on both sides: -incognito status when holstering weapong or driving a civilian vehicle -incognito at risk when living the vehicle with weapon in hands or observing with binoculars or rangefinder -exposed status when weapon in hands and close enough to hostiles we just can't set the parameters (easy, hard or normal) normal seems to be default depending to maps, there are some churches that are not enterables: -none of churches are enterables on Tanoa -one is not enterable on Altis "Land_Church_01_V1_F" -a few ones on all maps where Pilgrimage was ported Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ziant 14 Posted September 18, 2016 Tried the altis and bornholm version. Got stuck at huge pilgrimage logo. Anyway to solve that?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vafana 116 Posted September 18, 2016 Tried the altis and bornholm version. Got stuck at huge pilgrimage logo. Anyway to solve that?? Maybe it's a problem with one of the mods, what mods you run? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rsoftokz 288 Posted September 18, 2016 you'll have to check your RPT file to see what happens.sometimes the init of the mission get stuck for some scripts errors in mods.what are the version of you Pilgrimage missions onAltis and Bornholm ??? some holder versions had a long time for init and you'll have to wait for a few minutes with the Pilgrimage is difficult to tell you what was wrong with the few information you gave. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites